Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2966: Get into trouble

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"This kid is too crazy, and suddenly he and the referee are on the match."

When Xiang Yang stepped closer to the past with the great sanctuary, it was a super reversal of 360 degrees in the whole story, and all the viewers widened their eyes.

"Bovine, it’s my boss, I can match the referee."

Sword King Jian could not help but admire and said.

"This guy must have been a sinful Xiangyang brother." Xiner said at the same time, he told the big old black and the little gold, "You are all ready, if these referees dare to siege Xiangyang If you are a brother, you will rush."


"The little master is assured that there are us, they certainly can't bully the big master." Big old black screamed.

"There are hundreds of sacred masters here. Although you are the overlord of the Black Forest, can you stop so many strong people?"

At this time, the two old men around Donghuang Yuxi said that they were so dead.


His words suddenly angered the old man, and the old man screamed, and a violent force broke out instantly, throwing the two old guys directly into the distance.

"Ah... we are just joking, how come you are really?"

After the two old men were thrown out, they were not injured. They immediately flew over, but they did not dare to go back on the **** back, but said in a distant face.

"Roll, or I will swallow you."

Big old black opened his mouth and snorted.

"Man, our brother is the brother of Xiangyang." The two old men said.


Responding to him is a big bang, and the small gold figure is going straight out, it is going to rush toward the two old guys.

"We are rolling, we will roll right away, don't do it."

The two old men really don’t dare to confront the big old black and the little gold. Although they are very powerful, the two chaotic beastmasters are terrible. Even if they are the sages, they can’t help them, let alone two of them. People.

The two men were helpless and could only run to the other side of the Wan Yao Group's site. While sighing, they looked at the two behemoths.

"We were actually bullied by two beastmasters."

"Yeah, there is no humanity. How can we be bullied by them?"

"Because we are not their opponents at all."

In the sigh of the two guys, the people of the Wan Yao Group laughed after listening, but they did not dare to show it.

However, at this time, everyone's eyes were attracted by Xiangyang. Even the Emperor Xu Wei felt very headache, but he did not know if he should stop.

"Forget it, what if he wants to be."

Then, Xu Wei sighed helplessly, as long as he looked at his nose and nose, he did not care about this matter.

On the ring, Xiang Yang walked toward the sacred strongman step by step, his face with a sneer, "Have you ever thought of the current situation?"

"Xie Xiaoyou, that thing was wrong at the time, I am willing to compensate you with a piece of treasure."

After the stepping back of the sacred strong man's body shape toward the rear, he held a sword of the highest level in his hand, and looked at Xiang Yang with a sincere color.

"Ha ha."

Xiang Yang sneered and continued to walk towards this guy.

Zhibao compensates himself. What he thinks is really wonderful. Is he a person who lacks such a treasure?

"At the time, I was forced to do so. You should know that the fate of the goddess of the whole world is likely to help people sanctify. No one can block such temptation."

The sacred strongman saw that Xiang Yang was unmoved, and his face changed. However, it is no longer the same as the strength of Xiangyang. He can only continue to speak.


Xiang Yang did not speak, but continued to walk towards him.

Xiang Yang's speed is very slow, but each foot is on the ground, but there is a mysterious rhythm rule that bursts out, making him look sacred, even the sacred strong feels very headache. .

He is not really afraid of Xiang Yang, but he does not want to fight with Xiang Yang.

As a strong man of the Holy Land, if he fights with Xiang Yang, he does not say whether he is an opponent of Xiang Yang. He made such an act, which is equivalent to confusing Xiang Yang. It is definitely not a good thing for him in the future. .

"What the **** are you going to do?"

He can only ask wrongly.

"What do you think?" Xiang Yang sneered, still walking towards him.


This sacred strong man can only continue to retreat toward the rear. There is a violent breath in his heart that rises up. There is a kind of impulse that can't help but fight with Xiangyang, but he is finally held back by him.

He is very clear that if he works with Xiang Yang, it may be an endless situation, and the Emperor Xu Wei will definitely not let Xiang Yang die. Then, isn't the dead person him?

"You, hundreds of sacred masters at the time, are really amazing."

Xiang Yang sighed, still walking toward the sacred strongman, while walking, there was a rune in his palm, which is the chaotic Raytheon.

This rune was grabbed from the purple thunder. Before that, the purple thunder activated almost this rune, but it met the Qiankun dynasty, and Xiaoling made it to the dynasty. After the rune was taken away, it was re-refined directly and became the treasure of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang would like to see what kind of power this chaotic Raytheon has.


While the sacred strong man retreated toward the rear, there was a strong man next to him, and his body was with a violent breath. This is a big man. The other person’s body is full of ten feet, and the body is a The giant has a violent power.

He yelled, "Kid, can you remember the deity?"

"Remember, you also shot at the same time, and you are still one of the people who deal directly with me."

Xiang Yang nodded calmly, and he finally stopped. However, when his eyes looked at this sacred powerhouse, he was carrying a slap in the face.

Among the referees' sacred strongmen in this ring, there are more than a dozen people who were shot in the women's battle of Wanzhou. However, the only man who actually dealt with himself at that time was the brawny.

The reason why Xiangyang pressed against the sacred referee was actually to force the big man out, just to let the other person personally come forward, so that he had an excuse to use the chaotic Raytheon.

"What is it? Is it difficult that you think that after you have achieved something, is it the opponent of this holy?" This sacred strong man looked at Xiangyang madly and sneered. "This is a competition, you are just a contestant. And this holy is the referee. If you still want to continue, then go back, otherwise, this holy one will shoot you."

"Is he looking for death?"

When I heard that the big man was so arrogant, Xu Wei, who had his eyes closed above, opened his eyes. He sighed with a sigh, his eyes flashing with a glimpse of coldness.

Mr. Wen said with a soft voice, "The stone sage is itself a magic stone. His temper is also evil, and his temper is not good. It is unlikely that you want a piece of stone to have any IQ." of."

"Yeah, the magic stone is enlightened."

Emperor Xu Hao said a long time, his eyes looked at Xiang Yang, but found that at this time, Xiang Yang directly pointed a bullet, a rune smashed toward the Shitian holy, and then Xiang Yang turned and left.

At the same time as leaving, Xiang Yang did not forget to pass the voice of the sacred strongman behind the Ishida saint. "If you don't want to die, run quickly."

After he finished speaking, his body flashed and the whole person instantly disappeared into the ring.

"not good."

After hearing the voice of Xiang Yang, the master of the sacred sect saw the rune that Xiang Yang had made. His face changed greatly, and his body shape also disappeared directly into the void.

"This kid actually uses the chaotic Raytheon, is he crazy?"

At the same time, Emperor Xu’s seeing this scene was even more tense. He couldn’t help but scream, and without thinking, the Emperor’s bell flew directly to the platform, and a powerful force broke out, covering the entire ring. among them.

"doing what?"

Shi Tian Sheng Ren should have looked at Xiang Yang murderously, thinking about whether he could pinch the junior of Xiang Yang to death. As a result, he saw Xiang Yang throwing a thing and then turned and ran. He suddenly smashed. .

Then, Shi Tiansheng saw the Emperor Xu Wei also shot, and he was furious and shouted, "Xu Wei, you dare..."


However, his voice has not yet fallen, and Xiang Yang, who has jumped out of the ring, has already detonated the chaotic Raytheon. The next moment, the infinite chaos of Thunder broke out, and the power of a powerful person who can destroy any holy place erupted instantly.

The whole collapse was directly turned into nothingness at this moment. Even the strongest sacred sect of Shitian also exploded in the same body. It was instantly destroyed by the chaotic **** Thunder filled with the power of destruction. He roared and The shape directly turns into a magic stone that is full of magical spirits. It is necessary to suppress the Quartet, but it is useless. The power of Chaos Thunder erupts and bombards this magic stone, making this piece of magic stone covered with cracks.

At the same time, all the magic weapons of the Ishida saints are displayed, and they want to protect themselves. However, they still have no effect. Under the eruption of chaotic gods, it is definitely not a magic weapon that can resist.

These magic weapons are all destroyed by the chaos and thunder.

A terrible force of destruction is brewing in it. If there is no such thing as the Emperor’s bell over the ring, I am afraid that countless downfalls will be destroyed.

Fortunately, the Emperor Zhongyuan was originally the ancient East Emperor Bell. Although it was only a piece of debris, but the day after tomorrow, the treasure is the treasure of the day after tomorrow, the power is endless, still dying to block all the power of the explosion.

This is the case, Xu Wei is also in a disorderly atmosphere, the whole person instantly appears above the Emperor's bell, injecting his own mana, which blocks the power of this explosion.

"I am going, this is too fierce."

Feeling the power of this explosion, Xiang Yang could not help but be stunned.

"Getting it wrong."

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