Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2976: I admire you most.

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The king of the night demon will never think of it. Xiang Yang has already identified in his heart that he must be the avatar of the **** god, and will seal it.

Everything in his body was frozen, and he couldn’t hear the words of Xiangyang’s night demon, but he would be crazy.

However, the princess of the night demon next to him is wide-eyed and incredulously looking at Xiang Yang. "What did you do to my father?"

"Ha ha ha, nothing."

Xiang Yang chuckled, and also sealed the princess of the night demon, and then looked at the twelve brothers and the wolf king. He said softly, "The next thing will be fun, you want to Don't want to play some stimulation?"

"Well, huh."

"Everything obeys the boss's instructions."

Xiang Yang asked the twelve brothers and the wolf king that these words were all white. The twelve brothers were very excited to look at Xiang Yang, and the expression was quite in place, while the wolf king was with respectful color.

"Well, after this time, I will take you to the fairy world to play."

Xiang Yang laughed, and then looked at all the comprehens present, and found that everyone looked at himself with the look of hope, he suddenly felt a headache, feeling like he became the nanny of these people.

"Cough, I said, don't look at me like this, the strong people of the night demon have been destroyed. Go where you should go, don't stay here, then the black wind star will become A Jedi."

Xiang Yang said.

Among these comprehensions, although a large number of people stayed for revenge, Xiang Yang is also very clear that some people stayed for the sake of small profits.

Of course, with Xiang Yang’s current state of mind, I don’t really care about this. The main thing is that immediately, he has to arrange the formation method to summon the deity of the king of the night demon, the deity of the Lord God, and then he will launch the action of the gods. If these people are still staying here, there is absolutely no life.

"Well, our life is saved by the grace of the public. We are willing to follow the grace of the public and make a horse for the grace. I hope that the public will accept it." However, after Xiang Yang’s voice fell, some people immediately indicated Attitude.

"I am willing to follow the grace of the public, only to ask for grace to accept."

"Seek for the public to stay."


Next, almost everyone was all facing Xiang Yang, and all of them had a respectful look on their faces, which made Xiang Yang feel very helpless after seeing Xiang Yang.

He knows that some people really want to repay, but a larger number of people still have other small abacus.

Although he is very lacking in his side, but he wants the top of the strong, as long as the master of the big Luo nine days, not these comprehensions.

Moreover, bringing these people themselves is inconvenient.

How could he promise?

"You, you don't have to mention the things that help you, don't follow me. The next thing I want to do is very dangerous. The entire black wind starfield may be destroyed. You are leaving, the fastest. The way to leave the Black Wind, otherwise, if something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you."

While Xiang Yang waved his hand, at the same time, his mind was moving, and in the Promise of Immortality, there were hundreds of thousands of guards wearing black armor coming out.

These are the guards of order that have broken through the realm of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

Xiangyang’s order guard stayed in the Qingxue Universe Group with tens of thousands of people, and he stayed in the Imperial Palace for tens of thousands of people. The rest are still in the Promise of Immortality, plus one after another, someone broke through the tower of the body repair. Out, there are now more than 100,000 people in his order.

"I have seen the master."

The guardian of the 100,000 order exudes the temperament of horror, and these blood and blood condense together to form a sword of order. The void around them is distorted and seems to be unbearable at any time. This force will explode.

At the same time, 100,000 people all went to Xiangyang, and respectfully bowed.


Seeing the emergence of the 100,000 super-powerful people, those who had originally thought of re-inviting Xiang Yang to take care of them all had their eyes wide open and unbelievable.

Even if they just look at these strong people, they feel the roar of their hearts, and the whole person’s gods are going to explode. They are shocked. They know that the strength of these strong people is terrible. They can’t even see them. Look at each other.

Although the two great men stood next to the twelve brothers and the wolf king, they took a look at the guard of the 100,000 order. They only felt that the brain was roaring, and the nose and mouth were all bleeding, and their bodies were squatting. The bottom fell and the face was full of horror. "This is a stronger existence than our master, and there is a full 100,000...this..."

"He, how is his man so powerful? How is this possible?"

The hearts of these two great men are shaking, and they are descendants of the ancient immortals. Although they are only fairy, their knowledge is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary comprehensions. At a glance, they can see the horror of this hundred thousand order guards. .

Their masters are themselves strong, and they are already very horrible, but they are far from being comparable to Xiangyang’s 100,000-order guard.

And, more importantly, they have already passed the message that Xiang Yang appeared here to their masters who are far away from the ancient world.

The ancient fairyland of that year paid attention to Xiangyang because Xiangyang was able to charge the extremes of the universe. However, later, Xiangyang’s performance in the looting world was the annihilation of countless ancient celestial worlds. At the same time, the fairy magic battlefield in the fairy world There are also a large number of Tianjiao in the ancient fairy world that was destroyed by Xiangyang.

The forces behind these arrogances have long been eyeing Xiang Yang.

The two of them passed the news back. It is conceivable that the ancient fairy will definitely send a strong man to deal with Xiangyang. At that time, in the face of Xiangyang, who has 100,000 superpowers, the people sent by the ancient fairy circles must be dead.

Moreover, Xiang Yang can definitely know that they passed back the news, so that the ancient fairyland brought people to deal with Xiang Yang. At that time, they would not know how they died.

Just now, the twelve brothers dealt with the scene of the king of the night demon. They saw it very clearly. The scene was too bloody. Even the superpower of the night demon was stronger than their master. Existence can't stand it.

Thinking of this, the faces of these two great men changed greatly. After falling to the ground, they sneaked into the crowd of other self-cultivators and prepared to escape with the crowd.

Now, they only want to quickly flee with the big forces. After leaving the Black Wind, they quickly fled to the edge of the universe to hide their names. No one knows them.

It is very clear to them that even if Xiangyang does not find them, when the people of the ancient fairyland know that they have been pitted by them, the law enforcement team of the ancient fairyland will also deal with them.

"Hey, two, don't go."

Originally, the ideas of these two people were still feasible. After all, after Xiang Yang knew that they were the people of the ancient fairy world, they did not pay much attention to the two people. They were willing to leave, and Xiang Yang could not manage it.

However, this guy in Twelve is too enthusiastic, thinking that these two people are so courageous, definitely not ordinary people, seeing these two guys are scared to fall to the ground by the guard of the 100,000 order, and then to leave with the big forces The appearance of '黯然' left, the twelve brothers were a little anxious, and quickly rushed to pull the two.

"Buddy, you are talented people, and you are proud of you. It is definitely not comparable to the average person. I have the most admired talents of Shi Zhongyu in your life. You should not leave. After the boss finishes doing things, I will You refer to the boss."

Twelve brothers said very loyalty to the two people.

"No, no more."

The two of them have already opened their hearts. What's special, you **** is so enthusiastic now, don't you see that we are anxious to leave?

However, they really did not dare to show anything different at this time, but they shook their heads quickly, with embarrassed colors, as the boss’s opening. "Brothers, there are still things in our family, they have been shut down for so many years. Now, I have to go back and see, we will meet again later."

"Yeah, some time ago, I received a message from my wife. My wife gave birth to another child. Now it should be three years old. Oh, I am so touched. I didn't expect my wife to return at this time. Leave me a descendant, I have to go back and see." The guy who is the second child also said indisputably.

"Wow, if I didn't read it wrong, when I came here with the wolf brother five or six years ago, you have been working for several years. No, you should say that you are the old man of this vein, in this black wind. In the village, you have been at least for more than a hundred years. Your wife actually gave birth to a son three years ago. How did you get born?"

After hearing the words of the two men, the twelve brothers felt that they should let the two go home to see it. What they didn’t expect was that when they heard the second child, he suddenly opened his eyes with an incredible color.

While shouting, he also said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, should we congratulate the brother?"


The second child is stunned. This is a good compliment. You shouldn’t be considerate that I am anxious to go back to visit my child. Let me leave.

And Xiang Yang stunned, looked at the two brothers carefully, and found that they were indeed human beings. He couldn’t help but watch this guy with a shocked color. "You are extraordinary, you are locked here to mine. I can even run out to have a baby with your wife."

More than a hundred years ago, his wife could have given birth to a child three years ago. This guy is really... ‘big happy’.

Of course, if this guy has a way to run out in a short time, it is normal.

However, this guy did not know the loopholes in his lie. In order to show his low profile in front of Xiangyang, he quickly lowered his head and said, "No, I can't go out, so I was anxious to want. Go back and see my son."

“Really your son?”

After Xiang Yang listened, his face became more and more strange. He looked at the guy's head carefully. Well, it seems that there is a faint glimmer of green light. These lights form a hat, so prominent.

Moreover, this guy is very happy, even wants to see his children very much, it is really a very powerful back pot man.

The twelve brothers sighed and said, "Man, you are pitiful."


This guy feels a bit stunned. He is pitiful. He said that my wife gave me a child who is three years old. As a hundred years, I shouldn’t go back to visit my wife. Shouldn’t I go home and have a look?

And his brother also reacted. After staying there, he looked at his younger brother. He felt that the two of them might not be able to leave this time. It is estimated that they would be pitted by their brother.

Sure enough, Twelve brother looked at this guy with a pity. "Brother, you are a real person, a poor person, I can't let you hurt."

While talking, he took the two brothers hard and said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, I want to help him. After the end, I want to talk to them."

He felt that for these two courageous people, this guy must not be allowed to go back after being hit.

After all, the man on the top of his head, even if he is brave, will really collapse when he returns home.

The twelve brothers sighed in their hearts. The two brothers were very courageous. They were among the tens of thousands of slave practitioners. The only two people who stood with them and did not marry the princess of the night demon, directed at this point, he I must not let this man collapse because of things at home.

"I... no, your kindness, I really got it, but, I, I just want to go home..."

After the man listened, the tears would fall. What's special, can you not be so enthusiastic, I am a person who has never said a lie, and they have lied specifically, you have not let me go.

"Don't talk, you must be strong." Twelve brothers encouraged.

"Oh, no, no... I want to go home." The man was crying and sullen.

"Buddy, be strong, bear forbearance, and I will be with you when I am tired." The twelve brothers still insisted.


This big man finally couldn't help but drop his tears.

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