Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3000: Blood sea riots (five more flowers)

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Xiang Yang feels like he has broken through a layer of barriers. The whole person has not directly entered the vast sea of ​​blood. This feeling seems to be along the river, suddenly to the vastness of the vast boundless sea, there is a kind of sea. The feeling of wide heights.

He can sense the powerful boundless energy in this **** sea.

This is Pangu blood.

Yang Wanjian has disappeared directly with the white feather. He came to the **** sea this time for a direct purpose. His speed is very fast. Xiang Yang believes that there is a perfect white feather that he can protect.

Yang Wanjian as the Juggernaut, the Yasheng strongman who entered the Tao with the sword, can be said to be the first Juggernaut among the saints today.

This is the most pure sword repair, with the martial art supernatural sanctification, becoming the existence of the sub-sacred strong.

This kind of existence, combat power is among the top ranks among the heavens and the world. Even if it comes to the **** sea, to the old nest of the Gorefiend ancestors, he must have certain certainty to take the white feathers. go away.

Otherwise, Yang Wanjian is absolutely impossible to take risks with white feathers.

Xiang Yang smiled softly and ignored Yang Wanjian and Bai Yu, but directly sneaked into the deepest part of the blood sea. This blood sea is unfathomable. It is deeper than the so-called sea in the outside world. I don’t know how many younger generations, but with the strength of Xiangyang, He is as good as a dragon into the sea, and instantly reaches the bottom of the blood sea.

However, when he really sneaked into the bottom of the **** sea, he was shocked to discover that there is a vast world in the bottom of this **** sea.

This is not a simple seabed, but a presence that has been built into a world by the Gorefiend ancestors.


Xiang Yang silently hides his body shape. If he was so close to the bottom of the blood sea, I am afraid he has already been discovered. However, now he has absorbed a lot of Pan Gu essence, his own breath. The **** sea is very close. After hiding his body shape, even if he has reached the bottom of the **** sea, he has not been found.

"The sorcerer's ancestors are not in the world at the bottom of this **** sea."

Xiang Yang carefully sensed it. Surprisingly, he found that the blood and sea avatars of the Gorefiend ancestors were not there. Moreover, although there are some breaths of life here, they are not very powerful. Even if they are alarmed, Xiang Yang is not afraid. .

"There should be some newborns of the Gorefiend family. So, the Gorefiend ancestors have no way to absorb the Pangu blood contained in the blood sea, but they can use the energy of the blood sea to breed some Gorefiends. a member of a family."

After carefully examining Xiang Yang, it was discovered that the so-called world at the bottom of the blood sea was only isolated by the array method. Although there are some buildings, it is very rare, and at the bottom, there are many hundred and even tall and tall eggs. Arranged neatly, the breath of life that he sensed was sensed from these eggs.

"The breath of the blood family."

Xiang Yang said to himself.

At that time, the hundreds of thousands of eggs he had received on the Blood Emperor Peak were exactly the same. They were not enough. Those who were only the ancestors of the blood family were generally not very strong.

Nowadays, the breath of these eggs at the bottom of the blood sea has reached the status of Da Luo, and there are millions of them.

"It turns out that the blood family is really going out from the sea of ​​blood. No, it should be said that it is the first ancestor of the blood family. It was originally a small member of the blood demon. It is estimated that it was hit by the **** sea and then began. Breathing, and finally a blood family."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and he finally understood the origin of the blood family.

The members of the blood family can also be said to be a **** demon.

However, the Gorefiend ancestors estimated that they were too lazy to admit that the blood family is a member of his vein. Otherwise, when the blood ancestor was destroyed, the Gorefiend ancestors should also help, if there is a Gorefiend ancestor. The help, really not many people can deal with the blood ancestor.

"The eggs of these gossips are all taken away. When they hatch, they are the hands of millions of powerful people. My order guard is enough to really add up."

Xiang Yang decided, not to swallow the blood sea cultivation, but to take away all the eggs of the **** demon in the blood.

If you can incubate all of these millions of Gorefiends, it will be a powerful force in the realm of millions of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, which will be a very terrible force. .

"The Gorefiend ancestors, I don't want to cut off the foundation of your veins, but, you eggs, I am really too excited, I can't help."

Xiang Yang squats, his body shape suddenly becomes looming, although the whole person still appears in the blood, but if you look carefully, you will find that he is isolated from the blood sea, he is in the blood and chaos Between spaces.

Xiang Yang realized the deepest level of chaos and realized the path of time and space, and reached a very high level. Nowadays, he uses his time and space to make himself into the void, and he directly mobilizes Qiankun. The power of the fortune to accommodate itself.

There is space in the vastness of Qiankun, and the power of chaos and treasures can be helped by Xiangyang.

Although this array was personally arranged by the Gorefiend ancestors, Xiang Yang was easy to pass through, without any waves.

"There are countless bloodsuckers, millions of eggs, and my order is perfect."

Xiang Yang exhaled a breath and only felt that his heart was so refreshing. This time he came to the **** sea and got so much. He felt that the Gorefiend ancestors were a great man.

"I knew that I should be better for the Gorefiend ancestors at the time. It is good to be friends with him."

Business reforms. I’m squawking a little bit, and wading the blood from the Pangu. It’s crazy.

He is proud of his heart, but the speed of his hand is not slow. He sends a powerful energy between the waves, and directly collects these millions of eggs.


However, Xiang Yang’s move, he suddenly found out that when these eggs were all taken away by him, there was a vast expanse of atmosphere in the world at the bottom of the **** sea, and a roaring sound continued. .

Apparently, the Gorefiend ancestors left a warning array among the eggs in the **** sea. When Xiang Yang moved the eggs in the **** sea, he touched the formation.

"I can't think of it, I still alarmed the Gorefiend."

Xiang Yang sighed. Originally, he was prepared to make a fortune in silence without trying to disturb the **** ancestors. As a result, he still looked down on the **** ancestors.

"No matter what, since he was alarmed, he will take away all the things in the world at the bottom of the blood sea, and if he has any treasures, he will take it away beforehand."

Xiang Yang’s eyes are awkward. Since he has alarmed the Gorefiend ancestors, he said that he will definitely not end with the Gorefiend ancestors. Then, simply do not endlessly, and directly put all the world in the bottom of the blood sea. Everything is taken away and said.

At the bottom of the blood sea, not only these eggs, but also some weapons are warming up by the power of the blood.


When Xiang Yang was embarrassed and all the world in the bottom of the blood sea was taken away, the whole **** sea shook.

"After we left the **** sea quietly, we went straight to the Gorefiend's old nest. Just happened, I didn't sense the presence of the Gorefiend. This is our good opportunity to wait for his old nest. After that, we will run again."

At this moment, Yang Wanjian is taking the white feather to the top of the blood sea. After the two discuss it, they are ready to go ashore quietly.


However, at this time, the whole **** sea shook, and the inexhaustible blood was shocked. As if a twelfth tsunami occurred, the two people who did not prepare for it were directly rolled up.

"The **** sea has changed, fast, and confessed to the ancestors."

"Master, there is something wrong, there are people in the blood, two immortals."


At this moment, the strong people who guarded the **** demon of the **** sea all rushed out when they sensed the **** sea movement. They saw Bai Yu and Yang Wanjian drifting over the **** sea at a glance.

At this moment, everyone is all angry.

"Bold thieves, dare to sneak into the blood, it is simply sin."


In an instant, countless Gorefiend's strong players all rushed toward Bai Yu and Yang Wanjian.

At this time, Bai Yu and Yang Wanjian were drifting above the **** sea. They looked at this scene and felt a little bit wrong.

"We are pitted by your boss."

After a while, Yang Wanjian sighed and said.

"Cough, this... my boss is definitely not intentional. It is estimated that I accidentally encountered the formation in the **** sea."

Bai Yu whispered, but this explanation, even if he felt that there is no persuasiveness.

Xiang Yang caused blood and sea turmoil, directly exposed the two people who had been sneaking in the nest of the Gorefiend ancestors, and saw the powerful of the **** demon, and Yang Wanjian and Bai Yu felt headaches.

"The Gorefiend is also coming back."

Yang Wanjian broke out of the infinite swordsmanship, blocking the masters of the Gorefiends that they had killed. At the same time, his eyes looked far away, and he clearly felt the strong atmosphere of a powerful Holy Land. Hurry up.

Although the other party is still far away from here, it will take some time to come over, but here is the devil world, the site of the Gorefiend ancestors, they face two choices.

One is to take the body of the Gorefiend ancestors directly before the real body of the Gorefiend ancestors did not come back, and then robbed the treasures of the Gorefiend ancestors.

The other one is to quickly escape along the original road. Of course, this passage will also be discovered by people with a **** demon. At that time, people in the devil world can enter the universe of comprehension through the channel of blood sea. This is not What a good thing.

"Master, what do we do?" Bai Yu asked.

Although he is only a cultivation of the fairy land, it can be said to be weak and pitiful, but when he is really faced with such a strong **** demon, he is not afraid at all.

"Gangster, do you want to fight one game?"

Yang Wanjian swayed the infinite sword to block the attack of the strong demon of the Gorefiend, and then looked at Bai Yu with a strange color in his eyes.


Bai Yu hesitated. "I am just a cultivation of the heavens. Anyone who is in the devil world can kill me. Even if I want to fight, it will have no effect."

He is very clear about his strength, let alone the encounter with the **** ancestors, even a disciple of a **** demon is enough to destroy him.

"It's fine, let the teacher enter your Dantian and provide you with enough strength. You only need to shoot and survive in this demon world."

Yang Wanjian’s face was cold and with a glimpse of color. “Besides, since I accepted you as a disciple, it’s good for you to be a teacher. But this time, the turmoil will start, and the teacher can’t protect you anymore. As the teacher wants you to grow up, you must go through a big battle. Only between life and death can you really grow up.

You are the boss of Xiangyang. He is so young and has such a strong strength. He came up in the war. You know that when he is still in the real world, he can kill Yashengqiang. The person?

I don't expect you to be able to compare with him, but the devil is an opportunity for you.

This time, I have already prepared for the teacher before the departure. Your Taoist and the teacher are also arranged. Her safety is certainly no problem. You can kill your way in this demon world without any worries.

If you do not agree, you will be sent to you to repair the real world immediately. If you promise, you will enter your Dantian as a teacher and provide energy for you. When you are not dead, you will never appear as a teacher. What do you think? ”

After Bai Yu listened, he was silent. He did not expect that this time he entered the blood sea, but his own master has already lived in the preparation for his own experience.

Enter the devil world, kill the Quartet and grow up in the war.

Kendo is the way to kill.

The practice is to fight against the sky. If you want to grow fast, it is impossible to step by step. The time is too late. He wants to grow up like Xiang Yang, only desperately.

The devil world is his chance.

The only worry for Bai Yu is that his wife is Yiyi. Now, Yiyi has been arranged by Yang Wanjian. What other worries does he have?

His face has a firm color and looks at Yang Wanjian.

"Master, I am ready, kill, I want to rise in this demon world."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers... Thanks~~

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