Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3059: Through two circles

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Along with the sound of a catastrophe, a horrible breath erupted from the abyss, and infinite energy bursts. Countless treasures appeared in the abyss, and powerful forces suppressed in the middle. A sword is also going down.


There was a sigh of sorrow from the other side of the chaotic abyss, but the chaotic abyss was shaking, and the infinite thunder was alarmed, and it was attacking one of the positions insanely.

Obviously, there are really strong people in the foreign world to break through.

"what happened?"

This time, not only did Xiang Yang and others stunned, but even Amitabha felt that he was a crow.

I also thought that if the foreigner hits at this time, I can let Xiang Yang take a look at the power of the foreign world, and can better stimulate Xiang Yang. Who ever thought that the foreign world really came at this time.

This is also incredible.

"I am so accurate."

When Amitabha sighed, there were countless strong men gathered in the rear. At the same time, the horn blew, and on the battlefield, the strongmen who were originally practicing all opened their eyes, and they rushed one by one quickly and methodically.

The physiques of Daozu and All Saints also appeared in front of Xiangyang and others.

"Exotic strong is coming."

The faces of the people were so serious that even the monkeys who had been laughing with other people had the same serious color on their faces, and they said coldly, "Well, the old Sun can just kill a few chaotic saints."

Yang Lan did not speak, but broke out with a murderous body.

"Maybe, this time bringing you to the frontier is too timely."

At this time, the Taoist prince in front suddenly turned his head and said with a smile.

"Why?" Xiang Yang looked at Dao.

"The competition."

Yang Lan on the other side said directly.


Daozu nodded and did not continue to talk to a few people. He did not use his hands to repair the chaotic abyss. Instead, he looked at the chaotic abyss and broke through. It seems that there is a horrible golden light that marches ahead of the chaotic abyss.


The riots in the chaotic abyss became more and more fierce, but the other side still made a little breakthrough, and only a horrible golden light spread, as if a golden bridge spread across the void.

The horrible power of the chaotic abyss bombarded the golden bridge, although the golden bridge trembled, but did not cause substantial damage.

"It’s another half-step to dominate the treasure."

Amitabha’s face showed a dignified color.

Not only him, but also the Daozu and the All Saints also frowned. The Chaos Abyss was laid out by the ancestors of Taozu and Xiangyang. Although it has been wiped out many times after so many years, it is still not ordinary. The chaos to the treasure can break through, only half a step to dominate the treasure can break through.

This golden bridge is a treasure that has not been seen before, that is to say, the aliens have condensed the other masters to the treasure.

“Although we have grown, we are making better progress in foreign countries.”

Everyone is talking to themselves, they are not desperate, but they are very calm, how about growing fast? I have long known that the aliens are more powerful. In the first battle of the year, the chaos in the realm of the gods, and the internal and external troubles, it is not to force the foreign world to retreat.


Then, in the midst of Xiang Yang’s shock, the golden bridge finally passed through the chaotic abyss and extended into this continent.

This piece of land trembles, and the power of terror is ready to counter the suppression of this golden bridge. However, although this continent will be chaotic, it cannot be compared with the golden bridge, it is still suppressed by the other side, only It is possible to let this golden bridge be placed on the edge of the mainland.

The passage through the foreign and frontiers has emerged.

Xiang Yang’s breathing was a little short, and his eyes looked at the side of the golden bridge. From this point of view, his face changed. At the other end of the bridge, he actually sensed the horrible atmosphere, one of which transcended chaos. The saint should be the existence of the Daozu level, and there are even more than a dozen chaotic saints, each of whom is terrifying.


Then, in the passage of the golden bridge, with a roar, an umbrella flew out, so it floated above the bridge, helping the bridge to block the attack of the chaotic abyss.

In this way, the golden bridge is completely stabilized, and there is no longer any need to worry that the chaotic abyss will destroy this passage.

"It’s another half-step to dominate the treasure."

The fist of Amitabha around Xiangyang was held up, and Xiang Yang’s eyes were straight and straight. This is an infinite treasure. The exotic is too local, and it’s all out of the tens of thousands of robes and A weak treasure, if you can grab it, you will earn it.

What is the use of my own hard work to grab the treasures of his own people and the treasures of the day after tomorrow? It is better to grab the alien half-step master to the treasure.

"No, it's too dangerous. I am not sanctified yet, I can't get it."

Xiang Yang suddenly woke up and felt that he could not be too greedy. At this time, if he rushed to grab the opponent's half-step master, he estimated that he would die without a place of burial.

In the Dantian of Xiangyang, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling were silent, and they did not dare to speak.

Because Daozu is here, when they open their mouths, they will easily be discovered by Tao Fu. Although Daozu may have known their existence, they only watched it quietly.

When they saw the two half-step masters being treasured, Xiaoling’s body trembled a few times, while Lao Wan’s face changed slightly, and even the tens of thousands of annihilations in the Promise’s Immortality also had a breath. Spreading.

"Don't move, don't ruin my Promise."

The **** of Xiangyang sipped at Lao Wan.

The Promise of Immortality is the root of oneself. Not only are there many women in the Promise, but also millions of powerful people are in it. If they are smashed by the smoldering Then, Xiang Yang will be crazy.


Lao Wan quickly converges and no longer dares to mess.

If it is normal, Xiang Yang will have to ask the old man, but at this moment he is being stunned by the strong side of the foreign side, never to ask the old man, but his eyes are always looking at the umbrella and that A golden bridge.

Two-and-a-half-step masters are treasured, I really want to grab it.

It is a pity that their own strength is insufficient.

Xiang Yang sighed, and more and more felt that he should go with the Yang Lan and Sun Monkey to refine the gods. Only refining the gods and getting enough creation can make the three break through the chaos.


At this time, along with the continuous footsteps, I saw a group of people appearing on the golden bridge. There are more than a dozen sacred strongmen, and these holy people are not with Sanqing and others. In the same way, these guys are huge in size, they are like the gods above, and sacred.

They are suspended directly in the mid-air sect. One after the other, there is a halo that spreads out, and the horrible atmosphere circulates, making the pilgrimages of Xiang Yang's sacred look change.

These guys are really too strong.

Even if it is compared with Sanqing, it is estimated that it will not be much weaker.

Sanqing is the strongest saint in Pangu's chaotic world. In particular, the fighting power of Tongtian Holy Respect is the strongest in the Pangu chaotic world except Daozu Hongjun.

And these dozens of foreign saints, even the breath is so strong, it is beyond the expectation of Xiangyang.

"It's so strong."

Xiang Yang whispered in a low voice.

The Amitabha around him sighed and said, "There are countless chaotic saints in different places, but these are indeed the strong among them."

"Do you have the confidence to kill one?" Xiang Yang asked.


Amitabha was hanged by the words of this guy. "I am just a chaotic saint. I have not broken through to become a sacred place. If I am alone, I will not be ruined by them. I want them to kill them. It’s too hanging.”

"How are you so weak?"

Xiang Yang’s eyes widened and he felt that this guy was too weak.

"I am weak?"

Amitabha is so dying that he is mad, and he is also a chaotic sage, and he is not sanctified or sacred. His strength cannot be compared with the sacredness of Sanqing. However, he must not be among the saints. Said to be very weak.

Xiang Yang, this kid, even sanctified, did not even mean to say that he was weak, too much.

"Yeah, you are too weak."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "After I am sanctified, these chaotic saints can kill them casually, and you really can't do it."

He said that all the people present at the scene were helpless. Xiang Yang was absolutely too arrogant. He did not let him truly see the power of the exotic saints. He would not understand the gap between them.

Even Daozu also said with a smile on his mouth. He said to Xiang Yang, "When you wait for a while, you go on stage and destroy all the other saints."

"Is the other party only Avatar?"

Xiang Yang took a look at the group of strong people in the foreign world. In addition to the sacred sacredness of the dozens of saints, he followed hundreds of powerful people. These powerful people are all sub-sheng, and each breath is Very powerful.

Even a few of them are about to catch up with the atmosphere of the dozen saints.

"I rely, it's a bit strong."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but reveal the shocking color.

Originally, he did not care much about the sub-saint of the exotic. After all, with his current strength, he could definitely be the best in the sub-saint.

However, when he found that there were several breaths in the other party that could be compared with the breath of the dozens of horrible chaotic saints of the other party, he could not calm down.

If this is really to fight, I am afraid I will also exhaust the cards.

"Are you afraid?"

Daozu asked with a smile.

"Not afraid."

Xiang Yang shook his head, fearing that it was impossible. It was impossible to be scared in this life. However, the other party is really powerful and it is a bit too much.

"Those guys, we don't know."

Sun Monkey said to Yang Lan in a low voice.

"There was another group of people."

The third eye of Yang Lan’s eyebrows opened, and although he did not display any horrible magical powers, he carefully looked at the other saints of the other side. From this point of view, he frowned.

"Every time you fight, the exotic will not send the same arrogance."

Daozu said leisurely.

"After the foreign Tianjiao participated in the war, did all of them break through to the holy place?" Xiang Yang frowned and asked.

"do not know."

Daozu and others shook their heads. Although they were very puzzled in their hearts, they felt that the exotic should be to honed their arrogance with this decade-long battle, but if every Tianjiao that participated in the war would break through sanctification, Isn’t the alien now gone everywhere?

However, everyone knows that although it is impossible for every one who participates in the war to break through sanctification, there must be a part of Tianjiao sanctification.

Moreover, these exotic Tianjiao in the war, the essence of the magical world of the Pangu chaotic world, making them stronger, even weaker than the old saints.

"I know the last of the dozen saints."

At this time, Meng suddenly suddenly spoke. He pointed to a woman in the last of a dozen foreign saints. He said, "In a battle of a million years ago, she was my opponent. ”


After everyone listened, all of them changed their faces. A million years ago, they were really sanctified with Meng Tian, ​​and they were so rich that they were not weaker than other veteran authors.

"Sure enough."

The Taoist sighs with a slight inaudible sigh.

Ten Thousand Years ago, Tianjiao, who had been fighting with Mengfang and others, has now broken through to become a chaotic saint, and the strength has reached such a level. However, there is no one to break through, but no one breaks through it. Critical.

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