Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3004: First sight

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"Chengdu is also a **** sea, and it is also a **** sea!"

"I was born in the **** sea, and my roots surpassed any saint. Even the roots of Sanqing could not compare with me. However, Sanqing was sanctified early, but I have been trapped in the realm of Yasheng Peak. Because of the limitations of the **** sea."

"This time, the **** sea has been broken. If something goes wrong, it may not be a bad thing for me. Maybe it will make me break the boat and make the chaos sage."


The Gorefiend ancestors kept talking to themselves.

He was originally violent, and his heart was desperate. After he felt that the blood was broken, he had too much influence on himself. Even the **** sea would not be dead.

However, after hearing the words from the top, he suddenly realized that it was actually a chance for himself.

He glanced at him too deeply, then took a look at the original and the sky, his eyes with a dignified color, no longer open, no longer think about the blood of the sea, but continue to understand the wheel of heaven.

"If the Gorefiend friends can prove their sanctification, it will still have a great effect on me."

Too high is to say to the original and the two heavenly saints.

"It's hard."

The original sacred eyelids were slightly lifted and said faintly.

"See how his blessings are."

Tongtian Holy Respect is also a simple sentence.

Although the Sanqing sacred family was born a long time later than the Gorefiend ancestors, but they came to the top, after breaking through to the sage's realm, they made a breakthrough. Now they are powerful and unmatched, definitely not comparable to ordinary sages. of.

They are very clear that to break through the success, it is not the innate roots can do it.

The blood devil ancestors as the congenital devil born in the blood of the ancient times, the roots are naturally compared to a few people, but he is also limited by the blood sea, still unable to break through infinite years.

It is too difficult to break this situation.

"It is a magic ancestor. It is really not easy to swear three corpses."

Then, Tongtian Shengzun said again.

Some time ago, the devil had a strong witness to sanctification and became the devil, which is the real chaos saint, it is the demon ancestors.

It is precisely because the ancestors became sanctified that the passage between the two circles of the fairy and the demon began to open, and the saints on the side of the fairy side would agree to let the Tianjiao of the demon world participate in the Battle of the Immortals.

Otherwise, the real fairy war is a matter of the fairy world, and has nothing to do with the devil world.

However, the ancestral sacred sanctification, which represents the essence of the devil world, makes the devil world have a certain right to speak, even if the number of saints on the side of the fairy side far exceeds the devil world, the devil world can also get a lot of things that could not be obtained before.

"I am in the fairy world, and three people are expected to prove it."

The original is a glance at the direction in which Yang Lan and Sun Monkey left, faintly said.

"Everything depends on their blessings."

When I talked too much, I stopped talking, but closed my eyes.

In the Jiuzhong Tiandaochang, everyone is quietly enlightened in the Wheel of Heaven.

At the same time, in the **** sea, the movement is still very large, the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, but the level of the blood sea has not dropped much.

These disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors are very puzzled one by one, do not know what the situation is.

At first they saw the level of the **** sea began to fall, all of them were frightened. Fortunately, they are now stable, and they are all relieved.

"Fortunately, as long as the **** sea is fine, no matter what is below, I don't think the other party can cause any harm to the **** sea."

A female demon said, Shen Sheng.

"It is true."

The disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors also nodded their heads at the same time. Their masters of the blood-soul ancestors were not good tempers. If the **** seas had an accident, they would not blame for their weaker reasons. They will even destroy them directly.

However, what they don't know is that in the **** sea at the moment, the breath is tumbling, and the Pangu blood contained in the **** sea is being absorbed a little bit.

Although the surface of the **** sea has not decreased on the surface, the Pangu blood in the **** sea has been reduced a little, and even the Pangu blood contained in the whole **** sea has become very thin.

At the bottom of the **** sea, Xiang Yang sat on his knees. His whole body was soaked in the **** sea. The heaven and earth oven was suspended on the top of his head, enlarged to the size of a million feet, and was madly absorbed by the Pangujing contained in the **** sea. Blood, and refining it to Xiangyang.

At the same time, Xiang Yang's body pores are wide open, turned into a small vortex, is madly absorbed Pan Gu essence.

He is the center of the whirlpool and the source of the whirlpool. His whole breath is changing all the time.

The growth of his body is beyond his imagination.

He did not know to what extent his strength had reached, but he believed that with the power of the flesh, he would definitely be able to strike the strongest of the world of Yasheng Peak.

This is not a joke, but the real ability to kill Yahsheng with his fist.

Even, there is an illusion in his heart that he can resist the chaotic saints.

Among the Pokémon Immortals in Xiangyang, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling and Lao Zhe also have their eyes wide open. They have kept this look for a long time.

"The blood of the sea still retains all the blood of Pangu, and the boss, the Pangu blood has dried up."

Xiaoling whispered to himself, and his small face could not cover his surprise.

"That's great. After the boss absorbed the blood of Pangu, even if there is no way to prove it, he can reach the body of the saint and can consolidate Pan Guzhen."

Lao Wan also smiled and spoke.

"Panggu is also the most powerful body in chaos, even if it is compared with the eternal body of the looting."

Although Lao Wan is very confident in his heart, he is the strongest, but when he faces Pan Guzhen, he does not exaggerate.

He is very clear that Pangu is the real body. This is the real body that can cross the ages and force the chaos.

Xiang Yang absorbed the ancient blood of Pangu. If it can consolidate the ancient body of Pangu, it will certainly be the place of the saints and the power of the chaos.

"After the day, the boss will also cultivate the success of the eternal annihilation. Pangu really cooperates with the annihilation. In the chaotic sacredness, the boss is also the strongest."

"Haha, this is our boss."


When the two chaos and treasures were very excited to discuss, the blood and the sea, suddenly rip open a passage, a handsome white youth and a monkey and grandson probed out of the brain.

It is Yang Hao and Sun Monkey.

"Who dares to come to my blood to make trouble?"

After the disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors saw each other, their faces changed, and they directly tore the void. The immortals who entered the demon world from the fairyland were at least the invincible strongmen of the Yasheng realm. Their masters were not in the **** ancestors. How are the opponents of these two people?

Are they going to die?

Although the disciples of these Gorefiend ancestors cannot represent all the disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors, they are only responsible for guarding some of the blood sea. Their true strength is stronger than the demon king of the same realm, but it cannot Compared with some peerless arrogance, because the Gorefiend ancestors are the hegemons of the blood sea, no one dares to come to the **** sea to make trouble.

It makes these disciples a bit wasteful.

At this moment, after seeing the arrival of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, they all showed a nervous color on their faces. I was afraid that these two holy people would directly kill them if they were inconsistent. At that time, even the Gorefiend. When the ancestors came, they couldn’t help them revenge.

"Go and go, don't hinder your grandson, or you will kill you with a stick."

Sun Monkey is the most direct, after the disciples of these Gorefiend ancestors snorted, regardless of the expression of these **** ancestors' disciples, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan directly looked at the blood.

"Interesting, this kid actually wants to drain the blood."

The movement of the **** sea is not small. The whole vortex is large, covering almost the whole blood sea. The bursting force is very strong. Even the strongest person in the demon environment can not resist this suction.

At this time, both the Sun Monkey and Yang Lan’s faces are smiling.

"Let me see what this kid is playing."

Sun Monkey smiled and said, his eyes looked at the whirlpool of the blood sea, I saw two golden flames burning in his eyes, two golden light emerged from the eyes, reaching the bottom of the blood sea vortex.

Eyes of fire.

Among the martial arts magic, this law ranks first.

Sun Monkey's chance to combine this shackle can be seen in the chaos of the nine heavens, the next can be peeked into the nine secluded, not to mention the blood of the district, anywhere can not block his gaze.

Yang Lan whispered softly, his eyebrows split open, a vertical eye appeared, and a ray of light also appeared, so that he could also see Xiang Yang in the **** sea.

Yang Lan’s god’s eyes are equally extraordinary. Although his ability to peep alone is inferior to fire, his god’s eye can attack people, and one attack can destroy Yasheng, and even in the battle against the West. When the **** king of the gods, his god's eyes also played a significant role.

At the moment, at the bottom of the **** sea, Xiang Yang was still sitting cross-legged. He had his eyes closed. However, when the golden eyes of Sun Monkey collided on his flesh, they heard the sound of metal intersecting. He browed and looked up to look up.

At this point, he was shocked.

Not only did the two golden lights shine at themselves, but a ray of light also spurred as if it were three lasers.

However, these three lights did not cause any harm to him. It seems that he just wanted to see his situation, which made him feel more comforted.

"Fortunately, it doesn't really matter to me."

Xiang Yang said to himself, and then whispered, "But, no matter who you are, feel free to peep at me, is that okay?"

At the same time, his two eyes burned two black flames, so that his eyes also had two radiances, and instantly saw Yang Lan and Sun Monkey in the **** sea.

"It's them."

From this point of view, Xiang Yang's face changed greatly. What he did not think of in any way was that the two of them actually came to the sea of ​​blood, and they were still bored and peeked at themselves.

God of War, Yang Lan, and Dasheng Sun Wukong.

These two are the strongest people since the flood, and the most hopeful ones can prove the invincible existence of sanctification.

Xiang Yang naturally knows the things of these two people, and has specially collected some information from these two. At this moment, they can be recognized at a glance.

"What are they doing for me? Revenge for the Gorefiend ancestors?"

When Xiang Yang thought about it, his eyes were exposed to a cold. If these two really came to deal with themselves for the Gorefiend ancestors, even if they had always admired the two, they said that they must not do it. The two men were violently beaten.

Although he does not know whether he is the opponent of these two people, but after he absorbed the blood of Pangu, the strength of the body has grown to a very terrible level. He feels that he can try both of them. The legendary physical sanctification of the strong man shot.

Of course, if it is not necessary, he naturally does not want to start.

However, if the two really came to find their own troubles, Xiang Yang would not be polite at all. His physical strength has reached a very terrible level, even if his killer can also be used, no fear at all. all.

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