Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2947: Weird black tower

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Finally, the two figures who are in the midst of the war are flying out at the same time.

Xiang Yang's blood is magnificent, but the atmosphere is a bit confusing. Obviously, in this confrontation with the Black Tower, he did not occupy any advantage.

Look at the Black Tower, but also constantly breathing, but his face is excited, can not help but laughed and said, "Good, great, you are my birth, can really let I am a cool guy, no matter who loses between us this time, you are my brother of Black Tower."

"No, you are my younger brother."

Xiang Yang smiled, and then his figure flashed, and the whole person directly turned into a ray of light toward the black tower.


At this moment, Xiang Yang's body broke out with a horrible atmosphere, and his whole body burned with a **** flame, which was the extent to which his physical strength was pushed to the limit.

At the same time, in his acupoint space, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine shrines all stood up, but they did not immediately shoot, but stared at the front, gently, these gods have a flaw The energy is integrated into the acupoint space of Xiangyang.

However, although it was only a glimpse of energy into the acupoint space, Xiang Yang’s physical strength at the moment was even stronger. He punched out and the virtual air exploded and exploded directly.

Even in front of him, there is a very terrible energy flowing, the black tower is also moving, his body muscles are high, and the whole person’s body shape is rising at this moment, blinking. It has become a small giant with a full height of ten feet.

He has a very incredible power between every move, and the same fist with a terrible force rushes toward Xiangyang.


This time the confrontation, accompanied by a roaring sound, Xiang Yang whole person stood still in place, but the black tower ten feet tall figure was actually directly bombarded by him.

At this moment, Xiang Yang's black hair fluttered, his fist burned with a horrible **** flame, and his life's breath of life plummeted to the extreme, but he has not really used all his strength.

The true power of the Eucharist has not really come into play.

However, the black tower, a natural and sacred person, is no longer his opponent.

In front of Xiangyang, the black tower roared and rushed over. His whole person jumped up high and rushed into the sky, and then with a powerful force hitting Xiangyang, it was attacked by the force of the impact. Xiang Yang.

"Black Tower, your strength is very good, but the practice you practice is too weak, not my opponent."

Xiang Yang smiled faintly, his right hand also made a fist, and once again banged up to the top. At the same time, the gods within the acupoint space in the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit were still only passed to Xiangyang.

At this moment, these gods in the body of Xiangyang have grown to a very strong level. Although they still provide a little power to Xiangyang, they can make the power of Xiangyang, which could be comparable to the black tower. In an instant, it surpassed the Black Tower. Even if the power of the Black Tower broke out, it was not his opponent.


This boxing, Xiang Yang directly flew the entire black tower to the sky, and Rao is the strength of the black tower, and it can't stop the power of this stock. The whole person directly hits 100,000. Zhang was in the air and then fell down at the fastest speed.


Then, the entire black tower fell to the ground and collapsed the entire ring. Then, the whole person's body shape returned to normal, and the gray face stood up, and his face looked at Xiang Yang with admiration. "Big brother, you Too great, I am not your opponent, and I feel that you seem to be more powerful."

While talking, he looked at Xiang Yang's eyes with a real shock.

After Xiang Yang listened, it was a smile on his face, and he said softly, "Yes, if my strength is really all played out, even if it is a sacred master, there is a battle, but you are already very It’s not bad. It’s absolutely extraordinary to be able to play such a powerful force without practicing strong exercises.”

"Big Brother, from now on, I am your younger brother." The black tower's body shape has returned to normal size, and his face looks at Xiangyang with a dignified color.

Although he lost, he was very happy for him, because he had never thought that someone could actually surpass him in the flesh. He felt very lonely.

This time, even when someone can surpass him, he has the feeling of finding an organization, can not help but tremble, watching Xiang Yang's eyes with unparalleled excitement.

"Good, from now on, we are brothers."

Xiang Yang smiled very happily. Of course, he could not really treat each other as a true brother before he could find out the roots of the Black Tower.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s heart hesitates that he should plant the magic species in the black tower.

"Boss, this black tower is very different. It is either a natural sacred person who is really rare in a million years, or a three-disciple who is very likely to be more widely-born. It is a reincarnation of the strong."

At this time, in the Dantian of Xiangyang, Laowan stood there, looking through the eyes of Xiang Yang to the Black Tower, and he was indulged.

"Can you find out if the Black Tower is the avatar of the Western gods?" Xiang Yang asked.

"It's a little difficult, but it's not impossible. As long as I can find the Sansheng mirror, I can explore his hundred. I believe that the so-called main gods of the Western realm cannot make their avatars reincarnate because every Once again, their spiritual knowledge will be attributed to nothing."

Lao Wan said.

"That is, you can't explore his situation, can you find the so-called Sansheng mirror?" Xiang Yang could not help but ask.

"Oh, yes." Lao Wan was a bit embarrassed, but still very honestly nodded and answered.

After Xiang Yang listened, he almost couldn't help but slap in the past. What's special, this guy said so much is not all nonsense?

"Boss, or else, give him a kind of magic?" Lao Wan also realized that his comments had no effect, and he could only ask carefully.

"Unless a last resort, I will not easily plant the magic species."

Xiang Yang refused Lao Wan, although planting the magic species in the willingness of the other party would not have much impact on the other party. However, Xiang Yang felt that he could not rely too much on the magic species.

"Big brother..."

On one side of the Black Tower, he looked carefully at Xiang Yang. When he saw Xiang Yang not talking, he did not know what Xiang Yang was thinking.

"Oh, nothing, let's go."

Xiang Yang said with a voice.


Heitai replied happily, and followed the Xiangyang’s fart and left the ring.

At this time, the faces of Xu Wei and Wen, who were watching from above, showed a strange color. Mr. Wen said to Xu Wei, "It seems that the idea of ​​our Emperor of Heaven has to be lost. The kid has been Xiang Yang received the service."


Xu Wei was silent, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, there is no horse to send the sound to Yang Lan, otherwise, my old face does not know where to put it."

"Ha ha ha..." After listening to Mr. Wen, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

"However, after the investigation is clear, it is necessary to remind Xiang Yang that the natural flesh saint is definitely not so easy to appear. If it is the separation of the gods of the Western gods, be absolutely careful."

Then Xu Wei couldn't help but say.

"Yeah." Mr. Wen’s eyes were dignified, even the Shengshi Guangchengzi was recruited. Now it seems that many people refuse to believe it. Maybe somebody around him may be It is the avatar of the powerful of the gods.

At this time, Xiang Yang came to the head of Da Laohe with the black tower. After introducing it to everyone, he smiled and greeted Heita to drink.

The black tower is not only powerful, but also very refreshing. His straightforward temper, after chatting with everyone for a while, makes everyone feel good about him.

Xiang Yang was smiling and drinking with them. Suddenly he asked, "Black Tower, where is your teacher?"

"My teacher's door is in a small world, but then the division is destroyed." Heta said while his face was smothered. "At the time, my cultivation was weak, and my division was destroyed." The power is the most powerful sect in our small world. I can only hide, but after I grew up, I personally destroyed the sect."

After Xiang Yang listened, he frowned. "What about your family?"

"Old dead." Black Tower sighed and said, "At the time, when I had not entered the Zongmen, my parents had passed away and they were old farmers. They did not understand the practice, and their life was limited. Even if it was me. After the cultivation was successful, there was no way to save them."

After Xiang Yang listened, there was a faint smile on his face. He whispered, "Life and death, for ordinary people, it is good to be able to guard the children to the end."

At this moment, although his face is very indifferent, but deep inside is very doubtful. "This black tower should be a bit problematic."

At the same time, Xiangyang’s Shen Sheng said that he was connected to Da Laohei and Xiaojin by his own soul. “When I am not there, you look at this black tower and you must not let him hurt anyone. If he dares to have any bad behavior, he will kill him directly."

While speaking, he also told his guesses to several others.

Both the three women and the other people all blinked after listening, but they did not show any abnormality.

Therefore, Xiang Yang continued to talk to the Black Tower. No matter what Xiang Yang asked, the Black Tower was able to answer the questions. The black tower that looked very hearty was very strange to Xiang Yang.

"Xiang Yang, I have something to look for."

After a while, the fifteen princess came to Xiangyang not far from the face with a serious color. She looked at Xiangyang, although she did not dare to approach the old black, but she stood so Waiting for Xiang Yang outside.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and said to everyone, "I will first go and see what Xu Xiaoniu is looking for."

At the same time, his body shape flowed, and the whole person appeared in front of the fifteenth princess Xu Qing in an instant. He smiled and asked, "Xu Xiaoniu, did you miss me? I can’t wait for it. Find me."

"I just went to investigate the origin of the Black Tower and felt that he had a big problem." The fifteen princess was close to Xiang Yang, and said in a voice.

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