Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2936: Unexpected person

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Xiang Yang’s eyes did not always stare at the purple thunder, but continued to look at other people, and suddenly found that the green scorpion was waiting for it. Compared with the old monster like Zi Lei, the talent is very extraordinary, but also The first person in the 1st Million Chapel, but he seems very mediocre.

At this moment, the mood of Qinglan is quite depressed. He wants to get the first place in this year’s Million Island, and was later attacked by Xiangyang. After a retreat, he realized the big The Luo rule reached an astonishing six. He thought that he could use his own power to incite any fairy king. Even if he faced Xiang Yang, he had a battle. Who would have thought that in this battle, he found too much. The strong man, just directed at the purple thunder who just got angry, he is not an opponent, his heart is not too depressed.

"Xiang Yang."

After feeling the eyes of Xiang Yang, Qing Yi also found Xiang Yang. He shouted softly. The look on his face was very unnatural. He simply closed his eyes and did not look at Xiang Yang.

It is really that he feels that he has no face to see Xiangyang.

"Green, long time no see, how did you not see the Qingyin girl?" Xiang Yang smiled open.


When I saw Xiangyang, I still felt that my heart was quite complicated, but it was quite a surprise. He wanted to see if Xiangyang could get the first place in the World of Immortals, but he heard it. Yang mentioned his sister, and his old face suddenly turned black. He screamed, "Where is my sister closing you?"

"Hey, Qingyin girl is my niece, I don't care about it, you are too much." Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

After listening to the Qing dynasty, he was even more puzzled. He knew that Xiang Yang was reminding him that Xiang Yang was the eldest brother of Yu Wang, that is, his elders. It is so impolite to let him not talk.

At the moment, he closed his eyes directly and ignored the Xiangyang again.

"Haha, this kid is still very personal."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at other people. When he found out that there were many strong people, one of them was a red-haired man with a burning red flame. The flames were so horrible that it was a fire of the avenue, even if it was big. The masters of Luo Jiuzhong’s Tianfeng Peak are not afraid to touch each other’s flames. It is extremely horrible.

"A good strong man, this is the guy who cultivated the fire law to the extreme. If this guy is not for this year's Million Island, it is estimated that he has already become Aya." Shocking.

At the same time, this guy also saw Xiang Yang, he snorted, and Xiang Xiang said, "Xiang Yang is right, don't let Laozi meet you later, or you will kill you."

"Hey, do we have hatred?"

Xiang Yang wondered, he just looked at this guy for a glance, this guy has to kill his own expression, it is a bit too much.

"What do you think?" The guy sneered with a spurt of flame inside his nostrils, as if he had decided to eat Xiangyang.

"Since you are looking for death yourself, then don't be touched by me later."

Xiang Yang smiled and said, did not pay attention to this guy, although this guy is strong, but when faced with him, then what kind of strong also must be suppressed by him.

Then, his gaze continued to look at other people, and found that there were tens of thousands of strong devils in the finals, especially in which several strengths were shocking, even after he met, he was shocked.

One of them is a guy with two dragon horns on the top of his head. The strength of the other's body is so bloody. In Xiangyang's induction, the strength of the body is no less than that of himself, making Xiang Yang shocked.

"A physical force has reached the invincible powerhouse of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. This guy is a big enemy of me."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, looking at each other, his eyes showing a dignified color.

"That guy is a demon dragon, known as the flesh, don't look at his realm of hard-pressed suppression in the real fairy, but his physical strength has reached the dragon can be with the big Luo Jiu Tiantian The degree of comparison."

At this time, there was a dignified voice coming over. I saw that the blue dragon Tingting of the dragons was coming from afar with five dragons. They smiled and said hello to Xiang Yang. "Xiang Yang's younger brother has long since disappeared."

"Blue sister, there are five dragon brothers, I haven't seen you for a long time, come over quickly."

Xiang Yangyi saw the five dragons and the blue Tingting, and suddenly showed a happy color, and quickly picked them up.

"Haha, Xiangyang brothers, let's cheer you up." The five dragons are still very refreshing. They laughed and screamed and flew toward Xiangyang.

However, when they came over, Xiao Jin just raised his eyelids and glanced at them. Suddenly, whether it was Lan Tingting or Wu Long, it was like being hit by a Thunder. The figure was stagnant on the spot and never dared to come over. It is.

Their faces looked pale and pale, especially when they saw the dragon's faucet.


Xiang Yang snorted and suddenly, the small gold that had faced the blue Tingting and the five dragons and high-spirited heads quickly lowered his head and never dared to look at the six.

"Don't ignore it, you come over quickly." Xiang Yang looked at a few people with apologies and continued.

"Cough, can't stop, I think we are still not good, the two bodies are too strong, and their blood force can suppress us..." The eldest of the five dragons smiled and shaked I shook my head and said that I dared not come over.

Xiang Yang could only help him with a small gold look, and then said to the three women, "I will go out and tell them old, you must always bring **** and small gold, if you are in danger, you must call me."

Even if he is in the ring, if the three women are in any danger, he will be desperate to shoot. For him, there is nothing in the world that is more important than the people around him.

"Do not worry, there are big old black and small gold, absolutely no one can hurt us." The three women said at the same time with a smile.


Xiang Yang whispered softly and flew in the direction of Wuzhilong and Lantinging, and stood with them. Haha said with a smile, "Blue sister, five dragon brothers, have long since disappeared."

"Xiang Yang's younger brother, I haven't seen you for a long time." Lan Tingting smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.

The five dragons are very direct. They come up to Xiangyang respectively. Haha smiles and looks at Xiangyang. "It's not bad. Your kid's strength is very strong. Now even our five dragons are not your opponents." ”

"The five dragon brothers are powerful and powerful, how can I compare with you?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Hey, don't tout us, Master said, you have already surpassed us, even Master is not necessarily your opponent."

Five dragons sighed and said, "And, after this, we will return to the dragons again, and we will be arrested by Master."

At the same time, they had a helpless color on their faces.

"That would like to wish the five dragon brothers to retreat, and then become a big forward, one step to become a dragon strong strong." Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile.

"What is the use of becoming a dragon, do you see that magic dragon? Although he is only a real dragon, but the power of the flesh has reached the peak of the dragon, I am afraid that even the dragon is the world of the dragon None of them are his opponents."

The boss of the five dragons squatted and looked at the strong man in the demon world.

"What is the origin of that guy, how is it so terrible?" Xiang Yang asked strangely.

"The devil is a vein. It has been a strong body since ancient times. However, his age is certainly not small. He has always used the secret method to suppress the realm. It is to participate in this real fairy war. He is the most shameless person. Even if it is age, it is not weak compared with some holy people. However, it is hard to be alive."

The second of the five dragons went on.


Xiang Yang sighed, his eyes with a dignified color.

This demon dragon is definitely a big enemy of his own. Even more, he feels more than five dragons. He obviously feels that the other side of the body seems to contain a world. If it breaks out, it is not only the strength of the flesh. Incomparably, even the mana is no less than the strength of the flesh.

At this moment, Xiang Yang observes the other party's aftermath. This dragon also looks at Xiang Yang. Compared with the purple thunder and the guy who is all flames, this dragon is more like a fairyland. Yang smiled and said with a smile, "You are very strong, I hope we can meet later."

"Do you want to kill me too?" Xiang Yang asked, laughing and laughing.

"No, I just want to be there for a while. As for destroying you, it is not. I think we can be brothers. I am called Long Yao. I have no friends in my life. It is because of the heavens." Most of them are waste, but you are different and you are qualified to be my brother."

The dragon said with a smile.

From this, you can feel the arrogance of this guy.

After Xiang Yang listened, he was amazed. This guy is really a proud person. He feels that everyone in the world is a waste, only he is the strongest.

However, it is because of such a person that it is the most interesting.

"If you can survive, I also think we can be friends." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Compared with the purple thunder and the guy who is covered in flames, this dragon in the devil world is much more interesting. The name of the other party is called dragon dragon, meaning '龙圣'. Obviously, the other party is bent on practicing as a saint. Moreover, it is not Aya, but wants to be a true chaotic saint.

Such characters are very interesting.

"Don't talk to him more. This guy is very surprised. Even the patriarch can't see him a bit. And the patriarch suspects that this guy may be an old monster of the same era with the patriarch." Yang said.

"What, the old monster of the same era as the Dragon patriarch?"

After Xiang Yang listened, it was very shocking. Although many fairy tales were known to be very old and old monsters, the age of the dragon patriarchs was really too long. It was the real life of the wilderness, and it was able to follow the characters of Guangchengzi. Compared to the ancient existence.

What a terrible existence of a horrible old monster that has existed since ancient times?

Even if Xiang Yang feels that he is already high enough to look at each other, it is now discovered that the other party is absolutely more terrible than he imagined.

"Great, I will be careful when I finally meet this guy." Xiang Yang said to himself, and he was more cautious about this guy.

At this moment, Long Yin’s eyes looked at Xiang Yang, and his heart was also very shocking. “The descendants of that pulse are really terrible. Among these millions of true immortals, this person is my great enemy.”

"However, the deity has an invincible belief, between heaven and earth, unless there is a strong man above the holy place, no one can be enemies."

While his heart is talking to himself, his face is showing a firm color. He feels that he is absolutely invincible in the world. No one can compare with himself.

For the dragon dragon, Xiang Yang is definitely the most serious attitude. He knows that the strength of the other party is definitely beyond his imagination. This old monster who does not know how many years of life, even if it is only shocked in the realm, but Fighting power may be more likely than shoulder and sanctification.

At the same time, Xiang Yang shocked his eyes and looked at other people again. He found that not only the dragons and the fairy tales, but also the strength of many true fairy tales are equally terrifying. Xiang Yang really looks at each other, and there are hundreds of people.

These hundreds of people are definitely the key to the first place in the battle for the Immortals.

"This time, the Million Island is really too much for my surprise. It’s so interesting. It’s so interesting.” Then, Xiang Yang’s face was full of excitement, only to feel that he was Trembling.

Although he does not want to admit it, he has to say that Xiang Yang is indeed a person who likes to join in the fun, especially when he sees those who can compare with himself in the real fairyland. He is even more excited and can’t wait. Fight with these strong players right away.

"Too interesting, hahaha."

Seeing that Xiang Yang is so excited, even the blue Tingting and the five dragons around him can't help but feel very worried. I feel that Xiang Yang at the moment looks a little weird.

"She is... not right, how could it be the sister of the palace, no, this is impossible..."

However, when the five dragons and the blue Tingting were shocked, suddenly, Xiang Xiang looked at a place, and the whole person was suddenly struck on the spot if he was struck by lightning.

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