Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2939: First court

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"God, what is the situation, Xiang Yang, he actually rushed to the void and confronted the one."

"He's the power of one person, is actually prepared to fight against the power of the phobia to the extreme Xianfu? I feel that there are more than a dozen breaths in the earth, absolutely the atmosphere of the sacred strong."

"He is a real fairy, and he dares to be on a dozen or so holy places. It is really a cow."


Below, countless strong people are really boiling, especially those who watch the excitement, they are even more excited, one by one is flying higher, in order to find a better angle to see the excitement.

The main lord of the palace was also stunned. She did not expect that Xiang Yang would have turned around and went to the void to find the strongman of his own division.

Her heart trembled, her face was in a hurry, and the whole person would rush.


However, when she wanted to rush up, she saw the women in white with swords stopped her quickly. One of them hurriedly said, "Sister, you can't easily move. If you really rushed up, it's not just a help." He will hurt him."

"Yeah, you should know the rules of the division. If you go up, it will only confirm the statement that you have a relationship with him. At that time, when several elders are furious, they will only make this thing more and more troublesome. Big, can't say that the lives of both of you are not guaranteed."


After the women in the white-shirted swords finished, the head of the palace suddenly stopped, and of course she knew that the women said that there was nothing wrong with it, but could she really do nothing?

"Several sisters, what should I do?" The palace owner couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing to do, win the first place in the Million Island Real Fair, if you can get the first place, the gates of Zongmen can no longer restrain you."

One of the women said.

"Yes, this time the first place in the Million Chau Immortal World War was established in ancient times. If you can get the first place, it will become the head of the heavens and the real world. At that time, no one can Bind you up."

The other one also said.

Obviously, although they are only the maids with swords, they know more rules than the palace masters.

"Is the head of the heavens in the world?"

After listening to the palace, the adult whispered, and then his face showed a firm color, whispering, "Xiang Yang, you wait for me, you must protect yourself, don't let yourself go wrong, wait for me to take After the first place, I will save you."

In her opinion, it is useless to cast a death on Xiangyang, even if it is the strong mount of Xiangyang.

The only chance she can save Xiangyang is to win the first place in the Million World Fair. At that time, if it can really become the head of the heavens, then it is too simple to save Xiangyang.

After listening to a few white women with swords around her, they showed a satisfied smile on their faces. They said that there was nothing wrong with them. However, they knew that the stinky man dared to rush to offend the elders. This is Dead.

However, their task is to guard the main lord of the palace, let the lord of the palace try to get the first place in the million continents, as long as they can get the first place, then their task will be completed by then.


At the same time, the Emperor Xuan of the East also stunned. He stared at the fairy house on Xiangyang. He couldn’t help but feel a headache. He said, "Xiang Yang is really too playable. That is the strongest of the nine-day mysterious woman. Even if I don’t dare to provoke it, although he is the descendant of that pulse, the pulse of the nine-day mysterious girl is equally extraordinary, and he is alone. However, does it really feel that he can be invincible?"

"Father, is this a million continents really going to continue?" The great prince is equally helpless, but he is more concerned about the overall situation.

"Continue, of course, to continue, how could it be because Xiangyang does not continue alone?" Xu Wei sighed, and then, hatefully glanced at the sky above, screaming, "No matter who, I am provoked I can't afford it, but I don't care, come, announce it, the Million Island Real Fair is now starting."


After the big emperor and the fifteenth princess heard the words of Emperor Xu Wei, all of them showed a strange color. This was the first time they saw their father’s expression.

Then, the fifteen princess and the great emperor flew out at the same time, and the look of the people underneath was lightly glanced at the people below. The faint opening of the road, "You, the million continents, the real fairy war, officially began, but all the soldiers, there will be branding on the body, At that time, randomly assign opponents, each player, as long as they are not killed on the spot, if they admit defeat, they are still eligible to play in the battle, that is to say, the real decision is three battles, of course, 100 Regardless of life and death, if there is no confidence that you can survive in the ring, the Emperor persuaded you to admit defeat directly, so as not to make unnecessary sacrifices."

"Now, brand first."

With the voice of the great emperor falling, I saw that every square flew a lot of light to all the warriors, and instantly left traces on the participants.

Even Xiang Yang is no exception. The branding of these platforms seems to be the same. Although Xiang Yang is standing in the void, and the void around him is also distorted, these imprints still ignore all the hollow distortions and huge Energy is directly imprinted on him.

"Millions of real fairy wars are about to begin?"

After Xiang Yang met, he was embarrassed. I didn’t expect it to start now. He was upset in his heart. He felt that all this must be the little nephew of Emperor Xu’s self. He couldn’t help but screamed. “Too much too much. I don't wait for me to start by telling these arrogant old women to start a million-day real fairy war. What does this mean?"

"Kids, the real fairy war started, and seeing that you are the messenger of that pulse, we don't care about what you offended, and quickly leave."

At this time, a dozen of the sacred strongmen in Xianfu seemed to recognize the identity of Xiangyang. Although the opening allowed Xiangyang to leave, the tone was no longer as aggressive as before.

"Oh, you don't care about what I offend you, I have to worry about things that are rude to me."

Xiang Yang said faintly, "I open three times and treat each other with courtesy. You just let me roll. Do you really think that my old man is very bullied? Even if you are behind you, don't you dare?"

"Or, the people behind you are strong enough to ignore my old man. Is this what you want to do directly with my old man?"

At the same time, he sneered at the corner of his mouth. Since the other party is shameless, then he is more shameless than the other party. Do you think that you have a dozen or so holy people who are very arrogant? Then let me see, what is arrogant.

What's special, among the heavens, who can compare with me?

This point, Xiang Yang has unparalleled self-confidence, he believes that all the world, even Sanqing saints do not dare to say when facing the old man.

Regardless of the power behind the dozens of sacred powers in this Xianfu, Xiangyang has no fear.

Moreover, his heart has already had a little speculation about this power. If the other party is really the power of that one, he is even more afraid.

His expression was sneer, and the little gold under his feet made a roar, bursting out with a violent breath. The horrible energy of a chaotic behemoth swayed and slammed into the past, causing the originally distorted void around Xianfu. The explosion exploded in an instant, but the dozens of energy eventually protected the Xianfu, and did not let the Xianfu explode.

This is the case, in the Immortal, the atmosphere of the dozens of holy people who are also strong is equally violent, their breath is distorted, and more powerful energy erupts.

"You really think that you are the descendant of that pulse, you can provoke me without fear, want to find death?"

Accompanied by a low, indifferent, murderous voice, Rao is Xiangyang can also sense the powerful atmosphere.

"It’s you who are looking for death."


However, when Xiang Yang had not opened his mouth, he heard a louder scream from his rear. Then, it was a tremor in the void, and a terrible atmosphere broke out.

In the back of him, the huge and old body is flying in a huge size, and a violent atmosphere bursts out. This breath surpasses the small gold, even if it is facing more than a dozen shares in Xianfu. The atmosphere of the Holy Land is strong, and the atmosphere of the old and the old is not weak.

At this moment, the three women standing on the top of the big old black, standing on the big old black is the order of the 10,000 Da Luo Jiu Tian Tianfeng.

"Xiangyang brother, let us help you."

Sun Qingya shouted happily, and then said with sorrow, "Who dares to bully our Xiangyang brother, big old black, you directly killed him, something happened, this girl is responsible."


Originally it should be a very domineering sentence, but, in the mouth of Sun Qingya, how does Xiangyang feel a little cute...

There is something going on, Sun Qingya is waiting for it, what is the gimmick to take?

Xiang Yangxi looked at Sun Qingya very much and felt that it was not a wise choice to bring the three women out of the Qingxue universe group this time.

"Yes, destroy them, little gold, you are on, you are not bragging all day, is Chaos Warcraft very powerful? Later, let us show us, can you destroy the guy inside Xianfu."

Xin Er also opened her mouth, and the little girl was equally murderous. This time, she was really angry with murder.

In the heart of Xin’s little girl, Xiangyang’s brother is her most important person. Even to a certain extent, even her mother Zheng Yunqi’s position in her heart can’t be compared with Xiangyang.

Who dares to bully Xiang Yang in front of her is simply looking for death.

While Xiner was screaming and screaming, Monica was also cheering. "Yes, hit them, whoever dares to bully our Xiangyang brother is tired."

Although Xiang Yang was very moved, but looking at the cute and beautiful appearance of the three women, shouting loudly and murderous words, he always felt that the shock in their voices was not very good, but it was full of cute Feeling it.

At this time, more than a dozen breaths in Xianfu were silent after seeing the arrival of the three women with the big old black. I don’t know if they were shocked because of the horror of the old black, or After listening to the words of the three women, I felt that the three women were a little cute and almost laughed...

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