Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3007: Killing the way to the WTO

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"The Gorefiend ancestors, your deity promised me, fight with me, if you lose, he will recognize me as the main, although you are a avatar, but with the deity should be one, your commitment to the body It is equally useful to you."

Xiang Yang laughed happily, and his right hand slammed out. He only felt that a powerful force to the extreme broke out. There was a feeling of smashing the whole demon world.


This punch is still the degree of Xiang Yang and gives full force, but when his fist is bombarded with the power of the Gorefiend ancestors, the power of the Gorefiend ancestors is instantly broken.

"how come?"

The **** ancestor's **** sea face looked at Xiangyang with a shocked color. Before that, Xiang Yang had no chance to fight in front of him. He didn't even look at Xiangyang at all.

However, it was only a long time before Xiang Yang could open his attack with a single punch, which is simply unbelievable.

"It's blood and ancient blood!"

The **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors realized that the Pangu blood in the **** sea was not taken away by Xiangyang, but was completely refining by Xiangyang and turned into the powerful strength of Xiangyang today.

His face was once again stunned and roared. "The ancestors refine you."


A **** dragon burning a **** flame appeared in front of the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors. This **** trip is a treasure to the sky, after the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors lost the nine blood lotuses. The deity once again gave him the baby.

The Gorefiend ancestors are one of the oldest beings in the world today. Although he is not a chaotic saint, his baby is absolutely quite a lot.

"Hey, a day after tomorrow, it’s not bad, I laughed."

After Xiang Yang saw it, his eyes glowed. Haha smiled and rushed toward the **** sea of ​​the **** ancestors.

"Junior, you are looking for death yourself, you can't blame your ancestors."

The **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors was extremely angry. He directly sacrificed the blood to the Ding, and with a strong and unmatched breath, he rushed toward Xiangyang.

"Try to see if my body can resist the day after tomorrow."

Xiang Yang continued to shape, his right hand clenched his fist, and suddenly took a breath, a powerful and unmatched force condensed in his right hand, he punched out, and the surrounding void turned into nothingness.


Then, this punch directly bombarded the blood.

Let the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors feel shocked, the Xiangyang fist, even directly flew out the blood, the whole blood tripping to him instead.


"This is the body that absorbs the blood of Pangu, can resist the aftergiver, and the third invincible strongman who is sanctified besides Yang Lan and Sun Monkey?"

Blood Ding rushed over, and the **** sea avatar of the Gorefiend ancestors had to retreat toward the rear, and he was shocked.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xiang Yang finally understood that his body was strong enough to be able to resist the unfortunate level of the day after tomorrow. He laughed happily. Although he did not pursue the **** sea of ​​the **** ancestors, the whole person stood in the same place. The breath of the air expanded a little, and the whole body began to grow taller.


Nine-turning Xuan Gong worked, and a flustered and invincible atmosphere broke out. This is the breath of Pangu, the power of Pangu.

In the blink of an eye, Xiang Yang has grown to a million feet tall. His muscles are high and his physical strength is too strong. Even the space of the devil can no longer bear the powerful power of his body. It is constantly breaking apart.

He breathed, and a cloud of air blew out, causing the void in front to become nothingness. His pores trembled lightly, and the hair seemed to be trembled by the prestige, just like a sword smashed the void, and it was able to empty the void. Chopped.

Pangu real body!

This is the power that Xiang Yang got after he turned the nine-turn Xuan Gong to the seventh peak.

At this moment, he can be said that it is not too much to shrink the Pangu. Of course, his strength is far from being comparable to the Pangu **** who can open up the world.

However, the atmosphere of Pangu contained in his body is the strongest and most authentic of today's Pangu chaotic world.

"The breath of Pangu."

At the same time, among the various heavens, countless powerful people all look at the direction of the devil world. They all feel the most authentic Pangu atmosphere that erupted from Xiangyang.

Among the Jiuzhong Tiandaochang, Sanqing Shengzun all looked at this scene with a smile. All the saints were shocked. Only after the Gorefiend ancestors opened their eyes, their faces were ugly, and then he had to close again. Got on the eyes.

The deity of the Gorefiend ancestors has given up the avatar.

Because of this breath, even the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors felt a sense of oppression. He knew that even if his body came, it would not be Xiangyang’s opponent.

"This child has finally grown up."

At the same time, in the chaos, within the killing shrine of the killing, all the 108 sacred strongmen all showed a smile, especially the one who was an inscrutable elder, haha ​​said with a smile, "From today At the beginning, the new leader of the killing path finally appeared."

"You, the old master once said that when the young master grows up enough to be the master of the killing, when I kill the way to re-enter the Pangu world, now the young master has condensed the Pangu real body. It’s hard to be the master of killing the human race.

"I kill the way, it is time to be born."

"Ha ha ha..."

In the depths of the chaos, the killing shrine of the headquarters of the killing road burst into a ray of light, and a terrible murderous eruption erupted through the chaos and slowly moved.

The Temple of Killing is actually among the endless swords of hundreds of millions of feet. This sword is the real killing sword.

This sword moves, in the chaos, a terrible killing sword intends to sweep the chaos, even the Sanqing holy and the Yasheng in the Jiuzhong Tiandao field are also sensed.

"this is..."

Sanqing Shengzun frowned and looked at the depths of the chaos. They obviously could see the terrible murderousness that broke out on the huge sword of the killing.

However, although you can feel it, you can't see the sword of killing.

"From now on, the killing path was officially born."

When the Sanqing sage looked at the temple of killing the gods, a magnificent voice was introduced into the Pangu world, and all the powerful people heard this voice.

At this moment, everyone's face has changed.

"The killing path has entered the WTO."

"This terrible organization is only in this world, only a few branches, it is already very large, and now, really, to join the WTO, what a huge force?"

"The heavens and the world are going to be chaotic."


The strong face of the forces of all parties in the world has changed.

In fact, the killings have always existed in the world, but what everyone does not know is that the killings of the heavens and the real world are not really killing the way. Until now, the killings have finally entered the WTO.

It is conceivable that the terrible existence of the real killing headquarters after its accession to the WTO.

"It is the one that stayed in that year. It should be the feeling of the growth of Xiangyang. It is just to join the WTO."

When he looked at the holy sage, he took back his gaze.

On the contrary, the original sacred and the heavenly sages frowned and looked at the murderous and savage in the chaos, with a shocking color.

Especially the Tongtian Holy Respect, but also the face with a bad color, sighed and said, "This killing sword seems to be very strong, just do not know how compared with my four immortals?"

"Not weaker than the sword."

Said too faint.

"I do not believe."

The four swords of Zhu Xian are definitely the strongest congenital treasures in the Pangu world. The four swords can be truly super-swords of the innate treasure level, and after the formation of the swordsmanship, it is truly invincible.

Even if the Holy Spirit is the big brother of Tongtian, when he spoke, the first one in Tongtian was not convinced.

Don't look at the realm of his sacred sacredness than the sacred sacred, but his fighting power is the strongest of the same period of chaos sages, and the sacred swords are arranged, unless four saints rush in, otherwise no one Can be broken.

And the one that kills the sword, how to look at it is just the innate treasure, how could it be stronger than his four swords?

"You really don't believe it. This sword is the refining one. It is integrated into the kendo of that one. If you shoot this sword, it is equal to the one who is out of the sword. You think that you have this. Is the skill right on the one?"

The original Holy Man couldn't help but fight against the heavenly sage.

After listening to the heavenly sage, it was a stiff face, but still slowly said, "I am not the opponent of that one, but it is always possible to have a sword that he refines."

"Ha ha..."

The original disdain smiles, too lazy to argue with Tongtian, even their teachers, can not say that they can match the one, not to mention the three of them, although they have achieved the position of the Holy Man, but want to follow that one Compared with the position, it is still a little worse.

Tongtian is a little dissatisfied, but there is no way to refute it. That one is the strongest hegemonic level in chaos. To be honest, he is really a little dare to do it.

"Since the killing road has already entered the WTO, it is almost time."

Too sacred is whispering to himself, looking at the front of the eight heavens of the nine heavens, I saw that among the eight heavens, some people are shadowing, and countless strong people are practicing.

Those are the strongmen who have cultivated all the holy things in the past few years.

It was the physical training of the great Luo who was taken away by the All Saints after the end of the Great War.

"It's time to start."

At the same time, the minds of Sanqing's sages are clear. Nowadays, the situation is becoming more and more urgent. The battles in the frontiers occur frequently. Even if they are only coming to the Nine Heavens, they feel a bit incompetent.

Now, what they need to do, first remove the cancer of the gods.

It’s not so easy to get rid of the cancer of the gods, because they can’t do it. Nowadays, the reason why the chaos of the heavens is not manifested in the heavens is precisely because of the chaos of the heavens. The saints are all sitting in the frontier.

Whether it is the last appearance of Emperor Huang, or today's Sanqing Holy Respect, they are just an incarnation, and the deity simply does not dare to leave the frontier.

If there is no suppression of the chaotic saints in the frontiers, perhaps the aliens have already been killed.

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