Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2945: Natural saint

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When Xiang Yang and several people were drinking monkey wine while watching the match, they heard a cry and heard that they were standing together in Wuyuan, Wuwang and Jianwu.

They looked at Xiang Yang with a smile on their faces, but they also did not dare to approach Xiang Yang.

It is really the two chaotic behemoths under Xiang Yang that are too horrible. Even the three kings of Wu Wang, Yu Wang and Jian Wang are equally afraid to approach.

Moreover, only a few years have passed, and the three have actually broken through to the situation of Daluo Xianzun. This is something that Xiang Yang feels more unexpected.

"Come on."

Xiang Yang greeted the three people, haha ​​smiled and said, "I haven't seen it for a long time, I miss it."

When they heard Xiang Yang’s 'I’m Missing', I felt a little weird in my heart. When I thought about it, I suddenly realized that it was because Xiang Yang was against the opponent every time, especially those old opponents. I often say such a sentence is very missing.

At this moment, the smiles on the faces of the three of them solidified, and they almost couldn't help but turn and ran. However, they felt that if they left now, it would not work. In desperation, just fly over the scalp.

"Come on, hurry up and sit down. You are all old acquaintances. You don't need to introduce them. These three are..."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and wanted to introduce three people to the three women.

However, he still hasn't opened his mouth. The little bald head said directly, "Three, I am coming, these three heavenly underground universes are flooded. The most beautiful beauty in the chaotic world is my nephew, and your nephew. Hurry and call people. ""

While talking, he glanced at the three women with a smug color on his face. Sure enough, after the three women heard his words, they smiled on the shore.

After he met, he was even more happy.

However, Xiang Yang is helpless. If this guy introduces Sun Qingya and Monica is his own woman, it is normal. However, Xin’s gimmick is a true disciple who grew up watching him. He dared to introduce it like this. Are you afraid of being taught by Xiner afterwards?

At the same time, Xiang Yang looked at Xiner, and thought that Xiner would be angry. What I didn’t expect was that this girl was not only angry, but looked at the little bald head with satisfaction, giving the little bald head an encouragement. Eyes.

After seeing the little bald head, it was more smug. I felt like I had done something terrific. I looked at the eyes of the three kings, the king of the king and the king of the sword, all with a look of high.

"I have seen three nephews."

"I have seen you."


After listening to the three people, they quickly greeted the three women. If they were before, the three would definitely not do this. However, not long ago they saw Xiangyang alone, and a sword killed to the void. At this point, they are the disciples of the nine-day mysterious woman of the sacred masters. At this point, they have no other dissatisfaction with the big brother of Xiangyang.

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a few years. Your cultivation is growing too fast. They dare to draw swords from the sacred strong, and we are just walking in the same place. It is too shameful."

Wu Wuji could not help but sigh and said.

"Yeah, who can think of it, the boss of the real fairyland of the year, is now so powerful." The king and the sword king also nodded.

They really want to understand from Xiang Yang why Xiang Yang can be so powerful, but he is embarrassed to speak, can only stop and talk.

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "You misunderstood, I am still only a real fairy, but I have already walked out of my own path. If you want to have my current strength, even if I am going my way. It is useless to pass it on to you, because everyone’s path depends on their own efforts to be able to really come out. Only the path that they have explored is the most suitable for you. If you have the heart, if you have the heart, I believe that it is not a matter of suffering to get out of your own path."

"It turns out that we understand."

The three men nodded at the same time, and even the little bald head on one side and Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu also thought about it.

"Well, if you look at the downfall, you will have some benefits for you."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

"Yes Yes."

At this moment, the three great kings are all very convinced by Xiang Yang's words. Xiang Yang asked them to look at the battles in the ring. They stared at the ring without a word, and even forgot to drink.

After Xiang Yang met, he could not help but sigh that this is not the past. In the practice world, only strength is the most crucial.


Then, the mark on Xiang Yang's body shone with light, and it was his turn to be on the stage. His face had a faint smile, and he stood up and whispered. "Look here, it's my turn." ”

At the same time as he spoke, he jumped into one of the downfalls.


When Xiang Yang went up to the ring, he heard a roar sound bursting out on the opposite side of his face. He saw a tall, big man appearing in front of him.

This big man is like an iron tower. The muscles are high and the whole person stands there. Because the physical strength is too strong, the squeezing void is constantly twisted and collapsed.

Although this guy is only a realm of true immortality, his physical strength is too strong, even if Xiang Yang does not dare to look down on each other.

His eyes looked at this guy, his face could not help but reveal a shocking color.

The road that this guy took is actually the road to physical training. Moreover, the strong man of this tower has not reached the realm of the body of the big man, but his physical strength is terrible, even Xiang Yang. I feel very shocked.

"Xiang Yang, I know that you are the descendant of that pulse. I am not necessarily your opponent. However, I know that your physical strength is very strong. Can you dare to compare with me?" This brave man looks seriously. With Xiang Yang, when his voice came out, the void was shaking. This is because his physical strength is too strong. Even if he just speaks casually, it is not something that the surrounding void can bear.

"Your physical strength is strong."

Xiang Yang looked at this guy with a strange color. If he didn’t go out of his own way, I’m afraid to meet such a terrible opponent. Even if he is fighting with the other side, he may not be able to surpass the flesh. other side.

"Thank you for complimenting, you are not weak."

This strong man is very polite. He smiles and looks at Xiang Yang. "My name is Black Tower. I have been born with great power since I was a child. Moreover, I have not cultivated it. The power of the body has been strengthening. Now, my physical strength has been I have reached the level of invincible below the holy place. I am here to participate in this million-mile real fairy war, not to get the first place. I know that the real first is the kind of ability to fight against the strong people of the Holy Land. People, I just want to find someone who can be with me in the flesh, and you are the one I have found for hundreds of years."

At the same time, the black tower's gaze was burning and looking at Xiang Yang. His eyes seemed to have a burning flame. His flesh and blood burned, turning into a **** flame, making the surrounding void under this flame. It has been broken and broken.

"Black Tower, your strength is very strong, it is the strongest person I have ever seen."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh.

"Haha, you too, don't talk nonsense, do it." Heitalhaha smiled and looked at Xiangyang. His physical strength was earth-shattering, but not because he had cultivated the reason for the greatness of the world, nor because he used it. It was tempered by the infinite years, but he was born.

Such people are born to be sanctified in the flesh, and as long as they are given enough conditions, his achievements in the physical body can definitely reach an unprecedented level.

"On the strength of the flesh, among the true immortals who come to the battle, I am the first, you are the second."

Xiang Yang said faintly.

"No, I think it should be my first, you second." Heita said with a grin.

"Do you not believe it?" Xiang Yang smiled softly.

"Do not believe."

Heita shook his head and said with confidence. "I was originally born in a small farmer's home in a small world. When I was born, I was able to walk. When I was born for three months, I was able to pick up the power of three thousand. At the time, in the depths of the mountains, there are no beasts that are my opponents. Now, I have not found an opponent for too long. Although you have other abilities, if you just compete with me for the flesh, you are not me. Opponent."

"It's better to do this. Let's make a bet. If I can beat you with pure physical force, then you will follow me. When my younger brother, if I am defeated by you, you can make a request for you." Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

Such a person is definitely a super talent. Of course, Xiang Yang would not ask for such a request without knowing the other's roots. However, when he saw the black tower, Lao Wan was alarmed. Shocked to see this scene, Shen Sheng, "Boss, received him, this person is a natural sanctified person, as long as it is cultivated, in the future can definitely become a chaotic saint who is immortal."

After hearing the words of Lao Wan, Xiang Yang’s heartbeat accelerated, and he made up his mind that he had to accept the other party.

Although the physical strength of his men has reached the height of the world, he has reached a million people, but he knows his own men, unless he can find other ways to improve the order of the guard. Strength, otherwise, it is too difficult to make the order guards improve.

The Black Tower is a natural saint. If this kind of existence can be conquered by itself, it will be cultivated in the future and become the existence of the chaotic sage level. Such a younger brother is the most prestige.

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, Heitai did not stupidly promised it, but his eyes narrowed and he asked, “You want to convince me?”

"Yes, follow me, I can help you sanctify the body, but what I want is your absolute loyalty." Xiang Yang did not hide, but said directly.

"Why can you help me to be sanctified? Even without you, I can be a holy," Heita said.

"Asa is a saint?" Xiang Yang asked a faint sentence.

"What do you mean?" After listening to the black tower, his face changed greatly and looked at Xiangyang with a horror.

Xiang Yang nodded lightly and did not speak much.

The Black Tower said, "Okay, I believe that you will not lie. My Black Tower is big, but it is definitely not stupid. Moreover, I don't have any teacher inheritance. Even, there are no friends or relatives. If you can beat me, I will be your younger brother."


After Xiang Yang listened, there was a happy smile on his face.

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