Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2999: Physical fitness

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After the three men marched for a while, Xiang Yang felt that the Pangu blood contained in the **** sea had become stronger. He stopped and released the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. At the same time, various exercises in his own body were also Crazy running, began to absorb the ancient blood contained in the blood.

With the strength of Xiang Yang's physical body, his eternal evolution has also evolved. The undead ancestral body and the spirit of the Eucharist are also running at a rapid pace, gradually entering Dacheng. status.

In fact, the degree of cultivation has reached the level of Xiang Yang, and many exercises have no hierarchy.

Some exercises have the first layer, the second layer... and then each level corresponds to a realm, which is distinguished by being a weaker person.

Really in the realm of Da Luo, more is a quantitative accumulation, it needs its own understanding of the heavens, and the power of the avenue is smelted in its own body, so that the promotion of its own realm is the most crucial.

What's more, Xiang Yang has already stepped out of his own path, and his path has been different from the current Tao Pan chaotic world.

Almost all of his many exercises have already reached the realm of Dacheng, and now, with the promotion of Pangu's essence, it is the promotion of any practice to the extent of great perfection.


With the roar of his body constantly coming out, Xiang Yang can clearly feel that whether it is the invincible body or the spirit of the Eucharist and the undead ancestor, the body has truly reached the state of great perfection.

His exercises have been carried out, and he has achieved very harmonious, without any obstacles. Even, the speed of absorbing Pan Gu essence is getting faster and faster.

At the same time, he felt that the power of his body was also increasing rapidly, and the undead fire became more powerful. In the acupoint space of the body, a total of 10,000 acupoints were expanding, even those The gods also grew up with the same big mouth and swallowing the blood of Pangu.

"Whether it is the growth of the physical strength, or the improvement of the realm, or the perfection of the exercises, it will make me absorb the speed of Pangu blood faster."

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself, with a strange light in his eyes, whispering, “The **** devil, your blood, I laughed.”

At the same time, in the depths of chaos, in the Jiuzhong Tiandao field where the chaos and sages of the heavens are condensed, the Sanqing saints and the sages of the saints are sitting and practicing, and the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors is here.

Suddenly, his body trembled and felt like something bad happened. He couldn’t help but his face became ugly. "How is this going on? How do I feel that there is a bad foreboding?"

The Gorefiend ancestors talked to themselves.

Even if it is a premonition that ordinary people think is not good, in fact, there may be some bad things that happen, not to mention the practitioners.

It is very accurate to be a realm like the Gorefiend ancestors, no matter what it is.

In the countless years, the Gorefiend ancestors first felt such a bad premonition. His eyes looked at the Yasheng sitting next to him, and the Sanqing sage sitting high above, only felt bad in his heart. The hunch is getting stronger and stronger.

"Daoyou, who understands the wheel of Heaven, needs meditation. The teacher can hardly give us the enlightenment of the Wheel of Heaven, but don't miss it."

The original sage of the Sanqing sage sitting on the top of the plate glanced at the **** ancestor.

At this moment, on the top of the head of All Saints, there is a round of light wheels that are spinning, emitting a rich atmosphere of heaven. It is the wheel of heaven and the existence of the three thousand avenues that represent the heavens.

This is exactly what Daozu specially rewarded to the All Saints and made All Saints enlightened.


Although the Gorefiend ancestors felt that the bad feelings in the heart were very strong, it was hard to remember the opportunity to enlighten the Wheel of Heaven. Maybe it would be almost impossible to have such an opportunity again in the future. He had to suppress his heart. That feeling, continue to understand the wheel of heaven.

In any case, the Gorefiend ancestors would not have thought that the blood of Pangu contained in his **** sea had already entered Xiangyang’s body a little bit, and Yang Wanjian, who did not come to Jiuzhong Tiandaochang, also stared at him. Old nest.

In his view, as long as he can understand this wheel of heaven, everything will be fine. Moreover, his deity is here, there is blood and sea in the blood and there is no fear at all.

"It should be that I think more."

The Gorefiend ancestors continue to enlighten the Wheel of Heaven.

At this time, the sacred sacredness among the Sanqing sages was a pinch of a lawsuit with both hands. It seemed that he felt something like it. He had a smile on his face and took a deep look at the Gorefiend ancestors. However, there is not much to say.

Sanqing Holy Respect, too much is the most.

From the ancient times to the present, he has been concentrating on spiritual practice, even the disciples have not received much, so his cultivation is the strongest, the closest to their masters and ancestors.

For the sacred sage, he can see through the depths of chaos and see through the heavens and the world.

Even if it is a **** sea, it cannot stop his calculation.

However, how can the Taishang Supreme help the Gorefiend?

The **** ancestor's cultivation is very strong. Among the sub-saints, it can rank among the top five. Even before Sanqing Shengzun and others have not become chaotic saints, it is not his opponent.

However, the realm of the Gorefiend ancestors was too weak. Although he felt that there was a bad premonition, he could not figure out why his bad premonition would appear.

At this time, Xiang Yang was madly absorbing the blood of the sea, and after absorbing the energy contained in a **** sea, he continued to move forward. After the Pangu blood contained in it became rich, he continued to stop practicing. .

In this way, the atmosphere of Pangu Chaos contained in his body is getting stronger and stronger. At the same time, among the lotuses of Wanfa Avenue, the understanding of Lizhi Avenue has reached an increasingly strong level.

His whole person has changed.

Although he is still the same as it was, at the moment he is in the eyes of Bai Yu and Yang Wanjian, it seems to have become a chaotic sky.

Even at this moment, Xiang Yang, although still only about one meter seven, but in the eyes of Yang Wanjian, Xiang Yang is very tall, as if it is a Pangu holy in the chaos.

Xiang Yang only felt that his physical strength had been growing indefinitely, and even he did not know how much his physical strength had reached.

He only knows that all his exercises are running wildly, the body has been growing indefinitely, and the power of the sky is growing stronger.

He believes that if he punches himself out, he will be able to smash everything. Even if the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors appears in front of himself, he can also directly blast each other out.

Yang Wanjian and Bai Yu silently followed Xiangyang. Both of them witnessed the growth of Xiangyang all the way. From the shock at the beginning to the envy and envy, now they are numb.

"In the heavens and the world, if you want to say who has the ability to do it, and the body is sanctified, it is estimated that this guy." Yang Wanjian sighed.

"Master, from ancient times to the present, especially in the wilderness period, there are countless enchantments. How can anyone not be sanctified?" White feathers are unbelievable on the face.

"Appreciation, you really don't believe it, I tell you, even if Yang Zizi's disciple Yang Lan, when the flood is not broken, he is known as the first war **** of the Three Realms. He cultivated nine turns of Xuan Gong, which can be said to be Pangu authentic. The practice of refining the body has been done, but it has only reached the peak of Yasheng, and it is no longer possible to become a chaotic saint.

"There are later Sun Monkeys. He is the congenital monkey that was made up of the remaining Tianshi Stones. He was the most promising to prove it, but it is also stuck in the Yasheng Peak. Can't grow up."

"There are other people, and later some of them are very strong, even those who have the blood of the Witch. They have hopes to prove it, but they are all stuck in the last step."


Yang Wanjian sighed and said, "It is difficult to prove the truth. It is the most difficult to sanctify the body. But if you can prove the sanctification of the body, it will be the second Pangu. At that time, my days. When Wanjie faces the foreign world again, there is no longer any need to worry."

Bai Yu blinked and looked at Xiang Yang, who was absorbing the blood of the Pangu contained in the **** sea. His face showed a firm color. "I believe the boss is sure."


At this time, Xiang Yang has absorbed the Pan Gu Jing blood contained in the blood sea here. His body shape is trembled, and the whole person has a horrible atmosphere.

This is the power of the flesh, the most pure force of the Pangu body.

"Boss, how? Is it true that the sanctification is done?" Bai Yu rushed forward, looking at Xiang Yang with a look of hope.

"To prove that it is so simple, even if the entire Pan Gu essence contained in the whole blood sea is sucked up, I guess it is impossible to break through the saint's situation. It is too difficult to want to be sanctified. ”

Although Xiang Yang’s age is similar to that of Bai Yu, he has more contacts and more inheritance. He knows very well that it is not easy to truly sanctify the body.

However, it is not easy to represent the impossibility. Xiang Yang feels that as long as he gives him enough time, he still hopes to break through the chaotic saint who has proved his way.

"Walk, I sensed the fluctuations of the vast expanse of the blood in front of us. If we didn't expect it, we have already reached the blood of the devil world. The next step is to be very careful. Lao Yang, you and Xiaobai separately. Well, I will retreat in the **** sea. If you meet someone who needs me to shoot, call me again."

Xiang Yang’s eyes look at the **** sea in front of him with a look of hope. It is an endless blood sea. It contains the blood of Pangu’s holy sage. If you can absorb it all by yourself, then, the body. He does not know how much power will be reached, but he feels that he can at least fight against any Afghan strongman.

"A **** old guy's avatar is retreating in the **** sea all the year round. At that time, you are robbing him of blood, that is, he wants his old life, he will definitely fight with you."

Yang Wanjian nodded, but with the color of worry, "And, the demon of the Gorefiend is in the chaos of the nine heavens and the heavens to join the All Saints to understand the Wheel of Heaven, but he knows that the **** sea will definitely catch up. When you come back, even if you need a certain amount of time, you must be careful. The Gorefiend ancestors are in this **** sea. His strength has reached a very terrible degree, and non-sages can't be defeated."

"The Gorefiend ancestors are in the wheel of the heavens with the All Saints?"

Xiang Yang did not care about the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors, but looked at Yang Wanjian strangely. He didn't even know that there was such a thing.


Yang Wanjian nodded. "This time, because the foreign world has changed, I am afraid that the war will come soon in the near future. Daozu has manifested his body shape and let Sanqing Shengzun summon the Tianya Shengsheng to the Jiuzhong Tiandaochang. A common understanding of the Wheel of Heaven, if someone can break through to the sage, it is the best."

"Then why didn't you go?"

Xiang Yang stared at Yang Wanjian and realized the wheel of Heaven. This is the chance of Tianda. This guy is the Juggernaut of Yasheng Peak, but he did not go to enlightenment. This is a bit strange.


Yang Wanjian shook his head. "My way has reached the peak. I want to make a breakthrough. It is not something that can be achieved by enlightening the wheel of Heaven. It is better to accompany my disciple."

"You turned out to be..."

Xiang Yang’s face was shocking. He did not expect Yang Wanjian to give up the opportunity to enlighten the Wheel of Heaven in order to teach Bai Yu well. This is simply unbelievable.

"What I need is that there is a sword sage who will explore this road with me, rather than simply groping by myself. I have been groping for too long, I need to find a friend."

Yang Wanjian sighed and could imagine how much he had hoped for Bai Yu.

After he even wanted to train the white feathers, the two explored the Juggernaut Road together.

Xiang Yang couldn't help but stay asleep, and then showed admiration to Yang Wanjian. "Old Yang, although you are not as talented as me, the strength is estimated to be overtaken by me. However, your heart is firm, it is extraordinary."

"I am not as good as you?"

After Yang Wanjian listened, a black face was like black carbon to prevent it. He snorted and rushed straight toward the **** sea with the white feather.

What's special, although your growth rate is very fast, you will soon have the power of the invincible body of Yasheng, but you openly say that Laozi is alright?

"I praise you, you are still not happy."

Xiang Yang chuckled and thought that Yang Wanjian was a bit inexplicable.

His figure is twinkling, and the whole person is directly immersed in the blood of the front.

Here, there is boundless blood!

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