Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2970: Fuyun unparalleled (five more flowers)

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"You kid is interesting."

The young man smiled and looked at Xiang Yang and said, "I know that I am a friend of Wanzong Zun and Lao Chi. You quickly call me a teacher. Is this wanting me to give you some treasures?"

"Ah, no."

Xiang Yang is awkward. I really don't have such an idea. I just think that the other party knows that Wan Zunzun and his master are definitely friends of his own. In order to close the relationship with the other party, he calls the other party a teacher.

However, the other party actually consciously thought that he wanted to discuss the benefits with the other side. Looking at this young strongman, he was not angry at all. Xiangyang suddenly became a little excited.

"Okay, I misunderstood you, but it is not wrong for you to call me a teacher."

The young man smiled and looked at Xiangyang. After a moment of indulging, looking at Xiangyang, he seemed to see the whole person in Xiangyang. He smiled softly and said, "You have a lot of treasures on your body. Zhong and Qiankun are in your body. Although I have more powerful treasures than these two, it is useless to you, and it is impossible for you. So, I see that you are opening up a different world from Pangu. The way, I will pass on my way to you, let you learn from one or two, but what you need to know is that you can only learn from, can't learn, if you want to reach the realm of me, you must understand yourself. If you walk out of your own path, you must not rely on the path of any other person. Do you understand?"

At the same time, his thoughts moved, and infinite information was passed to Xiang Yang, which made Xiang Yang's entire head as big as a cow. At the same time, there was no way to digest this information. At the same time, he could only stand on the spot and could not move.

"Xiao Lang actually passed all his words to this little guy?"

The beautiful women around the youth looked at the youth with a strange color.

"This kid is a bit interesting. I saw him from that year." The young man said softly.

"In this case, we will also give us our way. This kid is guilty of peach blossoms. There are so many marriage lines on the body. It is just like Xiao Lang, and some of the women who gave him are passed down."

Then, several other women also said with a smile.

"So very good, the road to practice is very lonely, it is rare to meet a younger person who looks at the eye, and he is so similar to Xiao Lang, we may be able to collect a few apprentices."

"Come on, we are all starting to accept the apprenticeship, leaving our inheritance to this kid. At that time, whoever picks is our disciple."



Ever since, in this young smiling eyes, these women have condensed their own inheritance into a bead, and a brain plug to Xiangyang. Of course, just let Xiangyang be kept in custody, and their way is not suitable for Xiangyang. They are all going to give the women around Xiang Yang.

"This kid must be very strong afterwards. He must not let him bully his women. We also give them some treasures."

Then, each of these women took out a magic weapon and incorporated them into these inheritances. If you look closely, you will find that these magic weapons are all innate magic weapons, some are congenital spiritual treasures, and some are congenital treasures.

This is nowhere to be treasured. If someone else takes out one, it will be distressed to die. However, this young man is watching his woman take out so many treasures. He still has a smile on his face, as if these women had sent them out. It’s nothing like that.

"The boss is developed this time."

At the same time, in the Promise of Immortality, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling could not even look at them with a sneak peek. They were very clear about the existence of the one outside, if the two of them dared to watch it quietly, even though The temper will not be irritated, but the one is very fun, what should I do if I kill myself.

At the same time, they were very excited. It was incredible that Xiang Yang could get the inheritance of that one.

"Developed and developed, I said that the masters of our two people will definitely be terrible, hahaha."


When Lao Wan and Xiao Ling were very excited in the Promise Immortal, Xiang Yang just barely took those inheritance into the brain and slowly digested him. He finally opened his eyes.

“The disciple thanked the teacher for his evangelism.”

Xiang Yang respectfully squats against the young, and the other party preached to himself, that is his own master.


"Haha, even if the teacher is, I don't want to rob the disciples with the old guy. However, when you have finished repairing, we can match the friends, even, we can call them brothers."

The young man laughed and said.


Xiang Yang’s mood was stirring, and I did not expect that there would be such a brother in the future.

"Little guys, these are our heritage, the women who are going to give you, when, these inheritance will take the initiative to choose the master, and there is a magic weapon in the inheritance, these are all for them, you can not secretly Take it away, otherwise we will never spare you."

At this time, one of the women around the youth said with a smile.

"Yes, I understand that Xiangyang’s wife has seen your masters."

Xiang Yang’s heart trembled, and the whole person was very excited. At the same time, he was hurried to these women. This time, he was a teacher, he knew very well that these women would pass on to their wives, then, They are the masters of their own wives, no matter who is the teacher, anyway, the teacher is the first.

"What do you worship? Let the two or three of your Xianfu come out and say."

One of the women snorted.


"What seniors are seniors, are we old? Calling sister." Xiang Yanggang wanted to call his predecessors. As a result, these women all blinked. Xiang Yang smiled slyly. He secretly glanced at the youth and found that the young man still smiled. When he was all this, he could only whisper, "Several sisters, I will call them out."

While talking, his mind was moving, Xiner, Sun Qingya and Monica appeared together.

"Emperor brother..." The three women suddenly appeared here, and suddenly they were a little embarrassed.

Xiang Yang is a method of rushing to use the soul to clarify the situation of the people he meets with the three women. Later, he also specifically explained that the three women are definitely beyond the existence of the chaos saint.

However, when he wanted to continue to talk more, the group of women smiled and pulled the three women from Xiang Yang, and then talked around the three women with a smile.

"The three little sisters don't have to be afraid, let our sister do it, come and talk to us."

"Yeah, the three sisters look so beautiful, and they are young and lovely, they are really lovable little guys."


The women were laughing and talking around the three women. The three women were a bit cautious at first, but when they found that all of them were very approachable, they also called 'sister' sweetly, making these women very happy. .

After the young people saw this scene, their faces also showed a smile.

His eyes looked at Xiang Yang and said with a soft voice, "Little guy, are you called Xiang Yang?"

"Yes, seniors." Xiang Yang replied with respect, he did not dare to have any rude performance on this young man.

"You don't have to be so polite, I don't like this one." Qing young smirked and said to Xiang Yang, "I am also practicing step by step. In fact, I used to be half a person in the ancient chaotic world. Only after the practice, I went to other worlds. We can say that we are half a fellow."

"Ah, the predecessors turned out to be the people of the Pangu chaotic world." Xiang Yang looked at each other with shock.

In the Pangu chaotic world, isn't it the only one who has a group of saints?

"Yes, it is not."

The young man smiled and didn't explain too much, but changed the topic. He said to Xiang Yang, "The inheritance you get is quite a lot, but what you should understand is that practice is not just about inheritance. You are The old blood of the old man, the natural nature is needless to say, as long as you definitely work hard, give you a certain amount of time will certainly grow up, but what you need to know is that your ultimate path is not a holy, but to be detached from this Everything, not detached, is still trapped in chaos."

At the same time, he sighed and said, "Now it is useless to tell you that after you have cultivated into the realm of chaos, you will naturally understand a lot of things, practice well, and chaos is wonderful. Of course, it is very dangerous."

"Yes, I will definitely work hard." Xiang Yang said with a nod.

This young man has a preaching grace for himself. Although the other party said that he can be his brother in the future, Xiang Yangxin still regards the other party as a teacher.

"You, do a good job, treat the people around you well, protect them, and when you really come to my realm, you will truly discover that the people around you are the most important." ”

The young man smiled and patted Xiang Yang’s shoulder. While he was talking, he did not say much, but smiled and pointed to chaos. “This chaotic road is also the closest to Chaos Avenue. You can Take a good look and see what you can get. Of course, you have to know how to stop, and some of the things that you can't understand now."

Xiang Yang nodded thoughtfully, "I understand."

"But you are too detained in front of me. It doesn't mean anything. You should practice it well. When you practice in the saints, you can go to Chaos City to find me."

The young man whispered softly, while at the same time, just a few women around him finished talking with the three daughters, and he greeted a few women. "Wife, let's continue to travel."


"Three sisters, remember your sisters."

"See you later."


Then, they sent the three women to Xiangyang, chaotic wear Yunsuo once again returned to the original position, still flying through the chaos according to the original trajectory, that horrible bound Chaos World of Warcraft is still carrying the young Bao Yiyuan go with.

Xiang Yang and the three women stood in chaos and wore Yunsuo. Looking at this scene, they only felt like a dream.

"It's amazing."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh and said.

"Hey, those sisters are really interesting."

Xin Er and Sun Qingya, Monica three women are smiling.

"Those sisters told you to kill?" Xiang Yang looked at the three women curiously. When they spoke, they apparently blocked them with special techniques, which made Xiang Yang not hear what they said.

"Oh, don't tell you."

The three women’s voices were very consistent, and they said with a smile, they would not tell Xiang Yang.

"Well, you are happy." After Xiang Yang met, he smiled and touched the three heads of the three women. They liked to say that they didn't like to say that they didn't need to know.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, that is to say some daughter's words." Xiner could not help but whispered.

"Xiner, don't tell him, hey, walk, let's go to the Promise Immortal."

Sun Qingya was a grimace to Xiang Yang, and then the three women smiled and went directly into the Promise Immortal to retreat.

"The three gimmicks..."

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn't help but smile. When he remembered the inheritance of his own body, after the women got it, they didn't have to worry about the practice of the women. Xiang Yang couldn't help but feel excited.

There is also the inheritance of the youth that I have obtained. That is the true inheritance of the tens of thousands of robes, and the inheritance of one's own masters. It is a very different path from the tens of thousands of robes and their own masters. I have a strong reference.

"I really think that Fuyun is unparalleled, and the future is destined to surpass the existence of the Holy Spirit."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh, and he sounded the young man's free and easy-going universe. He couldn't help but admire him.

"I can do this in the future..."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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