Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3057: Peak body repairer

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Amitabha still walked forward with Xiangyang three. On the way, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan knew a lot of people and said hello, but what made Xiang Yang feel shocked was that Amitabha, the chaotic holy Buddha, actually The popularity here is very good, and people who are familiar with it say hello to him, as if they are all good friends.

"You don't hide your identity as a chaotic saint, often mingling with them?"

Xiang Yang looked at the fat monk Amitabha with a suspicious color on his face.

If the strong people present know the identity of the fat monk, how can he greet the guy so casually, obviously, this guy did not show his true identity in front of everyone.

"Is it true that the saints are the same, the saints are also practicing, and there is no superior." Amitabha said with a faint smile.

"Yes, this is the fat monk I know."

Xiang Yang patted his shoulder. Compared with other chaotic saints, Xiang Yang felt that Amitabha was better. He did not say that Sansheng and other saints were not good, but other saints were more serious. Under normal circumstances. They are all acquainted with persuasion, and they rarely think that Amitabha is generally in the midst of being a lower-class fairy Buddha.

Amitabha does not care. He plays the world and has this figure everywhere, more like a person.

The other saints are a saint who is high above.

"I said Amitabha, that's why, the old grandson is going to do something big, and your twelve gold lotuses are used by me to make a mess." At this time, Sun Monkey suddenly remembered what it was like, and seized the hand of Amitabha. Said.

"Twelve gold lotus is my baby, can't borrow you." The fat monk shook his head.

"No, there is no twelve gold lotus guards. I am not safe." Sun Monkey did not let go, and the whole person almost hung on Amitabha.

"Heroes, really can't give you, this treasure is the testimony of the old man, you can't use it even if you take it away, let me follow you to protect you."

Amitabha is not moving.

"I don't care. This time, the three old grandsons are going to do big things. If they are, the three of us will come back to the chaos of the saints. If they don't, then it is really dead. If you have your 12-piece Jinlian body, you can increase the success rate of 30%."

Sun Monkey’s whole person hangs on Amitabha and does not let go. He plays rogue. “You must borrow me. Otherwise, do you really want to watch the three of us die?”

"What are you going to do big things?" Amitabha was still unmoved. After listening to the words of Sun Monkey, it was the color of curiosity on his face.

After Xiang Yang saw the Amitabha look, he only felt a bit strange. This expression is familiar. This curious look is like a curious baby, right, just like the expression of Sun Monkey when he shows curiosity.

This is the Amitabha Buddha who is screaming in the mouth of countless disciples from all over the Buddha. It is also a very curious look. It is really impressive.

"I asked you not to borrow twelve gold lotuses?" Sun Monkey snorted.

"You first say what to do." Amitabha said with curiosity.

"Refining the world of gods." Anyway, what they have to do will let these saints know sooner or later, and now tell Amitabha that there is no problem.

"Refining the gods, this is a small thing, where is the need for twelve gold lotuses, with your physical strength enough to casually refine the gods... amount, no, what do you say?"

Amitabha was originally very casual, but when he reacted, it was a shocking color on his face.

"Do you want to refine the gods?"

Amitabha almost thought that he had misunderstood. When he saw that the Sun Monkey nodded again, and Yang Lan and Xiang Yang nodded as much, unlike when he deceived him, he reacted.

These three little guys have not been sanctified, and they want to refine the gods. This is arrogant.

The realm of the gods has the existence of a supreme god. It is the strongest of the chaotic sacred peaks of the real world. Even if the three lists are fighting against each other, they cannot smash each other.

What's more, there are eleven gods, although not chaotic saints, but also real chaotic saints. Although the physical strength of these three guys has reached the level of being able to compete with the chaos saints, it has not yet reached the level of killing. The realm of so many powerful people?

Even the most powerful Tongtian sage in Sanqing does not dare to say that one person can enter the realm of the gods, and after the supreme **** and all the gods are killed, they will carry the refining and spiritual world.

After Amitabha stayed for a long while, he was not angry with the white three. He directly shook the granddaughter from his body and shouted. "Don't be whimsical, where is the gods so good, the three of you went. Sending food to the other party is tantamount to finding death."

"We are not looking for death, but to go to the sanctification of sanctification." Sun monkey said with a firm face.

"Then go, don't bother the old twelve of the golden lotus."

Amitabha snorted and walked forward. The three guys couldn’t take care of him. However, his twelve-piece Jinlian is the innate treasure. He is the strongest baby. How can he bring the monkey to the gods? When it is time, there is really no return.

"Small ghosts."

Sun Monkey snorted and turned his head to look at the three eyes. "When I go to find the old man, I will borrow the sacred swords, and we will arrange the three sacred swords to destroy the gods of the gods." And then refining the gods."

"go by yourself."

Yang Hao had a black face. He didn't have the courage to look for the heavenly sage, and he was not his master. How dare he open?

"Three eyes, you don't want to be sanctified, right?" Sun Monkey squinted at Yang Lan. "Let you do something you can't do, what do you want?"

"Heroes, there is a kind of borrowing you first, don't say that there is something here." Yang Lan ignored his radical method, but strode to Amitabha.

Sun Monkey looked at Xiangyang again. "Xie Xiaozi, your relatives and foreigners must be very strong. Would you like to find him to borrow his old man's sword to make it?"

"You go find him." Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and wanted to use the Excalibur. Do you still need to use the old man?

When the sword is in hand, you can kill the saint. When the time comes, the eleven gods of the gods can escape?

As for the Supreme God, he will definitely arrange for people to deal with him.

"He is your grandfather, don't you dare to speak?" Sun Monkey suddenly blew his hair, he just wanted to borrow a little baby, Amitabha did not agree, even the three eyes and Xiang Yang did not agree, too Too much.

"I don't need his Excalibur. My own sword is enough to kill the Holy Spirit." Xiang Yang said with a deep sigh.


Xiang Yang’s voice just fell, and the Amitabha figure, which had already gone hundreds of meters away, appeared in front of Xiang Yang. His face was curious and he was holding the arm of Xiang Yang. “Really Is it the legendary sword?"

"What do you think?"

Xiang Yang gave him a look. The sword is his own, what is this guy, and what is this guy so excited and curious?

"Don't misunderstand, barrenness is only because after hearing the legendary sword that can kill the saint, it is really curious, there is no other mind."

Amitabha said in a positive color.

While talking, his face still looked at Xiang Yang with curiosity. "That, Xiaozi, show me your sword, just take a look."

Xiangyang three people are still stunned at the same time. Is this really Amitabha, one of the three great saints of Buddhism?

Amitabha was looked red by the three people, but he still said to Xiang Yang. "Hurry up, look at the sword. I want to see the legendary sword of my life. I didn't expect it." I was so happy that you got it."

“Do you like watching other people’s magic weapons?”

Xiang Yang stared at this guy, is this a chaotic saint? How do you feel like an antique lover? No, it should be said that it is a magic weapon lover. Although you can't use it, you can't get a powerful magic weapon, but you can be very excited if you can look at it.

This guy is a personal talent.

Even Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, Dad doesn't have much of his own baby. Although he can't get other people's treasures, it's good to have a look." Amitabha said honestly.

"Old Buddha, I always feel that you are in a bad mood." Sun Monkey is watching him with a vigilant look.

"Heroes, when you are in Buddhism, the old man will pass you all the lifelong learning to you, and personally give you the law to help you forge the golden body. You don’t know how to be grateful to Dade, and you say that you are dying, do you want to die? "Amitabha heard it, and suddenly it was bad."

He glared at the granddaughter monkey and shouted loudly, "Heroes, don't think that your ability to rival the chaos of the saints can be arrogant in front of the old man, the old man let you understand, what is the real chaos saint, see me not kill you today."

"Come and come, there is something that doesn't work." Sun Monkey rolled up his sleeves and prepared to work with Amitabha.

On the one hand, Xiang Yang and Yang Lan are both stunned. Are these two really Buddhas of Buddhism? How does it look like it is like a street?

"Let's go, don't bother with them."

Then, Yang Lan greeted Xiang Yang, no longer looking at the two guys with big eyes and small eyes, but walking side by side with Xiang Yang.

"Oh, don't go, wait for us."

When the two saw that Xiang Yang and Yang Lan were ready to go, they quickly chased them up.

"In fact, among the frontiers, there are still some strengths that reach the level of being able to compete with me."

Just as they were walking, Yang Lan suddenly said.


Xiang Yang looked at Yang Lan inexplicably. At this time, he told himself that there is a strong person who can compete with his three people. Is the three people not strong enough?

"I have lost my potential, and I have consumed all my sacred hopes. I can compete with you."

Before Yang Lan had not had time to speak, he heard a laugh and passed over. Then, I saw a middle-aged man sitting in a short distance from them and stood up and strode toward a few people.

"I have seen Amitabha."

Middle-aged man saluting.

"No need to pay more." Amitabha raised his hand slightly.

In the face of other people, he showed the breath of the Buddha of the Buddha.

"Let's put a friend." Yang Lan and Sun Monkey actually took the initiative to salute each other.

Later, Yang Lan said to Xiang Yang, "One of the originators of the monarchy, the body of the body, his physical strength has reached the peak of Yasheng, and also has the body of immortal martial arts, the combat power is extremely powerful, even if we are blind It is not necessarily his opponent."

"Dao friends praised."

Said with a hearty smile, "Yang Yang, if you say it 100,000 years ago, I dare to pat my chest and say that ten of you are not my opponent, but now you have surpassed me, I Not your opponent."

Then, he looked at Xiang Yang. "I have heard of Xiang Yang, the descendant of that pulse. Today, I saw it well-deserved. If I was less than 100 years old, I would have such a terrible power and admire."

"I have seen the predecessors." Xiang Yang respectfully bowed.

The blood of the other side is strong, and the murderousness is even stronger. It is obvious that the other party is a time spent in this frontier for too long, and the murderous murderousness that can be accumulated by countless killings.

This kind of one-heartedness against the enemy in the frontier, not the other strong is the most respectable.

"Ha ha ha, practitioners regardless of age, strong and strong, you call me this predecessor, but look down on me?" Meng Fang first laughs, then is angry.

"Don't dare, you protect the country and defend the country. It is my most respected person in the frontier." Xiang Yang said quickly.

"Then don't call me a predecessor." Meng said and then smiled.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "If this is the case, I will call you a man."

"Well, this is the case."

Next, four or five people still walked toward the front. Several people walked around and introduced the situation of the frontier to Xiangyang, especially the blindfold. There are countless killings here, and almost nothing in the frontier can escape. His eyes.

Xiang Yang also had a general understanding of the frontier.

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