Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2922: Three hoes

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"Xiang Yang, have you become a holy place?"

When Xiang Yang appeared in front of a few women, a few women still had a shocking color. Before that, Xiang Yang just opened his eyes, and the bursting out of the breath was so strong that the strength of the flesh had reached the level of Da Luo Jiuzhong. They are unbearable to the extent of the Tianzhu Peak. They understand that Xiangyang’s strength is terrible.

"No, I am not sanctified, I am still only a true fairy, but I have come out of my own way." Xiang Yang said with a happy smile on his face.

"Own way?"

After a few women listened, it was a strange color on her face.

They have not yet reached the level of Xiang Yang, and they do not know what kind of realm Xiang Yang called “dao”.

"When your realm is up, you will understand." Xiang Yang chuckled, although the cultivation of several women reached the physical body of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, but their realm is low, poor, realm The highest is the little blood, comparable to the king of the fairy king, but it is not so easy for the fairy king to touch his own path.

At the same time, not only a few women, including Xiang Yang’s order guard, he understood that the hundreds of thousands of order guards he trained, and the millions of physical repairs in the future, even in the future, their physical strength has reached The problem that Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak is also facing is the problem that the realm is too weak.

"After the day, it is really necessary to solve the problem of their realm."

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang feels a headache, his own hundreds of thousands of order guards, and the next million physical repairs, whether it is to improve the cultivation or the magic weapon, they have to squat a little bit, they are like It is their nanny.

However, fortunately, these are the most loyal players of their own, and they are based on the future of chaos in many worlds. Everything they do is worthwhile.

"How many people came out of the guard of order?" Xiang Yang asked again to follow the little spirit.

"There are nearly 100,000 people." Xiaoling replied.

Although 100,000 people sounded a lot, but it has been more than a year, that is, they have been tempered for 10,000 years in the tower of physical training, and they have reached the big Luo Jiuzhongtian for so long. The pinnacle of the world is not a surprising thing.

After all, Xiang Yang’s deity and the first demon avatar are all leaps and bounds, and they simply broke through the tower of physical repair without spending many years.

"There are not many 100,000 people, but they are barely enough. The next step is to destroy the black iron auction. I want them to feel what is desperate."

Xiang Yang nodded and looked a bit murderous. He still remembered that the black iron auction would arrest all kinds of races in various circles, and even after killing the people, they would sell them, Yulia and Yuli. This is the case with the piano.

It is a pity that the two sisters Yulia and Yuliqin are still undergoing tempering in the tower of physical training, and their talents for physical practice are really not very good. It is not so easy to succeed in cultivation.

“Is the equipment ready?”

Then Xiang Yang asked again.

Some time ago, he conquered many of the Beastmasters of the Black Forest, and at the same time, he took all the large ancient mines of the Black Forest and took them to Xiaoling’s refining magic weapon, in order to be able to give his order to the guards. .

"For the 100,000 people who have already come out of the tower of physical rehabilitation, it is enough, but if you want to continue to prepare equipment for others, you need more materials." I am embarrassed to say it.

"Hey?" Xiang Yang listened after listening. "I have dug up so many ancient mines for you. Say you want to prepare a million sets of order suits for the order guard. You only have to I have used 100,000 sets?"

He originally thought that after he had dug up those ancient mines in the Black Forest, he would not have to worry about the magic weapon of order guard for the next time. What he did not expect was that Xiaoling’s defeated family had only refining 100,000 sets. All of the dozen or so large ancient mines were used up.

Xiang Yang’s forehead is blue and glutinous, and he wants to beat people.

"Boss, the dozen or so veins you gave, the ore in it is not the same, there are some ways to directly refine the magic weapon, even if it is refining, it can only reach the level of ordinary fairy, so I can only They remelted again." Xiao Ling looked at Xiang Yang with pity.


Xiang Yang was helpless and sighed and said, "You are a vampire. Let me go where to find so many raw materials for you to refine."

He is really a headache. Ever since he let Xiaoling take charge of the refining process, he seems to be looking for an ancestor. He has been searching hard for various kinds of treasures. As a result, he has exhausted various methods and still has no way to make up. Foot, Xiaoling still can't be satisfied.

"But it, the guard of the 100,000 order, let them be ready, ready to go out and destroy the black iron auction."

Xiang Yang shook his head. No matter what, he decided that the road he chose, since he decided to build a guard of order, then all this is his own life. The various minerals and magic weapons that should be found should still be Keep looking.

"Boss, as long as you enter the chaos, a variety of veins are still a lot, especially found in chaos, almost all can be refined into a treasure of the treasure level." Lao Wan said on the side.

"You are ironic and want to let me enter the chaos, is it that you are waiting for you in the chaos?" Xiang Yang looked at Lao Wan.

Looking back now, this is really the case. Lao Wan has used all kinds of methods, in order to be able to let himself enter the chaos. In the past, he did not realize it. Now when he thinks about it, he really understands that Lao Wan is really Always induce yourself, just want to let yourself into chaos.

"Cough, there is no." Lao Wan said quickly, "I just want the boss to quickly enter the depths of chaos, so that you can enter the sacred temple to accept the other inheritance of the looting, when the boss's heritage With unlimited improvement, you can create a law that goes beyond being invincible."

"The temple of the catastrophe, I will go sooner or later, but I will wait until I solve the matter of the fairy world."

Xiang Yang said quietly.

Since he has decided to take his own path, he is doomed to be able to find a place to retreat and practice. This is the end of the practice. Moreover, he also wants to understand that Pangu’s chaotic world is about to start a war with the exotic world. At that time, there is no amount of robbery. If you don’t have enough strength, you can’t protect people around you. How can you be lazy and not working hard?

"Everything must be strong enough to have enough effort."

Xiang Yang said to the women at the same time, "Let's go out, I will take you to see my wife, maybe you will like the Qingxue Universe Group."

At the same time, he directly took a few women out of the Promise.


"Xiner big baby, Xiangyang brother has been retiring for more than a year, how can we still not come out, we are so boring."

At the same time, in the Qing Xue universe group, in a coffee shop, Sun Qingya and Monica, as well as three beautiful women of Xiner are sitting and drinking coffee.

Their peerless appearance can definitely attract the attention of countless people. However, among the world inside the Qingxue Cosmos Group, the people living in these worlds are the families of the employees of the Qingxue Universe Group. I know that among these worlds, there are some great peers that can’t be provoked.

Because everyone knows that the bosses of Qingxue Universe Group are super beautiful women, and the tops of Qingxue Universe Group also have many beautiful women. They have a strong power in their hands. Even the rules of the whole world are formulated by them. In these worlds, there is almost no chance of being ridiculed because of being too good-looking.

Xiner is wearing a simple sportswear, her hair is ponytailed, she looks pure and human, just like an angel, and Sun Qingya and Monica are more interesting. They wear clothes and dresses. The same, all light blue skirts, set off their perfect body shape.

The difference between the two women is that Monica is blond and has an exotic style, while Sun Qingya is a typical black hair with black eyes.

The three women are the youngest of the fair snow universe group's women, and because other women have their own positions and tasks in the Qingxue universe group, they are usually busy and busy. The only thing is that there are only three women. Although they can also hold certain positions in the Qingxue Space Group, they just don’t want to. They usually have to play around and make themselves happy...

However, after playing for a long time, they will also feel bored. At this moment, the three women only feel that they are too boring. They have to find a place to go shopping. After shopping, they are drinking coffee here, but still think about when Xiangyang is out. turn off...

"I also want to know that Xiangyang's brother can go out when he is out. I can't get into the Promise Xianfu. Xiangyang's brother is really a little bad guy." Xiner muttered her mouth and kicked her kick.

Her expression is simply tempting the dead, and she will be surprised by her men and women.

Of course, the three women have joined together to drink coffee. It has long been the most beautiful beauty of this coffee shop. Among the people around, the men don’t dare to look at them, for fear that they will have evil thoughts when they look too much. Some women dared to look at the three women in a blatant manner.

"Three beautiful women want to know where your Xiangyang brother is? I know."

At this time, there was a young man's face with a faint smile. The other person was wearing a western turn, and his body was tall and straight. It looked like a serious look. If he walked on the street, he would definitely attract some women's cheers.

Moreover, since the employees within the Clear Snow Universe Group have already popularized practice, and in these worlds, everyone has begun to cultivate in all aspects.

This young man’s cultivation has also reached the Golden Age. In this small world where he has practiced for more than a decade, he can be said to be a super genius.

"Three little sisters, are you going to find your Xiangyang brother? Isn't it? I will take you there. I am a good brother with your Xiangyang brother."

The young man looked at the three women with greed. However, he did not show very obvious, but hid the serious greed, then looked at the three women and smiled and said, "Three beautiful women, how? What? I will take you to find your Xiangyang brother?"

While talking, he secretly runs his own practice, so that his voice can confuse others, so that those who hear his voice will not consciously follow him.

Because of this high-level reason, this young man has cheated and does not know how many beautiful women.

At this moment, his eyes looked at the three women, only to feel that they were all hot.

It is really three super beautiful women. There are such beautiful women in this world. In contrast, the women they have encountered before are slag.

This young man’s eyes are hot and silently entice the three women. He is very confident. With his cultivation, although he is not the strongest in this world, as long as the strong infants do not appear, He does not have to be afraid, and he does not think that the three little girls will be stronger than the Yuan Ying period.

At this moment, when Xiner and Sun Qingya and Monica felt that the other party had shown the charm of the three of them, they looked at each other and showed their interest.

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