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"The Holy Land!"

"God, he turned out to be a great sanctuary, and we actually missed it."

"It’s a pity that we have watched the sacred powers in front of us and missed them."


Although the seven or eight young people are already the figures of the Daluo Xianzun class, even one of them who has become the strongest has reached the realm of the big Luo Jiu Tian, ​​but they are seeing that Xiang Yang can volley to the West River. When they walked up, they all trembled.

Their faces were annoyed, and they did not expect that they would miss the opportunity to meet a great sanctuary.

Even if they have powerful forces behind them, they also have sacred masters. However, the significance of the sacred masters behind the family is completely different from their own understanding of the sacred masters.

If they can know a strong sacred person, they will have great benefits for them in the future.

Unfortunately, they missed it and could only shake their heads and sigh. The fairy statue of the big Luo Jiuzhongtian was asked to the East Emperor Yuxi. "Donghuang Shimei, is this sacred predecessor your predecessor?"


Donghuang Yuxi shook his head and said, "It’s my friend."

Although she was calm on the surface, she had already set off a storm in her heart. It was only a long time before she saw that Xiang Yang had become a master of sacredness. This is simply unbelievable.

"Three years, no, more than two years, Xiang Yang has actually practiced to such a strong degree, how he cultivated, and he said that he wants to go to the Holy Family. I seem to have heard him in the Holy Family. The name, however, I began to retreat and accept the inheritance as soon as I entered the Holy Family. Other things are not clear. Is it something that I didn’t know during this time?"

Donghuang Yuxi said to herself, she felt that she had missed something with Xiangyang.

However, what is it, she has not been clear.

Her heart was very annoyed. When she first saw Xiangyang, it seemed that Xiangyang was just the ordinary peak of true fairy. No, it should be that the power of the flesh has just broken through to the state of Da Luo. It has never reached a very terrible level. At that time, she could easily defeat Xiang Yang at the time.

Wherein it was only a little over the year, and yang was now much better.

Her heart trembled, only to feel shocked.

However, her heart is still very excited, Xiang Yang has such a strong strength, as a person with a lot of relationship with Xiang Yang, she really happy for Xiang Yang.

"This sacred strongman turned out to be a friend of the East Emperor."

When the emperor’s heart trembled, the seven or eight young immortals listened to her words and they all changed their minds.

As the descendant of the ancient emperor Donghuangshi, Donghuang Yuxi is the young master of the Wanxue Group. The position in the fairy world itself is the strongest second generation. It is normal to know the holy people, but It’s a little scary to make friends with the Holy Land.

Generally speaking, what kind of strength is in the circle, these young people are Xianzun, their circle is naturally the field of Xianzun, the reason why it is with the East Emperor Yuxi, mainly because of the identity of the East Emperor Yuxi The reason, otherwise, they are absolutely impossible to mix with a fairy king.

However, at this moment, I know that Donghuang Yuxi is actually a friend with the Holy Land, and their hearts are shaking. I only think that the East Emperor Yuxi is really mysterious.

"The Emperor of the East Emperor is not a descendant of the ancient Emperor, it is really a vast magic."

Then, after listening to the fairy tale of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, he sighed and said.

"The brothers have won the prize." Donghuang Yuxi laughed softly, and there was nothing to be proud of. At this moment, she was still immersed in the shock of the cultivation of Xiangyang to the holy place.

"Oh, right."

However, at this time, Xiang Yang, who had already crossed the Xihe River, suddenly came back. He smiled and asked Donghuang Yuxi. "Donghuang chick, forgot to ask you one thing, remember last time you Say that the Thor's armor in the Thor suit is in your hands, haha, then, do we want to make a deal?"

Originally, Xiangyang was not in a hurry to get Raytheon armor. However, the key point was that Xiner looked at the Raytheon suit. This girl had already tempered Raytheon, and Xiangyang thought about bringing Rays to her.

The last time Emperor Yuxiu said that Raytheon armor is in her hands, Xiang Yang wants to get Raytheon armor, and can only be exchanged from the hands of Donghuang Yuxi.

"Do you really want to get Raytheon armor?" Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang with a strange color on his face.

This look made Xiang Yang feel a bit wrong.

"Yeah, what? You don't mean that Raytheon armor is on you? Open a price, as long as I can afford it, I will give it to you." Xiang Yang said awkwardly.

"Raytheon armor itself is just an ancient treasure. Even the treasures of the day are not worth mentioning. It is worth nothing. However, the Raytheon suit is different. After the Thor suit is assembled, it can have the power of ancient Thor. Raytheon, that is the existence of the true Yasheng Peak, and instead of the Heavenly Road to control the thunder, whoever gets the Raytheon suit, can control the thunder, and can pass unimpeded direct access to the Holy Land."

Donghuang Yuxi said softly.

"Yes, but, what do you mean by so much?"

Xiang Yang and the three women around him squinted at the same time, looking at the East Emperor Yuxi, this little girl, giving or not giving a sentence, and so much nonsense?

If you give it, you will naturally give the things that Donghuang Yuxi wants to her, and then you can use the Raytheon suit to use it for Xiner.

If you don't exchange it, you can't go to Wanxuan Tianzhou to grab, cough, and strong grab. It is impossible. After all, Wan Yao Group is too strong. As a descendant of the ancient Emperor, even the true chaos saints dare not How about the Wan Yao Group?

Although Xiang Yang is self-confident, he is not crazy enough to kill the Wan Yao Group, and it is just a set of Raytheon suits.

"Raytheon armor can give you, but I want you to promise me three conditions."

Donghuang Yuxi smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.

After Xiang Yang listened, he turned away without hesitation.

"Oh, wait."

When Donghuang Yuxi saw Xiangyang's appearance, she suddenly stunned. She thought about it without asking her. "How do you like this person? I haven't said what my conditions are, you leave. You are too insincere."

"I know, but you said that the power of the Thor suit is so strong, and let me promise you three conditions. Do you think I am a fool?"

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and glanced at the seven or eight respectful standings of the emperor, who were afraid to talk more, especially the fairy goddess of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian. He only felt this guy. A little familiar, couldn't help but ask, "Are you yelling?"

"Back to the saints, the younger Jin Duoshun, is one of the five great tribes of the Jin family."

After the guy heard Xiang Yang’s question, the whole person trembled with excitement and replied quickly.

He thought it was his own chance, and this sacred strongman looked at himself.

Unexpectedly, after Xiang Yang listened to his name, he nodded and said in his heart, "It turned out that it was a family with Jin Duoming. It is no wonder that I feel a little familiar."

At that time, Jin Duoming’s grudges had already passed, and he was too lazy to think too much. He directly looked at the East Emperor Yuxi. As a result, Jin Duoshun was very confused. He did not know that Xiang Yang was awkward. But I dare not ask more.

The East Emperor Yuxi continued to look at Xiangyang with a smile on his face. "Xiang Yang, since you think that there are too many conditions, then I will give you the Raytheon armor directly, wait for it. After the Central Fairy, I will send the armor."

"You are too good to talk about? Is there any conspiracy?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was stunned, and then he looked at Donghuang Yuxi with a vigilant color on his face.

"Give it to you for free, you don't want to exchange it with you in three conditions. You think too much. You are clearly a pastime girl?" When Donghuang Yuxi heard Xiangyang, the whole person suddenly exploded, she was angry. Looking at Xiang Yang, "Don't think that you have become a master of the sacred world now, you can bully the Lord for what you want. Do you really think that I am vegetarian?"

"Hey, who said that I am a master of the Holy Land, I am just a fairy."

Xiang Yang is surprised to see Donghuang Yuxi said, "Donghuang chick, you misunderstood, and you, Jin Duoshun, you have misunderstood, I am not a sacred master, I am just a true fairy Well, this time I went to the Eastern Tianyu, I just wanted to participate in the Battle of Million.


Not to mention the emperor's jade, and the seven or eight youths on the other side are also staring at Xiangyang. They don't believe that someone can cross the Xihe River when they don't reach the holy place. You must know that since ancient times, After the emergence of Xihe, no one can do this.

Even if the other party is no stranger, they do not believe that someone is really and this skill.

"It turned out to be."

After the shock of Donghuang Yuxi for a while, she understood it. Since Xiang Yang said that he is not a master of sacredness, then it is really possible that he misunderstood.

She nodded to Xiang Yang and said, "I know, so, you can take a piece of treasure to exchange with me. I will give you the Raytheon armor."


Xiang Yang whispered softly, and thought of a move, directly took out a storage ring and gave it to Donghuang Yuxi. This storage ring is filled with a treasure, a set of bows and arrows, a bow and an arrow. The power of this set of treasures is extraordinary, and it is almost equivalent to exchange Raytheon armor.

Dong Huang Yuxi did not look at the treasures inside, and received it directly. Then, looking at the seven or eight young people with uncomfortable and doubtful colors on her face, she said directly, "If this is the case, then our central Goodbye in Xiancheng."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and took the three women again and volleyed, ready to fly toward the West River.


However, at this time, Jin Duoshun, who was just very respectful, looked at Xiang Yang. At this time, all the respectful colors on his face were gone. Instead, he was replaced by a proud color. It seems that in front of Xiangyang. He has the same natural advantages.

Xiang Yang stopped, and looked at Jin Duoshun with a sly color on his face. With his eyes, it is not difficult to see that this guy’s mentality has changed.

"Since you can cross the West River, then it is better to take us along with it."

Seeing Xiang Yang look at his eyes, Jin Duoshun said with a proud face.

After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn't help but laugh. This guy heard that he was not a sacred master. When he was a real fairy, he instantly changed his face. It was a bit sloppy.

He smiled and glanced at Jin Duoshun, and then he looked at the East Emperor Yuxi. "Do you want me to take you there?"

"No, I want to take me if I want to go, but I want to go slowly." Donghuang Yuxi shook his head and said.

"That's good, in this case, wait until the Central Fairy City."

Xiang Yang nodded and took the three women to the sky. He carried his hands and volleyed and walked over the Xihe River step by step.

"Asshole, as a little true fairy, this fairy respects to talk to you, you dare to ignore it, are you looking for death?" After Jin Duoshun met, it was mad, could not help but sigh, direct a finger Out, a sturdy sword burst out, it is necessary to kill Xiang Yang.

“Do the people of the Jin family like to find their own death?”

However, when he shot his hand, he heard a faint voice coming over. Then, his sword gas suddenly turned into a terrible reversal, and it was no longer a bombardment toward Xiangyang, but an instant turn. A bend toward Jin Duoshun.


In any case, Jin Duoshun did not think that the sword that he sent out would return to kill himself. He widened his eyes, and his body broke out with defensive power. He wanted to block this sword. However, this sword is more powerful than When he first gave out, he was much stronger, and instantly broke his defense and bombarded him.

Fortunately, he has a armor-level armor, otherwise he will be disabled if he is not dead.

"Oh, it turned out to be a defensive armor at the level of the treasure. I want it."

At the same time that Jin Duoshun was shocked, he did not understand what was going on. He heard a faint voice coming over, and then he felt that a horrible pressure broke out and instantly made his whole person unable to move.

Xiang Yang came back again. He smiled and looked at Jin Duoshun. "It is really polite to send me a magic weapon."

At the same time, he said that the defensive armor of Jin Duoshun was directly smashed down, and then the magic weapons such as the storage ring of Jin Duoshun were all smashed down and then swayed. go with.

Throughout the process, Jin Duoshun had an unparalleled horror and anger on his face. He really couldn't understand whether Xiang Yang was a saint or not. Why else could he suppress his whole person so that he could not move?

However, it is not a fool to be able to cultivate into the world of Da Luo. It is very clear that Xiang Yang is absolutely weird. Although he has been taken away at the moment, he did not say much, but looked at the item quietly. Yang Ling walked away, his eyes with a stern color, "Xiang Yang is, after the young master finds out your roots, you will die."

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