Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2967: Chaos deepest space

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"Getting it wrong."

These three words appeared in Xiang Yang's brain, and Xiang Yang couldn't help but accelerate the heartbeat.

His eyes looked at the platform that was protected by the Emperor's bell. At this moment, the entire platform has disappeared. There is a horrible chaotic thunder that is surging. Although it can't break through the defense of the Emperor's bell, but look at the top of the Emperor's bell. Xu Wei, who almost wants to vomit blood, knows how strong this force is.

"This chaotic Raytheon is too strong."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

"Cough.. Boss.. Boss, then, this chaotic Raytheon is so powerful, mainly after the refinery of the Qiankun Ding Ding, the return to the source, the power has increased a hundred times more than before, if only from the purple thunder If you show it in your hands, it will not be so strong."

In the Dantian of Xiangyang, Xiaoling said very embarrassedly.

"I can rest assured when you say this."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was relieved. He just scared a big jump. He thought that if the chaotic Raytheon really had such a terrible power, just fortunately, the purple thunder was not displayed, otherwise he would die. .

Fortunately, the real chaotic Raytheon is not so powerful, otherwise, this time it must be to kill the purple Thunder or become a person.

"Oh, it’s a headache. It’s estimated that Xu Wei is in trouble."

Xiang Yang squatted and watched Xu Wei being almost vomited by the power of the chaotic Raytheon explosion. He still supported it hard. He knew that if he stayed here again, I am afraid that Xu Wei would have to deal with himself. .

"But it, if you do, let's go."

Then, Xiang Yang did not hesitate any more, no longer waited for the power of the chaotic **** thunder explosion to exhaust, and did not wait for Xu Wei to deal with himself, directly appeared on the head of the big old black, and quickly said, "You go back, later I have the opportunity to get together again. I have to hurry to escape."

At the same time, the wave of the East Emperor Yuxi, Wu Wang, Yu Wang and Jian Wang were all swept away, and he himself said to the women, "You first enter the fairy temple, my avatar will make you clear I have to go first this time."

Then the daughters were also sent to the Promise Immortal, and then the two chaotic beasts were directly received.

After doing all this, there was chaos wearing a cloud shuttle at his feet. Seeing that Xu Wei had found himself escaping, he directly grasped the purple thunder and started the chaos to wear the cloud shuttle, which disappeared instantly.


"Rely, this kid actually ran."

At this moment, the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei did not think of it anyway. After Xiang Yang did a bad thing, he actually ran away. Even one accounted for not leaving himself.

When the power of the explosion was exhausted, Xu Wei directly caught up, but when he chased into the chaotic void, he found that he had already lost the trace of Xiangyang.

"The magic weapon that the kid showed is a super baby who can break through the border, I am afraid he has left the fairy world."

Mr. Wen caught up. He stood by Xu Wei and said with a smile. "It’s a funny kid. I know that I’m in trouble. If I don’t say anything, I will run away, oh..."

"Funny fart."

Emperor Xu Wei of the Emperor wants to blow up, and can't help but scream. "That kid, it's too much, and I ran straight, don't let me catch him."

"Hahaha, unfortunately, he doesn't know, even if he doesn't run, he won't do anything."

Mr. Wen said with a smile.

"He ran away, but what does it mean to take away the purple thunder?"


Under the wrath of Emperor Xuan, as if he had touched his injury, he couldn't help but cough a few times. So, the more uncomfortable he was.

"Are you OK?"

Mr. Wen looked at Xu Wei.

"It's okay, but the power of that chaotic Raytheon is too strong. It is beyond my imagination. If it wasn't for me to cover the downfall with the Emperor's bell, it is estimated that this time in the Million Island." It was destroyed by him."

Xu Wei was helpless. He sighed and was filled with anger at Xiangyang. However, he remembered that Xiang Yang had not even said that he would throw a powerful chaotic Raytheon character, even if he could not afford it.

In case, if you push the enthusiasm of Xiangyang, Xiangyang will throw out two or three chaotic Raytheon characters. Then, even if you have the Emperor's clock, you can't stop it.

"But it, go back."

Xu Wei is helpless. If he can catch up with Xiang Yang, the key is that he can't catch up with Xiang Yang at all, and he can only let Xiang Yang go.

"You said, what will happen to Xiangyang this time? The Emperor is furious, will he shoot him directly?"

At this moment, when everyone saw the Emperor of Heaven chasing and killing, they were very excited. They were guessing what the ending of Xiangyang would be like.

"That kid is too bold, even dare to deal with the referee, and will also kill a referee, hey, a strong sacred place, said that the extinction was so destroyed, that kid really wants to go against the sky. ”

"However, he is also very decisive. When he decides to act, he will run away."

"If you don't run, don't you stay and die?"


"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone said, countless people want to see the end of Xiangyang, people who care about Xiangyang are with the color of worry, and those who are not familiar with Xiangyang are holding a lively attitude. Those who are unsatisfactory to Xiangyang are more hopeful that Xiangyang will be shot directly by the Emperor.

However, after waiting for a long time, they saw the Eastern Heavenly Emperor Xu Wei and Mr. Wen strolled out of the void, and waved away the broken stone that was left after the stone sage was destroyed. Then I will return to the Emperor Baodi again.

"The battle against Taiwan continues."

The Emperor of Heaven only said such a sentence, there is no other explanation, which makes many people guess the ending of Xiang Yang.

"It must be dead."

"Yeah, I saw it. The Emperor of Heaven had just been blown up and flew. Hey, if it wasn't for the Emperor's Bell, this time the Million Nazhou Continent War will be destroyed by him."


When countless people talked to themselves, the 15th princess was nervously watching Xu Wei, "Father, Xiang Yang, he..."

"He may have gone to the lower bounds." Xu Wei replied sullenly.

As the Emperor of Heaven, chasing Xiang Yang was chased, and it was a bit shameful for him, the Emperor of the Eastern Tianyu.

However, Xu Wei did not vent his heart's unhappiness on his daughter, but said with a look of depression. "That little **** is too much, and when he gets into trouble, he ran away in a blink of an eye. Moreover, this million continent The real fairy war is not over yet."

He was very impressed, Xiang Yang himself ran away, even the seed player Zi Lei also took away, even to escape with a hostage, when hundreds of true fairy Tianjiao entered the Western realm, Xiang Yang What should I do?

"You think about whether there is a way to contact the kid. If you contact him, tell him that this thing does not blame him, let him continue to come back to fight."

At the same time as Xu Wei said, he looked at his daughter's fifteen princesses.

When the fifteenth princess listened, she shook her head and sighed. "Father, if Xiangyang is really in the lower bounds, it would be hard to find him."

"But it, you try to find a way to contact him, or else, this million continents will be selected for the first hundred. In time, the true fairy of the five-party Tianyu will enter the realm of the gods, he will not come back, Then he missed this great opportunity."

Xu Wei sighed in his heart.


"Hey, what about the millions of continents in the real fairy war, isn't it going to the Western gods? When I have time, I directly control the chaos and go through the cloud to enter the Western realm. When I want it, I will have something." ”

At the same time, Xiang Yang snorted, he was sitting in chaos wearing Yunsuo, and Chaos wearing Yunsuo was walking through the depths of chaos.

Chaos wears a cloud around the cloud to make it transparent, so that Xiang Yang can clearly see the surrounding situation. He sees the chaotic void, sees the space and the power of the color of the glass, and has an infinite influence. He even saw a long river flowing in the depths of chaos.

At the side of Xiangyang, the purple thunder **** with layers of fairy ropes, while being unbearable, looked at the situation outside.

"This is... the deepest chaotic void, the legendary here is the ability to touch the power of time and space in the nearest distance, to see the source, to see through everything, and perhaps some very mysterious creatures will appear here."

"Oh, no, that is what little beast, it can actually walk in the depths of this chaos, but don't look at it small, it is because it is too far away from us, and when it comes closer, it must be a giant. I'm afraid even the fairy world can't hold it... I rely on it, it rushes over, finishes, runs."

Purple Thunder is still talking to himself, suddenly found in his gaze, when the little beast suddenly rushed over here, he was scared and turned pale, and quickly said to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang run If you keep the chaotic saints and run away, if you let it catch up, we will definitely die."

"Is it terrible?"

Xiang Yang squinted his eyes and looked at the little beast. He simply let the chaos wear Yunsuo to stop in the depths of this chaotic void. Then, smiled and stood here waiting for the little beast to come.

"You, are you looking for death?"

Purple Thunder saw Xiang Yang actually deliberately stopped, he suddenly fainted, could not help but roar, "This time will really be dead, you know where this is? This is the deepest chaotic void Where is the source of chaos, here is not even a chaotic saint. Legend has it that the strong people of various chaotic worlds may appear here, and many of them are comparable to the existence of Pangu Sanzun, of course those Respect is not the most horrible, the most terrifying is this giant beast that can shuttle freely in the depths of chaos. This giant beast has no power and can swallow a saint.

"You want to die, don't take me, let me leave? I will give you, I will give you the legacy of Raytheon."

At the same time as the purple thunder said, his forehead was mixed with light, and it was really wrapped in a group of energy, which is the inheritance of Raytheon.

"You just passed on Raytheon to me?" Xiang Yang stared at Zi Lei, and took these Raytheon inheritance. He checked it carefully and found that it was really Raytheon's heritage. He immediately became happy.

"Since you got the Raytheon heritage, and all my babies have been taken away by you, let me go, I really don't want to die."

Purple Thunder looked at the little beast getting closer and closer, and he was anxious, looking at Xiang Yang with the color of pleading.

"Are you afraid of death?" Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the purple thunder.

"Who is not afraid of death."

Purple Thunder is anxious. "I have been practicing for millions of years. I have been suppressing my own cultivation. It is for the first time in this million-year-old real fairy war. As a result, it has been destroyed by you. You are defeated. I will stop, you special, will take me away, this is my life, and, in this chaotic depth, met an inexplicable little beast, absolutely dead, you still not Willing to let me go."

The more he said, the more angry and angry the purple thunder, and they almost cried out.

Seeing the tension of the purple thunder, Xiang Yang suddenly laughed out, he really did not expect that the purple thunder would be so afraid of death, this is the **** of thunder.

Shouldn’t the men who practice the thunder be brave and fearless? How did you become so timid?

However, since Purple Thunder has fears, it is better.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Don't worry, you won't necessarily die, or else, how about we make another bet?"

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