Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3003: God of war

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"Heroes, come and come, are you not very arrogant? I will fight you with a move. If you can win me, come back to other brothers."

"I also wanted to learn the skills of Gorefiend."

"Hahaha, don't vomit blood, as the Yasheng strong, and still the master of the blood sea, although the blood is vast and boundless, with endless blood, but you can't waste it."


In the chaotic nine-heavenly heavenly field, not all the sages of the sages are all directed against the **** ancestors, and at least dozens of sacred sages are all looking at the **** ancestors with no good intentions.

Under the accusation one by one, even if the Gorefiend ancestors had already spit a blood, and now the whole person is trembled.

The Gorefiend ancestors looked up and looked at the Sanqing sage in the upper part of the cloud. They were too incapable. They naturally closed their eyes and did not speak. The original and Tongtian were different. The two had always had a deep heart. .

Most of these sub-saints are the disciples of the original and the heavenly sage.

How can the Gorefiend ancestors not understand, these people just got the original sacred and the heavenly sacred inspiration to dare to do this against themselves.

"Sage, saint, I want to be sanctified."

The Gorefiend ancestors madly roared in their hearts. If he was a saint, even if he was only a sage, he would be able to reinforce and absorb the blood of Pangu contained in the blood.

By that time, he can become the second Pangu.

Although the realm and the gods may not be able to keep up, as long as he can absorb all the blood of the Pangu in the blood, when his body can be invincible, even if the Sanqing saints take the shot, he also Equally fearless.

However, he cannot be sanctified.

The more the Gorefiend ancestors want to be sanctified, the less they can be sanctified, because he has no holy position. He wants to prove his way, but he has no way to succeed. He wants to be sanctified and more impossible. As a **** big devil, how can you get merit?

Without sanctification, it is doomed that the Gorefiend ancestors can only be surrounded by these Yasheng strong people.


At this time, the Gorefiend ancestors trembled, only to feel that something that was very important to them was away from themselves. He held his hands in his hands and directly calculated it on the spot. Cause and effect.

Blood sea!

"No, who is it, whoever dares to move the blood of his ancestors, the ancestors are not the same as you."

The blood sea is the root of the Gorefiend ancestors. This is the real heritage of his ability to stand in the heavens and the world. However, even someone has moved his blood, which is absolutely the way to his back.

The Gorefiend ancestors roared, and his body broke out with a sigh of blood. He looked at Yu Ding Ya Sheng, who was stuck in the doorway, and yelled, "Go away, or the ancestors will kill you."

"I have to see, how did you destroy my master."

However, when the voice of the Gorefiend fell, I saw a cold voice coming from outside the Jiuzhong Tiandaochang.


A young three-handed knife with a three-pointed knife and a silver armor is still blood-stained. His face is resolute and with a coldness, stepping in from the outside.

The blood dyed on his robes is not ordinary blood, but the blood of the gods of the gods.

He is a disciple of Yu Ding Ya Sheng, the flesh became the **** of war of the Yasheng Peak, the first battle of the Three Kingdoms, Yang Lan.

"Ha ha ha, Gorefiend children, your tone is really rampant, although the old man of Yu Ding is not the same, but his disciple Yang Lan is the first war **** of the Three Realms, but only a little weaker than the old grandson, you dare to bully him. Master, you are looking for death..."

Next to Yang Lan, a half-man and a half-monkey with a face full of Lei Gong’s mouth smiled and said, holding a golden stick in his hand, playing from time to time, with his movements, the void will be broken. general.

In the same way, this strong person also carries blood, but it is not his blood, but the blood of the king of God.

This is the blood of the king of the king in the world of the highest gods.

This is Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong.

Among the three realms of the past, in addition to Yang Lan, the body was sanctified and the strongest, and Yang Lan claimed to be the most promising to prove the existence of chaotic saints.

Although both of them did not prove to be chaotic saints, but with these years of practice, their strength is stronger and stronger than any saint.

"I have seen the Holy King and I have seen the Great Holy."

Seeing that the two came in, the Yasheng strongmen who were present almost all had luggage, and even the disciples of Sanqing Sanzun also smiled and nodded at them.

For the two, the presence of these saints can be said to be predecessors, but they are in the late, strong and unparalleled, dare to fight with the saints, this time, the two joined forces to enter the realm of envy Kill one of the gods.

Seeing the return of the two, the body is still stained with the blood of the King of God, who can not understand, these two have done a big earth-shattering thing?

"The disciple saw the ancestors, met the saints, and saw the master and the uncles."

Although Yang Lan was blood-stained, his body was so powerful that he was not weaker than any saint. However, he was courteous and courteous, first bowed to Sanqing, and then saluted Yang Lan and other disciples under the Sanqing Gate.

However, Sun Monkey did not have such good courtesy. He smiled and said hello to the Sanqing sage at the top. "Sanqing old man, old man is coming back, high unhappy, not excited?"

Originally, the Sanqing sage was in a very good mood because he saw Yang Lan’s salute. However, when he heard that Sun Monkey asked a question about 'high unhappiness', 'there was no excitement,' their faces were stiff and they looked at the sun. monkey.

On the contrary, Yu Ding Ya Sheng is very happy, to Yang Shudao, "How is this war?"

"Without hope, the disciple and Sun Dasheng joined forces to kill the gods of the gods. Today, there are only eleven gods in the world of the gods."

Yang Lanxing etiquette.

"Well, they broke the 12-king kings and they will be much simpler to deal with them in the future." Tongtian Shengzun couldn't help but laugh and said, "Not bad, Yang Lan, Sun Monkey, you are very good, very Ok, I hope to prove my sanctification in the future."

“Thank you for the praise of Tongtian Shengzun.”

Yang Lan quickly saluted.

The grandson of the monkey said with a smile. "If you insist on being so good and sanctified, do you think that the old grandson and Yang Lan will not be able to break through?"

"To prove that it is the most difficult way to sanctify the right path, there are many natural difficulties. You are not without a friend. After today, you will have a good friend. Even, maybe he can take you with me. Going on this road."

Tongtian Shengzun smiled and said.

"who is it?"

When you hear the words of the Heavenly Supreme, both Yang Lan and the Sun Monkey all have excitement on their faces.

It’s a great honour to have someone on the road and explore together.

For so many years, they have been able to support the way to prove the way to the present, and they can walk to the present day. Although they are not chaotic saints, they can kill the king of the saints. This is their terrible.

However, it is still very difficult to prove that this road, even if they both feel that the talents of both of them have come to an end and cannot progress.

Nowadays, Tongtian Shengzun actually tells them that someone can move forward with them immediately. It must be the same realm with them. How can they not be excited?

"You will know later." Tongtian Shengzun whispered softly, and did not talk much, but glanced at the fierce Gorefiend ancestors.

"It's him, no, the Gorefiend is a weak chicken. The body is very fragile. If you don't have a **** sea, you can break his body. If it is not a **** sea, then the old man will kill him. ""

Sun Monkey disdainfully glanced at the **** and red-blooded Gorefiend ancestors, unceremoniously mocking.

"Sun Monkey, Hugh is mad." Gorefiend ancestors trembled with anger, originally he wanted to take a shot on Yu Ding Yasheng, tearing away an incision from Yu Ding, and as a result, Yang Lan came back, who dared to Yang Lan Master Yu Ding Yasheng shot?

These sacred powers of the heavens are very clear.

Yang Lan, the first war **** of the Three Realms of the year, is now the strongest under the heavens and saints. He is known as the existence of the Holy King. He is juxtaposed with Sun and Monkey. Although he is not sanctified, he can deal with the saint.

Moreover, Yang Lan has a characteristic, that is, to protect the short, especially for the martyrdom of the past, to help him embark on the path of practice, Yu Ding Ya Sheng is like a biological father.

Who dares to be impolite to Yu Ding, first of all must first think about whether he can stand the three-pointed two-knife of Yang Hao, the first **** of war.

It is precisely because of the existence of Yang Lan that the strength of Yu Ding can be said to be a weak among the middle and lower reaches of the Yahweh, but no one dares to bully him.

Give the Gorefiend ancestors a million courage, and dare not shoot with Yang Lan.

"Bloody Devil, do you want to be a master of my teacher?"

The Gorefiend didn't dare to speak. It didn't mean that Yang Lan would let him go. Yang Lan held the three-pointed and two-edged sword that still dripped the blood of the King of God. He looked coldly at the **** ancestors, and a murderous rushed directly.


The face of the Gorefiend ancestors was very ugly. In the face of Yang Lan’s persecution, he did not dare to shoot. He could only sigh and say, “But it’s gone, since the ancestors will not let the ancestors leave, then the ancestors will not leave. ”

While talking, he sat down directly on the spot and closed his eyes and did not speak.

He knows that Sanqing's holy deity means not letting him return to the **** sea. As a result, there are many ideas. Some people will deal with his blood, and it is very likely that he is a disciple under the Sanqing Holy Spirit.

Today, his blood and sea avatar is still in the blood, but he does not think that blood and sea can block each other.

Moreover, he can't leave anyway, he can only wait here.

The strength is not as good as people, even if it is his grievances and anger?

There is no way at all.

"It's a pity, I still want to find an excuse to kill your old devil's stick." Sun Monkey snorted, his words made all of the Yasheng all smile, and the Gorefiend ancestors closed their eyes, but But the mouth was twitching, and the heart was full of anger, but he did not dare to show it.

"The blood sea is the essence of Pangu blood, even if I can not absorb the Pan Gu essence, and the Sanqing holy deities are here, other saints can not be shot, in this case, even if other Ya Sheng went, nor What about the **** sea."

"And there is the existence of blood and sea, even if it is killed, it can still be revived quickly, you should not worry too much."

"In this case, you should fully understand the wheel of Heaven. If you can comprehend the heavens and achieve the realm of chaos and saints, you can absorb the blood of Pangu and achieve the body of Pangu. At that time, even Sanqing is not an opponent of the ancestors. ""

"Forbearance, you must hold back."

The Gorefiend ancestors whispered in their hearts. Although the feeling of restlessness became more and more intense, he persuaded himself to make himself sit with his eyes closed and no longer consider other problems.

"It’s really boring to not resist."

Sun Monkey originally wanted to take the opportunity to teach a **** ancestor. As a result, the old goods did not resist. He suddenly felt that there was no meaning, and his body shape flashed. He jumped directly to the side and took out himself. A futon sat down and said with a smile. "Too, I haven’t had fun recently. Have fun together?"


A group of Asian holy strong, just bullied the Gorefiend ancestors, only feel that the heart is so refreshing, after hearing the words of Sun Monkey, all of them almost spit out.

Too much inaction, but to cultivate ruthlessness, you a grandson, although comparable to the power of saints, but is it really good to talk to the saints?

"Yes, it’s in the **** sea, you and Yang Lan went to see him to play."

However, what is amazing is that the sacred sacred woman said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, the man who said the old man is in the **** sea, is he steaming the blood? Wow, this is fun, and the old grandson goes."

The voice of Sun Monkey has not yet fallen, and the whole person has disappeared into place.

Yang Lan took a gift to the Sanqing sage, and then saluted Yuding, which caught up with the Sun Monkey.

"You, continue to enlighten the wheel of heaven."

And too, it is said openly.


All the Afro-Asian strong responded with respect and respect, and they continued to learn one by one. Only the Gorefiend ancestors felt uneasy and felt that they had been treated maliciously by everyone. The heart was so angry that they could not calm down.

"Bloodmon, you must know, between the gains and losses, the way you are, the blood is also in the blood, the defeat is also blood." At this time, too glance at the **** ancestors, open the way.

After the Gorefiend ancestors listened, the look changed. There was a thunder and thunder in the brain. After he stayed, he suddenly realized it. The whole person’s face was full of surprises. Shen Shen said, “Thank you too. on."

While talking about it, his whole person is immersed in the state of retreat, no longer taking care of the **** sea.

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