Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3032: a place to make you happy

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"Do you really want all my kendo inheritance?"

When Tongtian Shengzun smiled and said this sentence, Xiang Yang was afraid that the other party would be angry and stunned and directly smashed himself. However, as soon as the other party really agreed, his harvest was absolutely very When he was old, he replied with a bite of his teeth. "Exactly."

"Okay, give it to you."

What happened to Xiangyang was that after listening to the Heavenly Saints, he did not say anything, but directly agreed.


Xiang Yang feels that the Tongtian saints have promised too fast. This is the inheritance of the Swordsman. What he wants is the inheritance of all the other parties, not just the exercises.

As long as you get it, even if you can't reach the level of kendo, you can at least have the level of five or six layers, and with the gradual practice in the future, you can definitely make great progress. It may not be possible to completely inherit the kendo of the Heavenly Saint.

And this guy actually made such a generous promise?

Xiang Yang felt that it was really a surprise.


When Xiang Yang was excited, he heard a roaring sound. Tongtian Shengzun directly pointed to Xiangyang’s forehead, and a vast inheritance rushed into Xiangyang’s brain.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body has a sword outbreak. If you look closely, these swords are similar to the swordsmanship that was used by the previous Heavenly Saints.

However, these swords are not for killing the enemy, but for the swords and qi, respectively, did not enter the body of Xiangyang.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey looked at Xiang Yang with envious color on their faces. This is the inheritance of the martial art of Tongtian Holy Prestige. Even among the true disciples of the Heavenly Saints, no one is honored to be able to inherit this.

Xiang Yang actually got it.

From then on, as long as Xiang Yang is willing, he can even inherit this kendo and embark on the path of saints.

It is natural to say that this inheritance is precious.

Every saint who can become a chaotic saint has its own superiority, and the martial art of the heavenly saint is definitely the strongest. Xiangyang is also the strong martial art. Under the combination of the two, you can imagine the future Xiangyang. How much kendo will be achieved, and even beyond the heavens, it is possible.

The whole process of inheritance is very fast. In the blink of an eye, the Heavenly Sage has already retracted his hand, and Xiang Yang opened his eyes. All kinds of martial arts supernatural powers have been branded in his heart.

Xiang Yang’s face was solemn and he gave a tribute to Tongtian Shengzun. “Thank you for the Holy Spirit.”

"I hope that you can combine the kendo and my kendo of your veins. If you can surpass the kendo of me, you will be the strongest in the chaotic sanctuary in the future."

Tongtian said with a smile on his face.

"I will work hard."

Xiang Yang replied that he did not dare to boast that he would be able to combine two kendos and transcend everything, but he understood that he had already had a basis for transcendence.

"This is the sword of the gods, but also the brothers."

Then, Xiang Yang also condensed the sacred sword into a group of radiance and handed it to the heavenly saint.

After the latter took over, he directly incorporated this group of light into the body, and for a moment, the atmosphere of his whole body changed a bit. It seems that in this blink of an eye, the sacred swordsmanship is completed.

Xiang Yang’s heart is extremely shocking. He knows that the Tongtian sage is not going to really practice the sacred swords, but to touch the analogy, just to learn from this sacred martyr.

This sword is itself a sword that is based on killing, and it appears for the sake of the slaughter, even if it is a sacred sacred sage like the Heavenly Sage.

He whispered softly. "Good, practice well."

After that, it disappeared directly in front of the three people, as if it never appeared.

"Xiang Yang, have you really got all the kendo inheritance of Tongtian old children?" After the departure of Tongtian Saints, Sun Monkey was the first time to rush to Xiangyang with a curious color on his face.

Yang Lan also looked at Xiang Yang with the same shocking color.

This is the kendo inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor, not to mention that it is in the chaotic world of Pangu, even within the chaotic sanctuary, it is definitely the treasure that everyone wants. Now, it is so used by Xiangyang. It’s incredible that the sword is exchanged.


Xiang Yang did not speak, but his right hand kept pointing out. There was a sword gas bursting out. This sword was divided into four, which was turned into four swords and stood around him. It was the sword of Xian Xian and the sword of Xian.戮仙剑 and 绝仙剑.

With swords and words, four swords, with a smashing device broke out.

At the same time, in the western part of the four swords, there is a slow rotation of the array, which is the image of the swordsmanship formed by his own mana.


Sun Monkey and Yang Lan’s faces also show the shocking color. Xiang Yang has just been passed down by the Heavenly Saints, and he can use his own sword to condense the sacred swords, which is not powerful.

Xiang Yang whispered a smile and took back the sacred swordsmanship. He continued to fly towards the new world of floods.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey also flew together with Xiang Yang on the continent where the chaotic rough was condensed. However, the spirit of the two was a bit embarrassing. Xiang Yang was originally stronger than them, and now he got the sky. After the sacred kendo was passed down, they were stronger than them, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

This time, there was no obstacle at all. They went directly to the chaos outside the new world. Xiang Yang chuckled and directly mobilized the wild world as the owner of the wilderness, swallowing this chaotic stone a little bit. Refinery.

The continent where this chaotic rough is condensed is even larger than the new world. It is impossible to swallow and refine it at once, but the world will be much stronger after the world is swallowed up and refining.

"Go, let's go to the new world and play."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and entered the new world with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. This time, they still came to the source of the source. Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at the many heroes in the battlefield of the fairy, and the kings and The spirit of the demon king has already condensed the flesh and succeeded, and he was sent to the Promise Immortal, let them practice well, and temper the flesh, and then the other spirits.

The number of other spirits is enormous, even millions of tens of millions. However, their strengths are equally mixed. There are Da Luo’s realm and real immortality. For Xiang Yang, these true immortals The role of the spirit of the world is not too big. However, as the master of the battlefield of the fairy, since he wants to help these spirits to condense the flesh, naturally they will not give up because the other side is too weak.

"Well, let the original demon detached to help you condense the flesh."

Xiang Yang's avatar came out of the Promise Immortal. Before that, his first demon avatar was not weaker than the deity. However, now, the deity has condensed the Pangu real body, but the avatar does not have much effect.

Moreover, he only left a small part of the consciousness in this avatar, but it is better to let the avatar stay in the wild world, to help the spirits on the battlefield of the genie to condense the flesh, and at the same time, to condense these celestial bodies. The magic is all planted into the magic.

Although he also wants to believe that the human heart is beautiful, but for the spirits of the battlefield of the fairy, he is more worried that after they worked hard to help them condense the flesh, they were betrayed by these guys.

Therefore, he would rather spend more time, planting all the spirits that condense the flesh into the magic species, and it is impossible to let these guys be free. Although the master of the battlefield can control them, it is only a very simple control.

"This is your avatar?"

When Xiang Yang’s first demon came out, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey’s faces were curious.

Xiang Yang nodded. "Yes, my magic road is separated, and the practice is the beginning of magic. However, after I walked out of my own path, I changed the practice system. Although I still practice the magic, but now I have already cultivated a bit different."

At this moment, Xiang Yang, whether it is the deity or the avatar, the extent to which he has reached the level of practicing Qi, he himself does not know, it should be the equivalent of the strength of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, has not yet reached the realm of Yasheng, but, really Xiangyang himself is not very clear about the combat effectiveness.

"The realm of your avatar and deity is too low. Although we are the bodybuilder, the strength of the flesh is the most important, but if you really meet someone who is much stronger than you, the other person is enough in the realm. Rolling you down, you should raise the realm up." Yang Lan said quietly.

"Even if you don't raise the realm problem, your mana repair should also come up. Your Pangu really relies on the power of the flesh, but your kendo needs to use your mana." Followed.

"I understand, I am aware of this problem. However, I have just broken through recently and have not had time to retreat. After I retreat, I will rationalize my current physical condition."

Xiang Yang knows that the two are for their own good. After he nodded, he opened up a space in the source of the land with his own power, so that all the spirits in the battlefield of the fairy will enter, and then the fairy will be The battlefield is handed over to Xiaoling, let him re-harden the battlefield of the fairy, and find a way to upgrade the battlefield of the fairy. If it can be promoted to the extent of innate treasure, the role of the battlefield is much greater.

After doing this, Xiang Yang looked at Yang Lan and Sun Monkey and smiled softly. "Two, why not go shopping in the new world?"

"Well, since the floods have broken, we have hardly traveled to the secular world. This time, we can take this opportunity to have fun."

Yang Lan said with a smile.

"Not bad, this time we have a good time to play, and then go to the gods to hunt God." Sun Monkey also laughed out.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded. Whether it is Sun Monkey or Yang Lan, they are very clear. If they really go to the gods to hunt God, it is absolutely dangerous. It can be said that it is a life of nine deaths. However, if they succeed, they will really Can step into the sky, break through to become a true chaos saint, and still the strongest saint to prove.

However, if it fails, it is possible to die.

This time I came to the world of the wild world to play, it can be said that the last relaxation between them.

"Go, let's find a bar and have a few drinks."

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile.

"Where is the bar?" Sun Monkey's eyes glow.

"It's a place that will make you happy."

Xiangyang’s mysterious smile, when I think of the Sun Monkey or the Buddha’s Fighting Buddha, suddenly felt very interesting. After I entered the bar, I don’t know what Sun Monkey and Yang Lan would be. I’m really looking forward to it. .

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