Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2968: Meet the little black tiger again

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"We will definitely not die, or else, how do we make a bet?" Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the purple thunder, although before he saw the purple thunder is very uncomfortable, but this time into the deep space of chaos When the jump, this guy turned out to be so interesting, which made his previous disappointment with the purple thunder disappeared a lot.

"It’s time for this, are you still betting?"

Purple Thunder wants to cry and tears and looks at Xiang Yang. He feels that Xiang Yang is his own nemesis.

The chaotic beast that walks in the deep space of chaos after discovering himself, this guy does not run, even if he is still betting himself with himself, it is clearly lively.

"Do you bet?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

While talking, watching the little beast getting closer and closer, Xiang Yang thought and moved, and sent out an idea. "Now there will be a while to come over."


At this moment, in the deep space of chaos, the little black tiger rushed with joy, and after feeling the news passed by Xiangyang, the little guy groaned, although he did not know why his own owner stopped himself, but It was very obedient standing there, staring at Xiangyang.

Yes, let the purple thunder fear very incomprehensible, said to be the most horrible in the depths of chaos, can swallow a saint's little beast is Xiang Yang's little pet black tiger.

This little guy naturally, after the last time Xiang Yang promised to let it free, let it be free to find food and play, it has not appeared for two or three years.

Even Xiang Yang was shocked when he saw the little black tiger appear in this chaotic deep space. However, after thinking of the little guy’s divine, he felt that it all seemed normal. After all, the little guys have something to do with the so-called origins, and it’s not a strange thing to be able to appear in this chaotic deep space.

However, when he saw the purple thunder so scared, Xiang Yang was happy.

"You, what are you going to gamble?"

Purple Thunder also found that the little beast seemed to stop. After he smashed, he raised a living hope in his heart and said quickly, "Hurry and run, it should be lost in the chaos of the void, bet on it. I will gamble later."

"Nothing, we will gamble after meeting this little beast, can you survive?" Xiang Yang said softly.

"Good, gamble, but after the gambling, run it right away, I really don't want to stay here again." Purple Thunder is helpless, looking at Xiangyang's very determined look, he can only follow the meaning of Xiangyang I gambled with Xiangyang.

"How do you win or lose?" Xiang Yang smiled very happy, this kid is so afraid of death, really sent himself to the door.

"If I lose what you are, I will listen to you in the future. If you win, you just have to let me go." Purple Thunder said, biting his teeth.

At the same time, he also raised a hope in his heart.

If he loses, he and Xiang Yang are naturally buried together in this chaotic depth. Naturally, there is nothing left. However, if he wins, he can be free. For him, this is the most desirable thing. .

"Well, remember your words."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, and then thought of a move, with purple thunder out of the chaos to wear Yunsuo, and beckoned to the little beast, suddenly, the latter swayed his tail and rushed over.


After the little guy appeared in front of them, they rushed directly to Xiangyang's side, using his little head and brain to smear Xiang Yang, with a good look in his eyes.

"This... what is going on?"

Purple Thunder, this little beast has been so small in the past, this is a bit wrong.

Moreover, what makes him even more shocked is that this little beast’s attitude towards Xiang Yang is like Xiangyang’s little pet, and he even looks at Xiang Yang with a good look.

"This this..."

Purple Thunder looked incredulously at Xiang Yang and felt that it was all like a dream.

"So a little beast, according to the truth, it should be the most terrible chaotic World of Warcraft in chaos, and the ability to go deep into the chaos of Chaos Warcraft is absolutely terrible, how can it..."

The purple thunder has been inherited from Raytheon, and he has received some other handwritings from the inheritors and powerful people. He is very clear about some of the subtleties of chaos.

So he was frightened when he saw the little beast.

However, what he can't figure out anyway is, what is the relationship between this little beast and Xiangyang?

Why is Xiangyang so supernatural that he can have such a pet that can walk in the deepest level of chaos?

Purple Thunder only felt that he had lost Xiangyang.

He stared at Xiang Yang, and the little black tiger who was squatting in Xiangyang’s trouser legs. He had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He didn’t know what he was thinking about.

"Little guy, are you ready to go with me?"

Xiang Yang Xiaohehe touched the head of the little black tiger and asked.


The little guy shook his head, and then spit out a ray of light in the mouth to Xiang Yang. When Xiang Yang caught it, it rushed out and rushed out, then rushed to the distance, and screamed at Xiang Yang. The tail was very happy and rushed into the depths of the chaos and disappeared.

Purple Thunder stared at the little black tiger in this chaotic deep space like a fish running, I only felt that I was wrong.

This is the deepest space in chaos. It is dangerous. In the legend, even if the saints come, they dare not run like this, and this little black tiger is like a fish, it is incredible.

However, what the purple thunder did not see was that Xiang Yang looked at the group of light, with a shocked color on his face. "This is the chaotic mother gold. This little guy can get such a large piece of chaotic mother. gold."

"Ha ha ha..."

The little black tiger spit out this piece of baby is a chaotic mother gold with a full size of basketball. This kind of treasure is indestructible and can be used to refine the innate treasure.

"Boss, this is the best, and you can definitely refine a chaos."

Xiaoling shouted in the enchantment of Xiangyang's Dantian. As a spiritual person who made a fortune in Dingkun, his favorite thing was to refine various treasures. What he did not expect was that even Chaos mother gold was like this. Baby has it.

It is important to know that chaotic mother gold is rare in chaos, because it is almost the hardest and most mysterious treasure in chaos.

However, if you get it, if you have enough strength, you can definitely use it to refine the chaos to treasure level of treasure.

“Can you really make a chaos to the treasure?” Xiang Yang asked with a suspicious color.

"It can be, but if you re-smelt one piece, it may be a little difficult." Xiaoling said slyly. "Even if it is the current Qiankun dynasty, you want to use chaotic mother gold to refine chaos to treasure. It takes a very long time to completely refine it."

"In this case, do you think that after you refine the chaos to the treasure, do I still need such a chaotic treasure?" Xiang Yang asked.

"Oh... it seems to be."

Xiaoling replied with an uncertain tone.

With Xiangyang's practice speed, it is estimated that it will take a long time to break through to a very terrible realm. At that time, if it can reach the degree of chaos or even stronger, even the chaotic treasure will have a very small effect on him. .

"Is this chaotic mother gold useful for Qiankun's creation and dynasty?" Xiang Yang called out Lao Wan and asked the two.

"Useful, if it can be integrated into the chaotic mother gold, Qiankun Chenghua Ding and Wanjue has a certain chance to surpass the level of chaos to treasure and reach a higher level."

After listening to Lao Wan and Xiao Ling, his face showed an expression of excitement.

Especially Lao Wan, he really did not expect that Xiang Yang would be so generous, ready to make the chaotic mother gold to the Wanjue and Qiankun.

"Since there is an opportunity for the Wanjue and Qiankun to break through to a higher level, then this chaotic mother gold is half of you."

Xiang Yang immediately said.


Xiaoling did not dare to conceal Xiangyang, but whispered, "Boss, this chance is not very big, Chaos Zhibao wants to be detached is really too difficult, maybe not just a chaotic mother Jinjin can solve, but also need all kinds of Treasures."

"As long as there is a way to be detached, if you find all kinds of treasures in the future, they will all be swallowed up."

Xiang Yang said with a faint smile. "Although one of you has swallowed up this chaotic mother gold, you should not be lazy. You should do it for me."

"Yes, thank you boss."

After Xiao Ling and Lao Wan listened, they all showed excitement.

This is the chaotic mother gold, in essence, it is definitely not weaker than the chaos to the treasure.

After Qiankun Chenghua Ding and Wan’s bells swallowed up this chaotic mother gold, even if they could not surpass the current realm, they were able to take a big step forward, for the two pieces of treasure to surpass the level of chaos and treasure. Big boost.

They excitedly went back with the chaotic mother gold, and Xiang Yang was looking at the purple thunder who was still in a daze. "You lost."

Xiang Yang smiled very brightly, and it was easy to get a purple thunder. This feeling is really refreshing.


Purple Thunder returned to God, his complex face looked at Xiang Yang, Shen Sheng said, "The little beast is your pet?"

"Yeah." Xiang Yang did not hide, but said with a direct smile.

"You, you are shameless." Purple Thunder rose to his face and looked at Xiang Yang. He knew that Xiang Yang just dug a pit and he jumped very happy. It was like a fool.

"Man, you have to remember that you are my captive now. At the same time, when you bet you lost me, you are my person. For your safety, how can you say that I am shameless?" ”

Xiang Yang looked seriously at the purple thunder.

After the purple thunder was heard, it was silent. He found that he really did not have a way to take Xiangyang, unless he surrendered to Xiangyang, or else, with Xiangyang’s temper, don’t look at Xiangyang’s smile now. At the right time, I will seize the opportunity to kill myself.

However, he was a rumored person of Raytheon. He originally made up his mind to compete for the first person in the Million Island. This time, not only did the first person in the World of Immortals fail to participate, but instead became In Xiangyang’s slave to Xiangyang, this huge contrast made him too uncomfortable and had a feeling of suffocation.

"I, I am willing to gamble and lose."

In the end, there is no way for Zilei to succumb to the arrogant head. In this deep space of chaos, Xiang Yang does not have to deal with him at all. He just needs to throw him here, he will find it difficult to leave chaos safely. Deep space.

"be good..."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and patted the shoulders of the purple thunder, gave him a look of appreciation, the latter's eyes with a few desperate colors, after that, his life is not allowed him...

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