Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2992: Going to the clothes

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When the fire opened his eyes, it seemed that there was an invisible flame flashing, even if the chaotic avenue around Xiangyang was forced to retreat.

This is the unnatural awakening of the flame avenue contained in the body.

It is because of this moment that it is possible to truly show how far the fire heart's understanding of the flame has been achieved.

Xiang Yang couldn’t help but be shocked. This guy’s understanding of the flames of the road really reached a very terrible level. Fortunately, before, he decided to let Xiaoling drive the Qianlong Ding to suppress this guy. Otherwise, this is the case. If the strength of the guy is really moving, even Xiang Yang does not feel that he can easily kill each other.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang’s heart was even more tense.

He is afraid that the other party is not controlled by the magic species. At that time, he can only swallow and refine the other side, in order to strengthen the cultivation of the gods in his body.

Although he has swallowed up two sacred strong men and one main god, Xiang Yang’s **** has grown so much that he feels that even if he swallowed the other side, he would not suffer much.

However, a living full-hearted surrender to his own sacred master is certainly more useful than a dead sacred master.

"I have seen the master."

Next, when Xiang Yang was nervous, he saw that the eyes of the fire were first with a confused color, and then went straight to Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang stunned, "Do you call me the master?"

"Yes Master."

The heart of the fire looked at Xiang Yang with a frenetic color. This kind of expression, Xiang Yang is very familiar, it is the look that will appear when he is driven into the magic.

"It’s finally done."

Xiang Yang sighed a sigh of relief, and the 18,000 magic species did not waste their money, and they actually got the other party.

He looked at the heart of fire with excitement on his face. "What is your name, why come to kill me, and explain everything clearly."

"Master, I am guilty."

After Xiang Yang’s reminder, Huo Xin remembered that he did not know how to live to deal with his master. He suddenly changed his face and went straight to Xiang Yang.

"Well, that's what you did when you haven't abandoned the dark speculation. I don't care about you. Just talk about it. Why did you come to kill me?"

Xiang Yang said with a very generous wave.

"Thank you for your master."

At the same time, looking at Xiangyang with enthusiasm, he said with respect and respectfulness, "Master, I used to wait for the owner beforehand, just to deal with the master, and this matter involves many ancient times in the ancient fairy world. God, then, make the one behind you shot and destroy the ancient god."


After Xiang Yang listened, he screamed. "You have to deal with me, not to have a hatred with me, but to use me simply?"

He originally thought that people in the ancient fairyland must have other reasons to deal with themselves, either because they had destroyed so many arrogances in the ancient fairy world, or because they were descendants of the family and had the blood of the family. Nowadays, the Xiangjia has been hidden. It is estimated that only the bloodline of such a family is walking outside. The guys in the ancient fairyland are trying to deal with their own line.

As a result, Xiang Yang did not think that the purpose of dealing with himself in the ancient fairyland was very simple. It was actually to kill people by sword and lead his own master to deal with the ancient gods of the ancient fairy world.

"Any of the strong people in your ancient fairy world have all grown up under the leadership of the ancient gods? How can we find a way to deal with the ancient gods?"

Xiang Yang asked curiously.

At this moment, because I said why I had to deal with Xiangyang’s fire heart because of the guilt of my heart, and the whole person’s five bodies voted, and after hearing the question of Xiang Yang, the head did not dare to lift it up and whispered, “The ancient **** of slavery A group of ancient immortals, even every year, members of the ancient immortal world sacrifice a certain number of immortal blood food to the ancient gods, I have been waiting for the ancient gods to remove the ancient gods, I have been planning for a long time, just this time.. ."

Having said that, he would not dare to continue.

Xiang Yang naturally understands that the reason why this guy dare not say it is because this time, the strong men of the ancient fairyland saw in their own body the opportunity to get rid of the ancient gods, that is, to destroy themselves, and then to blame the ancient gods, Let your masters annihilate all the ancient gods. By that time, the ancient fairy world is no longer under the control of the ancient gods.

"As a holy place in the ancient world, you should be very clear that there are other roles in the ancient fairy world."

Xiang Yang asked.


Fireheart responded, "The ancient fairyland was founded by the saints in order to suppress the foreign passages, and the ancient gods were also used by the saints of the heavens to suppress the passage. At the beginning, those ancient gods were able to uphold the heart, but, Now, the ancient gods are even thinking of ways to open the channel."

"There is such a thing."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was silent. Although he had long felt that the ancient gods in the ancient fairy world could not be good things, but the ancient gods who really understood the ancient fairy world thought that they would open the passage. He couldn't help but feel the color of worry.

If it is opened with an alien channel, it is definitely a great disaster.

Moreover, no one is sure whether the passages guarded by the ancient gods have already been opened.

"But, anyway, I have already told Guangchengzi what I think. There is a tall man in the sky and there is no other relationship with me. I am nervous."

Then, Xiang Yang said softly and said to Fireheart, "Give you two choices, one, return to the ancient fairy world, conceal the death of the two guys, and second, follow me, and then you will Nor is it a sacred place in the ancient world."

"I am willing to be with my master."

In fact, Xiang Yang also knows that people who have already been beaten into the magic species like Fireheart will definitely like to follow their own side.

The reason why he gave the other two choices is just to try again and see if this guy has not been influenced by the demon. Now, it seems that the other party has indeed been fixed by the demon and has become a person of his own.

However, Xiang Yang really didn't want to be surrounded by an inexplicable sacred powerhouse.

After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "No, you still can't follow me. Go back and go back to the ancient fairyland."

"the host..."

The fire was staring at Xiang Yang, although it was conquered by Xiang Yang in the case of ambiguity, but he was the same as those who actively open the consciousness to accept the magic, except for Xiang Yang. Loyalty has been changed, and everything else has not changed. He really doesn't understand. For his own master, he just said that he wants to make his choice. Now he has turned himself back to the ancient fairyland.

"Don't worry, after I have finished the things in the world, I will go to the ancient fairyland to find you."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

Since the ancient fairyland wants to deal with him, he believes that not only the five major clan, but other forces are also brewing a conspiracy against him. If he does not go to the ancient fairy world, how can he be worthy of himself?


Responsively responded, since Xiang Yang said that let him go back first, he naturally did not dare to refute.

"Okay, nothing, you can go back."

Then, Xiang Yang waved his hand and let the fire leave. The latter respectfully followed the ceremony and turned around and fell into the depths of chaos.

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at Lao Wan and Xiao Ling. "Do you think the magic species really works?"

"It should be changed. It is no different from the people who have been planted into the magic species. It should not be pretending to be pretending." Lao Wan and Xiao Ling said at the same time.

"The next step is to see if anyone knows that I have a good fortune. If anyone knows it, it must be the guy who passed it out."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "If he wants to find death, I don't mind going into the ancient fairy world and destroying all the powerful parties. Isn't it an alien passage? I can't let the order guard suppress it."

"Cough, the boss, the repressors of the foreign passages, at least need the strength of the Yasheng." Xiaoling whispered, "If the strength is as rainy, it should be unable to suppress the passage."

"In this case, you still don't perfect the tower of physical training, so that the guard of order can directly break through to the holy place?"

Xiang Yang blinked and looked at Xiao Ling with a bad mood.

After listening to the latter, he suddenly became dumbfounded. "The boss, the tower of physical training can make people cultivate to the situation of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. It is very difficult. It is almost impossible to make another breakthrough."

"You study and study, and then come back to me and say that it is impossible." Xiang Yang glanced at Xiaoling.


Xiaoling helpless, can only agree to it, thinking in his heart, he really should find a way to study it, but the tower of physical training wants to achieve the ability to temper the physical strength of the practitioner to the realm of Yasheng, that It is too difficult.

Even if the body of Xiaoling is the supreme treasure of Qiankun Chenghua Ding, he also dare not say that he has this ability.


Xiaoling sighed and felt that it was really a big trouble for himself.

When Lao Wan met on the side, he smiled secretly. However, he just made a mistake in the flattering, and now he dares not to show the slightest difference.

"Well, hurry up and give me the back bow. I don't want other baby, keep it for others."

Then, Xiang Yang commanded Xiaoling, and the three organs took their own ontology into the Promise Immortal. Xiangyang took back everything and felt the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in his body. The growth of 祗 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 成长 杀 杀 杀 杀 杀I can grow up to the heights of Da Luo’s nine heavens. At that time, when I punched out, it was equal to 9,999, the masters of the Da Luo Jiu Tiantian’s realm, and the power and thoughts were scared. ""

At this moment, the power of the gods in his body has surpassed the ordinary Da Luo. Every **** is burning with the flames of the gods, and it has incredible strength.

Moreover, the spirits contained in these gods are also enhanced. They are practicing all the time, and one day they will become true sacred masters one day.

Xiang Yang was full of hope, his eyes looked deep into the chaos, and after not seeing the peep of other powerful people, he turned and left the chaos.

This battle between killing and counter-attacking officially ended.

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