Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2975: You are so deceiving (five more flowers)

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Xiang Yang did not know about the behavior of the two immortals in the ancient fairy world. Even if he knew it, he would not stop it. He himself thought about going to the ancient fairy world. If anyone could lead the way, That is naturally a good thing.

At this moment, Xiang Yang has entered the veins. This vein has been carved out of many veins, just like a labyrinth. However, the ultimate goal is to go deep into the veins.

His thoughts broke out and turned into thousands of filaments. These impulses passed to the deepest point, and in the deepest part, there was a strong moment of time and space. .

"The power of space is so strong, I didn't expect it to be really a void stone and a time stone. However, it is amazing that these two veins can grow together."

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself, and the whole person appears directly in the deepest part of the vein.

I saw that in the deepest part of the place, there were two diamonds with a height of ten feet high shining with colorful light. When he entered, these lights burst out instantly, and the power of horror time and space broke out, as if it were dense. The ray is generally the same as cutting the whole person into pieces.

If it is an ordinary person, even if the ordinary Da Luo Xianjun came, he could not bear the power of this space cutting, and was instantly chopped.

However, Xiang Yang is standing still, and he does not have to worry about being hurt by the power of these spaces with his physical strength. However, today, after the enlightenment of the deepest space of chaos, there is already a force for time and space. A very deep understanding, his mind was moving, and the power of these spaces all stopped in an instant.

He appeared directly next to the two spar, only one of them was a space spar, and the other was a time spar, and the power of time and space was perfectly combined.

"It turned out to be Shen Jing. It's no wonder that those who are in the night demons will catch so many miners mining here."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, his face showing excitement.

Shenjing is not the spar of the gods, but the treasure that transcends the fairy crystals. This is innately generated, just like the innate gods, with very mysterious energy.

Even in the legend, many congenital gods are born from the crystal.

Although there are no creatures in these two crystals, they are very high.

"Incorporating these two crystals into the tower of the body repair and the Promise Immortal Palace will definitely enable the time and space of the Promise Immortal to reach a higher level, and let the Promise Immortal Reality become a treasure."

Xiang Yang is talking to himself.

The Promise Immortal is the earliest treasure he got. Although he can refine the new Xianfu with his current financial resources, he did not do this because he really likes the Promise, and it costs too much. A great price for Xiao Ling to transform the Promise Immortal, to reach the ultimate that the fairy can achieve.

However, the Promise Immortality is restricted by the innate source, so that it has been unable to break through and become a treasure. Now, with two crystals of time and space, it is enough to make a transformation of the Promise.

"Little spirit..."

Xiang Yang sent a letter to Xiao Ling, let him come out from the Promise Immortal. When the latter appeared, he suddenly looked at the two crystals, and said with excitement, "Boss, these two crystals It is definitely a treasure, and it can refine time and space."

"Incorporating into the Tower of Promise and the Tower of Physical Fitness, the time control of the Tower of the Body and the Promise of the Promise will be enhanced. At the same time, various treasures will be used by you, and the Promise will be upgraded as much as possible."

Xiang Yang said to Xiaoling.

"This is a pity. If you integrate into the tower of the body and the Promise of the Promise, you can only enhance the ability of time control. If it is a single refining, it can definitely be made into a powerful weapon of time and space." The face of the spirit carries a color of regret.

"No problem, what I need most now is time. You can do it directly, and you can combine these two crystals into the Tower of Promise and the Tower of Physical Fitness."

Xiang Yang is unmoved. There is a certain role in the time and space for him. However, he does not lack the magic weapon.

And if it is integrated into the Tower of Promise and the Tower of Physical Fitness, he will be able to cultivate the order of the guard and the millions of true fairy bodies at a faster speed.


When Xiao Ling saw Xiang Yang make a good decision, he would no longer persuade Xiang Yang, but directly controlled Qiankun to make a tripod. These two crystals were collected.

"What about Lao Wan?"

Xiang Yang discovered that Lao Wan, who was always inseparable from Xiao Ling, did not come out with Xiao Ling this time. His face was full of strange colors.

"The tens of thousands of robbery began to enter the state of upgrading, and Lao Wan returned to the sensational avenue within the tens of thousands of robes." Xiaoling said with a smile.

Soon after Xiang Yang gave the little black tiger his chaotic mother gold to Xiaoling and Laowan in chaos, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling were very excited. However, they did not start to integrate chaotic mother gold at the same time. Upgrade, but let Wanjue first merge chaotic mother gold, Xiaoling still help Xiangyang refine various magic weapons.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded. For him, whether it was a catastrophe or a vicissitude, he was the biggest help to him. It can be said that his growth trajectory cannot be separated from these two chaos. If it can help these two If a piece of chaos grows up, he will be willing to use any treasure.

"Boss, then I will go back to the refiner."

Xiaoling said with a smile, and went directly into the Promise.

Xiang Yang smiled softly and looked at this vein. Although the two most important crystals have been taken away by him, there are many grades in this space-time vein that are produced by these two crystals. The void stone and the space-time spar are also a great treasure for Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang directly displayed the large mana to collect all the spatio-temporal veins. Suddenly, the twelve brothers and wolf kings outside saw the whole vein tremble, and then the infinite space-time spar and the void spar jumped from the vein. Come out, and then all voluntarily fell into the void and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, all the space-time spar and the void-shaped spar in the whole vein were collected by Xiangyang. He left the vein and appeared outside. He saw that the twelve brothers were very diligently trying to ask the king and the princess of the night demon. .

"How's it going?"

Xiang Yang looked at the twelve brothers funnyly. Although this guy is not strong, but other aspects are very hard, then throw this guy into the tower of the body repair, let him upgrade to the body of the body. After the scene of Jiuzhong Tianfeng, he can let him lead the order of defense.

Whether it is the twelfth brother or the wolf king, it is actually one of the first instructors of the order guard.

Although the cultivation of the two of them is not high, they have the knowledge of the various exercises and the formation of the law, which makes their theoretical knowledge still very strong.

As long as they will be cultivated to ascend, it is very suitable to become the leader of the order.

"Boss, have already asked."

Twelve brothers quickly came together, with a respectful color on his face, holding a blank jade in his hand to Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang glanced at the king and princess of the night demon. He found that the two men were weak and their faces were white. Looking at the eyes of the twelve brothers, they even had the color of fear. Obviously, the twelve brothers used the control they passed to him. The method of strapping the fairy rope did not teach the two men less.

The king of the poor night demon, the superpower of the princely king level, was actually killed by the twelve brothers who have not yet become immortals. Even if he can survive this time, it is estimated that he will have nightmares every day. Let's go.

However, Xiang Yang does not have any compassion for these people. Although he only saved tens of thousands of people in this vein, but in his mind, the comprehensions captured by the night demon can be more than that. Some of the surrounding veins are also covered with comprehension.

After sweeping through the jade slips and carefully examining the results of the 12-question interrogation, he was in the heart, almost as much as he thought.

This time, the realm of the gods did not go directly to the route of the invasion of the fairyland, but intended to start from the cultivation of the real world. Although the immortal world is very large, even if it is not supplemented by the immortals of the realm, it will also have no influence on the fairy world.

However, this time, the gods first sent the night demon to enter the realm of comprehension, and treasure hunting everywhere, mining, especially the empty ore and other treasures that can arrange the cross-border transmission array of the transmission array.

Then, there are enough transmission arrays. After waiting for the assembly of the army on the other side of the gods, they are all transferred to the realm of comprehension. At that time, with a real world of comprehension, they can’t resist the army of the realm. Ash is annihilated.

Then, the realm of the gods can use the universe to comprehend the world as a springboard, the princes and the devils and other heavens and the world, and even the celestial world can be ruined one by one.

As for the passage to the gods, the twelve brothers actually interrogated. The so-called channel originally did not exist. The body of the king of the night demon is actually a **** in the realm of the gods, and this is the body. He projected into the realm of rehearsal and rebuilt to reach the king of the king of the king. After he managed the black wind village, he dug up the spar of time and space, and arranged the transmission array to meet the people below the king of the night demon.

The so-called **** king is actually the level of the fairy king of the immortal world.

Nowadays, the night demon is preparing to prepare a larger transmission array, just to let his main body of the **** directly fall into the realm of cultivation.

"I don't think your strength is so strong."

Xiang Yang looked at the king of the night demon in a strange way. He originally thought that this guy was just a fairy king. What he did not expect was that he was also the main god.

"The Lord God is about to come. By that time, the entire realm of cultivation will be destroyed, and the heavens will be destroyed by the Lord God. If you are acquainted, you will quickly release the God. When the Lord comes, you can spare your life." The king of the night demon said with a cold smile.


Xiang Yang turned over his eyelids and said, "I really want to see what kind of strength your avatar has. You are not arranging the tactics, will you be sent your lord? I Help you."


After Xiang Yang’s words came out, the king of the night demon was suddenly shocked. He looked at Xiang Yang inexplicably, and he said in his heart, “Is this guy actually the main **** of my gods? Why else would you say that you want it? Help me arrange the array and let my deity come?"

He knows that the strength of Xiang Yang is definitely the level of Xianzun. Such a strong person cannot possibly not know the power of the Lord God.

After knowing the horror of the Lord God, Xiang Yang still thought that he would help him to bring the Lord God's deity to the realm of comprehension. Then, there is only one explanation, that is, the immortal who has just destroyed the infinite powers of the night demon. Like yourself, it is also the Lord God.

Thinking of this, the king of the night demon sighed with relief. He looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a confidant feeling and said with a smile, “You are very good, no matter who you are, if you can help the Lord God to the deity When you come, you will not care about your things, such as the night demon."


After Xiang Yang listened, he was embarrassed. He felt that this guy’s words were very wrong. How did this guy speak to himself as if he were talking to himself?

"This guy has treated me as a god."

Xiang Yang just wanted to understand all of this in a blink of an eye. He felt a strange feeling in his heart. He wanted to directly deny it. However, when he saw this guy looking at his own eyes, he’s all his own. When it was good to talk about it, Xiang Yang suddenly felt that this was a bit interesting.


Xiang Yang snorted and screamed on the surface. "This fairy has let your deity come to him and let him know that the so-called **** god is in front of the immortal strong, just a chicken and a dog."

In the dark, he said to the guy, "Since you know my identity, then I will not hide it, but I can't reveal everything. You quickly tell me what I have to do, I am well laid out. After the formation, you will come down with your deity, and after doing this, I have other things to do."

"it is good."

When Wang Yi of the night demon began to hear the sound of Xiang Yang’s serious scream, he was shocked and thought that he was wrong. He did not expect Xiang Yang to secretly confide to himself. As a result, he Two hundred percent confirmed that Xiang Yang was his own person, and he directly told Xiang Yang how to arrange the array.

"You go, but these comprehensions?"

At the same time, Wang Chuanyin of the night demon is looking at the comprehensions who were unsealed by Xiangyang, and wanted Xiangyang to kill all these people.

"Keep them, I am useful."

After Xiangyang’s voice returned, he got the way to arrange the transmission array for this guy. After the guy was ready to arrange the treasures collected in the transmission array, he thought about it and had a strong seal on the rope. When it broke out, it instantly sealed the power, the gods, the soul, and so on.


At this moment, this guy was paralyzed, and his eyes widened and looked at Xiang Yang. The whole person was frozen and could not move.

Xiang Yang sighed, "You night devils are really deceiving."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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