Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2946: The shock of the Emperor

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Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at the black tower in front of him, and his face showed a happy smile. If he didn’t read it wrong, the black tower in front of him is the kind of straightforward person. If you can conquer each other, you don’t have to worry about the other party’s betrayal. I am waiting for a question.

Of course, the world is too dark. There are too many people who are different. Even Xiang Yang can't trust the Black Tower with his first impression.

He smiled and said to Black Tower. "If that's the case, let's get started. Let me see how much your natural body is strong."

"Well, I also want to see if your physical strength can surpass me." At the same time, Black Tower said, his face also showed a dignified color.

He is a natural flesh saint, a person who is sanctified in the flesh, this kind of person, talent is different, as long as he grows up, it is not difficult to become a true chaotic saint.

For such a person, it is unlikely to find someone who can win him in a simple flesh.

Heita is also very much looking forward to Xiang Yang’s physical strength to really confront him.

Xiang Yang chuckled softly, "Come on."

At this moment, he did not take out all kinds of magic weapons such as the Devil's Blade, but he broke out with infinite blood through his own physical strength. After all the blood and blood broke out, he was all taken by him. The atmosphere of terror is shrouded.

This is the blood of the body of the naked body, and it is the energy of all the voids that can be ignited by its own blood.

On the top of Xiangyang's head, because the blood is too strong, the pillar of qi and blood of 30 million feet has formed.

After seeing the black tower, his face was full of excitement, and he couldn’t help but laugh and said, "Well, this is the feeling, you are the person I am looking for, we are the real people of the same kind, others People, even if they are stronger and stronger, their physical strength cannot be compared with us."

In the same way, the power of the black tower broke out. His whole body burned with flames. This is the flame of blood and blood. It is the embodiment of his powerful life.


Then, the black tower roared and the body shape flowed, and the whole person directly came to Xiangyang.

As soon as he moved, the void suddenly exploded. At the same time, the power of the explosion was also incorporated into his fist, and he attacked Xiangyang with powerful and unparalleled power.

Xiang Yang’s face remained the same, whispering, “Let me see what you are doing with this innate human body.”

He also punched out and punched, and there was no actual boxing power. It was still a simple punch and broke out of his own body.


When the physical strength of the two men collided together, the two bodies were shocked, and the void behind them exploded at the same time. Then, the two of them had no backlash, but they madly shot, punching and punching. The other side blew past.


The two were hard-hitting, and no one blocked them. No one avoided it, but they punched together with one punch and one punch, and their power was almost the same.

For a time, the roar of the roar broke, making their battlefield even more attractive than other downfalls, and all of them looked at the battlefield on their side.

"Xiang Yang's physical body is very powerful. It can be said that he participated in the realm of the Million Chapel. But who is his opponent? Can he fight against Xiangyang with his physical strength? Is it a physical training? Strong?"

At this moment, even the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei was shocked.

"This person is called the Black Tower. It is a small world. It is a natural and savage person. He has a natural power from an early age. After growing up, he is slightly invincible, even though he is really in the realm. The land of immortals, however, his physical strength is the extent to the infinite growth to the sacred ancestor who can kill the big Luo Jiu Jiu Tian Feng Feng."

The fifteen princess turned over and appeared a jade slip. After reading the information, he immediately understood the origin of the black tower.

"The natural flesh is holy."

After listening to it, Emperor Xu of the Eastern Emperor couldn’t help but shrink his eyes and said, "Hurry, to find out at the fastest speed that this black tower is not clean, as long as it is not a foreign person, then he should get Reuse."


Xu Wei's words with an unprecedented dignity made the face of the 15th Princess and the Grand Emperor change at the same time. The two of them even turned and left, and arranged for people to deal with this matter.

And Xu Wei is whispering, "The natural body of the saints, such a person, if it can be fully cultivated, is also a supreme **** of war, comparable to the existence of the grandson and Yang Lan of the year, such a person is too It’s rare, it’s estimated that even Yang Lan would like to accept the apprentice?”

At the same time, he said with a smile, "As long as this person is given to Yang Lan, he will certainly let him owe me a favor."

"Squatting down so happy, why come?"

At this time, a chuckle came out from the void, only to see Mr. Wen stepping out of the void, he smiled and looked at Xu Wei.

"You look at the person who is against the Xiangyang." Xu Wei pointed to the black tower on the stage against Xiangyang.

"Oh, this person's body can actually compete with Xiang Yang, and the physical strength of both of them has reached the realm of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and the world in which the physical repair is taken away by the saints can actually appear. These two flesh are so powerful, it is too difficult." After Mr. Wen saw it, his face showed a shocking color.

"Yeah, however, Xiang Yang is born to be a enchanting person, plus he is the descendant of that pulse, can not be seen with the eyes of normal people, he is normal even if the body is sanctified, and the big man has this The terrible physical strength is a bit abnormal." Xu Xiaole said happily.


After listening to Mr. Wen, he couldn’t help but smile and said, “If Xiang Yang knows that you said him like this, he doesn’t know if he will be happy or something.”

"I am only telling the truth."

Xu Wei smiled and looked at the black tower. "This kid is so powerful that he can match Xiang Yang for so long. Such a talent, do you say that Yang Lan will like it?"

"Yang Jian!"

After listening to Mr. Wen, his face changed and he couldn’t help but scream. "What do you mean by giving him to Yang Lan as an apprentice?"

"Yeah, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are the supreme powers of sanctification. They can be said that we are not the first **** of the immortal world. However, the grandson of the monkeys jumps off, even if it is sanctified. It is estimated that it is impossible to teach disciples. Yang Lan can do it. If it is given to Yang Lan, the practice of Yang Lan’s nine-turn Xuan Gong will definitely be the next Yang Lan.” Xu Yan said with a smile.

"This matter, we must wait until we can find out the roots of the story. Recently, even the third disciple of the sage of the sage of the sage, the sacred sect of the sacred sect, was also found to be the main **** of the fire in the Western realm. The western gods have recently moved very frequently. We have to be careful," Mr. Wen said with dignity.

"It is so serious."

Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, did not know the betrayal of the three disciples of Guangchengzi. After listening to it, his face looked at Mr. Wen with a shocking color. He couldn’t help but scream, “Even the sages are widely Didn't you identify the other person in the Western realm?"

"Yeah, it is said that the reincarnation of the guy does not know how many times, just to become a disciple of the Guangchengzi sage, do you say it is easy?" Mr. Wen said with a smile.

"The people of the Western gods are really too embarrassed." Xu Yan said with a frown.

"However, the three disciples of the Guangchengzi sect were eventually destroyed by Xiangyang." While Mr. Wen said, his face looked at the Emperor Xu Wei with a strange color.

"What do you say?" Sure enough, after Xu Wei listened, his face was shocked, as if he had misunderstood, and asked, "Do you say that Xiang Yang killed the three disciples of Guangchengzi?"

"Yes, the other party is already an old Yasheng, but it was killed by Xiang Yang alone." Mr. Wen said.

"Hey..." This time, Xu Wei took a breath and looked at the strength of the body underneath with the black tower. He felt that Xiang Yang was losing his voice. "This guy already has the ability to kill." The strength of Yasheng?"

Didn't you say that you can compare with me?

In the latter sentence, Xu Wei did not say it, but he was truly shocked. When he saw Xiang Yang, he also thought that Xiang Yang was only a junior, even if Xiang Yang’s first demon was able to follow Da Luo’s The strongmen of the situation are competing against each other. In the hearts of the Yasheng strong, they are not considered to be powerful people. However, Xiang Yang can actually kill the Yasheng strong, which is incredible.

"It's no wonder that he dares to kill the sacred sages of the nine-day sacred woman. It seems that he can safely come out of the chaotic void, and the saints who are not the nine-day virgins bypass him. Life, but he shocked the dozens of holy people with his own power."

When I remembered that a dozen or so saints of Xiangyang and Jiutian Xuan Nuang fell into chaos at the same time, they came out safely and innocently. Originally, Xu Wei thought that it was the person of the nine-day mysterious woman who saw it in Xiangyang. Xiang Yang was released on the origin of a pulse, but now it is not the case.

"This kid is interesting, hey, it’s a descendant of that pulse. However, it is said that this time there are a lot of old guys who can compare with this kid. They are all participating in the battle. Hey, I feel like watching a few people have some points. It’s a familiar look, can’t these guys be the same people in our time?”

At the same time, Mr. Wen looked at the powerful and powerful forces who were participating in the war. From this point of view, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes and carry an incredible color.

He found that those people turned out to be the characters of his time. Even in the era when he and the Emperor Xu Wei, those people were famous for their arrogance.

"Yeah, I was shocked when I saw them. You said, how strong they are, in this infinite number of years, desperately suppressing their own realm, just to get this time. The first person in the World of Immortals in the Million Island is really too embarrassed." Heavenly Emperor Xu Wei could not help but say.

"It's really amazing."

Mr. Wen also shook his head and laughed, even if they were really unimaginable, people in the same era with them could wait for this opportunity, and they could use millions of years to suppress their own cultivation. The heart of the heart, even if they can not compare.

"If there is no Xiangyang, maybe it will really get the first among them. Even if these celestial traits of the devil world come, it is impossible for them to be their opponents. However, now Xiangyang is here, I think Although they are strong, they have little chance." Xu Wei could not help but say.

"This is not necessarily the case, Xiang Yang is young after all." Mr. Wen said with a smile.

So, the two said with a smile, watching the Xiangyang and Black Tower, which are fighting.

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