Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3058: Not so accurate

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"Meng Lao Ge."

"I have seen Amitabha."

"Haha, Yang Lan, Sun Monkey, you haven't come for a long time, we thought you were afraid to come."

"Fart, my grandson has been doing big things with three eyes recently, and I have no time to come."


Several people in Xiangyang are still moving forward. In the process, many strong people greet them. These are the super strong people in the realm of Yasheng Peak.

There are even a few strengths that are only a little weaker than the Mongolian, and they are placed in the realm of the heavens. They are definitely able to compete with the black lotus.

Black Lotus is a true chaotic saint, and these people are only the existence of the Yasheng Peak.

Their name Xiang Yang has never heard of it. Today's Tiantian Wanjie has no legend about them, but their strength is extremely powerful.

After Xiang Yang met these powerful people, he was even more impressed by them.

"Actually, they have a name for these frontier powerhouses, and that is the ultimate practitioner." Amitabha said as he walked, and said to Xiangyang.

"Extreme practitioners?" Xiang Yang looked at Amitabha inexplicably.

Amitabha with a sigh of admiration on his face, whispered, "Exhausting the talent that he could have sanctified, so that his own cultivation is at the limit, just to be able to kill the enemy in the frontier."

"Are they originally possessed the gift of sanctification?" Xiang Yang Shen channel.

"Yes, if it is not because the Pangu chaotic world is not strong enough, if they are in other worlds, they may have been sanctified." Amitabha nodded.

Xiang Yang was silent, watching the strong men who were joking with the Sun Monkey in front, and they were filled with emotion.

When you feel that your life is very bitter and tired, you don't know that all your comfort is because there are strong people in front to help you shelter from the wind and rain, so that you can live easily and freely at the rear.

Today’s Tiantian Wanjie is actually very comfortable. Although many powerful people know that there may be an invasion of foreign enemies, but everyone has not come to the frontier. I don’t know how cruel it is in this frontier. I know where the comfort of the heavens and the world comes from.

If there are no such strong powers in the frontiers, even if there are chaotic saints in the heavens, they can't keep the frontiers. At that time, foreign invasions, refining the heavens of the ancient chaotic world, all the creatures of the Pangu world will be extinct.

As long as there is no detachment from heaven, it has not become a saint of chaos. If the heavenly way of the chaotic world in which he is located is destroyed, he himself cannot survive.

The ease of the heavens and the thousands of circles is precisely the innumerable strongmen of the frontier who use their lives to fight.

"You can have a heritage among the heavens and the world?" Xiang Yang couldn't help but ask a few extreme powers ahead.

Meng Haha said with a smile, "There is no inheritance, our inheritance can be in this frontier, even a young and old are here."

"Yeah, the foreign world is not flat, not into the heavens." Another strong man named Shilong also sighed.

"I will wait until the war is dead in this frontier battlefield. It is a dead place. If it is not dead, after the alienation is settled in the future, we are the heroes. Returning to the heavens and the world, we will become sanctified and create a strong family and enjoy. "There was another strongman who said with a smile."

"Haha, don't dream, save you as a sage, I will be a grandson."

"Fart, you are not the same as my grandson."


Several strong people are joking and laughing, Xiang Yang sees the ups and downs of the heart, and they are more and more admired for these strong.

"Can there be frequent wars in the frontier?" Xiang Yang asked Amitabha.

"A small war in ten years, a big battle in a hundred years, a fierce battle in the millennium, and a jihad in a thousand years."

Amitabha said faintly.

"How do you say?" Xiang Yang looked at this guy, can't he be careful? What kind of small war, big war, what kind of degree is considered to be small, what is it?

"Small warriors, the challenge is a challenge, the other side has a strong guardian, but they do not shoot, but let the exotic Tianjiao challenge our party's Tianjiao, the battle of fairness, life and death."

"The war fighters, the collective warfare, the majority of the battles between Xianzun and Yasheng, the number will not exceed 10 million."

"The warriors, unless we are a saint, the rest will do everything in their power."

"As for the jihad, on the basis of the war, the saints entered the war and reached a catastrophe, and even the saints were separated and ended."

After Amitabha finished speaking, his eyes looked forward and sighed and said, "It will take a long time for the small war to begin."

"Challenge the game, it's interesting, I really hope that it will break out now." Xiang Yang whispered.

Although the heart is shocked by the cruelty of the frontier war, he is more eager to see what the so-called challenge is like. If he can, he also wants to participate in the war and make a little power for his own world.

"There will be your chance in the future." Amitabha said with a smile.

Xiang Yang nodded. At this moment, he won the most in the ordinary battle. Even if it is stronger, it only kills some foreign Yasheng. There are countless chaos saints in the foreign world. Yasheng does not count The number, not to mention killing the other side of the saint, even killing a few saints can not change the pattern of the overall war.

He only has a real physical breakthrough to prove the sanctification of the other, to kill the other sage, or even the strongest sage or the half-step master of the same level.

They continued to move forward, and there were still many strong people greeted them along the way.

The Amitabha's popularity is very good. Although many Yasheng know that he is a chaotic saint, he smiles and greets him. He also smiles and responds as if he is an old friend.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey don’t need to say it. These two guys haven’t come here before, and they’re familiar with these strong people. When everyone meets, they smile and talk, even Xiang Yang is thrown by him. On one side.

Finally, Xiang Yang discovered the real boundary.

A vast abyss that traverses the chaotic void appears in front of the mainland. This abyss is vast and infinite, and there is no edge. It is like a scorpio. There is a horrible sword, and there are heavenly rules. Various mana rhymes are among them. From time to time, the power of terror, even if Xiang Yang met, his face changed greatly, even if he entered this abyss, it is estimated that he would be strangled by the power.

"This is a chaotic abyss. It is the combination of Daozu and your teachers. It is precisely because of the existence of this chaotic abyss that we can block this world for so long."

Amitabha stood by Xiangyang and said faintly.

"Is the enchantment of the old man and the ancestors together?"

Xiang Yang whispered to himself and continued to move forward. He carefully sensed the horrible power in this chaotic abyss and found that it contained a very familiar sword meaning. It was the sword of the invincible sword. meaning.

This sword meaning, the world is invincible, hidden in it, as if waiting for an opportunity to move the snake, if the other party has a strong into it, I am afraid that the first time will be killed by this sword.

In the abyss, the Thunder is constantly, and all kinds of horrible thunder are intertwined. That is the power of heaven. It is the means by which the Taoist ancestors arranged themselves with their own strength.

Not only that, but Xiang Yang also sensed the power of the Jianxian sword array, and the temperament of the Taiji map and so on.

Obviously, in order to arrange this abyss, the strongest force of the Pangu chaotic world has been lifted.

"I have to wait for every 10,000 years to bless this abyss. If not, there will be special strongmen in the foreign world destroying this abyss on the other side, and the abyss will be wiped out sooner or later."

Amitabha continued.

"Exotic, is it on the other side of the abyss?" Xiang Yang Shen channel.

"Yes, not."

Amitabha waved a hand, and there was a light and shadow in front of Xiang Yang. It was a vast continent, similar to the mainland where they stood. However, Xiang Yang could sense that the continent seemed more terrible and seemed to be more than his own feet. The continent that stands is more powerful.

"Are you feeling it?"

Amitabha asked.

Xiang Yang nodded. He knows that this is the continent where Amitabha is emerging. The reason why he feels that the other continent is stronger than the mainland under his foot is that Amitabha is deliberate.

"When we were the most insane, we crossed the abyss and smothered it to the opposite side. At that time, I waited to kill the other chaos. The chaos was more than double digits. It was the most fruitful one, but it still returned. Do you know why? ”

Amitabha sighed and took back the light and shadow.

"How do I know why." Xiang Yang said sullenly.

This guy doesn't make it clear, who knows what you are.

Amitabha said faintly, "Because the level of the other continent has surpassed the chaos to the treasure, it is half a step to dominate the treasure."

"Half-step mastery to treasure?" Xiang Yang has not heard of this term, only know that Wan Wanzhong and Qiankun Cheng Ding, if the mother gold is merged, can continue to evolve, and it is expected that detachment will become a stronger existence.

"Beyond the saints, that is, the master, chaos to the top of the treasure, is also the master of the treasure. Of course, we have not seen the master of the treasure, but half a step to dominate the treasure, the other one in our is the saying It is the heavenly treasure, such as the Taoist jade butterfly of Daozu."

Amitabha explained.

"The other side is a continent, is it so powerful?" Xiang Yang was shocked.

"It's not casual, but the other party is doing all the hard work." Amitabha gave a look at Xiangyang. If the other party really has countless half-steps to dominate the treasure, this game will not have to be played. Pangu The chaotic world has all surrendered directly.

Of course, no one knows what kind of end event will be surrendered. No one has ever thought about surrendering such a thing.

"That is not bad."

Xiang Yang took a sigh of relief and took control of the treasure in half a step. As long as he found some treasures for Wanjue and Qiankun, he could also break through and become a half-step master.

"It is almost impossible for these old saints of our older generation to break through to the half-step mastery. It is only up to you. If you can prove it, you can become a chaotic saint directly, even a chaotic holy level. There is a saying, maybe you can break through and become a half-step mastery. At that time, even if we only add one and a half-step masters, we will not be so passive."

Amitabha sighed and said.

"Come on, monkey head, I am optimistic about you, but I feel that you can be the same as the Tao."

"Yang brother is cheering, you must not let us down."


Other strong people standing next to Yang Lan and Sun Monkey said to the two.

After listening to them, they only smiled. They also wanted to cheer. But now they are not even chaotic saints. Although they can kill chaotic saints, it is irrelevant to this battle.

"Be sure to refine the world of God as soon as possible."

At this moment, whether Yang Lan and Sun Monkey or Xiang Yang, they made a decision at the same time.

The three of them are only useful if they are truly sanctified.

The sanctification of others, especially the black lotus, is not very practical, but if the three people of Xiangyang are to prove their sanctification, they can at least have a small impact on the war situation.

Looking at the firm color of the three faces, Amitabha smiled.

He came here with three people to pressure the three and let the three work hard.

It is a pity that the foreign world did not come at this time. Otherwise, let Xiang Yang see the power of the foreign world, and the pressure of Xiangyang will be even greater. At that time, with the talent of Xiangyang, it is really necessary to practice hard. May be stronger.

Amitabha sighed in the heart. In the past, he did not want to let the aliens kill. This time, he actually wanted to let the aliens come over now.


However, at this time, a huge roar came out from the abyss, and a horrible breath passed over, causing Amitabha's face to change. "Isn't that accurate?"

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