Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3048: Lord of the Devil

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"The Gorefiend is old, you are really crazy. One person wants to dominate the first magic treasure. Do you really think that you are the black lotus demon?"

In Xiang Yang’s heart, he sighed the prestige of the Gorefiend ancestors. When he was able to cross the world invincible, he heard a sneer coming from afar.


Then there was an infinite roar in the distance, and a black cloud roared from a distance.

Xiang Yang’s gaze condensed, and he found that there was a vast atmosphere in this dark cloud, which contained a breath of horror, even more than one Yasheng strongman, but a full five sacred peaks. breath.

Moreover, the breath of these strong sages of the sacred peaks is not weaker than the blood of the blood ancestors.

"It’s the Dark Cloud Devil."

Xiang Yang’s Mo Luo’s busy voice explained to Xiang Yang that “the Dark Cloud Devil is famous in the Devil World. Moreover, they are not referring to one person, but five brothers. They were originally after the opening of the earth, the world. The first five black-clouded, five-in-one, and at the same time cultivated into the realm of the Yasheng peak, the vertical and the devil, is able to compete with the blood devil ancestor's deity. Today, the Gorefiend ancestors are only Come to the blood and sea, it is impossible to be the opponent of the black cloud five holy."

"Interestingly, it turned out to be the first black cloud after the opening of the earth. The status of these five people is no worse than the Gorefiend."

Xiang Yang’s face showed a smile.

The Gorefiend ancestors have opponents.

Moreover, the Black Cloud Wusheng is obviously not afraid of the Gorefiend ancestors, even if the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors came, it is estimated that it is not necessarily the opponent of the Black Cloud Five.

"The opening of this first magic treasure is really very interesting. I am afraid that after a while, all the top-level powerhouses in the Devil will be found."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

This time, he did not use the method of sound transmission, but directly spoke out, so that the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors also noticed Xiang Yang, his face suddenly changed, and his voice shouted, "Xiang Yang children, you Also here?"

Although he was very angry, he was wearing a fear.

Before this, after his **** sea was broken, he rushed to deal with Xiangyang, and the result was bombarded by Xiangyang.

He is very clear that at this moment, Xiang Yang absorbed the Pangu essence contained in the **** sea and has already consolidated the Pangu body. The strength is definitely not comparable to him. Even if his deity is coming, it is impossible. It is Xiang Yang’s opponent.

In the face of such a strong presence of Xiangyang, the blood of the Gorefiend ancestors trembled in the body and mind, only to feel that it was a little difficult to get this first magic treasure this time.

The strength of the Black Cloud Five in the Devil is no less than that of his Gorefiend ancestors. Now these five old guys are coming, and the other hegemons are definitely on the road.

"It’s so lively, my ancestors are coming to join in the fun."

Sure enough, with the sound of yin and yang that is not male or female, in the distance, there is a palace flying over. Unexpectedly, this palace is only made of wood, and it has grown hands and feet under the palace. It looks like a wooden man.

However, while this palace is extraordinary, it is more noticeable that it is the strong inside the palace.

"Montenegro old demon!"

The Gorefiend ancestors and the Black Cloud Five Shrines spoke at the same time.

"Well, the old demon of Montenegro has also come. This time, all the old monsters in the devil world have been shot. Now, even if we have hundreds of Yasheng, we can’t stop them."

"I knew that I should have rushed into the channel directly, and I might have already got the hand of the first magic treasure and got the inheritance of the first demon."

"This is a big problem."


After seeing the arrival of the old demon in Montenegro, the hundreds of sages in the presence of Montenegro became more ugly and even desperate.

When a **** ancestor of the Gorefiend ancestors came, they could remain calm, although no one would be willing to be the star of the Gorefiend ancestors, but they are very convinced that they have hundreds of strong people. It is enough to block the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors.

After the dark clouds and five saints, they have already trembled a bit. Although they have a large number, the black clouds of the black clouds and five saints have destroyed the holy gods and have killed the Yasheng strong.

Then, the old demon in Montenegro came, and they were desperate.

These three major hegemon-level powerhouses are coming, who dares to compete with them?


There was a scream of yin and yang in that palace. The voice of the old demon in Montenegro was not male or female. It seems that there are hundreds of idiots crying, and it seems that a group of men are roaring, and it seems that there are some The ghost is screaming, making people feel very uncomfortable when they hear it.

"What is the ghost of Montenegro?"

Xiang Yang turned his head to look at Moro.

Although the latter was scared, his face was whitish, but he answered very respectfully. "Back to the master, the body of the old demon of Montenegro is said to be a strong person who has passed through the warmth of congenital magic. Its strength. Very powerful in the devil world, is not weaker than the Gorefiend ancestors and the black cloud five holy."

"So, is it a bad wood?"

Xiang Yang huh, a smile, did not care about the people with a strange look directly.

Jianmu, that is the time when the legendary heaven and earth began to open, Pangu Shengzun transferred from the chaos and planted a tree on the land of the wild, in order to support the world with the construction of wood, so that the world is not opened up. As for healing.

Although the argument that building wood supports the heavens and the earth is a bit exaggerated, after all, Jianmu has not such a terrible strength to truly support the world. However, the origin of Jianmu is indeed very extraordinary. It can be said that the first trees appeared when the land was opened. .

It’s no wonder that such a strong wood is so powerful.

"Kid, who are you? Don't you want to live?"

Sure enough, the angry roar of Montenegro’s old demon came out of the palace, and a terrible murder locked Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the palace and said, "The Montenegro old demon, don't be angry, I praise you, you see, whether it is the **** ancestor of the Gorefiend ancestors, or the black cloud five St., are not qualified to let me comment, you can let me comment, indicating that you are stronger than them."

"Bastard, who is this kid?"

Among the black clouds, there was a roar of the black cloud and five holy, and there were five killings that locked Xiang Yang.

And the old demon of Montenegro also came out with an angry murder. "The kid is mad, since you want to find death, the ancestors will be yours."

When Xiang Yang opened his mouth, he would offend the three-party overlord. Although Moro had been submerged in Xiangyang after being cast into the magical species, he felt the murderousness of these three parties. He was also scared and pale, and his body was shaking. With.

The indigo of one side has already been shocked.

"What is the identity of this kid, Moro actually brought him, is this to die?"

No matter who thinks that Xiangyang is dead, it will definitely be destroyed by these three parties.

In the devil world, in addition to the black lotus devil who has become a chaotic saint, who dares to be so arrogant and provocative, this three-party super hegemon?

"Alright, let this kid drag the time. After the passage is stabilized, we can directly rush into it. Although I don't know what the danger is in the beginning of the treasure, but I believe that after entering it, even this is The three parties can't wait for me."

"You, let's not talk first, the passage will be stable, and after we are really stable, we will join them together."

"Well, we will fight against these three parties together later."


Ever since, the top 100 have become a consensus, decided not to speak now, and wait until the passage is completely stabilized, then directly rush into it, and then, it is life to see their own luck.

If they can get the inheritance of the first magic in the beginning of the magic treasure, even if they are offended by the three parties, they are not afraid.

"Don't hurry, unless you can discuss it with me at the same time, or else, after you really start, you will definitely have one party injured. At that time, the other two parties will definitely take the opportunity to kill the party. And then the original magic treasure."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the three powerful players. "And, your biggest enemy is not me, nor you are each other, but these hundreds of Yasheng strong."

"Especially the owner of this place, the young man, although this guy is not very good, but this first magic treasure appeared on his site, he has studied the passage of this first magic treasure for a long time, after a while the passage is stable They must be the first to rush into it. Who knows if there is a limit on the number of people entering. If there are restrictions, then how strong is the three of you, and it is estimated that this skill will not be able to break through the original set. Enchantment?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang smashed hundreds of Yasheng strong people like the same.

At this moment, these hundreds of strong people are all angry, especially what, Laozi and others do not want to care about you, but you actually turned to the three parties to dominate the powerful to deal with us, it is too much.

Their faces are ugly, especially indigo, and they haven’t jumped up and screamed.

Xiang Yang’s words are really justified. Although everyone knows that Xiang Yang is killing people by knife, he is also telling the truth.

The Gorefiend ancestors, the Black Cloud Wusheng and the Montenegro ancestors will certainly not mind that the first hundred strong players on the field will be cleaned up first.

"I know that the people that Moro brings are definitely not good things. I didn't expect this guy to be so jerk."

The awkward temper was trembling, and he obviously felt that the three powerful players had murderousness on their own body. It seems that the next moment will directly kill themselves.

"You predecessors, Yan Qing is willing to give up the first magic treasure, only to ask you to give a living path."

In desperation, Yan Qing can only raise his hands for mercy, whether it is the Gorefiend ancestor or the Black Cloud Five Saints, or the Montenegro old demon, it is not what he can deal with, let alone the three rooms are staring at him at the same time. If he still does not ask for mercy, then he is looking for a dead end.

At the same time, there is an unwritten rule in the devil world, that is, as long as one party seeks for mercy, under normal circumstances, the other party will not deal with the other party unless it is the real life and death.

Of course, this rule is only stipulated by the Black Lotus Devil, and the rules made for the Yasheng strong, after the black lotus unified the demon world, take the vanguard of the devil world to sanctify, in order to prevent the sub-sacred strongmen of the devil from killing each other. And with too much loss, he set such a rule.

As the master of the devil's face, there are still many people who will follow him.

It is because of this rule that Moro can escape from the hands of Yan Qing, and now, Qing Qing used this method on his own body, only hope that the three hegemons can also follow the rules of the Black Lotus.


Sure enough, when he begged for mercy, Yan Qing clearly felt that the murderous suffocation of the three-party tyrants was gradually dissipated. He breathed a sigh of relief and felt that his whole body had been soaked in sweat.

These three parties are not worthy of Xiangyang, but they are tantamount to the ordinary Yasheng, such as Yan Qing.

Fortunately, the three powerful parties simply did not put his ordinary Yasheng in his eyes. Since he begged for mercy, he directly let him go.

Of course, Yan Qing can also guess that the reason why the three powerful parties will let him go is to let other hundred people also choose to withdraw. Although the three parties are too strong, no one dares to resist, but if it is true A hundred Asian strong people are right, it is estimated that these three parties are also tired enough.

Moreover, they are not working together to deal with these Yasheng. If they really do, they should be wary of the other two parties. It is also very troublesome.

"Although I lost the first magic treasure, it is good to be able to survive, and Moro, huh, the guy around him is so crazy, and he will die after a while."

Although she had some regrets, she lost the opportunity to enter the beginning of the treasure, but at least she can save her life, and in contrast, Moro will definitely die.


However, when the idea of ​​indigo was just falling, he felt a terrible force burst out and instantly bombarded him, causing him to explode in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, such a super strong person in the realm of the Yasheng Peak, instantly disappeared.


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