Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2935: Finals start

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With the three melodious bells ringing, the finals of the Million Island Real Fair really unfolded.

On this day, it is destined to be the moment when the whole fairyland is boiling. This time, it can be said that since the end of the ancient war, the largest activity among the five worlds of the fairyland.

Because the Million Island is a real battle, it is an activity that the entire five-party Tianyu participates in.

Among the fairy tales, the voices of the people, the central fairy tales of the five-party Tianyu are all boiling, and a huge platform is suspended in the air, thousands of miles.

Above each of the platforms, there is a sacred place to sit in the town, they are responsible for guarding this side of the platform.

At the moment, outside the central Tiancheng of the Eastern Tianyu, countless people were all volleyed. Looking at these collapses, they carefully counted them and found that there were a hundred collapses. That is to say, at the moment, the central fairyland of the eastern Tianyu actually turned. A total of one hundred sacred strongmen gathered.


Rao is Xiang Yang and can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This is a hundred Asian sacred, just to keep these downfalls, it is too luxurious.

From here you can see the essence of the fairy world.

At the side of Xiangyang, he followed the three women. At the same time, Xiang Yangsheng was afraid that someone would deal with the three women. He directly let the big old black and the small gold appear. Not only that, but also directly sent 10,000 Da Luo’s nine heavens. The order of the guard appears, guarding the three women.

Although the forces of the parties to watch the battle can be said to be very spectacular, but if the number of people, Xiang Yang may not be comparable to these super-powers, but in terms of strength, even these big forces look at Xiangyang I feel very shocked.

Whether it is big old black or small gold, the two giant beasts are full of momentum, and the whole body is filled with chaotic gas. At first glance, it is known that the peak of the sub-saint is invincible, even if it is sitting above a hundred platforms. Those who are sub-sacred can't help but look at these two behemoths.

From this point of view, they suddenly felt terrified.

"This, isn't this the two hegemons in the Central Black Forest? How was this little guy surrendered?"

"No, it shouldn't be his surrender, but the strongman of that pulse surrendered to the two beasts and gave him protection."


Some strong people whispered to themselves, although they were shocked, but no one felt that these two beasts would be Xiangyang’s surrender. You must know that Xiangyang is a participant in this million-day real fairy war. .

If Xiangyang is able to surrender the two super-overlords, then this million-day real fairy war will not have to be played at all, and the first name will be given directly to Xiangyang.

It is a pity that they are wrong, although the big old black is really not Xiangyang personally surrendered, but the small gold is the strength of Xiangyang will be shocked, and truly surrendered by his own power.

At this moment, Xiang Yang shouldered his hands and looked at the hundreds of squats, especially the one hundred sacred strong men on the ring. After reading them one by one, they found that there were actually some of them that were Wanzhou’s destiny. When the women fought, there were old guys who were prepared to deal with themselves.

From this point of view, Xiang Yang smiled even more happily.

"It’s good. After the end of the Battle of the Immortals in the Million States, there is revenge, resentment, and your death is over."

Xiang Yang smiled leisurely, his eyes looked at the direction of the Heavenly Palace. With the sound of Tianlong’s roaring sound, I saw that there were countless treasures rushing out from the Heavenly Palace. The head of the nine dragons’ nine heavens Lahu, the Emperor Xu Yongzheng was sitting solemnly in the rut.

And by his side are the big prince and the fifteen princess.

Obviously, whether it is the Great Emperor or the 15th Princess, they are the children with the greatest weight of Emperor Xu, who wants to break through the path of the Taoist sage directly because of his ambition, so even if he is early It can become an sacred place, but it has never broken through to become an Asian holy place.

He was not in the throne, so the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei chose the 15th princess Xu Qing as the heir.

As for the Emperor Baodi, what followed is the treasures of the houses of all parties. Their treasures are very simple. There are all kinds of gods and carts, but they are far from being able to compete with the Emperor Xuan of the East. ratio.

Behind the Emperor and the Emperor Baodi, there are five thousand days of imperial voyages flying wildly. These five thousand days of imperial guards are one of the most powerful and powerful, and can be said to be the most eye-catching. Of course, if the item If Yang did not release the black king and the little gold, and the 10,000-order guard, the five thousand days of the imperial guard must be the strongest.

However, at this moment, Xiang Yang’s respectful standing behind the 10,000-order guard’s body is not squandering. It can be said that it has surpassed the five thousand days of Emperor Wei, making the hearts of the five thousand days of Emperor Wei a little bit puzzled.

"That kid has surrendered the two overlords of the Black Forest. It is really amazing."

The great emperor was just out of the retreat. At the moment, when he saw the black king and the little gold standing at the foot of Xiangyang, he couldn’t help but shake it.

"He has a sister, the fallen Suzaku Devil, the power is shocking, but also created a clear snow universe group, with the universe of warships breaking through, directly descending in the Black Forest next to the Holy Family, the fallen Suzaku Devil When it appears, it directly surrendered to the Black King."

Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, said with a smile, "This kid is a descendant of that pulse. It is normal for him to follow some peerless powers. In the past, the pulse should be afraid that he could not grow up, so he implemented it. Stocking mode, but now this kid can be said to have really grown up, it is normal to follow some strong guardians."

Obviously, the information of the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei is much more powerful than the 15th Princess and the Great Emperor. He is very clear about the incident that Xiang Yang happened in the Central Tianyu.

"Father, the strength of Xiangyang, I can't see through it, is he still a fairy?" At this time, the big prince asked hesitantly.


When Emperor Xu of the Eastern Emperor heard it, he looked at Xiang Yang carefully. He found that Xiang Yang was bloody, and apparently the strength of the body had reached a very terrible level. However, what made him feel shocked and terrified was Xiang Yang. The whole body has a sigh of scent, and even the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei can't see the extent to which Xiang Yang's realm has reached.

You must know that before he saw Xiang Yang, he could clearly see that Xiang Yang was the realm of the true fairy peak, but at this time, Xiang Yang had already made him invisible, which made him also A little bit puzzled, "It’s weird, I can’t see him. According to the truth, even if he has already broken through the Dalu Xianzun, I can see through it. It’s only two or three years before he has become holy. Is it strong?"


After the nineteen princess Xu Qing hesitated, he whispered, "When Xiang Yanggang came back, his daughter went to see him. He said that he was still a real fairy. As for strength, he said that he could not use the realm to measure."

"Since he said yes, that is, anyway, in the real finals, there is a sage secret treasure to monitor the downfall. If he goes beyond the real fairyland, the sage secret will naturally be distinguished and sent him out of the ring."

Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, can only say.

In fact, in the face of Xiangyang, even the essence of the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei is equally useless, he can not see through the project, can not see what kind of heritage Xiangyang has.

At this moment, Xu Xin also felt very puzzled. The more he looked at Xiang Yang, the more he couldn't see through it. In desperation, he had to turn his head and stop looking at Xiangyang.

At the same time, Xiang Yang also saw Emperor Xu Wei of the Emperor. He originally thought that Emperor Xu can feel that he could not see through himself. He felt that his realm had transcended the real fairyland and prevented himself from participating in the war. The thought is that this guy did not say anything.

Originally, he was ready to speak. Since Xu Wei did not say much, he would not have to say it.

"Xiang Yang, can you be sure?"

At this time, the owner of the fire family came to the front of Xiangyang. Because of the black king and the small gold, he did not dare to fly over, but he could only pass Xiangyang to the far distance.

The family of the fire family is just the place of the big Luo Jiu Tian. In the past, when he faced Xiang Yang, he still had a very strong shock, because his strength surpassed Xiang Yang, and he also had a superiority in front of Xiang Yang. However, this time, he could not see through the yang, coupled with the strength of the two chaotic behemoths and the guard of order that Xiang Yang followed, making him afraid to have any small look at Xiang Yang.

"Should have it."

Xiang Yang originally wanted to say that he had 100% certainty, but he remembered what Sun Chunyu said. This time, among the strong players who participated in the war, even some of them could kill the strength of Xianzun in the real world. I feel that I am still modest.


After listening to the fire family, the face looked at Xiangyang with a quirky color. In his opinion, Xiang Yang should be very confident and have a 10% grasp. Whoever thought, Xiang Yang actually gave an uncertainty. The answer.

If it is someone else's, even if the other party's strength is stronger, the family of the fire family will not dare to use such affirmative tone to say that the other party has the strength to win the first place in the Million Island.

However, Xiang Yang is different. The family of the fire family is very clear. Before this, Xiang Yang took his men into the headquarters of the Black Iron Auction. Since then, there has been no black iron auction in the world.

All this proves that Xiang Yang has enough strength to deal with the strong people of the Holy Land. Then, a super king who is comparable to the great man of the Holy Land has entered a group of true immortals. Is this result still used?

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "I can only say that I try my best."

His words are indeed true words, no one can guarantee that he can be invincible in the world, although he feels that he has been able to kill the Yasheng strong is already very good, but who knows other true immortals, those from ancient times Is it more scary to start preparing for the old monster of this war?

"No problem, I believe in you." The fire family owner smiled and nodded. He was not panicked at all. In his opinion, Xiang Yang must have won.

The family of the Fire family did not approach Xiangyang, but turned back to the camp of their fire family. Xiang Yang looked at those who were waiting to participate in the war.

At this moment, in addition to the surrounding audience is driving a variety of mounts and magic weapons to the outside of the Million Island, there are special places to provide them with rest, many battles are already waiting for preparations. .

This time, a full million people entered the finals.

Rao is a sea bream, but after seeing the past, Xiang Yang still sees some acquaintances.

"Hey, isn't this the purple thunder brother who gave me the thunder hammer last time?" Xiang Yang saw a young man in a purple thunder, and the other side looked arrogant. No one around dared to approach the guy. However, he can see at a glance that this guy was the guy who wanted to **** the Thor's hammer with himself in the Wanzhou Destiny Women's War more than two years ago, and eventually he was almost killed by himself.

I have to say that the strength of this guy in the purple thunder is really powerful. This guy is the inheritor of the ancient Raytheon. The power of the thunder is terrible, even if the master of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian can compete, he can kill millions. The finals of the Continent World Wars are also normal.

When Xiang Yang saw him, he also saw Xiang Yang. At this moment, the purple thunder stood up directly, his eyes looked at Xiang Yang, and there were two thunderous spurs, with murderous Roaring, "It's you!"

"Long time no see, I miss, how, miss me?" Xiang Yang Lehe looked at the purple thunder.

"Are you coming to die?" Purple Thunder looked coldly at Xiangyang. "Xiang Yang, I know you, although you are the descendant of that pulse, but if you meet you in the ring, the deity will not kill. error."

"The tone is really big."

Xiang Yang looked at the purple thunder and couldn't help but sigh. "But I like to step on your feet with such a big tone."

"you wanna die."


The purple thunder was furious, and he had a strong atmosphere around him. The purple thunder broke out, causing people around him to change their faces and quickly stay away from this guy, for fear of being accidentally injured by this guy.

"Don't be excited, the war hasn't started yet. I will see your luck later. If you are lucky, you may not meet me. If you are lucky, you can't blame me." Xiang Yanghehe Said with a smile.

Purple Thunder also knows that it is not a good time to deal with Xiangyang. He can only sneer and sit down again.

Seeing this guy turned out to be violent and directly started, Xiang Yang quite sighed with regret, if this guy started, he could directly start the other party.

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