Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3062: Chaos abyss is broken

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"Brothers, take out some good wine, our brother has not been drinking for a long time, let us have a good time today."

Seeing that everyone was competing for this altar wine, the face of the blindfold showed a helpless color, and had to look at Xiangyang.


The time in Xiangyang’s Promise Xianfu has accelerated, and the monkeys responsible for brewing monkey wine have produced a very large ethnic group. Their job is to be responsible for making wine, which is their favorite thing, and the Promise In the Immortal, there is nothing to kill, they are so happy.

After such a period of time, the monkeys in his Promise Immortality were too many, and there was no fear of consumption. Since he was asked to release it, he directly moved out of the monkeys of the Wantan to everyone.

Ever since, this group of strong people who can't be without the sacred peaks, in the case of chaotic abyss seems to be blasting, in front of a group of chaotic saints and ancestors, so sitting in the back and drinking, one by one very happy The big shouted.

They are always on the battlefield in this frontier. They are really too depressed. Seeing the chaos and abyss may be broken. Next, there will be a deadly death. They are even letting go and drinking. And fight again, even if it is dead or dead, there is no regrets.

Xiang Yang was stunned.

Everyone was so refreshed, but he clearly felt that both the Taoist and the chaotic saints locked themselves with a very unpleasant atmosphere.


Xiang Yang’s gaze looked at the figure of the All Saints and whispered, “This is not my business.”

"It's none of your business?"

Amitabha came to Xiangyang, and he looked at Xiangyang with a smile. "The first one who proposed to drink is you. It is also you who brought these wines out to everyone. If you don't care about your business, Who would believe?"

"You don't filthy me, I just saw that they are too depressed, let them relax properly." Xiang Yang said quickly.

Although the matter is what he did, but this hat is buckled down, he can't bear it. If the chaotic abyss does not blast, then everything can be said. If the Taoist sage and the heavenly chaos sage are really no way, they can only see it. Looking at the chaotic abyss exploding, he was in trouble.

"Hey, I haven’t been drinking for a long time, and I am coming to the altar."

Amitabha suddenly said with a smile.

"Hey?" Xiang Yang was dumbfounded. I didn't get it wrong. This guy is a chaotic saint. He even took the initiative to ask me for a drink.

"Come on, don't grind, let's talk about our friendship, let alone a wine, even if you are looking for a magic weapon, you will not be reluctant?" Amitabha urged.

"The wine can give you, the magic weapon is impossible, I am poorer than you."

Xiang Yang squatted and took a jar of wine from the Promise Xianfu to the other side.

"It's stingy." Amitabha took a look at Xiangyang, took a sip of his own wine, looked at the black sage and other strange saints, and found that these saints all looked at themselves and waited for him, he Unhappy, "Xiang Yang, go and blow these guys out."


Xiang Yang stunned, this old monk is a little bit right today. Is it drunk, even want to die by himself.

"Since they came, they must not be able to go back. After a while, the two of us shot together, and the woman’s, right, the girl’s life that had just been confronted with Tongtian was caught.” Amitabha suddenly approached Xiangyang and whispered. .

"Amitabha, one of the three great saints of your Buddhism, actually took a fancy to the female saint." Xiang Yang was shocked.

His voice is not small, not only the powerful people in the Pangu world around him heard it, but even the opposite group of powerful people heard it.

Others did not react, and the female saint who was the protagonist looked at Xiang Yang with a murderous look. "Primary, are you looking for death?"

"I saw you, you are not me, you are so murderous looking at what I do?" Xiang Yang face with innocent color.

While talking, he looked at Amitabha. "Your taste is really good. Although this exotic strongman has been a little bit sloppy, he looks good. However, if you are well tempered, you should be able to tame her. ""

"I, do I have this meaning?"

Amitabha was also shocked. He just wanted to collude with Xiang Yang to kill the other party. As a result, Xiang Yang suddenly said that he had taken a fancy to each other.

Ami had a Tuo Buddha, even if the old man would accept the other party, the two brothers would not let me go.

At the same time, Amitabha thought of it and suddenly realized that he was biased by Xiang Yang. Although he was not afraid of alcohol and meat, he could not be tempted to be tempted by a foreign female saint.

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile, "Old monk, don't be too excited, since you like her so much, I will help you later."

While talking, he also said to Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, "You two can't be idle, and you must help the female saint to get back to the old monk."

He only remembers to ridicule Amitabha, but he completely forgot that Amitabha said that he would not be able to return to the saints such as the black sword.

"Well, let's say that since Amitabha wants it, even if he is fighting for his life, he will bring the girl back to you." Sun Monkey said with a smile.

Yang Lan also said with a smile, "Don't be killed?"

"You, you..." Amitabha only felt that the monkeys in his hands had no taste of drinking. Xiangyang, the bastard, even hurt himself in front of the Taoist ancestors, it was too much.

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and looked at Amitabha, and the feeling of depression in his heart also dissipated.

And the strong people of Yasheng Peak who are drinking are not afraid of Amitabha, especially the blindfold, but they laughed and said, "Amitabha is a close friend. Since then, the Buddhist disciples have not quit."

"Go, don't mess around." Amitabha gave a blank look.

On the other side of them, the alien female saint was almost mad, and she was a sacred sage, and now she is a chaotic saint, and she is also the peak of the saints, and she is actually a sub-holy The junior is so ridiculous, how can she endure?

"Don't be excited. After the chaos abyss has broken, no one will stop you no matter what you want." She couldn't rush over because she was stopped by the black sword.

The holy sage named Black Sword, with a dozen chaotic saints around, and hundreds of arrogant sacred priests, and the other side of the strong are also attacking the chaotic abyss, according to the truth, all this It is very beneficial to him.

However, I don’t know how, when he saw that Daozu and other chaotic saints were all very calm standing there, he felt a bit wrong.

Even, he has the urge to give up this time and return to his own world in a small war of ten years.

"Sacred, I will kill them later." The female saint said coldly.

"If the chaotic abyss is broken, our strongman will kill it, and you can kill anyone." Black Sword nodded, looking at the ancestors of Daozu and Sanqing, and found that all the powerful people in Pangu’s chaotic world were blind. When he looked at the chaotic abyss and trembled and tried to explode, he felt very wrong.

"Unless they don't dare to approach the chaotic abyss, they will never be able to watch the chaos of the chaos." The Black Sword is talking to himself.


At this time, after his self-speaking sound fell, he heard a roaring sound. In the chaotic abyss that was still trembling fiercely, there was an invincible sword of horror, with an indescribable appearance. The power directly kills the past on the other side.

There, it is the source of the alien attack chaotic abyss.

"It’s finally there."

This time, even Daozu was relieved. It seems that he has been waiting for this sword.

In fact, this is the case. The ultimate power of the chaotic abyss is this sword. Even if Xiang Yang can sense the power of this martial horror, it is absolutely possible to open everything and smash the existence of chaos. .

"The sword of the old man."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, his eyes fixed on the chaotic abyss, and saw that the sword was rising, just like an incomparable sun, and then disappeared into another period.


Xiang Yang waited for a long time, and thought that on the other side, the situation of the destruction of the heavens and the earth would occur. After all, it was found that after a sword fell, everything was still, as if nothing had happened.

“Is this awkward?”

Xiang Yang stayed, and the sword of the invincible sword of the old man should be the invincible existence of the open world. How can there be no movement after the past?

Is the alien really strong enough to easily take over the old man's sword?

"That, Daozu, what is the situation?" Xiang Yang whispered to Daozu.

With his eyesight, it is impossible to see what is happening in the chaotic abyss. He can only ask Dazu.

At this moment, there is a wheel of heaven in the eyes of Daozu. Although the whole person seems to be very calm on the surface, in fact, even Xiang Yang can feel the tension brought by the Tao.

Daozu is also very nervous looking at the opposite side. He is afraid that this sword has no effect. Then, if the chaotic abyss is broken, everything will be wasted.

"If my training is strong enough, I can see everything."

Xiang Yang’s heart is self-talking, and he can’t wait to have a pair of eyes that can see through this chaotic abyss. Unfortunately, his own skills are not weak, but it is impossible to see through the chaotic abyss.

Not to mention him, even if Amitabha around him is trying to open his eyes at this moment, but with serious confusion, obviously, he can not see through the chaotic abyss.

"Can you see through?" Xiang Yang moved Amitabha.

The latter looked at Xiang Yang with a serious look. "A little bit can be seen."


Xiang Yang is speechless, and I am only a little bit worse. Of course, this is a big problem. Amitabha can be seen far away, and it is impossible to be much farther than himself.


However, at this time, a huge roar came out, and the chaotic abyss in front of everyone saw a direct explosion in a loud noise.

"Ha ha ha, broken."

"God, broken, finished..."

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