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"I think I can give it a try."

At this time, I heard a faint voice coming over. It wasn’t Yang’s words. The eyes of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were condensed. I saw a figure above the blood sea. There was a figure in Tsing Yi carrying his hands and standing with a smile. .

This person is the Xiangyang who practiced nine turns of Xuan Gong at the bottom of the blood sea.

For such a small time, Xiang Yang has already completed his practice.

"Are your practice finished?"

Yang looked at Xiang Yang differently. Just two of them were staring at Xiangyang. As a result, when Sun Monkey spoke, he caught his attention. The two did not pay attention to Xiang Yang. I didn’t expect such a small moment. Yang actually ended the retreat.

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "Panggu's blood is almost exhausted, and the natural retreat is over."


Whether Yang Lan or the Sun Monkey listened to Xiang Yang's words, his face changed at the same time.

This is boundless blood, but it was the blood of the Pangu **** that opened the sky.

Legend has it that the Pangu gods stood on the top of the earth, and the whole person stood in chaos, high in the geometry, and when the flood was opened up, it was the footsteps, the sky above the head, and directly spread the heavens and the earth with its own power.

What a horror of such a supreme giant, a blood.

This **** sea is boundless, occupying nearly one-tenth of the realm of the devil world, can be described as the extreme of horror, Xiang Yang actually said that the Pan Gu essence blood was all absorbed.

Rao is two people already know that Xiang Yang can definitely **** the blood of Pan Gu, but really listen to Xiang Yang and say that they still feel very shocked.

"Xiang Yang, have you reached the eighth turn of Xuan Gong?" Sun Monkey looked at Xiang Yang curiously.

He did not show his eyes on Xiang Yang, and Xiang Yang was introverted, making him unable to see how much Xiang Yang reached.

Yang Lan also looked at Xiang Yang with curiosity.

Even if it is Yang Lan, he is only the realm of the eighth revolution of Xuan Gong.

They all hope that Xiangyang can directly break into the eighth turn. As a result, the strength of the team of the three of them has increased countlessly. At that time, the three people will join hands and it will be easier to kill the gods of the gods. king.

"not yet."

Xiang Yang shook his head and took the color of regret. "After seven turns to the peak, you can almost reach the eight-turn situation."

In fact, he also knows that even if there is enough blood in Pangu, he can't support him to break through to the eighth turn. The first seven turns can be used to make up the Pangu blood, but the eighth turn is different. He needs a buffer time, and only by practicing himself can he break through the eighth turn.

Moreover, the Pangu real body concealed by the nine-turn Xuan Gong has been very horrible. At this moment, he can sense that although he is only a seven-turn peak, he should not be much weaker than Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

"It's fine, although you are only a seven-turn peak, but you still practice other methods, the combat power should not be weaker than us."

Yang Lan nodded to Xiang Yang and said with a soft voice, "Xiang Yang, we are still meeting for the first time. Let me introduce myself first, Yang Lan, your future brother."

"You don't need to introduce the old grandson, you can call me a monkey brother." Sun Monkey said with a smile.

"Thank you two brothers."

Xiang Yang looked awkward and bowed to the two.

Yang Lan passed the nine-turn Xuan Gong to him, which enabled him to make the best use of Pangu blood. After absorbing Pan Gu Jingxue, his physical strength has truly reached the level of Yasheng Peak, although he still proves To the extent, however, he feels that he is no worse than the two.

You must know that these two are ancient gods of war, and the power is earth-shattering. The rumors have long been the existence of sanctification.

However, now he knows that neither Yang Lan nor Sun Monkey have really tried to become a chaotic saint. The two are stuck at the last step.

It is too difficult to prove that the most powerful realm is achieved.

"Let's find a place to talk about it." Yang Lan smiled softly.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang also laughed. Although he only met Yang Lan and Sun Monkey for the first time, maybe three people are the strongest in the world today, plus Yang Hao will turn nine Also passed to Xiang Yang, making Xiang Yang look like the two people feel like brothers who have known for a long time.

He is very clear that the two people in front of him are definitely brothers who can live and die together in the future.

This is the fate that exists in the dark.

Sun Monkey smiled, although he has reached such a level, even a Buddha in the West Heaven Buddha, but still can not change his nature as a sly, even when walking is also scratching his head.

The three men looked at each other and showed a happy smile on their faces. They were ready to find a place to chat.


However, at this time, there was a huge roar in the distance, a **** burst of blood, a **** river whistling from a distance, a shadow with a strong breath, "Bastard, actually came I am in the **** sea, you are tired of living."

"It’s the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors who came back."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Even if it is a Gorefiend, when we see both of us, we have to shun it. I don't dare to say a word, let alone just his avatar. Why?"

Yang Lan’s face was with a disdainful color. When he looked at the **** sea of ​​the **** ancestors who had quickly rushed over, he would open his mouth and drink and leave.

"Yang Da Ge is slow."

When Xiang Yang met, he quickly yelled.

"My body has just been cultivated. If you want to find someone to try your hand, let's take the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors and try it out."

Xiang Yang said.

The extent to which his strength has reached is not clear to himself. Therefore, he is looking for a personal tester to see how his strength is.

Since the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors was sent to the door, it is just enough to let them practice their hands.

"Good idea, although the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend is not very good, but it is also moderate in the Yasheng, but it is suitable for you to practice."

When Yang Lan was squatting, he said to Sun Monkey, "Let's go back and let the Gorefiends see us."

"Why are you afraid that he will not be?"

Sun Monkey is not convinced, "Hey old Sun a stick directly killed this guy."

"The Gorefiend deity saw us running away, not to mention his **** sea. We are here, how can we let the Xiangyang brothers test hands?" Yang Lan did not look good at the white monkey, then pulled him directly Break into the void and hide it.

"The two gods of war in ancient times, I can't think of how fast I have reached this level."

Xiang Yang looked at the two faces with a smile, and looked at the blood sea below, sighing. "Blood sea, it is really my blessing."

If there is no blood sea, his physical strength is only the realm of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, although it can kill the general Yasheng, but it is to do everything, but also use the power of the magic suit.

Nowadays, after practicing the nine-turn Xuan Gong to the seventh turn to the peak, and condensing the small-pan ancient body, his physical strength has reached a very terrible level.

He believes that he can fear any Yasheng, and even try to kill a **** king who tries to kill a **** like the monkey monkey said.

Of course, before that, he must first try to deal with the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors, and take this old-fashioned Yasheng strongman to practice his hand.


At the same time as he thought, the **** sea avatar of the Gorefiend ancestors had already been killed in front of him. He only heard a roaring sound. The **** river was connected with the blood sea below, and a strong breath broke out. In this breath, there is something missing.

That is Pangu blood.

At the moment, the **** sea is still **** sea, but there is no previous rhyme, without the breath of the previous Pangu.

This is pure blood, and it is no longer the blood of Pan Gu's blood.

The **** sea corpse of the Gorefiend ancestors itself was born from the **** ancestors by blood sea. He sensed the change of blood sea in the first time. His face became extremely ugly, his eyes looked toward Xiangyang, and he screamed with anger. "The kid is actually you."

"The ancestors didn't have the trouble to find you. You dare to come to the blood of your ancestors to make trouble. You are looking for death."

"Ah, ah, Pangu blood, give it to my ancestors."

The **** sea avatar of the Gorefiend ancestors almost collapsed. This is Pangu's blood. The whole blood of Pangu is completely ruined by Xiangyang. This is an incredible thing.

If it was before, the Gorefiend ancestors would never have thought that someone could actually remove the Pangu blood.

You should know that Pangu's blood and blood sea have already merged into one, unless you can refine the blood sea with special techniques, and absorb all the blood of Pangu. Otherwise, no one can be in the blood. The Pangu blood causes any damage.

The reason why his Gorefiend can be reborn by the **** sea is precisely because every time he is born again, he only needs to use the Pangu blood in the **** sea.

Because those Pangu essences have left his brand, the whole **** sea, it can be said that almost all of them are the lifeblood of the Gorefiend ancestors. Under normal circumstances, he is immortal.

He died in the outside world, and the brand in the **** sea was born again.

This is a cycle, so he has an invincible foundation, he can not fear anyone.

However, at this time he discovered that all the marks in his **** sea and the Pangu blood that the deity stayed in the **** sea disappeared with the blood of Pangu.

Those brandings are all refining like the ancient blood.

In the future, if the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors and the **** seas are defeated by powerful enemies, there will be no blood and sea, and it is really dead and can no longer die.


"Kid, you are dead, ancestors, whether you are a disciple of that pulse, the ancestors will kill you, ah..."

The **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors screamed, and the whole person would explode.


Accompanied by the anger of the Gorefiend ancestors, the **** sea also broke out. Although Pangu's blood was all refining by Xiangyang, the **** sea still exists, but there is no power.

However, the **** sea corpse of the Gorefiend ancestor itself is the blood sea. He and the blood sea can be said to be one and the same. At this moment, he is angry and the sea is full of waves.

Xiang Yang whispered softly, "The Gorefiend ancestors, don't be so angry, I will help you again, you should thank me."


This kid has clearly benefited, and dare to say cool words here.

The **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors trembled with anger and flew directly toward Xiangyang.

"The ancestors killed you."

The power of this palm is very powerful. Even if Yang Wanjian came, he wouldn’t dare to care. However, at this time, Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at the **** ancestor opposite him, and his face showed a strange color. "Is the original Gorefiend ancestors so weak?"

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