Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2937: Rushing the crown, the Holy Blood is dyed in the sky (five more flowers)

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"Mommon sister, no, this is impossible, how could she be here?"

Xiang Yang’s gaze looked straight at a white woman who wins the snow, while the white woman standing quietly, the whole person carries an incredible color.

The face of the other party is exactly the same as that of the Xuan Nugong Palace.

Although there may be a difference in temperament, Xiang Yang feels that the other party is the main sister of the mysterious palace, Xuan Su, who is in the midst of the Xuan Nuong Palace in the lower bound.

"Brother, what happened to you?"

At this time, Lan Tingting around Xiang Yang also found that Xiang Yang was not right. She looked at Xiang Yang with a strange look. She always felt that Xiang Yang at this time looked strange.

"No, impossible..."

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to Lan Tingting, but whispered in a low voice. The body volleyed and volleyed directly into the candidate area. Then he did not stop at all. He stepped out and came to the white. In front of the woman who wins the snow.

At this moment, the woman in white holds a sword and stands quietly. There are several white women around her who are surrounded by her.

When Xiang Yang appeared, the white women’s eyes changed and they shouted, “Bold mad, retreat.”

They are clearly true immortals, but at this moment of sipping, the breath that erupted from the body is comparable to the celestial king, and it is also a rare genius in the world.

However, looking at the appearance of these women, it is only the bodyguard of this white woman.

When I entered the war, I also wore bodyguards. It is obvious that the identity of this white woman is absolutely not the same.

You must know that these really beautiful women, each of them can compare with the strong ones carefully cultivated by the Tongtian Group. However, in this white woman, it is just a bodyguard!

Xiang Yang didn't pay attention to them, but he looked at the woman in white wins snow. From this point of view, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Mother and sister!"

After hearing the words of Xiang Yang, the woman in the white wins the snow also looked at Xiang Yang with the same gaze. Her eyes were full of complex colors, and there was a flash of excitement. I wanted to speak, but I wanted to speak. When I think of something like it, I frowned and didn't answer Xiang Yang.

If she didn't pay attention to Xiangyang directly from the beginning, Xiang Yang would still doubt whether the other party is a Xuan Su Gongzhu. However, Xiang Yang clearly saw the excitement in the depths of the other's eyes. He suddenly recognized it. This is Xuan Su, My sister in my heart.

"Ha ha ha, the sister of the palace, you actually went out. It’s great. I thought I would see you in a hundred years. I didn’t expect to meet in this fairy world. It’s great.”

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, no matter what the complex color of Xuan Su’s eyes, and why he didn’t think why the Lord’s adult refused to recognize himself, but instead opened his hand and walked toward the palace’s adult, he would hold each other. .

"Bold." Seeing this scene, the white women around the palace master snorted at the same time, the sword in their hands was instantly unsheathed and attacked directly toward Xiangyang.

There are a total of six of these women, each of which is comparable to the existence of the Qing dynasty. The power of the attack is equivalent to the power of the celestial king. It is powerful.

However, Xiang Yang did not look at them, nor did he have any defenses. They still opened their hands and walked toward the head of the palace.

"court death."

The six women sneered in the heart. They originally only scared Xiangyang. They felt that Xiangyang would definitely defend or stop. As long as Xiangyang did not move on, they would not kill Xiangyang. After all, this is preparation. Participating in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million States, although they are very powerful behind them, they do not want to make trouble at this time.

However, Xiang Yang did not care about their attacks, nor defended, and continued to rush toward the main lord, that is, they are looking for death.

At the same time, the six maids sneered at the same time, the attack in their hands relentlessly moved toward Xiangyang, but Xiangyang himself was looking for death. They believed that Xiangyang would be killed by them in the next second.

At this moment, even the many people who participated in the war looked at them at the same time. They all had gloating colors on their faces, and wanted to see if Xiang Yang would eventually die.

"Ignorance, if he is so easily killed by six small women, it is not worthy of being the opponent of the deity." Long Hao shook his head and continued to close his eyes and practice.

Purple Thunder blinked, and it was very exciting to think that if Xiang Yang was killed, he must rush to **** the baby of Xiangyang, but immediately he shook his head and knew that the strength of Xiangyang was absolutely not May be killed, but in desperation, only sighed, no longer go to see Xiangyang.

Other strong players who know the strength of Xiang Yang, all of them have the color of gloating, do not know whether they want to see Xiangyang unlucky, or look at the six women unlucky.

However, in the face of these six women's attacks, Xiang Yang still does not have any defense, but continues to rush toward the head of the palace, his face with a sincere miss, whisper, "Mom Lord, I I want to die of you."


Six swords, six swords, and almost torn the void, and will soon reach the body of Xiang Yang.

However, at this time, the eyes of the adults who have not spoken, flashed an unbearable color, and quickly said, "Stop."


The six women listened to them quickly, but their swordstips were still facing Xiangyang, and the power was hidden, and they could attack Xiangyang at any time.

"I said to stop." The eyes of the head of the palace looked at the six women with a cold color. Suddenly, the six women never dared to speak, but squatted back.

Then, the head of the palace looked at Xiang Yang with his eyes in a complex color and whispered, "Are you afraid of dying?"

"Of course I am afraid of death, but I know that the sister of the palace will not let me down."

Xiang Yang has already come to the front of the palace master. While he smiles, he directly reaches out and hugs the palace master.

The original owner of the palace with an icy atmosphere, at this moment, when she was held by Xiang Yang, her cold breath dissipated a lot, but the face showed a complex color, whisper, "Xiang Yang You let me go."

"You finally will recognize me."

Xiang Yang sighed with a sigh of relief, he said with a smile, "Mother and sister, I want to die, how can you sneak into the fairy world without a word? I originally thought, after a hundred years, wait for you to come out. On the day of Guan, I will take a million holy people to meet you."

At the same time, he not only did not let go of the palace, but also held her harder.

Xiang Yang is really a surprise. He is too excited. In any case, he did not expect that he would meet the master of the palace here. You must know that the palace master had said that he had to retreat for a hundred years before he could go out. I have always remembered that once a hundred years have passed, I must go to meet the head of the palace.

Who ever thought that the adult master of the palace appeared silently in this fairy world.


The lord of the palace, which was held by Xiang Yang, suddenly pushed Xiangyang open. She had a red flash on her face, but immediately the whole person resumed the cold color.

She looked at Xiangyang and said faintly. "I will know you naturally afterwards. However, what I can tell you is that I am no longer the former one. You go, if it is in the ring. If you meet you, I hope that you will not be merciful, and I will not be merciful."


With the voice of the Lord's Lord falling, I saw the six white women who followed her sneer and sneered at the sword in the hands of Xiang Yang, and ordered the order.

Moreover, this time, the six of them were not afraid at all. Just now they could kill Xiangyang. It was because of the blockade of the adults of the palace that they could not succeed. This time, the adults of the palace were personally Under the big order, if Xiang Yang is still not interested, then they can kill Xiangyang with a bright and straightforward action, and believe that the Lord will not stop them.

Xiang Yang ignored the six armed swords facing his own woman, but frowned at the main lord of the palace, Shen Sheng, "What happened in the end?"

He really did not expect that such a situation would happen when he met again. The adults of the palace even told themselves that if they met in the ring, they should not be merciful to each other. Is this to write off all the feelings of the past?

He looked straight at the palace master, remembering all this, it is not normal for the main character of the palace to appear here. Originally, the adult master has already realized more than two rules of the Da Luo, she can definitely break through and become big. Luo's realm.

However, her current cultivation is still the peak of the true fairy, and it has also reversed the fairy body, from the former body of the fairy to the real fairy.

What happened during this period is definitely not simple.

Xiang Yang’s face was dignified, and then continued with a gentle voice. “Mother and sister, is there someone who insists on doing something? Tell me, no matter who it is, dare to threaten you, I will definitely destroy it. he."

"No, you don't want to think about it. You will naturally know it later, and now you will leave." The main man of the palace shook his head and his breath was still cold.

However, Xiang Yang saw anxious from her eyes.

At the same time, while the lord of the palace is rushing to leave, he constantly looks at the distant void. There is a fairy looming in the void, and more than a dozen powerful atmospheres are brewing. It is the Asian Holy Power.

"There are people who dare to coerce you."

Xiang Yang looked at the eyes of the adult master of the palace. When he saw the fairy temple that was floating in the void, and the atmosphere of the dozens of holy people, his expression suddenly became cold. It’s down.

"Bold, you still don't leave, then go to hell."

At this moment, the six white women did not have the patience to wait for Xiangyang to leave, but they did it directly. They shot and suddenly broke out their strongest swords. The six mankind condensed into one, six gods. The sword, with a strong and unparalleled sword light, went down to Xiangyang.


These six swords are of the highest class, and they are fully displayed in the hands of six women who are comparable to the king of the king. The power is really extraordinary.

However, Xiang Yang has already determined that the palace master must be held by the dozens of powerful holy people who are in the emptiness of the Xianfu, and these six women obviously cannot be good things, his His eyes were cold and he slammed into a bullet. Suddenly, a force broke out and instantly flew out the swords of the six women.


Later in the day, all the six white women fell to the ground, spit blood in their mouths, and looked at Xiangyang with a shocking color on their faces. You must know that the strength of the six people together is not the title of the king. Opponents, but Xiang Yang just flicked them, and they flew them directly. They lamented the power of terror that could not resist, making their hearts tremble, watching Xiang Yang’s eyes with fear. look.

The same is true immortality, they can reach the level of the immortal king, they have already felt very confident about their own strength, and Xiang Yang is just a single shot, they can fly them out, such a Power is really terrible.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang seemed to be flying a small mosquito. He didn't look at the six women. Then his eyes glanced deeply at the main man, and there was a sword in his hand. It is the sword of the Devil's Blade, turned and left.


At this moment, when Xiang Yang turned around, a horrible murderous murder broke out from his body. A **** killing of a tens of thousands of people broke out and shattered the void, causing the attention of countless people.

He wants to kill!

He knows from the performance of the lord of the palace that the lord of the palace is afraid of the strong man in the fairy tales in the depths of the sky. Then, it must be that the lord of the palace is being held hostage, no matter who the other person is, even if it is the other party. With more than a dozen shares of Yasheng, he has no fear.

Since you dare to hold the head of the palace, then I dare to kill.

What if you are a great sanctuary?

Rushing the crown is angry, killing him blood into a river, today, I want to let the holy blood dye the sky!

The author Meng Yu said: I have a little bit of things tonight, I have no time to write the sixth chapter, and today I have five more. Also, I wish you all a happy New Year.

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