Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3046: Coincidentally

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Xiang Yang’s tearing void appeared above the demon world. He did not know that the 108-year-old elders were ready to show him some small plots.

After arriving at the Devil World, no matter what strong atmosphere around you, swept through the powerful gods, and then according to the place where the treasures in the memory of the Demon Remembrance, you instantly found the three-point treasure left by the Devil of the Year. The last one in the middle.

That is where the Devil's Boots are.

"The devil suit is finally assembled."

Xiang Yang took a step and walked toward the place where the demon secret treasure was, with a faint smile on his face.

Although for him today, the power increase that the magic suit can bring to him is nothing, but after the collection of the magic suit, it is equivalent to creating another Yasheng strong.

No matter which person you use, it has a strong effect on him.

"Who dares to walk on Laozi's site and find death?"

At this time, there was a burst of loud noise underneath, a powerful blood gas burst out, and instantly turned into a magic knife toward Xiangyang.

"A sub-strong man of the devil world."

Xiang Yang mouth reveals a sneer, the sub-sacred strong man in the devil world, if he met in the past, he would still be afraid of three points, and now he meets Ya Sheng, there is no fear of the other party.


Xiang Yang directly blasted out, and instantly took the magic knife to fly, and then stepped out, and instantly came to the face of the demon who was looking at his devil.

"what did you say?"

Xiang Yang looked coldly at this sub-strong man.

The other side's cultivation is not weak, it should be the old Yasheng strongman of the devil world, but now, when he sees Xiang Yang appear in front of him, he is even more stunned.

"You, you are not the saint of the devil, who are you?"

When the Emperor of the Devil, who saw the Xiangyang, saw the Xiangyang, the whole person was obviously stunned.

The rules of the devil world, the strong are respected, in this demon world, who is the site of the lay, if not have absolute strong strength, you can not go to other people's territory to move around.

This sub-Supreme Force has just happened to encounter some unsatisfactory things. His mood is just too bad. Suddenly he felt that when someone was volleying over his own, he was angry and went straight to the other side. killed.

However, what shocked him was that the other party actually flew out his own sword of the highest level of the weapon. This power is definitely not comparable to him.

"You care who I am."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and sneered at the guy. "If you want to live, take the baby to exchange. Otherwise, your site is mine."


Although this guy is shocked by the strength of Xiangyang, how can the devil who can cultivate to the sub-saint of the real world be a weak one?

At this moment, after listening to Xiang Yang’s words, he was wearing an angry color on his face and gritted his teeth. “You ran to the site of the Holy Land and dared to speak out, no matter who you are, this holy capital. Will not light yours."

"Even if Black Lotus doesn't dare to speak to me like this, would you dare to do this?"

Xiang Yang glanced at him with a squint.


The courage of this guy was hard to mention. When he heard that Xiang Yang mentioned the black lotus, he was shocked. The whole person seemed to be a discouraged ball, and he was flat in an instant.

After watching Xiangyang for a long time, he remembered that Xiang Yang had a fist to fly out of his own knife. Although he felt that Xiang Yang said that the black lotus demon was a bit exaggerated, he felt that Xiang Yang should indeed be strength. Very powerful, reaching the existence of the Yasheng Peak.

He couldn't help but wave his hand and said to Xiang Yang, "Lord, no matter who you are, this is the site of the Holy Land, the rules of the devil, you must not fly on the land of others. Otherwise, it is regarded as a provocation against the other side. On the first time you are, this Holy Spirit will not care about you, let's go."

While talking, he himself is ready to turn and leave.

Can't afford it, can't I hide?

"Who made you go?"

However, before he left, he heard Xiang Yang pass with a cold voice.


The guy turned his head and looked at Xiang Yang. His face showed an angry color. "This holy does not care about you. You still haven't let me go? Do you really think that I am a bully?"

Although he claims to be the devil, he is only a sub-holy, and has not yet reached the peak.

Xiang Yang’s face with a faint sneer, shouted, “Want to go, leave a chaotic treasure, then you can die.”


At the same time, Xiang Yang’s body burst into a terrible atmosphere, which is the power of Pan Gu’s real body.

Although it only broke out more than half of the power, but for the general Yasheng, this breath is not what he can afford. This name is called Moro's Yasheng feels the horror of the Xiangyang body. When I was white, my heart was bitter, I didn’t expect to encounter such a horrible strong man.

"I knew that the turtle couldn't shrink out. Damn, where did the **** come from? The strength is so terrible? Is he a chaotic saint? No, impossible, it should be the strongest of the Yasheng Peak. However, I have never heard of such a terrible existence."

In the Moro devil world, Sacred Heart speaks to himself, and on the surface is Shen Shen, "Hello, how are you?"

"It seems that your brain is not so good."

Xiang Yang sneered a sigh of relief and stepped straight toward the guy. He shouted, "If you want to die again and again, then I will fulfill you."


Originally, Xiang Yang thought that this guy should be very hard to fight with himself. Who ever thought that this guy would see his own shot, he shouted, crying and screaming, "Don't do it, there is something to discuss." ”


Xiang Yang, who is so afraid of death, was the first to see it.

After all, being able to cultivate into the realm of Yasheng, the heart has been tempered to a very terrible degree, absolutely not comparable to the average person, even if his own strength is not the opponent of others, in general, these sub-sacred strongmen are not It may be too obvious.

Because Yasheng is against Asia, the gap between you is not very big. If you want to escape, if you don't encounter a real invincible existence, you can still escape.

And this guy, not the first time to think about fleeing, but directly crying and letting face stop, seems to be surrendered?

"A day after tomorrow, if you don't have to discuss it."

Xiang Yang said with a cold smile.

Although he has a lot of treasures today, it is also very good to have one more treasure.

"I, I am not the best of luck."

Moro devil world Ya Sheng crying and looking at Xiang Yang, "My strongest magic weapon is just a treasure, there is no treasure of the level of the treasure of the day after tomorrow, you are iron heart to destroy me."

"You deceive people. As a sub-sacred strongman, it is impossible to even have a post-day treasure." Xiang Yang frowned at this guy.

"Really, I Moro swears to Heaven, I am absolutely not the day after tomorrow. If you deceive you, let the heavens drop the gods and mine me."

Devil's Armstrong is very simply raising his hand and swearing.


Well, the other party has already vowed to Tiandao so arbitrarily. It’s not convinced that Xiangyang does not believe it. After all, the oath of the Yasheng Power is indeed very effective. Generally speaking, unless everyone is really sure, Otherwise, I dare not swear to Heaven.

Xiang Yang looked helplessly at this guy. "Your cultivation is not weak. It is already a sub-strong man. Why don't you know **** and rob, and grab some baby?"

"I, I think too, but my strength is too weak."

When the Moroah St. said here, it was as if he had been provoked with a sad thing. His face became more and more sorrowful, and he did not cry on the spot.

"Actually, not long ago, I almost got the secret treasure of a legendary demon, but I was taken away."

As he spoke, he looked at Xiang Yang cautiously. "Would you like, I will tell you where the first magic treasure is, how do you let me go?"

"You want to kill someone by knife?"

Xiang Yang was very angry and laughed. "Do you think I am a fool?"

"No, no, there is a treasure of the beginning, although it is controlled by several kings, but if your strength is strong enough, you can definitely share the interests of the kings of the devil."

Moroah St. quickly said, "I am because the strength is too weak, plus no background, even if you get a treasure by chance, you can't hold it, but you are different. Your strength is so strong that you can definitely talk to them. Equally share the benefits."


However, the voice of this guy just fell, and he was shot by Xiang Yang, and the whole person did not know how deep it was.

Xiang Yang stood up in the air and said, "I still want to lie to me, I am looking for death."

Although he said this, he frowned. Although he felt that it was all too clever, but if there is a treasure of the beginning, it must not be let go.

Just, is it really a coincidence that all this is true?

I just want to get back the magic treasure, even the first magic treasure is born? No matter how you look at it, I feel that this is a bit too different.


Moroya holy rushed out from below, although there was no injury, but he was very angry, so angry that the whole person was shaking, if not the strength of Xiangyang is too strong, knowing that he is absolutely impossible to be Xiangyang’s opponent, He has been rushing straight up to fight with Xiangyang.

"look at me."

At this time, Xiang Yang’s voice came over, which made the guy couldn’t help but look at it. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and the whole person was sleepy.

"No, it's in the middle."

He was alert and struggling to break free. However, at this time, Xiang Yang was full of murderous voice and the voice passed. "Do not resist. If it is resisting, you will instantly become devastated. It’s either controlled or controlled by me. You choose it yourself.”


The guy who was still thinking about resisting, after hearing the words of Xiang Yang, stayed for a long while, and even the rebellion was forgotten.

Ever since, under the rule, Xiang Yang directly entered the magic species in this guy, and then, when the guy recovered, he only felt that Xiang Yang in front of him seemed so kind, as if he was born to be his own master, could not help but Xiang Yang Gong Gong down, "Master."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang’s mouth swelled slightly, with a smile, and looked at the guy. “What happened to the first magic treasure?”

"Master, the beginning of the magic treasure is there, in the field of the devil of the devil, in a virtual space, I was originally a good friend with the acquaintance of the squid, go to him and talk to him when he is idle. I heard that the guy said that there was a treasure, and invited me to watch it. Who ever thought that it was calculated by this guy, and he was almost opened as a sacrifice. Fortunately, I was a little prepared, and I blew the only one after tomorrow. This will escape."

"Until I left, I discovered that it was really the legendary first magic treasure that was born. Now all the powerful people in the demon world are going to fight for it. Even if it is a jerk, there is no way to open it. The sub-sacred strongmen of the demon world can enter the treasure hunt. If they are organic, they can naturally enter the treasure. However, it has been ten days since it seems that no one has come out from it."

Moro was inexhaustible, and he said everything he knew, so that Xiang Yang couldn’t help but reveal a strange color. "Is there really a treasure trove?"

Is there anything more coincident than this? Actually, there is really a treasure trove of treasures. I just want to dig up the treasures of the demon treasures. It turned out that the first magic treasure was born in the devil world.

If it wasn't for this guy who was beaten into the magical species by himself, Xiang Yang would even wonder if this guy deliberately digs himself into the pit to let himself jump into it.


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