Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2929: Occasional encounter

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Xiang Yang didn't have to think about it and knew that he had extinguished the black iron auction. He must have set off a wave in the fairy world. However, he didn't care. Now, even if he doesn't use the magic suit, he can burst into infinite power. Who are the three great sanctuaries who are afraid of him?

In addition to the chaos saints to deal with him, otherwise, he really does not have to worry about who can do to himself.

Moreover, even if it is a chaotic saint, he has every reason to believe that his old master will definitely shoot. It can be said that if he wants to be a second ancestor who wants to eat and die, he already has this qualification. .

After all, the weak is not his opponent, but the chaos saint is not willing to deal with him. He wants to do it.

Of course, Xiang Yang can't be the kind of second-generation ancestor who eats and eats. He wants to achieve the invincible existence of chaos and chaos by his own strength.

On the way, he walked along with the three little hoes of Xiner, Sun Qingya and Monica, while playing around, and unconsciously came to the west bank of the eastern Tianyu again.

His eyes looked at the West River, remembering the worlds that he had encountered on the West River boat last time. In his heart, "With my current strength, I don't know if I can cross the West River?"

At the same time, he said to the three women, "You don't want to move, stand here and wait for me, I will try to see if I can fly over this river."

"Xiangyang brother, you are joking, this is a river, although it is a little broader, but can you have any strange places?"

Sun Qingya grabbed Xiang Yang’s hand and prevented him from leaving. She felt that Xiang Yang would definitely want to take the opportunity to get rid of the fun of the three of them. Otherwise, how could they leave them with such a lame excuse?

"This is the West River. It is the most mysterious river in the East Tianyu. I told you that the last time I was on this river, I got a West River boat and I almost couldn't come back."

Xiang Yang was helpless. He could only tell the truth about Xihe with the three women. After listening to the three women, the three women looked at Xihe with a shocking look. "The river is so interesting, it is necessary to be strong." Only then can you cross the Xihe River, and there must be a baby in the river."

It’s Xin’s words. After living with Xiangyang for about ten years, it can be said that it has learned too many 'good' qualities of Xiangyang. When you see this Xihe is different, What she thought for the first time was that there must be treasures in this river, exactly the same as Xiang Yang imagined at the time.

After Xiang Yang listened, his face looked at Xiner with a gratifying color. This girl is worthy of being a true disciple. It is not bad.

When he praised Xiner, he said to the three women, "I have already explored that the river bottom of the river does not necessarily have treasures, but it is related to a legendary river, and, Behind this river is connected to some worlds that are about to be destroyed. Every world can find some treasures. Among the treasures that I have given you, those thundering liquids, red trips, etc. are all here at the time. Two worlds got."

"Ah, what are you waiting for? Let's continue to hunt for treasure." After Xiang Yang's words were just finished, I heard Xiner said very excitedly.

"I also want to enter those world treasure hunt, but it is not that easy."

Xiang Yang sighed. "When you want to enter those worlds, you must be in good harmony with others. It is a matter of Xihe Incident. Unfortunately, I want to happen to the Xihe Incident. I don't know when it will happen. I have to go back and talk to those people. Xian Tianjiao learns from each other and must not waste time on this river."

While speaking, his face showed a serious color.

When it comes to the masters of the real world, the look on his face is very sacred. It seems that he is also the master of the true fairyland.


At this time, accompanied by a smirk, I saw that there was a woman with an emperor on her body that looked like a smile and looked at Xiang Yang. "Xiang Yang, you are too shameless." As a superpower who can kill the masters of the Holy Land, are you really so embarrassed to go to the first place in the millions of continents with the masters of the real fairy?"

"I rely on... How are you here?"

Xiang Yang's eyes widened and looked at each other. This woman is tall and tall, looks like a peerless city, and carries the power of ancient emperors. Isn't it the descendant of the ancient emperor Donghuang's Donghuang Yuxi?

"Why can't I be here?" Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang with a smile on her face. When she saw the three women around Xiangyang, the smile on her face solidified a little, but it immediately returned to normal.

She walked lightly and came to Xiangyang, looking at Xiangyang with her beautiful big eyes. "Xiang Yang, I am so good, I just want to go to the Central Fairy."

"You are following us?" Xiang Yang did not speak, and Sun Qingya frowned.

"Xiang Yang, is this your three disciples?" Donghuang Yuxi did not interface with Sun Qingya, but smiled and said to Xiangyang.

"Hey, what are you doing, say it again, don't you know that you should self-report your identity before you ask someone else's identity?" Sun Qingya is a hegemonic savvy lady, although she is usually very cute and approachable, but really Overbearing, it is really not afraid of fear, and, Xiang Yang is by her side, she is even more fearless.

The little girl held Xiang Yang’s arm and looked at the emperor’s jade, and said coldly, “You, this woman, starting from the saints to follow us here, is definitely not good.”

On one side, Monica and Sun Qingya can be said to be good sisters who agree with each other. After seeing Sun Qingya and Donghuang Yuxi, she also supported the same voice. "You must follow us well."

"Xiang Yang, are they really not your disciple?" Donghuang Yuxi chose to ignore the two little girl, but continued to ask Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang smiled bitterly, opened his mouth, just wanted to answer, and saw Xiner also looked at Donghuang Yuxi with his eyes open. "This aunt, why have you been entangled in whether your two sisters are brothers? Disciple?"


After Xiang Yang heard these two words, he couldn’t help but laugh out, and the face of Donghuang Yuxi was very ugly in an instant, although her age is indeed not small. However, in the fairy world, how can it be measured by age as a master of the fairy king?

Immortals, have nothing to do with age, they have already got rid of the shackles of age, because they live with the same life, will they use age to measure old or young?

She knew that the three little gimmicks around Xiang Yang were deliberately trying to tease her. However, looking at Xiang Yang’s smile on her side, she was almost angry and exploded. She could only sigh. Xiang Yang, only separated for a year or two, you are so against me, it is really a newcomer who forgot the old man, you are very good."


Listening to the sound of the resentment of Donghuang Yuxi, Xiang Yang only felt that the whole person was weird, and could not help but say, "Don't, I just think it's fun, and there is no other meaning, don't be angry."

"Hey..." Donghuang Yuxi began to play a small temper, coldly snorted, looking at Xiangyang with a resentful and cold color.

When the three women on the side saw this, they looked at each other. They always felt that there was a story between Xiangyang and Donghuang Yuxi. Sure enough, when they saw the expressions of Xiangyang and Donghuangyu, they I am sure that the two people definitely have something to do with it.

However, they are very clever, and did not come together at this time to make trouble, but instantly turned into a cute little cute, so quietly looked at Xiang Yang and Dong Huang Yu.

Xiang Yang only felt a headache. He had no good relationship with the East Huang Yu, but of course, a little bit of awkwardness, and it has not risen to the extent of becoming a woman.

Moreover, during this time, Xiang Yang was immersed in the gentleness of the women, and even had a little forgotten the East Emperor Yuxi. At this moment, he saw the resentment of the East Emperor Xiaoqi. He only felt strange in his heart.

"The East Emperor and the Lord are waiting for me."

However, when a few people had nothing to say, they heard an anxious cry coming over. Then, I saw a group of young people from the distance who flew from afar. This group of young immortals looked at the East Emperor. The eyes of Yuxi are all bright, and all of them are very excited.

Their eyes, Xiang Yang is too familiar, this is clearly the desire to pursue the eyes of the East Emperor.

However, when I saw so many people looking at the emperor’s jade with avid eyes, Xiang Yang’s mood was not so refreshing. He couldn’t help but snorted and said to the East Emperor Yuxi. No matter where you go, there are countless young people who are accompanied by each other. It is really comfortable."

After all, in the discoloration of Donghuang Yuxi, he continued, "If you do this, don't bother, let's leave."


The emperor’s face changed greatly. The last time was because of Jin Duoming’s reason, which caused Xiang Yang to misunderstand her. It was difficult to explain the misunderstanding and make the relationship between the two people even higher. However, they did not expect that they actually went At this time, this thing happened again. She knew that Xiang Yang was misunderstood.

"When this guy sees a group of young people around me, I am sure that my heart is very unhappy. This shows that this guy actually has me, but how can he be so jealous?" Donghuang Yuxi saw Xiangyang twist I am going to leave too much, and my heart is good and funny.

Even, she still had a small surprise.

If you don't know a person who doesn't know about it, no one will care about how many different people are there. Even if it is just an ordinary relationship, you can't care about how many people around you.

Only those who have a little affection for themselves will be jealous after seeing a group of young people around them.

This point, Donghuang Yuxi is very clear.

She had a small smack in her heart, and saw Xiangyang leave, and quickly chased it up. "Xiang Yang, don't misunderstand, I am not familiar with them, but everyone is a disciple of the Holy Family because they want to go to the Eastern Tianyu, so All along the way."

“Is it a disciple of the Holy Family?”

Xiang Yang glanced at these young people, and there were seven or eight people. One by one, they all reached the level of Xianzun. At the same time, their age should not be too big. As a result, talent should be considered good. Being a saint disciple is also considered to be normal.

At this moment, he was relieved a little, and his heart rose with a happy color.

"Xiangyang brother, let's go quickly, don't waste time here." Sun Qingya and Monica, Xiner three little gimmicks saw this, they felt very bad, and the three looked at the same time. Xiang Yang said in unison.

"Good, then let's go."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, and said to Donghuang Yuxi, "I will go first and see you in the Central Fairy."

This time, the tone was obviously much better. After listening to it, Donghuang Yuxi nodded happily. "Well, goodbye in the Central Fairy."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and with three women, he was ready to fly to the West River.


However, when seeing Xiang Yang want to empty the West River, Donghuang Yuxi’s face changed greatly and shouted to Xiang Yang. “Xiang Yang, are you crazy? This is Xihe.”

She still doesn't know that Xiang Yang's current strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. He only knows that the Xihe non-sacred strong can't cross the past.

"I am not crazy."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, his body was volleyed, and he sent out an energy with three women, step by step, and walked over the Xihe River.


With Xiang Yang volleying on the West River, he walked over the West River every step of the way, as if stepping on the heart of the Eastern Emperor Yuxi and other young Xianzun, making them all face changes, could not help but exclaimed , "The Holy Land!"

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