Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3052: Grandfather

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"Is it my mother?"

Xiang Yang looked at Dao's doubts. Since he is not his father, then his mother's origins are very special.

I thought of my mother carrying the women to the realm of cultivation, and then to the fairyland, even the Daomen Jiu Di Mountain had to accept Sun Qingya and Monica as a disciple, and the saints also said that they would enter, as if their mother still It really has a lot of experience.

Is it a privileged woman with a strong strength?

However, it is not right. Even Dong Huang Yu, who is a descendant of ancient Heavenly Emperor, is not qualified to let Daozu pay attention.

"Your kid, I still don't know your true blood talent until now, but it's time for you to know."

Daozu whispered softly, and laid an enchantment between the waves, only Xiang Yang and him, and the Black Lotus Devil in it.

Xiang Yang’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his great identity came to be revealed. Daozu was so concerned about himself. Can he say that his mother is the illegitimate daughter of the Taoist ancestors?

It seems that I have never heard of where my mother’s family is. This is really possible.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang looked at Dao's eyes with a cordial color. This is most likely to be his own grandfather. God, I have to find a big backer.

The more he thought, the more his eyes floated, and the whole person was very excited.

However, Daozu did not think so much, but smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. "Okay, kid, don't guess, your grandfather has been helping you. Everything you give him is you, are you? Doesn't it feel amiable?"


Xiang Yang was shocked. He looked at Daozu dumbly. It turned out that this guy is not his grandfather. No, his grandfather is...

"Old man?"

Xiang Yang asked carefully.

"Old man, tell yourself about your grandson."

Daozu said softly and said to nothing.

"Hongjun, what are you doing with nosy?" Accompanied by an unpleasant voice, and then, in the trepidation of the Black Lotus Devil's Heart, a figure volley came out and watched quietly. Xiang Yang.

"It is that one, the legendary supreme being!"

The heart of the Black Lotus Devil is shaking, and he is respectful and respectful. This is a legendary figure. It is said that even the Taoist ancestors may not be able to compare with this one. Now, this person appears directly in front of himself. It is really incredible.

Thinking of what Daozu and Xiangyang said, although Heilongjiang is a chaotic saint, he feels that his heartbeat is almost at a very terrible level.

Damn, no wonder this kid can grow up to such a degree, it turned out to be this grandson.

When the black lotus demon was in the cold, Xiang Yang was frowning and looked at the old man who appeared out of thin air. He whispered, "The old man, is the Taoist saying true?"

"What do you think?" The old man smiled at Xiangyang.


The old man answered this way, and he was the pro-grandson of the old guy. It turned out that his mother turned out to be his biological daughter. No wonder, his blood talent is so strong that he awakened the 'Heaven and Earth oven' and 'Life and death fire lotus' these two talents magical powers.

In the past, Xiang Yang always couldn't figure out. As a descendant of Xiangjia, the blood of Xiangjia is not weak, but it is absolutely impossible for him to have the 'Heaven and Earth Furnace' and 'Life and Death Fire Lotus'. Talented supernatural powers.

After understanding all this, Xiang Yang didn't have much excitement in his heart. Although he was surprised, he felt that it was normal.

In his mind, he remembered that when he was a child, he was taken away by the old man when he was less than three years old. He trained with all kinds of harsh means and watched his crying. This old guy was indifferent.

He suddenly became angry. "Old man, others have a grandson. I am sure to hold it every day. Baby is very bad. You, I have been abusing me since I was a child. I rely on it. I was only three years old. Are you so embarrassed?" ”


Xiang Yang is very angry, not to mention that the old man is stunned, even if the Taoist and the black lotus demon are also eccentric, this kid is really a bit different, the first time someone else sees When I go to my own foreigner, I should be very excited to hold each other and cry.

However, this kid, you started to blame the other party for abusing yourself when you were young...


The old man’s face couldn’t stand, and he coughed a few times. He felt that he might come out and recognize that this grandson might be wrong, or that the master of the **** is good.

When he was his master, this kid was more respectful to himself.

Now, let this kid know that he is his foreign grandfather, this kid has not been polite, but he began to blame himself for abusing him when he was a child.

so tired.

Even if the old man is a level of existence with Dao Zuhong, looking at Xiang Yang’s indignation, he feels speechless.

"But it, the things of the year are all right."

Xiang Yang looked at the old man's face and waved his hand. He said very generously. "Let's do it, old man, you can give me a thousand or eight pieces of chaos to compensate me."


The old man looked at Xiangyang with a black face. This kid is really against the sky. He dared to find himself to ask for thousands of pieces of chaos. He didn’t have a few chaos to treasure. You are so embarrassed to find yourself?

After thinking about it, he turned and went away.

This place can't stay any longer, and it won't be in front of this kid in the future.

"Don't go."

After Xiang Yang met, he quickly yelled at the old man, "Grandfather!"

The body of the old man who had just turned his head suddenly paused. When he heard that Xiang Yang shouted the words 'foreign,' he only felt that a heart seemed to bloom, and the whole person was excited. color.

His cultivation is unparalleled, and that is the peak of the true chaotic sage. Many things can't make his mood waver.

Last time, his avatar walked among the heavens and the world, and when he experienced the red dust experience in the world, when he gave birth to his baby daughter, the moment he heard the cry of his daughter, his heart trembled. The memory that was sealed at that time was awakened instantly.

This time, I heard Xiang Yang’s ‘foreign’. He only felt that his heart was shaking, and the whole person was very excited.

This is my loved one.

He turned his head and looked at Xiang Yang with a smile on his face. Xiang Yang also smiled and said to him, "Old man, our origins, should you tell me?"

"Give you."

The old man whispered softly and sent a light into Xiang Yang’s brain. Then, his figure was a meal, and he said to Xiang Yang, “Little guy, work hard, leave little time for you, you have to try to be The realm of chaotic sages is fine."

"What do you mean?"

Xiang Yang frowned at the old man, but found that the old man had disappeared. He couldn’t help but sigh. "Old guy, since I know that it’s my grandfather, I don’t stay to talk to me more, don’t know me. Was it the first time to call my grandfather? It’s okay to stay and let me shout a few more times."

"He has important things to do, can't leave too long, and when you cultivate to reach the sacred, you can help him share some things. At that time, you can enjoy the wine."

Daozu said with a smile.

Although he was in the same position, he was the heaven at the moment, but when he looked at the feelings between Xiang Yang and the old man, he couldn’t help but raise an envy.

Daozu is the embodiment of Tiandao. It can be said that it is heaven, heaven is fair, and it is ruthless. According to the truth, his heart has long been hard as chaotic cold, but when he really saw Xiang Yang and his old When the friend's affection and mentoring, even his heart is also melted.

The black lotus demon on one side has already been shocked.

What's special, compared with this kid, what is his identity as a chaotic saint?

This kid is the one who is a foreigner and grandson. This is a family relationship. Where is the bubble master and apprentice relationship comparable?

I just thought that I was going to destroy Xiangyang very much, just looking for a dead end.

In the heart of Heilongjiang, fortunately, fortunately, Daozu appeared to block both of them. If you really do it, don’t say that you are unlikely to be the opponent of this kid. Even if you can kill this kid, it is estimated that it will not last long after you started it. It is about to be destroyed by the one who is stifled.

Got it, don't you want to provoke this kid.

Hey, let’s take a break.

Black Lotus Devil feels tired and tired. I thought that after becoming a chaotic saint, I could sit on the same level as Sanqing’s existence and surpass the demon of the demon of the Gorefiend.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with him. He is now shouting a brother to Sanqing, and he can also participate when Daozu holds a meeting of saints.

However, when he was in front of Xiang Yang, he still had no advantage.

How do you feel that he is not sanctified at all, and Xiang Yang is a chaotic saint.

At this moment, Xiang Yang still frowned. His eyes looked at Daozu. "Daozu, you suddenly stopped me from killing Black Lotus, and then shouting the old man to recognize me is a few meanings? Is it just to let me Do you know that the old man is my relative grandfather?"

The behavior of the Taoist priest is a little weird. Even Xiang Yang is absolutely not so sympathetic to the ancestors, just simply want to tell himself that the old man is his own grandfather.

"Cough, kid, don't be excited, the old way doesn't mean anything, just when you see you, think back to the previous things, can't help but want to make your grandson and grandson recognize each other."

Hongjun Daozu smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. "In fact, when you were young, the old road once met you."


Xiang Yang stared at Daozu, and this is the case?

Daozu once saw it with himself, and when he was young, that is to say, he was in the secular world.

"Hey, when the old road still flicked you, can you remember some things that sent you some medicinal herbs?" Daozu looked at Xiangyang with a smile, and then his figure directly turned into a martyr, holding in his hand. A whisk, the right hand is holding a jade bottle, and a thief looks like a fool to Xiang Yang. "Little friends, there is a remedy here, no matter whoever takes it, you can be controlled by you. Become your slave and let you do whatever you want. Just exchange the roast goose in your hand. Do you want it?"

"I rely, it is you!"

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