Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2969: Mysterious to strong

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"Let's go back and continue to participate in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million Island. Remember, you must keep your life. These spirits and magic weapons are for you. You two must unite."

"After the Western gods, I will go to you."



In the deep space of chaos, Xiang Yang’s face is directed at the purple thunder and the black tower with a serious color. At the same time, he not only returns all the magic weapons of the purple thunder to this guy, but even the congenital spirit treasure Lei Ding. Also gave the purple thunder, and gave the black tower some treasures.

Of course, there is only one reason for Xiang Yang to be so generous, that is, he has really turned the purple thunder and the black tower into a person who makes him very reassured.

Before the Black Tower, he was planted with 9,999 pieces of magic, and he has already become Xiang Yang’s own person. After Zi Lei’s consent to surrender Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang is also not polite, directly using the magic species. Changed the other side, of course, just changed the purple loyalty to their loyalty, in addition, the purple thunder is still free.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang can relax and let the two return to the Eastern Tianyu to participate in the Battle of the Immortals.


Whether it is the Black Tower or the Purple Thunder, all of them are respectful to Xiang Yang.

"Go, I will take you back."

Then, Xiang Yang directly took the two into the chaos and pierced the cloud shuttle, driving the chaos through the Yunsuo, and took the two directly to the chaotic void of the central Tiancheng in the eastern Tianyu.

"Breaking the void, the front is the place where the Million Island is really a war. Everything is informed at any time through telepathy."

Xiang Yang solemnly told him, then directly tore a hollow, and then threw the two out, and he himself was driving chaos and disappearing.


At the same time, the Battle of the Immortals is continuing, and almost the first 10,000 people have been chosen.

Suddenly, everyone only heard a roar, and there was a crack in the void. Then two people were thrown out from inside, it was the purple thunder and the black tower.

"this is..."

Xu Wei’s figure flashed and appeared in the moment. When he saw the purple thunder and the black tower, he was a little bit forced.

Xiang Yang clearly took the two away, what is the situation when they return the two again?

"I have seen the Emperor." Purple Thunder and Black Tower also bowed to Xu Wei.

"Xiang Yang?" Xu Yan frowned and looked at the two people. He was very certain that the two men must have been thrown back by Xiang Yang again, and Xiang Yang must have ran since he refused to appear.

When I remembered that Xiang Yang’s kid had made a mistake, he even fled and didn’t come back, and he laughed and laughed.

"The boss went to chase chaos."

Purple Thunder replied.


Xu Wei stayed for a while, even the Mr. Wen and the big prince and the 15th princess who followed up later heard the name of Xiang Lei, and their faces also showed a strange color.

Prior to this, the purple thunder clearly distinguishes Xiang Yang very uncomfortable, how the two look like they are all enemies of life and death, but now, it seems that the purple thunder was actually conquered by Xiang Yang.

You know, it didn't take long for Xiang Yang to take away the purple thunder. He was able to conquer the purple thunder in such a short period of time. It was incredible.

"This kid, in the end, what kind of skills, even the old monster Tianjiao such as the purple thunder can also be conquered." Xu Xin hearted, full of incomprehensible and shocking Xiangyang.

Even the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei had to admire Xiang Yang.

Even Xu Wei’s attempt to conquer the old monsters like the Purple Thunder is almost impossible. However, in Xiangyang, Xiang Yang was able to directly accept it.

"What are you?"

Mr. Wen also looked at the two in a dull manner.

Black Tower snorted and replied, "The boss let us continue to come back to participate in the Battle of Million."

"Then go."

Xu Di, helpless, could only wave his hand to let the two continue to fight. At the same time, his heart was very depressed. What kind of special skills did Xiang Yang have?

Even in such a short time, the purple thunder was also conquered.

"That kid, I didn't dare to come back."

I remember that Xiang Yang didn't dare to come back. Xu Wei and Wen and others laughed and laughed. However, they did not catch up. They knew very well that Xiang Yang had a special magic weapon to cross the chaotic void, even if they could not catch up with them. The upper part of Yang.


What they don't know is that at this time, Xiang Yang has directly controlled Chaos to wear Yunsuo for the first trip.

Chaos wears the cloud shuttle, has the ability to cross the chaotic void and break the boundary. As a innate magic weapon, although other aspects of the ability are not strong, but there is no magic weapon comparable to it.

Chaos wears Yunsuo once again into the deep space of chaos, seeing the surrounding brilliance, endless time and space and chaos and mystery flashing in front of the eyes, Xiang Yang's eyes with obsessive color, unconsciously caught in chaos and In the realization of time and space.

All the worlds are surrounded by chaos. If we think of the heavens and the world as the big bubbles, chaos is a sea that these bubbles rely on.

Chaos is endless, endless, and divided into surface, depth, and deepest level.

Of course, after the deepest level of chaos, whether there is still the rest of the space, no one knows, even if the old Wan who followed the chaos to travel chaos, at most it only reached the deepest space of chaos.

The guess of Wanzongzun is that, going further, there will be a vast and boundless place in chaos, which is the end of all practitioners, called the land of the beginning, or the sanctuary.

Because there, only the supreme powers that transcend the sacred position can easily reach.

Even if it is a chaotic sacred sacred, it is comparable to the existence of the sage of the heavens. It is also just a place to see the beginning of the world, and from the periphery of the beginning of the earth to get some treasures drifting from it.

It is a place where all the gods can be crazy about it.

And the little black tiger, it may be from the beginning of the land.

Of course, these are not the places that Xiang Yang can touch now. Originally, with his strength, he can only reach deep into chaos. It is almost impossible to reach the deepest level of space.

However, with the chaos wearing the cloud shuttle, his impossible became possible.

Chaos wears the clouds and swims in the deepest space of chaos. Xiang Yang falls into the state of comprehension of chaos and time and space. Here, it seems that the heavens have disappeared, and only the chaotic avenue can be seen. This is beyond the existence of heaven. What can be understood is the chaotic rule.

Chaos time and space rules, a vast and boundless space-time avenue gradually formed in the brain of Xiang Yang. At the same time, there was a time and space looming on his head. In the air, there was a chaotic gas tumbling.

That is the avenue of time and space and the rules of chaos.

At this deepest level of chaos, understanding time and space and chaos is the most convenient, almost at your fingertips. Of course, for those who can enter this level of chaotic sacred level, they have already realized these things, and they simply Don't bother to comprehend, but Xiang Yang is different. The real realm of Xiang Yang can only be said to be the realm of Da Luo. Even Ya Sheng has not been reached. These easy-going chaotic avenues are perfect for him. To the treasure.

"Time and space have become solidified in the deepest level of chaos, or, here, everything is forbidden, everything is free. If you want to let time and space flow, it will flow, want to let It doesn't move, it won't move."

"However, because of this, I can understand the power of time and space, and the chaotic avenue..."

Xiang Yang's intoxicating research on time and space and chaotic avenues, the power of time and space above his head and the power of chaotic avenues are also becoming more and more intense.


In the meantime, in the void in front of him, there is a treasure in the middle of the walk, pulling the treasure is a tall, ignorant geometry, horrible boundless, full of horror and horror .

In Baodi, there is a young man who is laughing and drinking with a group of beautiful women.

"Hey, a little funny guy."

When the young man and the beautiful women were drinking and playing, they suddenly saw Xiangyang, who was competing in the chaos of Yunsuo, and he could not help but smile.

"Xiao Lang, that kid seems to be from the Pangu world."

"Wow, it is our half fellow. At that time, we also went to the Pangu chaotic world."

"Yeah, and he still has the temperament of the guy, but the slain has fallen, he should be the descendant of the looting."


There are more than twenty beautiful women in this group, each of them is a super-super girl who is unparalleled in the world. It is a supreme existence that people can’t look at the second eye after seeing it. It seems that these women look at it casually. More terrible than any strong.

But at the moment, these beautiful women all smiled around the young man.

"Interesting, interesting, it turned out to be the **** person of that one."

The young man known as 'Xiao Lang' was laughing and laughing. Then, his mind was moved. Chaos and Yunsuo actually deviated from the original trajectory, and instantly appeared in front of him, quietly stopping at Baodi. By the side.

"you are?"

Xiang Yang was ruined by sudden changes. He himself saw a group of horrible powers who were swimming in chaos in this chaotic deep space.

I felt that this handsome and explosive young man and this beauty that made him indescribably appear here, Xiang Yang only felt as if he was in a dream.

The breath of this group of people seems to be very horrible, at least chaotic saints, no, purple thunder said, in this deepest space, even chaotic saints can not swim freely, that is, these It is highly probable that people are at the same level as the tens of thousands of people.

At the same time that Xiang Yang’s heart was shocked, he was hurried to a group of people. “Xiao Zi Xiang Yang, I have seen your predecessors.”

"Little guy, is the old red okay?"

The young man smiled and asked Xiang Yang.

"Old red?" Xiang Yang was blind. "That, senior, you have mistaken people? I, I don't know what old red."

"Impossible, you have his blood in your body, prove that you must be his descendant, and, or an immediate family member, you should be his grandson, and that you cultivate his kendo inheritance, how can you not know him?"

The young man shook his head and said with a smile. "It seems that the old guy doesn't want you to know your relationship with him, haha, interesting."


Xiang Yang is stunned. "Is the seniors talking about my master?"

"Yes, it is your master, I am an old friend with him, and there are thousands of robbers. I also have a good relationship with him. I used to sip the wine in the depths of Chaos Xinghai. Unfortunately, he actually fell. ""

The young man said at the same time that he sighed.

"The original predecessor was my master and a good friend of Wanzun, the younger generation Xiangyang, met the predecessors, no, it should have been seen Shibo." Xiang Yang was very excited after listening, and quickly greeted the other party again.

This guy is able to talk to the tens of thousands of people in the depths of the Chaos Xinghai. It is definitely a level of existence with the tens of thousands of robbers. It also has a good relationship with the old man of his master. Well, it must be a super strong.

What he did not expect was that he just wanted to go through chaos and break through the boundaries to the lower bounds. He would encounter such a supreme power in the deepest space of chaos.

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