Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2982: too disgusting...

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"Boss, can I really break through to a very strong strength in a short time?"

Then, the guard of order directly killed all these powerful people in the ancient fairy world. Xiang Yang did not have any mercy. He knew that the ancient fairy world wanted to deal with him, then he could not have the slightest to the ancient fairy world. Keep your hands.

Even, Xiang Yang also infiltrated the souls of the great powers of the ancient fairy world into the life and death books and refining them into their own true spirit.

On the contrary, it is the twelve brothers who have been around Xiangyang and are very excited to see Xiangyang.

This guy, who just lost his big face, only thought that he would immediately cultivate it for ascension. After seeing all the people in the ancient fairy world were destroyed, he was entangled in Xiangyang.

"Of course, let you reach the same level as the order of the guard, and repair the environment of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

"Wow, really?"

Twelve brothers' excited faces turned red, and they couldn't help but say to Xiang Yang. "Boss, give me, give me the medicine that can improve my cultivation. After I take it down, it will be the realm of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng. Super invincible powerhouse, when the time comes, the charge is coming to me."

"Do you think that as long as you give you a medicinal medicinal suit, can you immediately upgrade to the realm of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng?" Xiang Yang looked at the twelve brothers with a smile.

"Difficult, isn't it?" Seeing the expression of Xiangyang, the twelve brothers suddenly panicked. He felt that he might have misunderstood Xiangyang.

It seems that it is a bit impossible to use a medicinal herb to upgrade to such a strong state. However, what can I do to improve it?

Although the heart is full of confidence in Xiang Yang, but the twelve brothers looked at Xiang Yang, always felt that Xiang Yang’s smile was a little unscrupulous. He couldn’t help but feel a little confused, fearing that Xiang Yang would be unwilling to himself. .

At this time, Xiang Yang looked at him with a smile. "The cultivation with the medicinal herbs is temporary, and even if it is able to stabilize the situation, it will always be the only place in the world." Can reach that realm, no longer progress, you are my brother, I will not hang you."

While talking, he said with a smile, "I will definitely treat you well, so that you can not only break through the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, but even hope that you can be sanctified in the future."

“Can you really be sanctified?” The twelve brothers were excited after listening, even though Cheng Xian was not so simple for him, but he followed the Xiangyang for a long time, and he felt that he should also have a certain The dream, maybe it can be sanctified in the future with what Xiang Yang said, that is simply a cool thing.

"of course can."

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile, "Go, go to the Promise Immortal, I will take you to practice."

At the same time, he directly sent the twelve brothers and the wolf king into the Promise Immortal. At the same time, he also had a sneak peek into it and directly took the two to retreat.

It is conceivable that after the two enter the tower of the body repair, they will be very excited after the process of quenching the body of the body to the body.

Then, Xiang Yang looked at the guard of the 100,000 order. After a moment of indulgence, he said, "We are scattered, and go to the various fields of the real world to investigate the situation. If you find the power of the gods, record it in Case, then go to the new wilderness world and wait for me."

At the same time, it is to pass the road map of the repairing realm and the place where the new wild world is located to the guard of the 100,000 order.

Each of these order guards is a physical repair of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. Even if they let them go to the ancient fairy world, they can easily do it, let alone let them investigate whether there is a power of the gods. This is simply too simple.


Along with the great respectful voice, the guards of the 100,000 order all left, and 100,000 people dispersed and moved toward all directions in the universe. With their cultivation, they could cross the entire universe in the blink of an eye. The situation of the various stars in the universe is really too easy.

After seeing that all of them had left, Xiang Yang looked at the king and princess of the night demon who was sealed by himself. He thought of a move and took the two directly to the base camp of the Black Wind Village.

At this moment, the base camp of the Black Wind Village has long been cleaned up by the guard of the 100,000 order. There is no living creature, only a prepared altar is floating in the chaos.

Yes, the king of the night demon family is too prepared to let his deity come, not only to mine all kinds of ore in the realm of cultivation, but also to use some treasures brought by the gods.

This altar is connected to chaos, like a lotus flower, rooted in chaos, that is, the space that is afraid of comprehension can not bear the power of transmission.

After Xiang Yang met, it was secretly secret, and it was the main **** of the gods. This kind of altar is indeed an extraordinary place.

You must know that the Divine Realm is blocked by seals. If it is a normal passage, it is absolutely impossible to come to the universe to repair the real world. Unless it passes through the reverse, it passes through a lot of chaos, but this process is too dangerous.

And this distance is also infinitely extended.

Moreover, the stronger the cultivation, the more difficult it is to pass through the prohibition of the Holy Spirit.

This altar is sure to be able to summon the king of the night demon, the one of the main gods, which is terrible.

"Wake up."

Xiang Yang patted the face of the king of the night demon and woke up the old guy. He smiled and asked, "Can you really call your deity from the realm of the gods?"


The king of the night demon family smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. "Oh, ants, fear, wait for the king's deity to come, that is when you are destroyed."

"Do you think he has a chance to come?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"What do you want to do?"

The face of the night demon king changed greatly. He forgot that he had been sealed by Xiang Yang. There was no power at all, and Xiang Yang only needed to ruin his altar of millions of years. His deity wanted It is very difficult to come.

"I want to help you summon your deity to the realm of cultivation."

Xiang Yang looked at the guy sincerely and said with a smile, "I have never seen the Lord God. This time, I want to call a master **** myself."


The king of the night demon is stunned. He naturally does not believe that Xiangyang will summon his main **** to be a good thing. However, Xiang Yang ruined everything else, but left the altar. All this seems to be all. It shows that Xiang Yang is ready to summon his deity.

"I haven't killed the Lord God for a long time. What kind of beast is your deity? Can you eat it?" After Xiang Yang sighed, he looked curiously at the king of the night demon.

However, it is obviously useless to watch the king of the night demon. This guy is only a avatar, and it is still the reincarnation of the Lord God and the cultivation to the king of the fairy king. Naturally, he cannot see his deity.

It is better to take a look at the princess of the night demon.

Although I have seen the body of other night demons before, Xiang Yang is still curious, and will evolve after the evolution to the realm of the Lord God.

"Do you want to summon the **** of the god, and then destroy the deity?" The king of the night demon has finally understood the meaning of Xiang Yang. At this moment, he can't help but laugh. "You can't rely on you?" The deity of the deity is still barely ok, but if the deity of his own comes, you will die."

"As long as you can take a look at your deity, I am willing to die if I die. What's more, the dead person must be your Lord's deity."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

While talking, he looked at the princess of the night demon, a little headache, it is, the princess of this night demon now looks like a stunning beauty, and Xiang Yang has a man. The downside is that it is really impossible for beautiful women.


Xiang Yang sighed and woke up the princess of the night demon. Then he smiled and said, "Beauty, discuss things, show your deity and show it to me."

"You, what are you doing?"

The princess of the night demon has collapsed. Since she came to the realm of comprehension, she has always felt that the human form is the most perfect form. In order to make her look better after changing her adulthood, she has even traveled through countless stars in the world. It gathers the image of the most beautiful woman in every world and comprehensively designs its own appearance.

It is reasonable to say that Xiang Yang is a human being. He should like his own appearance. But why should this human being look at his own body?

After the king of the night demon listened, his eyes flashed, and he could not bear the color in his eyes, but he did not say anything.

He is very clear that Xiang Yang wants her daughter to manifest her body, just to get rid of his daughter.

However, he did not remind his daughter, and he knew that it would have no effect even if it was reminded.

"This **** is the main **** of the gods. After the deity comes, all my people will be born again."

This guy is talking to himself and has a very strong confidence in the strength of his deity.

"Come on, hey, change your body and show it to me."

Xiang Yang said softly, the voice was gentle, as if he was talking to the lover, but his movements did not have any gentle expression. He had already urged the runes on the sacred rope to tighten the princess of the night demon. Suddenly, the other party only felt that a horrible force broke out, causing her to scream and gradually deform her body. In the end, she could no longer bear this power and turned directly into a black monster.

The look of this monster is really ugly, black and lacquered, and there is no hair. At first glance, it is like a depilated wild dog, and it is covered with sores and all over the body. It is the appearance of mucus, even if Xiang Yang has already prepared for it, but when he suddenly saw such a disgusting monster, he could not help but stunned.

The contrast is really too big.

The princess of this night demon is even more disgusting than the night demon that she saw before. One person, suddenly changed from a peerless beauty to such a disgusting monster, making Xiang Yang almost want to spit it out.

"It's so disgusting, my bundle of fairy ropes have been tarnished by you."

Xiang Yang sighed, and a black flame appeared on the tying rope. This is the fire of Chaos Suzaku. It is the flame that the remaining Suzaku woman gave him in the body. However, the fire of this group of Suzaku has been him. Incorporating your own energy to re-cultivate, become the fire of Chaos Suzaku, and also contains the fire of your own life.

The power of this group of flames is powerful and unparalleled. This monster in the realm of the peak of the fairy king is burned to death, and no traces are left. Even the true spirit of the other party is directly burned into nothingness. .

After doing all this, Xiang Yang took a sigh of relief and looked at the king of the night demon. He sighed and said, "Is your deity also like this image? If so, I don’t think I should summon him. It’s too disgusting to come."


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