Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3031: Exchange, 诛仙剑阵

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"Sanqing will not want to wear my little shoes?"

Seeing Sanqing look at himself with his invisible look, Xiang Yang’s heart is tight and a little guilty.

He did not know that Sanqing was hidden in the chaotic void. If he knew it, he would not open his mouth like that.

However, he was really reluctant to expose the catastrophe. Therefore, he specifically shouted and wanted to see if there was a saint in the fairy world. It was already hidden. If the sage of the celestial world started, he would not have to Desperate.

Who ever thought that Sanqing actually was hidden in the emptiness of the emptiness. As a result, the sage of the Heavenly Supper waited until after he made a scream, but did it mean that he was forced out by himself?

Xiang Yang’s face showed a sly smile, and then the right color was directed at the three people. “Xiang Yang thanked the three saints for their help.”

"Thank you for the ancestor." Yang Lan also did the same.

Instead, he is a monkey, he has always been lawless, even if he is facing three saints, he also smiled and said, "Three little old people, thank you."

"Boy, you have a lot of opinions about us."

Tongtian Shengzun smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.


After Xiang Yang listened, he jumped in his heart. However, on the surface, he frowned quickly and shouted. "Who dares to have opinions on Sanqing Sanzun, if I let me know, my first one will not Pass him."

While talking, his face showed an angry color, as if if there was someone standing in front of him, he would kill the other person directly.

"How do you see that we are hidden in chaos?"

The appearance of Tongtian Shengzun appeared in front of Xiangyang, and he smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang was stunned and looked at Sanqing. He found that both Taishang and the original people also came to their own front. Although their faces did not show such a curious look like Tongtian, they also stood up with their ears. Your own answer.

He is a little cautious. He doesn't know how to answer it. He deliberately hangs three people. If you tell them that they are being cheated by themselves, will Sanqing be furious and directly beat himself?

However, if you don’t tell the truth, how can you deceive the Sanqing sage?

"Are you deliberately shouting?"

Instead, it was the original sage, and he frowned and looked at Xiang Yang.

"Cough, this is not intentional."

Xiang Yang lightly coughed, he really wanted to scream, 'know that my original is also', but on the surface is a serious saying, "Although here is deep in chaos, but it is the territory of my ancient chaotic world. How can I tolerate the supreme **** of the gods to scatter the wilderness? I believe that the sages of the saints in my ancient chaotic world have already been sensed as early as the Supreme God appeared. The reason why I did not immediately shoot is because I want to let us Take a good look at the power of the supreme god, let us understand the gap with the supreme god."

"You are half right."

The white hair fluttered and said with a smile.


Xiang Yang stayed, is this OK?

I randomly edited a paragraph, but it turned out to be half right. This is really a bit unbelievable.

He blinked and thought it was a bit interesting.

However, on the surface, he still looks with a very eager learning, looking at the three saints with a respectful color on his face. "Please also give instructions to the Holy See."

"You are the descendant of that one. You don't have to be so polite. Call me to wait for the three-person brother."

Said too smile.

"This, how dare this?" Xiang Yang's heartbeat accelerated, only to feel that his position is getting higher and higher, even more than three brothers, Sanqing, but he knows that the more at this time, the less Psychological fluctuations are manifested, but a very respectful amount to look at the Sanqing saints. "The three sacred sages are on the top, and Xiangyang is only a later generation, and there are three sages."

"Kid, let you call the brothers, you will call the brothers, what are the reasons for doing so?" His words just finished, and he saw the side of the heavenly sage.


Xiang Yang stunned, and then he said quickly, "If this is the case, then I will pass. Xiang Yang has seen three brothers."

"This is right, the man and the man, the decisive thing is to do something." Tongtian Shengzun was satisfied with the shot of Xiang Yang's shoulder.


Xiang Yang always felt that when he shouted the word "senior brother", in fact, only Tongtian was very satisfied. There was no performance on the top. The original saint's face was twitching, and the mood should not be very happy.

Xiang Yang secretly complained of bitterness. If it was only a heavenly sage, with the other's temper, he had already backed up with the other side, but if it was too much and primitive, it would be difficult to engage.

Although he also felt very uncomfortable with the three people, he did not dare to be too arrogant.

Although his own background is very tough, but his strength is still too weak, and can not really compare with Sanqing, the time is still to be considered.

Xiang Yang’s voice, 'Senior Brothers’, was very screaming, but Yang Hao and Sun Monkey on both sides felt uncomfortable. They were commensurate with Xiangyang, and Xiang Yang was even more acquainted with the Three Qing brothers. In the future, can they still call Xiangyang a brother?

In particular, Yang Lan, his master Yu Ding, the real person himself, is the twelve disciples under the original seat. Sanqing is his ancestor. How can he and Xiangyang be brothers and sisters in the future?

The plain white is lower than Xiangyang for a generation, and the more they think, the more they feel a little uncomfortable.

"When the avatars of the Most High God appeared, we did feel it right away."

No one cares about the thoughts of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. Too sacred is to explain why Xiang Yang’s words are half right. “As you said, we don’t really want to let you experience it. Thoughts, but we also want the Supreme God to go deeper. If you can follow his opponent's avatar to count his deity, you can kill the past and destroy his lord."


After Xiang Yang listened, he coughed a few times. He wanted to ask, can Sanqing really kill the Supreme God?

However, he knew that if he asked this sentence, he would be killed by Tongtian. He had to sigh with guilt. "I blame me, although I already felt that I couldn’t hold it, but I shouldn’t If I insist on it, if I will continue to explode in the flesh, I should not let the three saints take it for my own safety, so that I miss the opportunity to kill the deity of the High God."


When he said this, let alone Sanqing’s face showed strange colors. Yang Lan and Sun Monkey also looked at Xiangyang with the same look.

If this is said, I am afraid that no one can believe it.

Xiang Yang almost exploded?

What's special, just because the two of us almost couldn't stand the explosion, and you still carry your hands and talk about it leisurely?

The real can't hold it up like the two of us, even the words can't be said.

And you, you obviously have no circumstances, isn't the skin cracked and bloody?

However, at this time, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey did not sell Xiang Yang, they had to look at the nose and nose, quietly do not speak.

"Well, don't talk about these nonsense, go back to Jiuzhongtian."

At the same time, while talking too much, it was directly between the hands of Xiang Yang and Yang Lan, and the three monkeys disappeared in the same place.

"No, I still have something to take away. The continent where the chaotic rock is condensed is mine. I want to integrate into the new world."

However, when the original and the Tongtian also left, the voice of Xiangyang came from the void.

"Then roll it yourself."

This time, even the Holy Emperor couldn't help it. He directly threw the Xiangyang trio into chaos, and Sanqing Shengzun disappeared directly.

"Ha ha ha."

The three men rolled in the chaos, and finally stood up. Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at the huge continent where the broken chaotic rough was condensed. He said with a smile, “Two, we will Let these chaotic roughs be taken away."

"Xiang Yang, you are so bold."

Both Yang Lan and Sun Monkey twitched at the same time, and their faces looked at Xiang Yang with a quirky color.

Especially Sun Monkey, he felt that he was very bold, but when he faced Xiang Yang, he discovered that he could not compare with Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang was much bolder than him.

Sanqing clearly wants to take them to the Jiuzhong Tiandaochang, and they have to explain some things to them. However, Xiangyang does not want to go, but for this courage, it is not comparable to his grandchildren. It is.

"I really want this piece of chaotic stone."

Xiang Yang’s face was innocent and sighed. “Whoever thought, even the rest of the family is not so good.”

At the same time, he began to collect the huge piece of chaotic original stone, and then rushed straight toward the new world.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey both followed up and helped Xiang Yang to squat with this fast chaotic rock. They didn’t dare to say how to be too good, especially Yang Lan. If he said, he estimated that the next moment would be taken by the original palm. out.

Sun Monkey is good, he has always been daring, and he said with a smile, "It’s too good, if you change to a good old man, cough..."

At the same time, he suddenly closed his mouth, because in front of them, there was a black figure in the abruptness, not someone else, it was the Heavenly Saints who had just left.

"What if I changed to Tongtian?"

Tongtian Shengzun looks like a smiling monkey.

"If you change to the heavenly sacred, it is definitely the best to talk. The most admired person of the old grandson is the Tongtian Holy Respect." Sun Monkey quickly said with a smile.

"is it?"

Tongtian Shengzun snorted, and the poor eyes glanced at the grandson monkey, making the monkeys erect in the monkey hair. He secretly complained and never dared to speak.

And Yang Lan is busy with the ceremony of the heavenly sage, "I have seen the uncle."

Xiang Yang stopped and looked curiously at Tongtian Shengzun. His face showed a sincere smile. "How did the brothers go and return? Did you forget something?"

"Specially come to you."

Tongtian Shengzun looked at Xiangyang with a black face.

“Looking for me to do it?” Xiang Yang’s heart jumped and felt that there was a bad premonition that rose up. Did the Tongtian sense the breath of the sacred sword, or the breath of the sensation, ready to rob?

"The boss doesn't have to worry, he's just a avatar. If you really want to do it, it's not impossible to destroy him."

At this time, Xiang Yang’s heart conveyed the voice of old and confident.

Xiang Yang was relieved, and his old man was still alive. He expected to be arrogant and dare not to do it himself.

"You got the sacred sword?" Tongtian Shengzun directly said, "I exchanged the sacred sword with you in the array of 诛 诀 诀 诀 诛 诛 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀


Xiang Yang stayed and stayed, this Tongtian Holy Respect is really too direct, and he has to exchange his own swords.

For a time, he really couldn't react.

"What other conditions can you raise?" said Tongtian Shengzun.

"So, then I am welcome."

Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed, and there was no politeness. He said directly, “I have long respected the martial arts of my brothers. In addition to the swords and swords, I want to get the martial art of the brothers.”


After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey around him couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The appetite of this guy was too big, and the people of the heavenly sage just wanted his sacred sword, and he turned out to be It is necessary to inherit all the kendo of the heavenly sage.

You must know that if you don't mention the one of Xiangyang's pulse, Tongtian Shengzun can be said to be the strongest kendo in the Pangu chaotic world.

His power to kill is unmatched, relying not only on the four swords of the immortals, but also on his own kendo.

And Xiang Yang has to pass on all the kendo of the other side, and it is really a big opening for the lion.

After listening to the connected saints, I also showed a smile like a smile. "Do you want all my kendo inheritance?"

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