Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3056: Old acquaintance

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"I rely, how is you?"

When Xiang Yang saw the chaotic saint standing behind the two holy sages of Buddhism, he suddenly opened his eyes and was surprised. Because this guy is not someone else, it is a bald-headed monk.

Moreover, Xiang Yang is also very familiar with him, he is the master of the small bald head.

"Xiang Yang Xiaoyou don't come innocent."

This fat monk smiled at Xiang Yang and saw that Xiang Yang was shocked. He was not surprised.

"Who is this guy?"

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the other party, but whispered to Sun Monkey.

This guy began to appear in his own world in the world. Later, he went to the fairyland or stared at himself. He even stuffed his disciples to himself. What is special, the little bald head is still practicing in the tower of physical repair.

The fat monk turned out to be a chaotic saint, and the strength seemed to be very terrible.

Xiangyang gas burst, such a chaotic saint, will not be able to get the problem caused by the small bald head because of the practice of multiple exercises?

It is clear that it is nonsense, that is, this guy deliberately puts a person around him.


Sun Monkey whispered.

"What? Ask who he is, what do you tell me about the Buddha?" Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and saw that he had never seen him sing a Buddha for so long. As a result, he saw the three great saints of Buddhism. At that time, I even announced a Buddha number directly. What do you mean?

"It is Amitabha."

Sun Monkey looked at Xiang Yang silently. "Xiang Xiaozi, the first two are the sacred Buddha and the sacred Buddha, and the one you asked is the third sage of the Buddha, Amitabha."

"Amitabha is his name?" Xiang Yang was stunned.

Whether in the legends of the secular world or in the realm of immortality and immortality, Buddhism’s disciples, whether they are chanting or what they are, are all mouthfuls of 'Amitabha'. Originally he thought this was a mantra of Buddhism. Who ever thought, It turned out to be the Buddha of this fat monk.

"It is the law number."

The fat monk smiled and looked at Xiang Yang and said, "The poor law ‘Amitabha’, the little friend don’t come innocent.”

"Your name is very good." Xiang Yang turned his eyes, this fat monk's law is really very overbearing. It is estimated that all the Buddhist monks in the world are reading the ‘Amitabha’.

This guy is relying on the power to become a Buddhist monk?

While Xiang Yang was thinking about it, he felt that it was really possible to do this. Buddhism was no stranger to the sage and the sage, and he had already heard it in the legend.

But this fat monk, Amitabha, was the first time I heard that it was the name of this guy.

"Little friends actually know Amitabha, and have a relationship with my Buddha." Standing on the front of Amitabha, the quasi-sacred saints smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.

After everyone listened, they all showed the strange color. This old mistake was made again. It was actually thinking of robbing people.

In the early days of the wilderness, it was not long before the opening of the heavens and the earth. Because of the weakness, the Buddha’s gate could only occupy the land of the extreme west, but the land of the west was polluted after the opening of the heavens and the earth, it was very barren, and there were no treasures. Tianjiao, who is very talented, said directly that he had a "following the Buddha's door" and directly tried to get rid of it.

It is because of these two attachments that Buddhism can grow to the present level.

However, this guy also dared to open to Xiang Yang, is this not to be killed or awkward?

Everyone is looking at the quirky color and looking at the holy Buddha. Although it is the realm of chaos, but the temper has not changed.

"I also feel that I have a good relationship with Buddhism. I wonder if the Holy Buddha can reward two or three pieces of chaos to treasure?" Xiang Yang also replied with a smile.

"A small friend enters my Buddha's door and naturally gets a treasure." The holy Buddha said with a smile.

"That counts, it is better to enter the door of the holy Buddha, I will send you chaos to treasure." Xiang Yang shook his head and said.

"Little friends don't want to ridicule the old man, even if the old man is willing to enter your veins, your master may not accept me." The holy Buddha sighed and said.

"No problem, I... cough..." Xiang Yang wanted to continue to sing a few times, but when he remembered that this guy’s reputation in ancient times was not so good, he felt that he could not say too much to the other party. It was a miserable one to be extradited to Buddhism by the other side.

"Ah, haha, then, Xiang Yang met the saints. I saw the saints before. I was so excited and shocked that I forgot the salute and invited the saints to forgive me."

Then, Xiang Yang was a serious ritual against the saints.

"Little friends don't have to be polite."

"I have heard of the reputation of Xiaoyou. I have seen it today. I will not be able to use it for a long time. We will be able to add three more chaos to prove the chaos."


Many chaotic saints have shown a kind smile.

Xiang Yang’s reputation spread long among the saints, especially Dao’s personally brought the three people to the frontier. Zhu Sheng understood that Daozu was preparing to let Xiang Yang truly see the cruelty of the frontier and let Xiang Yang Started to formally enter the stage of breakthrough.

As for Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, these two guys became enlightened early, not only for the first time they came to the frontiers, they just incidentally, and even their relationship with the chaotic saints of the heavens was not bad.

"Amitabha, take them to see."

Then, after he was chilling, Daozu did not personally walk around with Xiangyang. He was a Taoist priest. It was very difficult to bring Xiangyang three people to the borderland. It is impossible to accompany Xiangyang three people. There are wanderings.

Just as Xiangyang was familiar with Amitabha, he gave this task to Amitabha.

"Yes, the teacher is relieved, the disciple will take them to take a good look at the frontier." Amitabha responded with a smile, and then said to Xiangyang three, "Go."

“Thank you for the Holy Buddha.” Xiang Yang also gave a ceremony to Amitabha, and then he saluted the Taoist and All Saints. Then he turned and left.

"Exotic can have big moves?" After the three Xiangyang left, Daozu asked.

"There is no action, but I can sense that there is a strong breath in the exotic world, and I am afraid that there will be a breakthrough in the sacred sacred."

Tongtian Shengzun responded.

The original sage is whispered. "Maybe the alien world has to be one and a half steps to dominate the realm of the realm."

After his voice fell, everyone's face became very ugly, even Daozu also frowned. "Sure enough, someone has to break through. After he breaks through, the war is not far away."

"Just, can you get it?"

At the same time, Daozu looked at the back of Xiangyang three people, especially on Xiangyang, whispering. "If Pangu is able to cultivate into the realm of Dacheng, his role may be great. Time should be able to force a half-step master."

"Just, the Pangu blood contained in the **** sea has been exhausted, and it is only for him to cultivate Panguzhen to the realm of the seven-turn peak."

"But it’s rushing, let’s go with it."

Even Daozu felt a little headache. In the entire Pangu chaotic world, there were not many people who were really seen by the Taoist priests. Xiangyang was one of them.

Yes, the three of them are not all there, just one of them.

The ancient world of Pangu is vast and boundless. There are the existences of the heavens and the world. How can it be that only the three Tianjiao of Xiangyang can be seen by the Tao?

"The teacher did not say that Xiangba has already become a chaotic demon tyrant. Is it going to step out of that step? If he can take the foot of the saints with the chaos of the **** of chaos, perhaps the strength is not weaker than the scepter." The Buddha is soft.

"It is still difficult to take that step." Daozu shook his head.

"Teacher, do you want to destroy the gods first?" Then, the Xuanyuan people among the three emperors asked.

"Well?" Daozu and others looked at Xuanyuan.

"The internal chaos is not smooth, and the external troubles are more troublesome. At this time, it is also necessary to completely annihilate the gods." Xuanyuan Rensheng said.

The Emperor Xuanyuan, this is a middle-aged man, an emperor's gas, when he spoke, there is a majestic spread. This is not his deliberate, but the emperor himself who has penetrated into the bone marrow soul. gas.

"The three little guys are going to refine the origins and the heavens of the gods and sanctify them." Dao whispered.

"This is a bit of a risk." The saints are in a state of contemplation.

There are twelve gods in the gods, one is the highest god, and the strength is quite horrible. Although the king of the gods was killed by Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, only eleven are left, but if they really want to destroy these gods, they can’t In the case of hands-on, it is estimated that the saints present must be shot to ensure that nothing is lost.

However, the deities of the chaotic saints in the field must suppress the frontiers and prevent the sudden killing of the aliens. They must not leave. Even if they can do it, only one or two can sneak away.

It is a little difficult for one or two saints to deal with the power of the gods.

For a moment, Rao is a Taoist and feels a little troublesome.


Xiang Yang did not know the fear of the All Saints. The three of them were walking along the fat monk in the frontier land. Although they were out of chaotic voids, this continent was concise with chaotic rough stones. Just like the real world.

Because there are super strong people in this frontier, no one is here to enjoy, without any architecture and palace, most of the strong are just sitting cross-legged, or volley or sitting on the ground.

When they walked over, they could always see some strong people resting.

The mountains and rivers are everywhere. At the same time, there are still various kinds of energy flowing. They pass by a vast sea. They are surprised to find that this sea is not ordinary sea water, but the water of chaos filled with the power of chaos. .

"This continent is a tribute to the ancestors who invited some friends to concise. It is comparable to chaos and treasure. It can transform the energy in chaos and turn it into various energies. The chaotic gas is transformed into the water of chaos, and the fairy spirit, and so on. Have."

Although the fat monk is a chaotic sage, he is still as good as before, and he smiles and explains Xiangyang.

“Is this useful?” Xiang Yang asked after a moment of indulging.

"What do you say?" The fat monk looked at Xiangyang with a smile, although Xiang Yang just asked at random, but he already understood it. Xiang Yang is a spiritual water that wants to condense these chaotic gases. Take it with you.

"Cough, I am curious."

Xiang Yang lightly coughed and said a reddish face. "I see that there are too many sources of energy in the frontiers. Even if it is enough to take a bath, it is a pity."

"That is because there has been no major war for a long time. If the real war is opened, the chaotic spar in the mountains and rivers will be drained. These chaotic spirits will also be used up, even if they are fully open to the frontiers. The power of transformation is also unable to meet the supply needed for the war."

Amitabha shook his head and said.

Xiang Yang nodded and didn't talk any more. If the war is really open, how terrible it is, don't even think about it.


Suddenly, Xiang Yang discovered that there were a group of strong people in the realm of the great Luo Xianzun. They were studying and not using any magic weapon and supernatural powers, but they collided with each other by their physical strength. Every collision, a powerful roar broke out, and a powerful blood gas burst.

"The body of the great Luo is strong."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of curiosity. “Isn’t the strong person who has been trained in the past disappeared in ancient times? How can there be so many fairy statues appearing here?”

Yes, those big Luo body repairers have reached the level of Da Luo’s nine heavens, and each one is extremely **** and majestic, and the number is very large. There are hundreds of thousands of people, if they appear in the fairy world. The body will not be weak again.

"They were the masters of the ancient times in the ancient times, but they were taken away by the ancestors. Until recently, they were allowed to come to the frontier to adapt to the environment."

Amitabha said in disapproval.

"It turned out to be."

Xiang Yang had known these things long ago, but it was not strange. At this moment, he looked at the hundreds of thousands of Da Luo’s nine-day-old physical fitness, thinking that if he was to dispatch the order guard If you come out, I am afraid that it will become a very large force in this frontier.

However, it is time to use the guard of your order.

There are also 10,000 sacred corpses, and when the real ultimate battle begins, let them end, at that time, it may be possible to change a big battle.

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