Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3060: Shocked (five more flowers)

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With a roaring sound, finally, the other strong players stepped on the golden bridge and really went to the continent of the Pangu chaotic world.

More than a dozen chaotic sages sat in the volley, and a powerful atmosphere broke out, causing Daozu and others to frown.

However, Daozu did not come out, but the whole body was full of temperament.

In the Sanqing, the Tongtian holy sage haha ​​laughed and turned into a sword light to rush out, pointing out a point, a Tongtian Jianqi burst out, and instantly squatted toward each other.

"Great courage."

The other party, accompanied by a loud scream, the million-year-old woman who had been fighting in the ring with Meng Fang directly rushed out, and the palm of the hand was shot, the energy of horror was boundless, and the sword was instantly ushered in.

The next scene made everyone's face change greatly. The other side's palm was crystal clear. In the palm of the hand, there was a rune that was like a white jade. The rune was flowing, and it was hard to block the sword of Tongtian.

Xiang Yang’s eyes burned with flames, and the undead scorpion was displayed. It was discovered that this sword of the heavenly sage was actually ruined by the rune of the other palm.

He remembered that he had a dozen or so runes that he had studied through his own demon armor, and he also had a strong power, which made his mind curious about exotic powers.

"I don't know if I can breed a strong foreigner and study what the runes of exotic practice are like." Xiang Yang said.

"no way."

Amitabha, who is next to Xiangyang, shook his head. "When the war was over, there was no strong person who was born and refining the aliens. Even the inheritance of the other side was obtained, but the strong ones of our side could not cultivate."

"Every party has a different order of rules in its chaotic world. It is definitely not an easy task to cultivate the rules of order in each other.

When Daozu explained to Xiang Yang, he suddenly thought of what it was like. He said to Xiang Yang, "Maybe you can study the inheritance of foreign countries, maybe it will be useful to you."

“Why?” Xiang Yang asked inexplicably.

No one else can do it. Why can I study it myself? This old man can't afford to see himself too much. He feels that he is even better than them.

"Don't you want to go out of your own path? If you do, you should gather the ancient chaotic world and the exotic world, and even the other chaotic worlds. Only when you see more, you can really get out of a higher angle." A road that dominates your invincibility," Daozu said with a smile.

Xiang Yang always felt that Dao’s words were a bit of a holiday. However, I wanted to ask another question. At this time, I heard a roaring sound. The female sage in the foreign country blocked the sword, but the second sword broke out. At that time, she could not stop, and was directly flung out by the sword of Tongtian.

"The juniors only dare to stop me."

Tongtian hands are carrying, a transparent sword is looming on the top of his head, he flies out the other side, did not use the four swords of the immortal, but the self-cultivation of the condensed swordsmanship.

Although the cultivation of the exotic female saint is not weak, the Tongtian Holy Respect is, after all, the sage of the Pangu chaotic world. His strength is tyrannical, even if the strength of this exotic girl is so strong, after all, it is a rising star. Not his opponent.


The female saint rushed over and had a shameful color on her face. Originally, according to her thoughts, she was a peerless arrogant, and sanctified for hundreds of thousands of years to fight against the chaotic sage, definitely not more than the Pangu world. Any one of the saints is weak. If you want to shoot, you will kill the heavens. Whoever thought that he was flying by the other two swords.

"Do you still want to do it?"

Tongtian Shengzun looked at the female saint with a smile and laughter. "I just saw you in the life of a junior. If you do it again, a sword will smash you."

When it comes to this, he has a strong self-confidence. It is not empty-mouthed to kill a opponent with a sword. With his strength, if it really breaks out, it is not impossible to kill a partner with a sword.

"I just dare to speak out madly?" The female saint was fainted, and her body was full of enthusiasm. In the golden light, there was a black energy light rising, making her very sacred atmosphere. It became a unity of righteousness and evil.

"The combination of righteousness and evil, the talent of this exotic saint is really extraordinary." Xiang Yang, who pretended to be an ordinary Yasheng, said.

"Generally, when I am sanctified, a finger will poke her." Xiang Yang said faintly.

"You still have to be sanctified and say it."

Xiang Yang’s words are too mad, even if the Taoist ancestors gave him a look, do you really feel that the most invincible existence? If this is the case, it is not useless for the chaotic sages such as Sanqing to practice for so many years.

Xiang Yang’s mouth, although he is not the opponent of the other side, but after his own Pangu is truly a big success, and his own path has really come out, wait for the real breakthrough to become a chaotic saint, who is his opponent under the holy ?

Xiang Yang thought about it, and it was time for him to break through.

Since he came to the fairyland, the speed of the breakthrough has been very fast. Now it is a combination of Pan Guzhen and the power of the chaotic saint who is weak, but still feels insufficient.

The exotic saints seem a bit too much, and they are growing too fast.

In the Pangu chaotic world, it is very difficult to sanctify. From ancient times to the present, in addition to the sanctification of the three emperors to educate the Terran, only the Devil of the Holy Spirit can be sanctified.

In addition, Xiang Yang did not know if anyone was sanctified.

Not to mention the exotic world, even the gods have twelve gods, one supreme god, this kind of combat power, in the bright face is already comparable to the saints in the chaotic world of Pangu.

Needless to say, the foreigner sees the opposite situation through the bridge. The saints he sensed are definitely more than a dozen.

Even, he has an illusion that it seems to be full of chaotic saints everywhere.

If this is the case, if there is no chaotic abyss, then the so-called frontier of the Pangu chaotic world is really finished.

When Xiang Yang was thinking about it, the female saint rushed to fight with the Heavenly Saints. However, the other party had a strong sage, and faintly shouted. "Enough, your cultivation is not his opponent." ""


The female saint stood on the sidelines, and although she was not even, she really stopped looking for trouble.

"Black Swords, do you want us to play?" Tongtian Shengzhao smiled and looked at the leader of the Holy Spirit.

"Tongtian, do you want to break out in advance?" The strong man named Black Sword sneered.

"Can you come over more powerful people? If you can, I don't mind." Tongtian Holy Respect is not afraid of the other party's threat.

The two sides have been hostile for so long, and they are relatively familiar with each other. The Heavenly Respects are very clear, not because they are not willing to rush over, but because they are extremely powerful, they can only barely bring these people over.

If you want to call more powerful people, they will need more time to destroy this chaotic abyss.

In a decade's time, I can only come to such a small group of people. In a hundred years, I can come over a little more people, and I can only fight one battle in a million years. It is because they can come to millions of large-scale people in a million years.

"I really thought I couldn't come over?"

The black sword holy stern said with a sneer.

At the same time, the golden bridge behind him trembled and burst into a strong atmosphere. At the same time, an umbrella above it also rotated to seem to suppress the chaotic abyss.


At the same time, the chaotic abyss trembled, and the roar of horror erupted, and infinite energy gathered in it.

First, there is a chaotic Taiji diagram sweeping across the sky, suppressing the chaotic abyss, and then there is a wave of energy flowing, and the shadow of the swordsmanship of the celestial swords also appears, suppressing the Quartet, and at the same time, the swordsmanship burst out and smashed toward the rear. .

If you don't do this, the phantoms of the chaos, the red hydrangea, the ancient caduceus, and so on, all appear there, and all of them are revived, and the horrible atmosphere erupts toward the other side to suppress the past.

These magic weapons are not real magic weapons. They can be said to be the realities of those magic weapons. They have very powerful forces and can suppress each other.

Only when there is a real danger will it be manifested.


All the saints changed their faces, and Xiang Yang clearly felt that the Taoist priests around him also frowned. The eyes showed a sharp color. "There is a strong existence to break through the chaotic abyss."

The Taoist sang.

"Can you really rush over?" Xiang Yang with a doubtful color, he always felt that the guy named Black Sword should not have such a big skill.

If you can really come over, you need to inform everyone first, is this not to let everyone make a defense?

"It's just a temptation, but if the chaotic abyss can't resist it, it will come."

After Daozu looked at it for a long time, his look was light and he said, "I can't come over for the time being. I can only send more people at most."

"The old way, is there any other means to suppress it? Right, the golden hoop of the old grandson has also been promoted to become a chaotic treasure, and Yang Lan’s three-pointed and two-edged swords have also advanced, and you will have their shadows. Brand it in it to suppress the other party."

Sun Monkey took the initiative to come forward, and at the same time, he took out the wishful golden hoop.

"it is good."

After Daozu listened, his face showed a surprise color. "It was upgraded. Well, with these two chaotic treasures, it is enough to block this temptation."

At the same time, Daozu took over the two chaos of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, and did not see any movements. The two chaos and treasures broke out, and a rune flew out of it and turned into a void. The illusion of two treasures, then directly into the chaos abyss.


Then, the power of the chaotic abyss is stronger, and at the same time, the manifestation of these soldiers, such as the wishful gold hoop and the three-pointed two-edged knife is even more earth-shattering, directly to the other side.


After the strike fell, the opposite side seemed to stop temporarily, and many of the saints and Yasheng who were present were relieved.

And the sacred sacred name of the black sword suddenly looked at the Taoist ancestors, and coldly said, "It turned out that the Taoist ancestor is here, a good ancestor, as a heavenly master of a chaotic world, and sneaky, are you so embarrassed? ?"

Since he was discovered by the other party, Daozu did not hide his meaning. He returned the golden hoop and the three-pointed knife to Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, and said with a faint smile. "This is the place where I am a pan-chaotic world. I want to Where do you go, can you manage it?"

Although the Taoist priest looked indifferent, but said it was to let Xiang Yang’s eyes wide open.

Is this the ancestor of the teacher who is known as the chaotic saint of the heavens who is known as the heavenly actor and looks tall?

It’s too boring to swear in a sentence.


The Black Sword did not expect Daozu to be so arrogant. He claimed to be Laozi in one mouth. He was so angry that he was shaking, but he did not dare to start. After all, he was so mad that he did not dare to shoot at Daozu at this time.

Although he is a chaotic sacred level, he dares to confront Sanqing. However, it is obviously not a level with Daozu. It can only be cold. "After the chaotic abyss is broken, see how hard you are."

"Can't break."

The Taoist God said freely.

"Then wait for you." The black sword yelled.


As his voice fell, a huge roar broke out from the other side of the chaotic abyss. This voice was bigger than before, and the chaotic abyss broke out instantly, not only the magic swords such as the four swords and the Taiji figure. Even, there is a sword that is very familiar to Xiangyang, which comes out with a horrible murderous temper.


Xiang Yang blurted out, but I did not expect that even the brand of the sword will be here.


However, when Xiang Yang’s shock had not yet fallen, he heard the roaring sounds coming out one after another, and the entire chaotic abyss trembled even more. It seems that the other side of the horrible existence is in the same chaotic abyss.

However, in the chaos of the abyss, the power of the thunder of horror broke out. At the same time, there was a jade butterfly rising up, sprinkling the clear light, and suppressing the vibration of the chaotic abyss.

Not only that, there are twelve Jinlian, twelve blood lotus, twelve black lotus, twelve products, red lotus, four pieces of congenital treasures burst out, after the fusion of the original, turned into thirty-six chaos Qinglian with the power of terror suppressed the chaos abyss.

"Thirty-six products chaotic Qinglian have appeared, what is the opposite side in the attack chaos abyss?" Xiangyang's Sun Monkey whispered with a shocking look.

"Is this the ultimate means?" Xiang Yang whispered.

"Almost like it." Sun Monkey replied, "It is said that in these years, it is rare to force the chaos and abyss to manifest thirty-six chaotic Qinglian suppression. At this level, it is already terrible. It is conceivable. How much pressure does the chaotic abyss bear?"

"If thirty-six chaotic Qinglian can't suppress it, what should I do?" Xiang Yang asked.

"Possibly, maybe, just... cough..." Sun Monkey said that he would not dare to speak. Although he was daring, he did not dare to say in the presence of chaotic saints in the sky that the chaotic abyss would be smashed.

However, he does not say, but does not mean that it will not happen.


Thirty-six pieces of Chaos Qinglian did not take long after the suppression, a loud explosion of the earth-shattering sound, the entire chaos abyss trembled as if torn from the other side.


Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers....

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