Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2934: Various forces visited

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"You're back."

In the direction of Daomen, Dao Lin Lin has already broken through the Dalu Xianzun, and the cultivation has reached the level of Daluo. At this moment, his clothes are hunting and the whole person is volleying. His eyes are looking forward to accepting. Xiang Yang, who worshipped 10,000 orders, showed a dignified color on his face.

He is the five younger brothers of Xiang Yang, but he is a bit unwilling in his heart. He thought that after he broke through the realm of Da Luo and the Eight Heavens, no one be the enemy of the realm of the Daoist and the Yasheng Power. .

However, at this moment, when Xiang Yang’s return is seen, Xiang Yang’s shot is the tens of thousands of **** and powerful superpowers, even if the Taoist Lin Xian is not easy because Xiang Yang left the Eastern Tianyu for a period of time. The heart that came down is also unstable at this time.

Of course, whether it is the fire or the Taoist Taoist, they look at Xiang Yang's eyes without the home of the Sun family and other families.

It is true that Sun’s family has lost a Sun Chunyu because of Xiangyang. Sun Chunyu has already had a close relationship with Sun’s family.

Now, they saw that Xiang Yang came back, and it was so strong. With 10,000 unknown superpowers coming, they were a little scared. These family forces with Xiangyang were a little bit too late. I am afraid that I will be stared at by Xiang Yang.

Among the Temple of Heaven, there are 5,000 days of Emperor Wei, who are the superpowers of Da Luo’s nine heavens. They can resist the 10,000-order order of Xiangyang. Therefore, Tiangong is the most calm, but other Sun family and other families. However, it is impossible to make up the strength of the 10,000 strong people who have been able to fight Xiang Yang in a short period of time. Their hearts are really flustered.

At this moment, no matter what everyone thinks, Xiang Yang did not pay attention to it. He looked at the wind of the item, haha ​​said with a smile, "Xiang Feng, finally invited you, this time is to let you do your old OK, the Imperial Palace has already helped you drive up. Next, I want you to let the Imperial Palace spread all over the entire fairyland, and even the heavens and the world."

"Young Master." Xiang Feng's face looked at Xiang Yang with an excited color, habitually rushed up, squatting against Xiang Yang.

"How many times have you told me, you can't just bow down." Xiang Yang looked at the wind and blamed him. After pulling him up, he laughed and patted his shoulder and said, "Not bad, I can't think of your repair." It’s also a fairy, haha, it seems that following the clear snow universe group, there is more to do with me, but you still have to come and mix with me."

"Young Master, I have been waiting for you for too long."

Xiang Feng is excited to say.

Although he was very re-used in the Qingxue Universe Group, his skills were brought into play, but he never forgot that Xiang Yang, who changed his life.

If it is not Xiangyang, perhaps he is also an external member of the secular world, but also the boss of the Imperial Palace in the secular world. Although he was able to have a small position in Tianhai City before, how can he Compared to him?

You must know that the wind at this moment has come to the fairyland, and he has become a fairy. Although it is not high, it is something that he could not have imagined before.

"Haha, I am very impressed with your imperial palace. You see, the emperor's palace in the fairy world has already been prepared for you, and people are ready for you. This is the foundation of the emperor's palace. If not enough, I will give you another 100,000."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

While talking about it, when watching the cultivation of Xiangfeng only reached the ordinary fairyland, he said with indulgence, "I will find time to find a inheritance of Da Luo Xianzun, as long as you have passed down. You can break through to Dalu’s nine heavens. When you don’t say anything, it’s enough to have your own self-protection.”

"Yes, thank you young master." Xiang Feng looked at Xiang Yang with an expression of excitement.

At this moment, he is not the same as the previous one who can't understand anything about cultivation. He knows very well how powerful the fairy statue of Da Luo is in the realm of heaven. If he is slow, let him be alone. If you practice slowly, no matter how long it takes him, he will not be able to cultivate to the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

And Xiang Yang was prepared to find him a heritage, so that he could break through the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, which is really incredible.

His heart trembled, watching Xiang Yang's eyes with an infinite fanaticism.

At the same time, when he looked at the highest imperial palace in the entire Central Fairy, he couldn't help but tremble. This Imperial Palace is beyond his imagination.

He was excited and frightened when he thought that he could be an elite person.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but laughed and patted the shoulders of the wind. Then he looked at the guard of 10,000 orders and said softly, "From now on, if you listen to the wind, help me guard. The Imperial Palace, when you need to do other things, will naturally pass it on to you, do you know?"

"Yes, master."

The guards of this 10,000-order order all replied with respect and respect. They are all those who have been hit into the magic species by Xiangyang. They will unconditionally follow Xiangyang’s words and cannot dare to have any dissatisfaction.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at Xiao Guangtou and Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu, who had an unparalleled shocking color behind their face. They said with a smile, "Let’s do something, let them arrange to stay, Also, I know that you definitely don't want to take control of the Imperial Palace. You have to look after the Emperor's Palace for more than two years. It is estimated that you are almost overwhelmed. After that, the matter of the Imperial Palace will be handed over to the wind."

"Okay, boss, great, we don't have to look at this imperial palace. What's special, Xiaoye, I am clearly a happy person. I have to watch the emperor's palace all day to do business. It is too tired. "The little bald head said very excitedly.

"Yes boss, we can follow you in the future." Sun Chunyu also looked at Xiang Yang with the same excitement.

For more than two years, although they have operated the Imperial Palace very well, their hearts are not in the Imperial Palace. They never thought of treating the Imperial Palace as their own industry. When Xiangyang arranged for Xiangfeng to take over the Imperial Palace. At the time, they were only excited and happy, and there was no such anger that they were taken to the palace.

Xiang Yang knows that the two of them are not here, so they can safely let Xiangfeng take over the palace.

He smiled and said, "When the arrangements here are over, I wish you a breakthrough."


After listening to them, they suddenly became very excited. Haha smiled and said, "Let, please come with us, and there is a wind. Come here, I will show you the Imperial Palace. From now on, the Imperial Palace will all pay. I am giving you, haha, it is too timely for you to come."

The two are really happy. The arrival of Xiangfeng can be said to make them truly relaxed. They no longer have to worry about what they want to do or do. They can't follow Xiangyang.

They entered the palace with the wind and wanted to arrange the style of the wind into the imperial palace at the fastest speed. However, the guards of this order were all respectfully standing behind Xiangyang.

At the same time, this 10,000 people also looked at Xu Qing, the fifteen princess with five thousand days of Emperor Wei.

The 5,000-day Emperor of the Emperor also looked at the guard of the 10,000-order order. Under this circumstance, the 5,000-day dynasty trembled at the same time, and they found that the strength of the 10,000 strongmen was absolutely powerful. And the uniform equipment on the body seems to be very extraordinary. If it is composed of formations, it will definitely be powerful.

Tiandi Wei, who was very confident about himself, was a little panicked when he faced the guard of this order.

If it is true, even if the 5,000-day Tiandi Wei can really win this 10,000 people, they believe that by then, they will also die and injure.

The nineteenth princess Xu Qing looked at Xiang Yang with a complex color on his face, Shen Xiang, "Xiang Yang, welcome you back."

"For more than two years, thank you for your care of the Imperial Palace."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the fifteenth princess Xu Qing, especially when she saw the 5,000 of her behind the tens of thousands of Luo Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, she couldn’t help but jumped. Is the fairy goddess of thousands of big Luo’s nine heavens wanting to destroy me?”


The fifteenth princess Xu Qingbai took a look at Xiang Yang. "When you come back with this million people, you know how many people can't sit still? I thought you were ready to attack the Heavenly Palace? Hurry and take a look."

At the same time, he said to Tiandi Wei, "You are a good predecessor, here is all right, you can go back first, thank you for your predecessors."

"Princess, I am leaving."

Five thousand Tiandiwei did not stay, but all smiled on the face of the fifteen princess and then turned away.

The masters of the five thousand Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peaks, if they are shots, can absolutely cross the entire eastern Tianyu, even if it is a gate, without using some of the ancient times, it is estimated that it is not the opponent of Tiandiwei. .

However, the history of Daomen is too long. No one dares to look down on the door. Even if Emperor Xu of the Emperor comes, he must respect the Taoist Temple.

With the departure of the five thousand days of Emperor Wei, the principals of the various parties around them all breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts trembled.

"I have heard that there are five thousand days of Emperor Wei of the Emperor of Heaven, and each one is a super strong person in the realm of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and this team is a peerless strongman who accompanied the Emperor of Heaven to survive through a million stations. If you can resist the sacred masters, you will see it today."

"It turns out that there are really 5,000 guards around the world, and it’s terrible."


The small forces of all parties are looking at the five thousand days of Emperor Wei with eyes and respectful envy, and their moods are shaking.

This is the five thousand days of Emperor Wei, the strongest of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, one by one is so earth-shattering, for those small families, it is simply heaven and earth, their hearts are shaking.

Of course, for the superpowers of all parties, they have long known the existence of the 5,000-day imperial guard, but they did not feel any shock.

"I have seen the princess."

At this time, the five thousand guards in the imperial palace, the Princess Wei also all respectfully came out to pray for the fifteen princesses. At this moment, these princesses look at the 10,000-order guards behind Xiang Yang’s body. Unconcealed with a shocking color.

They see very clearly that the strength of this team is much stronger than that of their princess. Even if the Emperor is coming, it may not be able to help this team.

"Your mission is completed, the Imperial Palace has no need for you, go back." The fifteen princess waved and let the five thousand princesses take the initiative to return to the palace. Now, Xiangyang has returned, and still carry Ten thousand super strong, Princess Wei stayed in the Imperial Palace is also useless, it is better to call directly back.


Five thousand princesses respectfully followed the ceremony and flew directly to the Imperial Palace, while the fifteen princess smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. "Xiang Yang, wouldn't you invite me to rest in the Imperial Palace?"

"Princess squats, but instead of the Emperor, the position of the Emperor of Heaven, wherever you can go, why should I please?"

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" The fifteen princess gave a look at Xiangyang.

"Haha, I am not afraid that you are too busy. Since the princess is squatting and wants to talk to me about love, I am naturally very happy... oh..."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, and when he hadn’t finished speaking, he took part in it. At his side, Sun Qingya and Monica’s two gimmicks were closely attached to him, but their little hands were in Xiangyang. The waist is active, Xiang Yang does not feel pain, but feels a little itchy.

He glanced at the two gimmicks. I didn't expect the two gimmicks to learn this trick. I couldn't help but think sadly. When the woman grows up, the posture of the squatting waist will never change. .

After the 15th princess Xu Qing met, she looked at Xiangyang with a strange color. At the same time, she was also shocked by the faces of the three women. Although the fairyland is not ugly, the fairy can be said to be synonymous with beauty, but many fairies They are all made up of the cultivation of the day after tomorrow. Their beauty is without soul. Only the three women are the true beauty of the true heaven and earth. This is what everyone can see at a glance.

Even the fifteen princesses were shocked by the three gimmicks. At the same time, she felt a bit of a sour feeling in her heart and couldn’t help but glance at Xiangyang.

"Cough cough..." Xiang Yang lightly coughed a few times, and the two women were just right to stop, and quickly released the small hand.

Then, the sons of Lin Zixian and the family of the fire family also flew over, and all of them looked at Xiang Yang with a smile on their faces.

"Boss." Daozi Linxian is facing Xiangyang. He was born in Daomen. He is a relatively old-fashioned person. Although he was forced to worship Xiangyang as the boss, he was still uncomfortable in the past. However, see you again. Xiang Yang, still awkward.

"Five brothers, I haven't seen you for a long time." Xiang Yang smiled and said hello.

"Xie Xiaozi, where did you turn my baby daughter?" The fire family owner is angry and glaring at Xiangyang.

"Ah, haha, old man, cough, the owner is coming, Meier is playing in the Central Tianyu and will not come back. When you have time, you can go and see her, right, next to the holy." Xiang Yanghe smiled and said to the family of the fire family.

"You throw my baby daughter in the Central Tianyu? The old man wants to fight with you." After the fire family leader heard it, the gas was broken. If it wasn’t for the ancestors, he couldn’t help but rush over. Yang is desperate.

"Ha ha ha, you, don't stand here and talk, let's go inside."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and greeted everyone into the palace.

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