Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2938: White wins snow, Jianqi Sen Han

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"Xiang Yang, what do you do?"

The lord of the palace originally thought that Xiangyang turned away to leave. She did not care much about Xiangyang’s injury to the six women. However, when she sensed the horrible murderous eruption in Xiangyang, her The face suddenly changed.

She knows that Xiang Yang is really angry, and is going to kill, not to turn and leave.

As for who to kill, she didn't have to think about it. She just glanced at the empty space and let Xiang Yang discover everything she was afraid of.

Xiang Yang is going to kill dozens of holy people, which is crazy.

The main character of the palace was flashing and appeared in front of Xiangyang. When she sensed that Xiangyang was murderous, the whole person was shocked. She knew that Xiangyang was not joking, but she was really going to deal with her own teacher. A dozen of the strongest of the Yasheng Peak, this is simply crazy.

"Xiang Yang, don't go."

The main man of the palace quickly took the Xiangyang, with a pleading color on his face.

She is not worried about her dozens of sacred strongmen, but worried about Xiangyang. Since Xiangyang came to participate in the Battle of Million, it shows that no matter what the strength of Xiangyang, the realm is definitely only true. The land of Xianfeng, then, how can a true fairy be able to deal with Yasheng?

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s murderous temperament, qi and blood, after he heard the voice of the Lord’s adult, he turned his head and said quickly, “Mother and sister, what happened, if you don’t make it clear, I will ask them myself."

They naturally refer to the dozens of powerful atmospheres hidden in the void. Those people must have left the palace with the retreat, and came to the fairyland to participate in the Battle of the Immortals.

"Xiang Yang, this is a long story. They are the elders of my teacher. Don't you mess around?" The eyes of the Lord's Lord looked at Xiang Yang with a pleading color. At this moment, she is already the deity. After being merged with the avatar, the lord of the palace is married.

In her heart, how could there be no Xiangyang?

However, she is very clear that the teacher of this vein does not allow any female disciples under the door to have any involvement with any man. Therefore, she is indifferent to Xiang Yang.

Because she is afraid to be involved in Xiangyang.

"Well, I promise you."

Xiang Yang nodded. Since it was the request of the adult master, he naturally could not agree.

Then he asked the adult master, "What is going on? When did you get more teachers? And there are more than a dozen holy people?"

"If these things have a chance in the future, I will tell you in detail." The lord of the palace sighed.

"In the future, there is still a chance?" After Xiang Yang listened, he was picking up his eyebrows. He was not a fool. He heard the meaning of the screening from the words of the adult master. He suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him with seriousness. Look at the palace master, "Mother and sister, you will tell me clearly now, otherwise, I don't know what you are, I really can't feel at ease."

"They are the people of my division. When I reconciled and merged the two, I was preparing to break into the realm of Da Luo. I suddenly came to me and let me return to the division. So, I came directly. The teacher of the fairy world is gone, no, not only me, but all the people in the entire Xuan Nuong Palace have also come to the fairy world."

The lord of the palace had no choice but to say.

"Is it all coming to the fairy world?" Xiang Yang suddenly stopped after listening to it. I didn't expect the Xuan Nuong Palace to come to the fairy world. This teacher's door is really a big deal.

"Yeah, I was ordered to participate in the Battle of Million Island after the retreat."

The main man of the palace nodded, and then, when she just wanted to continue to say something, suddenly, there was a cold voice coming from outside the sky. "Xuansu, have you forgotten the rules?"


This voice is like a thunder, and it is bombarded into the heart of the adult master of the palace. The whole person of the palace is trembled and his face is pale. Her eyes look at Xiangyang and quickly say, "I can only tell you this. Go ahead, if you stay here, it will hurt me."

While talking, her eyes showed a color of pleading.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang glanced at the palace master with a deep gaze, and then did not continue to entangle, but turned and left.

After seeing the palace master, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes looked at Xiang Yang’s back, biting her teeth, with a thought in her eyes, with a helplessness and sigh.

Her heart has never changed for Xiangyang. However, after she came to the teacher's door in the fairy world, she knew that there was a rule in the teacher's door. The mysterious woman had a pulse and could not be afflicted with any man. If it was discovered. The disciple of the mysterious woman ordered the retreat for a million years, even longer, and the man would be taken to the Sendai.

Once on the Sendai, life and death are desperate, and the gods are destroyed.

For the safety of Xiangyang, the day when the master of the palace knew the gate rule of Zongmen, she made up her mind, even if she saw Xiangyang in the future, she would not know it.

However, whoever thought that Xiang Yang was so unruly, she could only do so.

I only hope that I will not come back to myself after Xiangyang. Otherwise, Xiangyang is too dangerous.

The lord of the palace sighed with a sigh, only sitting cross-legged, eyes cold, back with loneliness and bleak.

At this time, Xiang Yang walked forward step by step. He never had any leisure to see other people. Instead, he went to a place far away from the palace master and found that the palace master did not look at himself. His eyes were cold and the sword in his hand was still not recovered.

"I don't care who you are, I have to figure it out."


Xiang Yang smiled coldly, his expression with a cold color, and then the void in front of him suddenly collapsed, and a void crack appeared in front of him. His whole person stepped out directly and disappeared instantly.


At the same time, the original guards made a loud and loud scream in the small gold around Sun Qingya and Monica and Xiner. Its body shape directly rushed into the void, and then disappeared instantly.

When it reappears, it still reaches the front of the atmosphere of the ten powerful powerful holy people in the void. At the same time, Xiang Yang almost came out of the void crack at the same time, just standing in the head of the little gold. on.

At this moment, Xiang Yang holds the Excalibur, and his eyes look at the Xianfu, which is in front of his own with a breath of more than a dozen holy people. He looks indifferent and opens his way. "Xiang Yang is visiting, still Please come out and see."

"What are you thinking of, a real fairy in the district, what qualifications are available to see the Holy One, roll."

In the fairy temple, there was a loud voice of the old man, and the other party’s words were very overbearing.

After Xiang Yang listened, his eyes flashed through the cold light and said with a soft voice, "Is it?"

He did not speak, but spoke again. "My name is Xiangyang. I want you to think about whether you want to see me again. If you don't see it, I will personally enter Xianfu to see you."

"No matter whether you call Xiang Yang or Xiang Yin, it doesn't have any effect. If you still don't roll, don't blame me for bullying." It is still the voice of a cold and gloomy old man, and the other's words are very bitter. The sense of being mean, the voice with the high on the top, makes Xiang Yang listen to the face, the smile on his face is more prosperous.

Xiang Yang’s mind was moved, and the demon statue armor was already worn on the body. Together with the magical sword that had been turned into a sword, the demon statue was gathered together, and his face had a strange smile.

Then he spoke again, "Xiang Yang asked to see the master of Xianfu."



This time, in the Immortal Palace, not only the rumors and the buzzing, but also an attack directly from the inside. This attack is not very powerful, but it is equivalent to the power of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, but if the item Yang is just a true fairy, and after being attacked by this attack, it will definitely disappear.


There is no need for Xiangyang to do it at all. The small gold at the foot of Xiangyang directly makes a loud noise. The sound vibrates in the Central Fairy. A horrible sound wave erupts. Not only does it immediately see this attack, but it is directly bombarded in Xianfu.


At this moment, the whole Xianfu trembled as if it were going to explode. At the same time, the atmosphere of more than a dozen holy people in the sacred scene broke out at this moment.


More than a dozen sacred powers broke out at the same time. This power is really changing, the world is discolored, and the horrible atmosphere is so full that the void is constantly twisting. At this moment, the void seems to turn into a dough. The same, it is constantly being stretched, flatter than the hammer, and constantly deformed.

However, the atmosphere of these dozens of sacred strong men went to Xiangyang, but all of them were disappearing. The Xiangyang still stood on the top of Xiaojin’s head, and his face smiled more and more. In the end, haha ​​laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Well, I treat each other with courtesy, and I ask for three voices. However, you are sarcasm. This is not to put my pulse in my eyes. I will not put my old man in my eyes. Ok, I have to look at it. In the chaotic world, who dares not to put my pulse in the eye."


Along with the fall of Xiang Yang's voice, a vast expanse of majestic swords broke out from the top of Xiang Yang's head. A **** murderous scent merged with Jianqi and turned into a spiral of gas. , rotating, twisting, and instantly hit the sky of nothingness.

The void is directly torn, chaos emerges, and the horrible atmosphere flows.

At this moment, Xiangyang Baiyi wins snow, Jianqi is cold, murderous like ink, stands in the void, as if forming an eternal picture.

At the foot of Xiang Yang, the small gold mighty tyrannical figure has a powerful shock, even if the size of Xianfu in front of them can not be compared with it, it seems that as long as the small gold breath, you can The one in front of them is shattered.

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