Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2993: Goodbye Wilhelm

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"I have seen Vulcan adults."

In the ancient fairy world, the fire heart returned to the place where it was practiced. It was not long before it felt that there was a vast expanse of eruption. There was a violent flame of power flowing around, a horrible flame **** who was tall and ignorant. Appeared, the fire looked a glimpse, and quickly took a gift.

The other party is the existence behind the fire, the Vulcan in the ancient fairy world.

The reason why the ancient fairy **** Vulcan can become the most powerful force in the ancient fairy world is precisely because Vulcan is too strong.

Vulcan was originally a chaotic demon in the way of the flames. It was earth-shattering and even comparable to the saints. It was just because it was limited by the chaos of the gods and could not break through to the saints.

However, Rao is not a sage, its true strength is only a little weaker than the chaos of the saints. The sacred strong, even the fire heart has reached the true peak of existence in the face of Vulcan It is also impossible to be the opponent of the other party.

Moreover, the power of the Vulcan in the ancient fairy world itself comes from Vulcan, and Vulcan naturally suppresses the fire in the blood.

"Are you leaving the ancient fairy world?"

Vulcan's body is very large, and it is also roaring when it is talking. Its eyes look at the heart of fire, making the heart feel like two flames igniting itself.

He knew that this was what Vulcan suspected of going out to do something.

Just as the ancient sacred masters of the ancient immortals want to get rid of these ancient gods, these ancient gods do not actually trust the ancient sacred sages. They naturally know that these ancient sacred sages want to get rid of them, so when When I knew that Fireheart came from the outside world, it went to the door and asked for sin.


Fireheart did not hide it. It was no secret that he returned to the ancient fairy world from the outside world. He could not hide the other side.

"doing what?"

Vulcan asked faintly.

Its tone is full of high-level feelings, just like arbitrarily sipping his servants, making the heart of the fire heart angry. In his heart, there is only one person in the world who can talk to himself in the tone of the oil, that is his own the host.

However, he also knows that the strength of Vulcan is too strong, and definitely not what he can fight. Even if he is not upset, he can only respond, "Go to Xiangyang."


The look of Vulcan has changed slightly. "The legendary one?"

"Bastard, are you looking for death? I dare to go to the descendant of that one. You know, how is that one exists? If you find the trouble of his descendant, then one sword is enough to make the whole ancient The celestial world is gone. Do you think that you can escape under the sword of the one when you reach the peak of the holy sacred? You just want to find death..."

Then, Vulcan suddenly screamed and snarled.

After the fire was seen, it was a smile in the heart. The reason why they first dragged the innocent person of Xiangyang into the water was because the ancient gods such as Vulcan were too scared to the one.

Legend has it that the ancient gods of the ancient immortals were powerful at the time, even if other chaotic saints could kill these chaotic devils, but they could not surrender them completely, or the one who took the sword directly and let them know. After what is called the real strength, these chaotic devils no longer dare to have any resistance, and they surrender to the ancient fairyland.

It is precisely because these sacred masters of the ancient fairyland know these things, so they put their goals on Xiangyang.

Although the actions against the ancient gods failed, Fireheart was not afraid, because they conspired with three people in total. Now, the other two have been completely destroyed by Xiangyang, and he has become a person of Xiangyang. He naturally does not worry about any problems.

"Who will dare to provoke the descendant of that one in the future, don't blame God for being ruthless."

In the end, after Vulcan roared, it was a threat to the fire, and then turned and left.

Even Vulcan, although it has a repressive effect on the fire, but it is also very clear, now the ancient sacred masters of the ancient fairy world have grown up completely, even if they are ancient gods, want to deal with these holy places The strong is not a simple matter.

"When the arrival of my master is the time when the ancient gods are destroyed." After the fire **** left, the fire heart was a faint smile. He did not say much, but he began to fall into practice.

He is already a man of Xiangyang. Since Xiang Yang said, he will come to the ancient fairyland to find him. He just needs to wait quietly for the arrival of Xiangyang.



At the same time, in the realm of comprehension, Xiang Yang is carrying his hands and walking. He can cross several stars every time he walks. In the blink of an eye, he has already arrived in the blood.

The site where the blood family is located, with so many years passed, Willy is the **** emperor of the blood family, and let the blood family completely integrate into the realm of cultivation. Now the blood world has prospered. The comprehens and the blood family live in peace and walk in the streets. At any time, you can see the comprehensible and the members of the blood family talking peacefully.

Even Xiang Yang also saw a lot of comprehensions and **** men and women holding hands, very loving look.

Obviously, the members of the blood family are handsome and beautiful, and with exotic customs, many comprehensions like the handsome guys of the blood family. As a result, in the realm of comprehension, many pairs of comprehens and members of the blood family have been born. Together.

Xiangyang walked and felt that he was really bored. He wanted to find Sun Qingya, Monica and Xiner, and the head of the palace, and found that they were retreating and practicing, and they had completely ignored themselves.

He was helpless, he could only walk alone on his boring road with his hands on his shoulders.

"Handsome, is it the first time to come to the blood?"

At this time, there was a hot **** beauty who came to Xiangyang with a smile on her face. Her eyes were full of autumn water, and she was able to fascinate a large group of people, blond, skin wins snow, in terms of appearance, even Not inferior to Alice.

Although I just saw Alice in the Qingxue Universe Group, but I saw such a beautiful and exotic **** beauty, Xiang Yang couldn’t help but jump in the heart and coughed for a moment. Come to the blood world."

"The blood industry has developed very fast over the years. You haven't come for a long time, and you must have forgotten how to go. Let me take you with you."

This beauty is very open, and at the same time, it is directly pulling up Xiang Yang’s hand.

Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed, and on the surface was a thick color. “This, no, not good.”

His appearance is like being the first time a girl is holding hands. Even the palm of his hand has a sweat, making this **** beauty more happy after seeing it. Pulling Xiang Yang’s hand is going forward. Nothing, I will take you to my house."


Although I have already known that Western beauty is relatively open, but when I heard that this blood beauty was going to take her to her home directly, Xiang Yang was still a little bit of a surprise, this is really a fancy. Still, what about you?

"What do I go to your home?"

Xiang Yang asked.

"I like you, do you like me?"

Asked about this **** beauty.

"I don't know you, how can I like you?"

Xiang Yang’s 嗤嗤 laughed out, and he pulled his hand back and felt that he still didn’t play with the sister’s realm.

The **** people are very daring, dare to love the people who dare to hate, in case the other party is playing really, really like their own words, then it is not good.

"Hey, don't go, I like you, I have to get you, I want you to be my man."

Xiang Yang continued to walk leisurely toward the front, and this blond beauty shouted at the rear.

"I don't know you, I don't like you either, I don't want to be your man."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and waved his hand, still walking forward toward the front, the blood prince beauty in the rear wants to catch up, but found that she could not catch up, she could only stop, exclaimed, "this person It turned out to be a super master in the realm of comprehension. He obviously just walked slowly. I couldn’t catch up. Who is he?"

"No, how do I think he looks familiar?"

Then, the beauty remembered what it was like, clicked on the watch on the wrist, a holographic image appeared in front of her, and there was a young man holding the sword, the appearance of the prestige, it was Xiang Yang.

"God, it’s really him, my idol, my sword god, I, I actually saw him, and I almost took him home, oh, no, no, I missed him again. No, I have to catch up, I must not miss it."

When the beautiful woman saw Xiang Yang’s appearance, she cried and laughed. Then she went up like crazy. However, Xiang Yang had already disappeared. Don’t say she is just a prince, even if it is blood. It is impossible for the emperor to catch up with Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang walked on the road of blood, and after asking the passionate beauty, he continued to walk slowly, even bought some snacks on the street, while eating and walking.

"Handsome guy..."

However, it didn't take long for Xiang Yang to go. He even wondered if he had entered a special area. He even had a beautiful woman who wanted to talk to himself. In the end, he could only interrupt the blood. The idea of ​​hanging out is directly disappearing in place.

The core of the blood world, on the blood emperor's peak, Wei Weizheng and a group of elders, in fact, is not a big deal, just ask about the basic situation of the blood, this is every three months must be carried out regular meeting.

Since Will, he has set various rules in the **** world with the Presbyterian Church, making the **** world a strict place. At the same time, after the **** world is completely released, it is merged with the true world. Few big things have happened.

Over the years, Verdi and a group of elders are also working hard to practice.

Will is hoping that one day he will be able to break through the realm of blood emperor, and he can fly up to the fairy world to find his own boss.

"There was news that the black wind star of the comprehension had an accident. There were countless self-cultivators who were controlled by the black wind village of the Black Wind Star. Suddenly, a mysterious strongman came a few days ago and everyone will be Saved, it is said that the mysterious powerhouse is the first patron saint of the real world of the year, the first sword god."

At this time, there is a new report from the Presbyterian Church.


Verdi and all the elders all changed their faces. They were the elders who were conquered by Xiang Yang. At this moment, the repairs of these elders have already reached the realm of blood empires.

However, these are not important. What is important is that they heard the news of Xiangyang.

"Who is the first sword **** you said in the real world?"

Willy twirled and looked at the newly promoted elder with incredible color.

"Returning to the Emperor of the Emperor, it was just a dozen years ago that a sword annihilated the Eight Winged Angels and led the comprehension of the world to destroy the angelic **** of the angelic world."

The newly promoted elder did not know why his own blood emperor's old assembly was so excited, but he did not dare not answer, but quickly answered carefully.

"It's him, he really came back, boss..."

After Wilhelm listened, he was excited on his face. He whispered. "Boss, where are you, I am going to find you."

"Weir, I haven't seen you for a long time."

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