Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2981: Purpose of the ancient fairy world

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When Xiang Yang was about to close the space passage, he heard an anxious voice coming over, and then saw only the Shengzong lord Guangcheng and the elders appeared at the other end of the passage.

"The Lord and the elders don't come innocent."

Xiang Yang’s eyebrows picked and looked at the two old guys with a strange color.

Qingxue Cosmos Group still has a long way to go to Shengzong. If the two hometowns are strong sacred people, it is impossible to reach the emotional universe group directly from Shengzong so quickly. Moreover, this channel can be directly transmitted. To the gate of the Qingxue Universe Group, even if the Guangchengzi and the elders are fast, they must pass the approval of the Qingxue Universe Group to enter the defensive king of the beasts.

Obviously, these two old guys were in the Clear Snow Universe Group from the beginning.

"Xiang Yang, how did you go to the lower bounds?" Whether it is Guangchengzi or Shengzong elders, all face with a strange color.

Through this passage, they found that the passage was very stable, and it was a bit horrible to directly open the fairyland and the comprehension.

It is very difficult to get through the channels of fairyland and comprehension. Unless it is a sacred place who is good at time and space, it is absolutely impossible to achieve Xiangyang.

However, Xiang Yang did it easily, and it was obvious that Xiang Yang had made progress.

"His growth rate is really too fast."

The faces of the saints and the elders showed a shocking look.

They believe that before this, Xiang Yang can never have such a skill, but it has not been seen for a long time. Xiang Yang has achieved such success in the mastery of time and space, even if they are very unbelievable.

"The lower bound is my hometown. Can I go home and see if there is no problem?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Of course no problem." The two answered.

Xiang Yang smiled. "Since there is no problem, then I will go first. I am still ready to hunt."

"What is hunting?"

Although Xiang Yang said hunting, it should be said that it should be a normal sentence. Maybe Xiang Yang is just hungry. He wants to get some game taste, but he hears the ears of the saints and the elders. They always think that Xiang Yang’s 'hunting' has absolutely other things.

"Hunt the main **** of the gods."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


The sect of the saints, Guangchengzi, explained the great disciples of the original saints, Zhao Gongming, the elder of the saints, and the disciples of the sages of the heavens. After they heard the words of Xiangyang, they were shocked.

"You said you want to hunt the **** of the gods?"

If someone else says this, they must feel that the other party is bragging, who can say that they can hunt the **** of the gods?

Even if Guangchengzi and Zhao Gongming were super-powerful in the floods, they did not dare to say that they have the ability to enter the gods of the gods, but Xiang Yang said, and said so easily, At this moment, the faces of the two men showed a dignified color.

"Is there something wrong with the bottom?"

At this moment, both Guang Chengzi and Zhao Gongming’s faces showed a shocking look at the same time. They thought of the fact that the realm of comprehension was definitely an accident. The main **** of the gods appeared in the realm of cultivation. Otherwise, the item It is impossible for Yang to hunt the gods of the gods in the realm of comprehension.

"There hasn't been a big deal yet, does the gods of the night know?"

Xiang Yang said indifferently.

"Night Devils, have not heard of it, should be just a small race in the realm of the gods." Guang Chengzi and Zhao Gongming shook their heads at the same time.

"The night demon has mastered a star field in the realm of comprehension. I don't know if other places are also controlled by the gods. However, the main deity of the night demon has completely controlled the black wind galaxy, and is ready to arrange the array. Leading the Lord God's deity to come, this is not, I see that they are preparing too hard, ready to help them, and bring the Lord God's deity to the realm of comprehension."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You are so crazy."

The lord Guangchengzi and the great elder Zhao Gongming took a breath of cold at the same time. Even if they knew that someone was going to summon the Lord God, the first thing they had to do was to destroy the passage and prevent the gods from coming. .

However, Xiang Yang’s approach is different. He even wants to summon the deity of the **** god and then destroy the other.

Xiang Yang’s thoughts are a bit different from others.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the two people. "Two, if there is no other thing, I have to close this channel. It is too tired to maintain the passage. I will consume too much mana after a while, but I can’t beat the gods. If you are, you have to be responsible."


Although everyone knows that maintaining such a passage definitely consumes a lot of mana, Xiang Yang said that the two are very speechless and let them be responsible for the ghost.

They clearly saw that Xiang Yang was very relaxed, and it seemed that no energy was consumed.


The lord Guangchengzi said quickly, "Xiang Yang, the deity of the gods of the gods is a matter of great importance. If you do not have the full grasp of the other party, you must not easily summon the other party. If a **** is coming, it is very likely to cause greatness. The destruction."

While talking, his face showed a dignified color, this time, he is not joking.

The Lord God of the Divine Realm has come, and it is still in the realm of comprehension. If there is no way to kill the other party in the first place, it will really make a big deal.

It is normal for the comprehension community to be destroyed.

Even if Guang Chengzi’s heart believes in Xiang Yang, he has to remind Xiang Yang to make Xiang Yang cautious.

Xiang Yang’s face showed a smile. “Do not worry, I will fix it. It’s you, it’s time to act. In the heavens and the world, I don’t know how many secrets of the gods, if you still don’t move, I think the civil strife will be more serious."

After the lord Guangchengzi and the great elder Zhao Gongming listened to Xiang Yang’s words, they nodded at the same time. “Reassure, we have already carried out the clean-up action against the heavens under the leadership of the chaos sage, but we have not yet reached the realm of cultivation. At that time, after the forces of the gods in the heavens and the real world are cleared, it is time for the real fairy to enter the realm to hunt down the main god."

"Hey, what, etc., I have taken the initiative to abstain from the Battle of the Immortals in the Million Island. It all has nothing to do with me."

Xiang Yang laughed and said, "You act, that is your business. I am only looking forward to a simple life. You should not bother me, worship two."

After that, Xiang Yang directly closed the space channel.

On the other side, at the gate of the Qingxue Universe Group, the sacred patriarch Guangcheng and the great elder Zhao Gongming looked at Xiangyang to provide space to the closure, and the faces of both of them showed helplessness.

"This kid, I am afraid I just don't want to act with the big forces, but I plan to go to the gods to hunt down the Lord God alone." The lord Guangchengzi said with helpless smile.

"Now I have to start hunting the main god, and the growth rate of the kid is too fast." Zhao Gongming, the elder, could not help but sigh.

"However, the Western gods actually turned their minds into the realm of comprehension. If it wasn't for An Xiaozi's discovery, I am afraid that the comprehension of the realm has fallen. We still don't know."

Then, Guang Chengzi’s face showed a dignified color, and Shen Sheng said, “The recent exotic borders are also eager to move. We must speed up the destruction of the gods. Otherwise, when the internal and external troubles break out together, the consequences will be even more fierce than in those years. ”

"Yeah, when will the gods and the exotic world be destroyed?"


The great elder Zhao Gongming also sighed.

At this time, Xiang Yang closed the space channel in the realm of comprehension, with a smile on his lips. His eyes looked at the twelve brothers and found that the twelve brothers had already killed the guys in the ancient fairy world, especially It is the master of the realm of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and it is the obedience of his teaching.

Twelve brothers are interrogating each other, and then everything in the interrogation is recorded in the jade slip.

There are the existence of the guardian of the order of the 100,000 Daluo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. For the twelve, even if the other party is a master of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, there is no fear.

"how about it?"

Xiang Yang came to the twelf brother and asked with a smile.

"Boss, almost all asked almost, this guy is trying to take you back to the ancient fairy world, and then, intend to use what fascination method for you, to take out your soul, refine everything, then Dedicated to the so-called gods of the ancient fairy world."

Twelve brothers said.

"I want to refine everything about me, and send me to the ancient gods called in the ancient fairy world?"

After Xiang Yang listened, his eyes were stunned. His eyes looked at the fire and whispered. "I didn't offend you so much?"

At the moment, the fire is obviously knowing that he must die. After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, he has a fierce color on his face and sneered. “It’s your blessing to give you to the ancient god, even if you are that. The origin of a pulse, but in the face of a group of ancient gods, you still can't count anything."

"Which ancient gods know that I am the descendant of that pulse, how dare you treat me?" Xiang Yang asked strangely.

"If you know who you are, you will naturally not be like you." The fire sneered.

Xiang Yang understands that these guys in the ancient fairy world are not really true loyal followers of the so-called ancient gods. Even, they also tried their best to remove the ancient gods, so they stared at themselves.

After giving himself to the ancient gods as a descendant of that pulse, the ancient gods will destroy themselves, then the ancient gods who control the ancient fairy world will be smashed by their own masters. At that time, the ancient immortals of the ancient fairyland were able to completely restore their freedom, and no longer have to be restricted by the ancient gods.

"It's wonderful to think about you."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh and said.

At the same time, he also admire these ancient immortals in the ancient fairy world, but also really dare to think, do not know if they really have an accident, let alone the ancient gods who control the ancient fairy world, even if it is ancient Are all the ancient immortals in the fairy world to be extinct?

Although Xiang Yang knew that he was absolutely impossible to do something, even if he was taken away by the strongest of the ancient immortals, and his own master was there, no one could really destroy himself.

However, if it is destroyed, it is estimated that with the short character of the old man, one shot is to destroy all the creatures in the entire ancient fairy world.

"You guessed it?"

He said that Xiang Yang could guess the ultimate goal of the ancient fairy world. He didn’t feel strange. Anyway, he knew that he could not survive. He simply said with a sneer, "You will change the life of the next world." Human freedom, this is your blessing."


His voice just fell, and the twelve brothers directly slap the ball.


However, what is embarrassing is that this palm fan used to be beaten, but the person who was beaten did not call for pain. Instead, the pain of hitting people continued to **** the cold air, and his face was red and almost cried.

The repair of the Twelve Brothers is too weak, even if it has already controlled the fire, but after so, he still feels that his hand has the feeling of touching the stone with eggs.

Xiang Yang is speechless. This guy is really too weak. He should hurry and temper him. Otherwise, it is not enough for this guy to control the order.

The wolf king also smiled, but this guy has self-knowledge, knowing that his strength is almost the same as that of the twelve brothers. He did not mean anything in the 50 steps. He could only hold his head down and endure the funny in his heart.

"Okay, dispose of them, and then both of you will go to retreat with me."

Xiang Yang waved his hand.

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