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The chaos abyss rioted, and a horrible force was transmitted to this side through the chaotic abyss, which made everyone's face change. Even the ancestors had the same color on their faces, no longer calm.

"Well, it’s going to be a big deal."

Everyone knows that if the people are cold and cold, everyone knows that if they continue this way, I am afraid that something big will happen.

It is precisely because of the existence of chaotic abyss that it can block the invasion of foreign strongmen. If the chaotic abyss is shattered, there is no such a scorpio. With the power of the exotic world, the Pangu chaotic world is really dangerous.

Xiang Yang also had a serious color on his face. His eyes looked at Daozu. When he discovered that Daozu was rare and showed a nervous color, he understood that this time things were a bit big.

"If the chaotic abyss is broken, I will refine hundreds of thousands of Yasheng and push my spirits into the saints. At that time, the strength of the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in the body. At the same time, it reached the realm of Yasheng Peak and even the saint. With their power, I can completely prove that I have become a chaotic saint."

Xiang Yang is talking to himself, this is a question he has considered for a long time.

He was originally thinking about entering the realm of the gods to implement the plan. How many gods of the gods do not know, but as a **** of the king of twelve saints, he believes that the Lord God will at least tens of thousands. At that time, if you can refine all the gods of the gods, you can almost be sanctified.

Nowadays, although it is too late to go to the realm of the gods, it is also possible to refine the aliens of the sub-Sacred peaks.

"After becoming a chaotic saint, go take all the women and then come to the battle."

He is even ready, and he must not be in love. He must take the women away first. Only after ensuring the safety of the people around him can he leave.

The human heart is selfish. It is undeniable that there are too many people who can sacrifice everything for the sake of justice. Even if they see for themselves that the person they love is dead, they will not care.

That is right and nothing wrong.

But Xiang Yang is not such a person.

Xiang Yang also has great meaning. If the chaotic abyss is really broken, he will not escape. He will also die until the last moment. However, he must first ensure the safety of the people he loves, at least to send them to Deep in chaos, let them have the hope of surviving, otherwise, even if he is desperate, he will not feel at ease.

"Ha ha ha, chaotic abyss, just broke in the recent days."

The black sword laughed happily. The ten saints and hundreds of Yasheng strong men behind him also showed excitement, but they were a little confused in their hearts.

"I have not received any news that I am going to attack the chaotic abyss at this time. Is it that the master is ready?"

Not only is Black Sword's heart puzzled, but other saints around him are also very puzzled. If the aliens are really ready to break the chaotic abyss today, they will not have to cross the chaotic abyss to come to the other side.

However, they clearly came over in accordance with the stipulated time. Why is it that the strong man behind him is still bombarding the chaotic abyss?

"The Holy Father, is this a problem?" In the back of the Black Sword, a saint called and asked.

"It is impossible to have any problems. It may be that the master is ready in advance, and he is sure to break the chaos abyss." Black Sword said.

"Everyone is ready, as long as the chaos abyss breaks, I will start, as a pioneer to kill a group of indigenous people in the Pangu world, when we are the first."


The saints behind the black sword and the saints are all very excited. Their world is very powerful and not wrong. However, too many saints have been born, and the expansion of the heavens and the past can not meet the consumption of the world. Therefore, it is only necessary to devour a large chaotic world. If it is not, the heavens will collapse, and the saints who depend on the heavens will not survive unless they can one day break through the realm of their lord.

However, if you want to be a realm of the ancestors, even a powerful sage like the Black Sword is also very difficult.

The only hope is that after the entire Pangu chaotic world has been truly destroyed, their heavens and Taos have swallowed up the heavens of the ancient chaotic world, and they have a strongest person who can earn the reward. With this process, the breakthrough becomes the realm of the supreme ancestors. .

Therefore, they are brave and invincible.


When the saints of the black world, such as the Black Sword, are thinking about how to take the lead, the chaos and abyss continue to tremble, as if they would collapse and explode at any time.

Not to mention the rescuing of the Xianzun and the Yasheng strong people on the back with anxious colors, even the chaos saints are nervous.

Xiang Yang’s eyes were fixed on Hongjun’s ancestors, and his heart groaned. “This old-fashioned child still looks a little calm now. It should not be pretending. There should be other backhands.”

He believes that Hongjun Daozu is the supreme leader of the Pangu chaotic world. Since this time is not to summon the strongmen of the heavens and the world to resist the foreign strong, but to stare at this chaotic abyss, although it looks a bit nervous, But it should be sure that the alien can't break through the chaotic abyss.

Or, even if the chaotic abyss is broken, can you still have a way to block the other side, or create a chaotic abyss?

At the same time, Xiang Yang whispered to Daozu, "Daozu, should you have a way to block the other party?"

Hongjun Dao’s ancestors took a look at Xiang Yang and said, “What makes you so confident in me?”


Xiang Yang’s face suddenly turned black. This guy actually had no way. Then should he let the first devil leave now and take the girls away?


The chaotic abyss continued to tremble, and even the shadows of the gods were a little bit ruined. Even after the suppression of the four swords, the swords were broken.


Every time there is a broken shadow of a sacred soldier, everyone's heart trembles. These gods are illusory, but the strongest magic weapon of the heavens and the world, although not the body, but in the chaos of the abyss, these gods Can definitely play the strongest force equivalent to the body.

Even these innate magic weapons are broken, and it is so terrible that the force that is attacking the chaotic abyss on the other side is terrible.

"This is a bit of a hassle." Sun Monkey’s face was unwilling, and whispered in a low voice. "The old grandson has not really refine the origins and the heavens of the gods. It is not sanctified yet. Guy, it’s a bit unwilling."

Although Yang Lan did not speak, his hand holding the three-pointed and two-edged knife was a bit whitish.

On the contrary, the chaos of the heavens and the sages of Hongjun are like the old ancestors, and the old gods are staring at the chaotic abyss freely. No one is shooting. It seems that the chaotic abyss is being attacked.

"No, it's not right, it's very wrong."

Xiang Yang frowned, the more he saw such a situation, the more uneasy he felt, the more he felt wrong.

"If it is really possible to be broken, the Taoist ancestors can't ignore it, and Sanqing can't move. Even if it is too high to sit, I can't believe that the acute child can endure."

"That is to say, although it seems that the chaotic abyss is soaring, it seems to be exploding at any time, but there is absolutely no crisis."

"Other Azerbaijans are nervous, but they don't seem to be afraid. They also know that it is impossible to have an accident."

"So, is this deliberately scaring me?"

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang’s face was a bit black, staring at the Taoist priests in front of him and the chaotic saints of the heavens.

Whether it is the Taoist ancestor or the chaotic saints of the heavens, although their attention is on the chaotic abyss, they are still very strange when they are inexplicably stunned by Xiang Yang.

"What does this kid mean? The chaotic abyss is almost broken. He shouldn’t think about taking all his treasures out, branding it on the chaotic abyss, making the chaotic abyss more persistent. How can it be empty? we?"

Doubt in the heart of the All Saints, do not know that he and others are stunned, and suddenly offended this little ancestor?

Moreover, everyone and Xiang Yang are not very familiar, how can Xiang Yang dare to look at them?

"Oh, scare me."

Xiang Yang sneered in his heart, no longer observing the movements of the chaotic abyss, but taking out the monkey altar of a large altar and said to the monkey, "Monkey brother, it is useless to watch so much, even if we look at the chaotic abyss It is also impossible to add any resistance to the Chaos Abyss. It is better to relax with a drink."

"I am going, Xiang Xiaozi, all this time, you still have the heart to drink?" Sun Monkey eyes wide open and looked at Xiang Yang.

"Do not drink anything to do, rush into the chaos of the chaos to help? Even the Taoist ancestors are indifferent, we are useless to blink." Xiang Yangxi said.

It makes sense to make it sound.

The people were originally inexplicably made by Xiang Yang, and even the presence of Ya Sheng felt very strange. However, after hearing Xiang Yang’s words, he suddenly felt that Xiang Yang’s words were indeed correct.

If you can't help, watching it tremble, what is the meaning of the explosion, it is better to relax first, and then go to the battlefield to kill the enemy when it is really broken.

"Brother, I will accompany you."

The first one came over, and he laughed and took the wine from Xiang Yang’s hand. He raised his head and poured a big swig.

"Good wine, haha, I haven’t been drinking for a long time, cool." Meng magnified.

"How can we have a good wine without us, magnify the brother, give us a few mouthfuls."

"Yes, come, everyone."


And the group of old brothers who were released, the existence of the peak of the Yasheng level, found that when the chaotic saints of the heavens were not angry, they came together one by one, and robbed the altar of the monkeys from the hands of the monks. .

"My, don't grab it with me, wait a minute, wait for me to take a drink and say."

"I rely on you, you have a small mouth."

"Don't finish it."


This group of people, even directly led by Xiangyang to drive the atmosphere, grab a jar of wine to drink, but also yelled, for fear of being drunk by others, Xiang Yang looked stunned.

The atmosphere is a bit overdone.

I just want to stimulate the Taoist sages and the chaos of the saints, let them understand that it is impossible to scare me. I have not thought about defending these backbone forces before the two armies.

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