Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2980: Open the fairy road (five more flowers)

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“Space is in the way!”

At this moment, Fire has thought of such a possibility, his face has become extremely ugly.

As the immortal of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, he is very clear that he is absolutely a superpower who is a space magical enthusiasm. Only in this way can the other party grasp the nephew in his own hands. At that time, the nephew will be taken away silently.

The way of time and space has been the most difficult to practice and comprehend since ancient times. However, anyone who can make achievements in time and space is a top-notch existence that can cross the border to kill the enemy.

They are the most difficult.

At this moment, the fire scorpion really understands the terrible of the strong people of time and space.

His eyes looked at the nephew standing next to Xiang Yang, and looked at Xiang Yang. After his face changed, he shouted. "Xiang Yang, my son is the person of my ancient fairy world. You grab what she wants to do." ?"


After Xiang Yang listened, he obviously stopped. "Old guy, you really don't want to face. It is clear that you saw my nephew knowing me, so I deliberately want to catch the nephew to threaten me. Now, I will take care of me." After you took it under your claws, you actually said that it was too shameless for me to take care of my nephew."

The fire sneered and said, "Nonsense, my nephew is the great Luo strong person in my ancient immortal world. As a great power of the ancient fairy world, how could it be like her?"

The old guy's face is thick enough, and he has already dealt with the nephew, and now he dares to say that he will not be like a nephew.

Xiang Yang sighed and looked at his nephew. The latter had a sad color on his face, but he immediately shook his head and whispered, "So good."


Xiang Yang looked at the nephew with a strange look.

As if the child had got rid of all the burden at this moment, he looked up and said with a soft voice, "Nothing, I just made a decision in my heart."

After Xiang Yang listened, he did not continue to ask questions. However, he understood that the practice of Xianzun, the land of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, has completely disappointed the nephew. Perhaps the decision she made was to thoroughly follow the ancient fairy world. Get out of all relationships.

"The Qingxue Universe Group is next to the Shengzong of the Central Tianyu of the Immortal World. Your Master is also in the Qingxue Universe Group. You can go to her later." Xiang Yang said softly.

The nephew’s master, who has been with Suzaku’s daughter since she was conquered by Suzaku, has been with Suzaku’s daughter. However, as the Qingxue Universe Group grew, the nephew’s master became part of the Qingxue Universe Group. The backbone of the universe group.

The reason why Xiangyang told her to tell her that she wanted her to go to her master. After all, if she left the ancient fairy world, she would betray the ancient fairy world and protect her. Only Qingxue Universe Group It is.


The nephew glanced at Xiang Yang and nodded lightly, and then did not say anything.

"Xiang Yang, the deity is the ancestors of the ancient celestial world to invite you to go to the ancient fairyland to be a guest, are you willing to go with me to the ancient fairy world?"

At this time, what made Xiang Yang feel shocked was that the fire had returned to normal, as if he had just come to Xiangyang, and he had an serious invitation to Xiang Yang.


Not to mention that it is Xiang Yang, even the other immortals of the deaf and the ancient fairy world are also looking at the fire with a shocked face.

"This old guy is shameless enough." The twelve brothers couldn't help but sigh.

The Wolf King also nodded in agreement. Although he did not speak, he was standing on the same line with the twelve brothers.

"However, I am the best at dealing with such shameless people."

The twelve brothers said immediately.

"In this case, then these people will be handed over to you, and you will be able to deal with it."

Xiang Yang said with a faint smile.

"What do you want from them?"

After listening to the twelve brothers, they were glowing with their eyes and asked Xiang Yang quickly.

"No, you can get what you get, and they don't have any effect on me." Xiang Yang shook his head, and then opened the door to the 100,000 order. "From today, they are you." Can you still remember the two instructors?"


After listening to the ten thousand order guards, they all answered with respect and respect, and then neatly bowed to the twelve brothers and the wolf king, "have seen the command!"

"Haha, the brothers haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't think your repairs are even stronger than us, but it doesn't matter. After a while, we will ascend up. At that time, we will fight side by side."

When the twelve brothers and the wolf king saw that the guards of the 100,000 order were so powerful, they were a little guilty. However, when they remembered that Xiang Yang would help them improve their cultivation, they let go.

The two flew to the front of the 100,000 order guards, smiled and said hello, and then looked at the strong people in the ancient fairy world.

"Hey, shameless old guy, come on, my brother, I like to deal with your thick-faced guy."

"Who are you? The deity is the great power of the ancient fairyland, representing the face of the ancient fairy world. How dare you treat me?"

"Oh, come, let's talk about them first."


Seeing the twelve brothers and the wolf king come forward to deal with these guys in the ancient fairy world, Xiang Yang did not pay attention, but looked at the direction of the black wind village, said softly, "It is time to open the channel, summon the gods The Night Devil is coming."

"What? The gods?" Although the child is a strong man, but the things of the gods are not clear.

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "Yes, it is the Western gods, that is, the traitors of the foreign world. The gods have begun to invade the fairy world and the heavens. This time, I must first withdraw some interest from them."

"What exactly is going on?"

The nephew looked at Xiang Yang with horror. She knew that Xiang Yang was absolutely impossible to deceive herself. However, what Xiang Yang said had begun to invade the fairy world and the heavens, but it made her heart tremble.

The fairyland is the strongest among the heavens and the world, and there are also the chaos of the heavens sitting in the fairyland. How can there be any gods dare to invade the fairy world?

"All this is a long story. It is related to the Pangu chaotic world and the exotic world. In the chaos, there are countless Pangu chaotic worlds like ours. There is an exotic world that has fought with our Pangu chaotic world in ancient times. The war was extremely fierce, and the floods were shattered... and the realm of God is the world of support from the exotic world."

Xiang Yang briefly explained the things of the Pangu chaotic world. Then, his eyes looked at the night demon king and the princess. After a moment of indulging, he said directly to the nephew, "Would you like to go to the fairy world?"

"Well?" The nephew knew that Xiang Yang was going to chase her away, but she was surprised. How could Xiang Yang let her go so worried? Is it because she asked her to do something after she went to the fairy world?

"There will be a big battle of the unusual sanctuary here. At that time, the entire black wind star field may be broken. You better leave now. If you want to go to the fairy world, I can get through the real world. And the channel of the fairy world, instantly sent you to the fairy world." Xiang Yang said.

It is not that he wants to drive away the nephew, but that he does not know the way to get through the realm of the gods. After the summoned power, in addition to the demon god, the other gods will follow.

If there are other gods that follow, then it will be a fierce battle.

Although Xiang Yang is not afraid, but after all, the nephew is only the fairy king of the big three heavens. When it happens, if she is accidentally affected, she will be in danger.

Xiang Yang naturally cannot let her stay here.

"A big battle between the great people of the Holy Land?" After listening to the child, the heart trembled. When she remembered that Xiang Yang had easily taken herself from the hands of the fire, she was shocked. Incomparable look.

Although her nephew is already a strong man, she is still far from qualified to know the battle between the fairy world and the real world and even the exotic world. This time, Xiang Yang’s words made her heart too shocking. She didn’t know all the things. Tianwanjie actually has a big enemy, and is ready to fight.

"I am afraid that countless practitioners in the world are concealed. Everyone feels that the present heavens are very safe. The practitioners are not struggling to practice, even if the purpose of practice is to live forever, but to be stronger, but However, no one knows that there will be invasion of the gods, there will be invasion of the exotic world, and there is no targeted preparation. At that time, if there is a real war, the heavens will be very passive."

The nephew said softly.

After Xiang Yang listened, the eyebrows were picked and looked at the nephew with a strange color. "Yes, it is true. However, what I did not expect is that my nephew first thought of it."

Yes, many people can think of these things. However, the nephew just knows the existence of the gods and the exotic world. I can think of these follow-up things. It can be seen that she is intelligent and can be said to be qualified. Become a leader.

It is a pity that the nephew does not have enough strength and does not have a strong background to lead too many people.

However, now is not the time to think about this, Xiang Yang said to his nephew, "You go to the fairyland, go to the Qingxue universe group, I will directly open a channel to the Qingxue universe group, when you go to your master, Whether it is for your practice or for your safety."

"I want to stay and help you," the child whispered.

When she said this, she did not have any enthusiasm. Xiang Yang had already said that there would be a war of the great sages. Then, Xiangyang would face the sacred strong, and she was only A big Luo Xianjun only, staying will only drag Xiangyang.

"You can't help me now. If you want to help me, go to the Qing Xue Universe Group."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

The Qingxue Universe Group has grown stronger, but at the same time, it has become increasingly lacking elites, especially elites who are very strong in all aspects. Of course, if the Qingxue Space Group wants to recruit people, it is still very simple, just want to cultivate a It is not easy for people who can trust.

The nephew's master is also in the Qingxue universe group, plus Xiangyang itself is relatively familiar with the children, knowing that the children will not harm the Qingxue universe group, let her go to the Qingxue universe group, not only help Deaf children are also good for the Qingxue Universe Group.

After hearing the words of Xiang Yang, the nephew gently nodded and whispered, "Then I went to the Qing Xue universe group in the fairy world."

"Well, I will send you to the fairy world."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and looked at the chaotic void. Then, the right hand shook, and the demon battle blade appeared in his hand. He held the magic sword with one hand and directly slammed into the void.

A horrible knife broke out and directly cut into the chaotic void. Then, there was a colorful flashing passage that appeared in front of everyone. In the other section of the passage, it was the clear snow universe group in the Black Forest. periphery.


The next moment, a loud humming sound came from the other end of the channel. It was the king of the beasts who guarded the Qingxue universe group that discovered the passage and planned to come in.

"Don't move, it's me."

Xiang Yang’s voice crossed the passage to the ears of these beasts. “I will send people over, don’t mess.”

While speaking, take out a jade slip to the deaf, and then send an energy between the waves to send the deaf to the channel.

After the enlightenment in the deepest space of chaos, Xiang Yang has already reached the level of horror in the understanding of the power of time and space. He easily sent the deaf to the fairy world.

"Wife, I have something in the lower bounds. I will go find you after the completion."

Then, as the voice of Xiang Yang was introduced into the Qing Xue universe group, he was ready to close the passage.


Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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