Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3053: Not a treasure

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"I rely on it, it turned out to be you."

Xiang Yang was shocked to see Daozu. This old **** turned out to be an old Taoist who had known him in the secular world.

What's special, these old guys are really everywhere.

Dignified ancestors, even when they were in their teens, they paid attention to themselves, and Xiang Yang still remembers that when the old Taoist priest first met with him, his body shape was a lonely shack.

Moreover, in order to rob a roast goose with himself, the old Taoist priest is doing everything he can, even flicking himself and saying that there is any treasure to give himself, or he has to take out a treasure map, and he believes himself. .

After losing a roast goose, he went down the treasure map to find treasures and found nothing. At that time, Xiang Yang thought that if he met the old Taoist priest, he would beat him up. As a result, the other party turned out to be Tao Fu. .

This, how to fight...

Now suddenly know that Daozu was the one who flicked his old Taoist priest, Xiang Yang’s mood was shocked.

Although the swearing curse vowed to see the old man must beat the other party, but when the other party really appeared, there was no way for him to take the other party.

On the one hand, the black lotus demon is also staring at Dao, is this the ancestor of his own heart that is superior to Tiandao?

What's special, how does it look like an old **** stick?

Hei Lian eyes on the nose and nose, no longer dare to go to see the ancestors, Xiang Yang background is too hard, you can play with the Tao arbitrarily, but he can not do black lotus.

At this time, Black Lotus especially understood the importance of having a tough backing.

If you look at the family Xiangyang, you will be open when you are born. The grandfather is the same as the Taoist ancestors. Even the Taoist ancestors have to descend to the incarnation to get to know Xiangyang.

If such a person is not strong, then there is no reason.

As a result, the Black Lotus Devil suddenly felt that he was not a normal opponent of Xiangyang.

"Ha ha ha..."

Daozu is haha ​​laughing and looking at Xiang Yang, with a color of remembrance on his face.

Even if he is a Taoist ancestor, he rarely knows the feelings of the world. With Xiang Yang knowing things in the world of the world, now he thinks it, but it makes him feel very good.

"Old man, was the treasure map that you gave me a fake? Or is it a treasure place in a certain place in the fairy world, or is it the treasure left on the cliff when you join the road?" The face looked at Daozu seriously.

In case the old Taoist gave himself a hand, the treasure map of the year was true, but the treasure was not in the secular world, but in the fairy world, he had to dig it out now.

"Is it true and false, is it so important?" Daozu asked with a smile.

"Forget it, you are such a person who is too ignorant."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and he was not a Taoist. He said that he was incomparable with Dao, and he must not be able to compare it with this old guy.

Moreover, when I think about it, I always feel that this guy is really unable to give himself any treasures. It is estimated that at that time, in order to fool himself into a roast goose, he could freely change the treasure map.

Forget it, it is still not true.

Some things, once they are true, they lose.

"Little guy, your growth is very good, I think it will take a long time to prove that it is sanctified. At that time, we have added a powerful helper to Pangu’s chaotic world. Well, there are two small children, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. Guys, if they can break through, that's the best."

Daozu smiled and patted Xiang Yang’s shoulder and said.

"Actually, we have already had an idea about the breakthrough." Xiang Yang looked at the Taoist ancestors and said with a smile, "I saw that Zuken refused to fulfill all three of us."

"How is it complete?"

Daozu's face is curious, and the black lotus demon on the other side also reveals the shocking color. Xiang Yang has a direction of breakthrough. Doesn't it mean that it will take a long time for Xiangyang to break into a chaotic saint?

When I was facing Xiangyang now, there was still a bit of it in the realm. After Xiangyang really broke through, his own advantages were all gone.

This time, he was offended by Xiang Yang. After the Xiangyang Zhengdao was sanctified, his life was definitely not good.

Heilongjiang wants to feel that he is a bit miserable. He knew that he just did not appear.

Xiang Yangxiao smiled and said to Daozu, "I will wait for the three people to refine the origin of the gods and the heavens. Naturally, they will be able to prove that they have become chaotic saints. Only Daozu’s shots are blocked to the high gods. After people have killed many gods and kings, refining the realm of the gods, and easily trying to prove it, how?"

"Refining the gods!"

After Xiang Yang’s words are finished, don’t say that the black lotus demon is stunned, and even the Taoist ancestors are all shocked and look at Xiang Yang.

"Boy, you really dare to think."

The demon world is the same level as the immortal world. The heavenly will is powerful and comparable to the chaos of the saints. Moreover, there are 12 gods in the gods, even after being killed by Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. The remaining eleven gods.

Even Sanqing did not dare to say that he would kill all the gods and kings, and then refine the gods. Xiangyang’s three unsanctified guys were so arrogant.

Daozu looked at Xiang Yang's eyes strangely, and the Black Lotus Devils felt that Xiang Yang was definitely crazy.

"Can Daozu block the high **** and kill it?" Xiang Yang asked.

"The supreme **** is a chaotic sacred level, but it is not difficult to destroy him. However, if the gods are refining, the war will really open up."

Daozu said with indulgence.

"If there is no refining of the gods, when will the war be opened?" Xiang Yang frowned and asked.

"Maybe open at any time, maybe it will delay for a thousand years." Dao continued.

"In this case, is there any difference between the time of 10,000 years and the opening of the day?"

Xiang Yang’s face showed a firm color. “It’s not as passive as waiting for the aliens to kill. It’s better to let the three of us destroy the gods and exchange them for the three chaotic saints who tried to prove it. Even when it’s with the aliens, We also have great hopes for the war."

"What you said is justified. However, when you want to destroy the realm of the gods, you have to do a lot of preparations. At that time, the foreign gods may shoot and need to be careful to resist him."

The Taoist ancestors looked at Xiangyang and Heilian Devil, and suddenly said to Xiang Yang, "Do you want to go to the frontier to see?"

"it is good."

Xiang Yang immediately agreed, and had already heard about the frontier. However, he has not really reached the frontier and he does not know what the frontier is.

At this moment, Daozu is willing to take him to the frontier. Naturally, it is a good thing.

"In this case, bring Yang Lan and Sun Monkey together."

Daozu waved his hand and directly grabbed Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

"what's the situation?"

"I rely on, the old grandson is ready to shoot the gun, which bastard... Dao, Dao?"


When Yang Lan and Sun Monkey appeared, their appearance was really interesting. Yang Lan was still good. He was full of alcohol, his body was full of women's fragrance, and the Sun Monkey didn't even have a film, and the dragonfly still shook. It seems that I am preparing for the same thing.

"The monkey is so good."

Xiang Yang looked at Sun Monkey with a stunned look. Is this monkey head really fighting against the Buddha? If this is to let Buddh know what this guy is doing, is it estimated that he will be expelled from Buddhism?

"Cough and cough...."

Sun Monkey not only turned red, but even the whole body was red. He quickly got his gold chain mail on the boat and turned into a monkey. He screamed at Xiang Yang. "What do you do when you are silent?" This time the ugly thing is all on your head."

He doesn't care. If he is ugly, he will be ugly. After living for so many years, if he doesn't even have this face, then his grandchildren don't have to mix.

"You are really, cow..."

Xiang Yang gave a thumbs up to Sun Monkey. Among the heavens, he admired the monkey most. He used to think that this monkey is very bullish. Now that he knows it, the deeper he knows the monkey head. Things, Xiang Yangyue thinks that the monkey head is really too big.


Yang Lan also turned red, and quickly became the original look, then bowed to the Taoist priest, "have seen the Tao."

Daozu looked at Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. There was no expression on his face. He saw the monkeys guilty and rushed to sing. "Daozu, you are old, this is a slap, and you will call the old grandson. In the red dust, I am going to practice the road."

"It seems that the old road is bothering you."

Daozu’s mouth twitched and said.

"Cough, don't bother, don't bother." Sun Monkey said quickly.

If the Taoist prince is angry, he will not have a good life, or he will be too busy, not too arrogant.

"The old way is going to take you to the frontier to see, you are willing to go?" Dao Zu looked at Sun Monkey and Yang Yudao.

"Go, since the Taoist ancestors want to lead the way, we naturally have to go." Sun Monkey said quickly.

Yang Lan also replied, "Don't you die?"

In fact, the two did not go to the frontier like Xiangyang. They often practiced in the frontiers and killed countless enemies. However, it is obviously different for them to go with Daozu.

Since Daozu wanted to take them to the frontier, how could they refuse?

"Let's go, black lotus leaves."

As Daozu said, he was prepared to leave with three people. As for the black lotus demon, he did not mean anything to go. Daozu obviously did not want to take him with him.

Hei Lian nodded silently. He also knew that although he was a saint compared with the three people, his position in the heart of the Taoist ancestors was obviously very ordinary and could not be compared with the three. Moreover, even if he went to the frontier, it would have no effect. It is better to retreat and consolidate.

"Wait a minute, I haven't got a hand at this beginning of the treasure."

However, when Daozu was ready to leave with three people, he was stopped by Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang looked at Daozu and said with a smile. "It’s not as good as the Taoist old man, who personally shot the whole treasure and gave it to me. Let's go."

"I am going, this kid is too crazy."

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey were shocked to see Xiang Yang, dare to instruct Daozu to help him dig up the treasure. In this ancient chaotic world, Xiang Yang should be the first person.

They are very curious to know if Daozu will directly pinch Xiangyang with a violent temper.

However, what makes them feel shocked is that Daozu did not actually work on Xiangyang. Instead, he said with a faint smile on his face. "Little guy, do you really think this is the first magic treasure?"

"Or else?" Xiang Yang stayed.

Isn't it good to be the first magic treasure? Even the magical Saint Helens came to grab the business. If this is not the first magic treasure, I really don't believe it.

"This is not the beginning of the magic treasure."

Black Lotus Devil said on one side, "The reason why I am blocking you is because I don't want you to enter it."

At this time, he finally had the opportunity to speak. He breathed a sigh of relief. He only felt that the grievances that had been received in Xiangyang had to be vented at this moment. He smiled and glanced at Xiangyang. Taunting Xiang Yang two times, but remembering that Xiang Yang is the grandson of that one, when Daozu is here, he will take care of everything and never dare to speak.

"what's going on?"

Xiang Yang stared at Daozu and Heilongjiang Demon. "Isn't it good to say that this is the first magic treasure? And, the smell of the first demon that overflowed, I also feel very clear, this is indeed the breath of the first demon. what."

His first demon practice is the beginning of the magic method, can be said to be the most pure descendant of the first demon, but also cultivated the body of the first demon of the devil, it can be said that the beginning of the devil can not be overemphasized, he Don't feel that you will be wrong.

"This is a foreign conspiracy."

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