Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3047: Goodbye to Gorefiend

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"Go and see."

After considering it for a long time, Xiang Yang decided to see if there was a real magic treasure. For this reason, he even directly opened the passage to the original source of the new world, and the first demon who stayed there not long ago. Also picked up.

He believes that even if there is a treasure of the beginning, it is absolutely dangerous, even if his own deity has the ability to compete against the chaos of the saint, and can not benefit in the hands of the first demon.

After all, the first demon can be compared with the existence of Pangu in the chaos, and it can be seen in the demon of the first demon to make Xiangyang unfavorable. The first demon is absolutely powerful and terrible.

And with the beginning of the devil, because the practice is the beginning of the magic, it can be said that the first magic regeneration, there will be great convenience, coupled with the invincible strength of the deity, even if the black lotus devil comes, he also Don't worry that the first magic treasure will be taken away by the other party.

"Master, just ahead."

After Moro took Xiangyang to the field of the Devil's Demon, Xiangyang clearly felt that in the front field, a large number of invincible Yasheng strongmen were guarding there.

Obviously, this group of sub-sacred strongmen is the sub-saint of the devil world, which comes from the beginning of the magic treasure.

"The sub-saint of the devil world has come to hundreds."

Sensing the number of these saints, even Xiang Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he was a little hesitant, so many Asian saints were strong in the devil world, only one of them was the fairy world, himself Suddenly sneak into it, in case any of these guys suddenly take the wind to join forces, then how strong they are not necessarily able to stop.

"But you can't expose the deity."

After Xiang Yang thought about it, the deity directly fell into the body of the first demon, temporarily hidden in the beginning of the devil, and at the same time, with the power of the deity broke out the momentum of the sub-saint, so that when the demon was walking outside, It also has the breath of sub-saint.

As a result, no one of these people can doubt that they are not masters of the devil world.

The breath of Yasheng has, the identity of the devil has also been, and the next step is to harvest.

"Hey, isn't this a Moro saint?"

Xiangyang’s first demon avatar followed Moro directly into the place where the first magic treasure was located. Immediately, a mocking laughter came over and saw only a few faces among the top sages of the demon in the front. They all looked at Moro with a mocking smile.

However, when they saw the Xiangyang around Moro, they all showed a strange color on their faces.

"Who is this?"

"It is not a saint in the field near us. It should be a farther place, or a strong person hidden by a certain power."

"Morro blew himself up after a day of escaping, and he was able to invite such an sage. Does he really think that the two Yashengs can join in revenge?"


While the Afro-Asian strong people looked at Xiang Yang curiously, there was a sacred gaze, and his eyes were murderous.

He is not someone else, it is the friend that Moro said almost killed him.

Of course, among the devil world, only the black lotus can be called the devil. The rest are all sub-shengs. It is just that everyone is more serious. After breaking into the sub-saint, they will enter the ranks of the holy world. It can also be called the devil.

While thinking about various methods in the brain, he himself stepped toward Xiangyang and Moro, and his face showed a bright smile. "Morrow, you are finally here, I am waiting." How long have you been, how is your body, is it okay?"

At the same time, this guy’s face showed a look that seemed to be very concerned about Moro. If you didn’t know that this guy set a trap so that Moro would blew himself up to the only one to survive, Xiangyang would think that this guy is really It’s a good brother of Moro.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at this guy. He didn't interject, but said to Moro. "You deal with it yourself. As for me, just find an excuse. The channel of this secret treasure is open, but it is not yet stable. I can't get into it now, we just need to be able to wait here."

In front of a group of young saints, there is a passage that is brewing. Among them, the powerful beginning of the magic, Xiang Yang can see at a glance, no matter what the back of this passage, it is absolutely related to the beginning of the devil.

The beginning of the magic, the origin of the devil, the beginning of all the magic.

Even if it is not the first magic treasure, it is estimated that there is a lot of confidentiality behind this channel.

Since knowing that this may be a huge treasure, Xiang Yang naturally cannot let such a good opportunity. In any case, he must get the baby.

Practice is to fight against the sky. If you don't give yourself a chance to move forward, it will be like a hundred people rushing, and it will be overtaken by others. After others have surpassed, it may be just an infinite regret.

Even if Xiang Yang’s chances are enough, the growth rate of strength can be said to be the first person in the past, but he still can’t give up any chances.


After a resounding response, Moro looked at the sorrowful demon who came over and said with a sneer, "I am wrong, I am wrong."

"Morro brother is jealous of me. I really didn't expect this passage to appear here. At that time, if it wasn't for Moro's brother, I almost had an accident. Really, I want to thank you."

The sorcerer's face looked at Moro sincerely, as if he had been a Moro at the time.

"You think it's okay for me to shoot, isn't it?"

Moro said lightly.

"Oh, this, in fact, if you don't shoot, it will be fine with my strength."

Yan Qinghe said with a smile, "However, Moro brother blew the only piece of the day after tomorrow, it really touched me. For this reason, I decided, if there is any danger in the future, if there is any danger, what will be injured, must I have to come to me and I will do my best to help."

He patted his chest vigorously, as if he was very loyal, making Moro almost mad.

"Shameless villain."

It is clear that this guy deliberately wants to harm himself. He even said that he was specially shot. Of course, this is also good. It is a good thing to save his life.

However, you have even said that if you don't shoot, you can also get through the danger, which is too much.

"Haha, Moro, I waited until the channel was stabilized before I ventured into it. I don't know if you want a place?"

Yan Qing is laughing, he is not afraid of Moro.

As a daily friend of Moro, he knows very well that the strength of Moro is not as good as him, but he also blew himself up to the only one that has been acquired, and lost the demise of the day after tomorrow. It is not worthy of his attention.

As for Xiang Yang around Moro, after seeing it, Yan Qing found that Xiang Yang’s body was not strong, even if it was Ya Sheng, it was only the first time to enter the realm of Ya Sheng.

For an old Yasheng strongman, plus so many strong people present here, even if there are two more Yasheng, it is not enough.

Moreover, these people who have come early have already negotiated well, no longer let other people enter it. Xiangyang and Moro have to re-enter the treasure, and hundreds of Yasheng strongmen agree at the same time, but this is it possible?

If you are awkward, sorry, then wait until you die.

Hundreds of Asian holy strongmen are here, even if the black lotus devil was not sanctified before, it is estimated that they will not dare to come.

After Moro listened to the words of Qing, it was a sinking face, and he screamed, "Yu Qing, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

The original smile, which was still smiling, was suddenly gloomy and shouted. "Let you know what to do? Here is the site of Laozi. I am going to enter the treasure chest together with many magical strong people. You want to Do you think it is possible to temporarily insert a foot at this time?"

"Have you asked us about the opinions of many great devils?"

"Morrow, this holy thought is in the old situation, please do not kill you, but you will roll now. If you dare to think carefully about the beginning of the treasure, you will wait to die."


At the same time, when the green anger screamed, a powerful breath broke out, causing Moro to tremble with anger. He held out his finger and screamed. "Good, stunned, you bastard, I really look." Wrong you."

After Xiang Yang met, he shook his head helplessly. It was no wonder that Moro would be deceived. It turned out to be a person who had neither the heart nor the strength.

It can be seen from the strength of the outbreak of the Devil's Devil. The strength of this indigo can be much stronger than that of Moro. Don't say that Moro has lost one after another, even if it is the day after tomorrow, it is estimated that it is not indigo. opponent.

Moreover, the presence of so many Devils in the Devil's World, since discussing together to enter the Demon Treasures to acquire the Demon Treasure, it is impossible to easily let others insert.

Unless the strength of others is super strong, these guys can't object.

He sighed helplessly, and sure enough, he still had to do it first.

However, the strength of the demon avatar is a bit weak, let the deity come out.

Although the first demon avatar can break out of the sub-Holy power with the deity, but the strength has absolutely not reached the level of the sub-saint, if it is really necessary to do it, only the deity can do it.


"Oh, why don't you even let the ancestors let them go?"

However, when Xiang Yang was ready to let the deity out, he heard a screaming sound coming from the sky, and then there was a bloodless river running through the heavens and the earth.

This blood river is not someone else, it is the **** sea of ​​the **** ancestors.

The **** sea has been chasing and killing Bai Yu for a long time. After not chasing it, the exchange allowed his disciples to chase down Bai Yu. Then he tried to reproduce the blood, but now the entire blood sea has been torn apart. It is very difficult to rebuild. After he has been working for a long time, he has to reinforce the fragmented territory within his own field. It is impossible to return to the previous situation.

This time, when I heard the birth of the first magic treasure, the blood and sea rushed directly.

In any case, no matter what the treasure he has to get his hand, no one can compete with him.

The **** sea of ​​the bloodstain ancestor has a large **** sea. This blood sea is his only refining blood sea. Although it contains a trace of ancient blood, it is too little.

Moreover, all this can be said to be his only preserved blood.

He whispered and stood in the air, watching the hundreds of Yasheng strong people coldly, cold channel. "This treasure ancestor is going, you can roll it."

His words are very overbearing, and he will not put on the hundreds of sages in the field. The prestige of a generation of hegemons is undoubted.

Xiang Yang knows that the Gorefiend ancestors did have such a skill.

Other sub-sacred strongmen in the devil world can only have a prestige between several cities, but the Gorefiend has the entire Gorefiend field, and it has already occupied the **** sea since ancient times. Everyone knows The **** sea contains the blood of Pangu, but no one can do anything about the **** sea.

It is precisely because the strength of the Gorefiend ancestors is strong enough.

Although it is only a **** sea, but it is enough to deter the countless Devil's Yasheng strong.

When Xiang Yang looked at the sacred sages of hundreds of demon worlds such as Qi Qing, and sure enough, he saw that hundreds of Yasheng strong people were all very ugly.

They are so angry that they don't directly work with the Gorefiend ancestors.

However, no one wants to rush out to fight against the Gorefiend ancestors. No one wants to be the first bird. After all, if the first one rushes out, it is estimated that the blood of the Gorefiend ancestors will be the first time. It’s gone.

Even if he was named by the Gorefiend ancestors, he was also ugly at the moment, but he did not speak.

"Don't this group of hundreds of Yasheng strong people, even one who dared to fight against the Gorefiend ancestors?"

Xiang Yang’s heart sighs and feels that the Gorefiend ancestors are really powerful and unmatched. Even if only the blood and sea are coming, they can force hundreds of Yasheng strong people. This majesty is already comparable to that of few people. It is.

"The Gorefiend is old, you are really crazy. One person wants to dominate the first magic treasure. Do you really think that you are the black lotus demon?"

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