Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3063: I am in charge

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"Ha ha ha, broken."

"God, broken, finished..."

Along with the huge roar, the people on both sides screamed, and the voice from the side of Pangu’s chaotic world was with horror and anger.

On the other side, the voices of the black sword and other strong players have unparalleled surprises.

"It’s finally broken. From now on, I will wait for the ancient chaotic world."

The black sword holy singer haha ​​laughed, and his body burst into a terrible atmosphere, and a sword of innate treasure level appeared in his hand, ready to start impact.

"No, no broken, just a form."

However, when the Black Sword sage has not really rushed over, he heard a pleasant voice coming from the Pangu chaotic world. He heard it very clearly. This voice is the one that was very madly staring at himself. The one that came out of Yasheng was Xiangyang.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s face was full of surprises, and his eyes looked at the chaotic abyss, and his heart never experienced such a huge transformation.

At the beginning of the discovery of the chaotic abyss explosion, Xiang Yang really scared a big jump, he almost subconsciously took out the chaos to wear Yunsuo, directly through the chaos back to the new wild world to take away all their loved ones.

Fortunately, before he started the chaos and the cloud, he once again aimed at the chaotic abyss. He found that the chaotic abyss after the explosion changed the shape and directly turned into a barrier full of infinite swords, as if When the sword of an inexhaustible invincible sword broke out, he understood that this was the means left by his old man.

This should be the second form of the chaotic abyss.

When the first form cannot be adhered to, it will directly blew itself up, killing a few foreign strongmen on the other side, and then opening the second form.

"It's not good. Our bridges in the heavens and the earth are all covered with umbrellas."

Among the strongmen in the foreign world, the female saint suddenly exclaimed, and his face showed an endless panic.

Everyone looked at the other side and saw the upper part of the chaotic abyss. The golden bridge that opened the abyss and the umbrella were all shaken out at the moment.

The passage they went back has disappeared.

The reason why they can cross the chaotic abyss from the exotic world to the frontier of Pangu’s chaotic world is precisely because there are many superpowers in their world who have joined forces to bridge the heavens and the earth and cover the sky. Break into the chaos of the abyss and open a passage for them to pass.

Nowadays, these two magic weapons are directly bounced back by the chaotic abyss, and the chaotic abyss has become another form. It seems to be more horrible, how can they return to their own world with their strength?

At this moment, not only the female saint was dumbfounded, but even the black sword sage was also staying, and her face showed an incredible look. "How is this possible?"

"Isn't the Chaos Abyss been shattered by the might of our world? How can it be changed?"

The Black Sword Saint is really stunned.

He was already ready to kill, to be a pioneer, to win the first prize, whoever thought, suddenly became like this.

If you can't go back, even if they are powerful, how about a chaotic saint who has a dozen?

This is the Pangu chaotic world. Heaven is the heaven of the Pangu chaotic world. Their chaotic saints look very powerful. In fact, in this ancient chaotic world, they do not have any chance of winning.

"The big monk, your wife is steady."

Xiang Yang said happily to Amitabha.

"Don't talk about it, what is my wife?" Amitabha blackened his face and glared at Xiangyang.

Then, his speed is very fast, the whole person is directly in front of Xiang Yang, in the void, there is a 12-piece Jinlian flashing away, and instantly rushed to the two chaotic treasures that were flying out by the chaotic abyss.

"So fast..."

Xiang Yang stunned, but, before he reacted, he found that all the chaos saints around him disappeared, and only Dao Zuhong was standing on his face with helplessness.

Of course, there are still some Yasheng, who do not have the ability to compete with the chaos of the saints for treasures.

"Oh, we are still too poor." Dao sighed and shook his head.

"You are so confident to them, do you think that they will not be killed by these powerful strongmen?" Xiang Yang looked at Daozu with a strange color.

"They don't dare to do it."

Daozu whispered, "This is the Pangu chaotic world. They have been abandoned. If they are looking for death at this time, they should choose to surrender if they are wise."

"Unfortunately, they are not as wise as the Taoist thought."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


Sure enough, as Xiangyang’s voice fell, it was seen that when the sacred priests rushed toward the two treasures, the black sword sages and other powerful chaos sages rushed directly, and also participated in the robbing.

However, their participation in snatching is a fake, their real purpose is to kill the Heavenly Supreme.

"kill him."

The black sword sages screamed and sacrificed a sword of the innate treasure level to kill the past.


Not only him, but also other exotic chaos sages have all discussed the general, and at the same time against the Tongtian Holy Zun.

In their hearts, the strength of Tongtian Holy Respect can be said to be the strongest sage in the entire Pangu chaotic world. With the Jianxian sword array, it has killed countless chaos saints in the exotic world.

If they want to kill all the powerful people in Pangu’s chaotic world, the only way is to kill the Heavenly Saints first.

After seeing the bridge between heaven and earth and the umbrella of the sky, they still did not collect it. It was to provoke a group of saints in the chaotic world of Pangu to **** it. At that time, they could take the opportunity to kill the sky.

Everything is as they planned. The chaotic saints of Pangu’s chaotic world all rushed to grab the treasures. They did not put these saints in their eyes. They had dozens of saints who shot and killed the heavenly sage at the same time, although they had not attacked. On the body of Tongtian, they even felt that they had already seen the dawn of victory.

Heaven will die!

The black sword sages screamed, and the one-handed black sword that he sacrificed broke out with countless runes, with powerful and unparalleled power to kill the past.


However, at this time, when they thought that the sacred sacred sacred must die, suddenly, a loud roar sounded, and it was like a madness toward the two chaotic treasures. St. actually turned all over and smashed toward them.


Tongtian is laughing, and his body is full of four swords, with a horrible murderous murder and swordsmanship. It is the sacred sword, the sacred sword, the sacred sword and the sacred sword.

At the foot, the array of the sacred swords broke out and instantly involved the dozens of exotic saints.

"Do not..."

When these exotic chaos sages reacted, they all fell into the sacred swords.

"You, are you still waiting for time?"

Tongtian Shengzun stood on the sword of Xian Xian, and looked at all the chaos saints, faintly said.

"I am in charge of the sword." Too celestial wind bones, body shape flashing, directly into the sacred swords, he is in charge of the sword.

"I am ruining the sword."

The original sages are not allowed to let go, float into the battle, hold the sword, and burst into a horrible atmosphere.

Then, the other sacred sacred faces are faint and uncertain, and some are eager to try. They want to rush into it and try to take control of the four swords, while others are somewhat retreating.

Although the power of the sacred swords is unmatched, the true power of the sacred sage must be mastered at the same time. When the four chaos sages join forces, they can absolutely kill ten superpowers.

The Sanqing sacred three-in-one, naturally, is the one who is in charge of the three swords, and they are brothers, do not have to worry about who is in charge of the sacred swords will deliberately cause harm to other people.

At the same time, they do not lack the exchange of Taoism with each other, and they also have a clear understanding of the swords and swords. It is naturally easy to take charge of this formation.

As for other chaotic saints, they have not really been in charge of the sacred swords, even when the foreign world was invaded in the past, after the sacred swords were put out, it was also a ancestor of the ancestors who entered the sacred sword.

At this moment, the chaotic saints of the heavens want to take charge of the sword, but they are afraid that they will not control well.

"It's still one."

Tongtian Shengzun shouted.

"They don't have any knowledge of your sword, and even if you hold the sword, you can't control this soldier."

She shook her head too.

"What about that?"

The original sage looked indifferently, "The third child, what is your avatar?"

"It’s still in the Jiuzhong Tiandaochang. It’s too late. They are going to break out. The teacher’s avatar is coming in.” Tongtian Shengzun replied at the same time as looking at the side of the inanimate ancestors.

"I can't get into it, I have other things to do." Daozu said, shaking his head.

"What should I do? There is one lesser in the four swords. The power is too weak to kill these exotic chaos at the same time, and there are two chaotic holy peaks."

The original sage’s face showed a worried color, and Shen Sheng said, “Since you can’t play the advantage of the sacred swords, it’s better not to use the array.

"No." Too high is to stop the original sage, and the face is blamed. "The original is still so impulsive."

"What about you?"

Being too motivated to be too impulsive, the original sage only feels very uncomfortable in his heart, and makes a good decision in his heart. If it is too high and Tongtian can't make the sacred swordsmanship complete, he will kill the enemy himself.

With his strength, holding the chaos can completely kill the other chaotic sage.

"Xiang Yang entered the battle."

After a few moments of indulging in the heavenly sage, he directly yelled at Xiang Yangxuan.


After Xiang Yang listened, he stunned. He did not expect that Tongtian Shengzun would let himself enter the 诛 剑 剑 剑 剑.

You must know that there are already three sacred sects in the sacred swords, and you have entered into them. Although you can also take charge of the sacred swords, but because of the lack of cultivation, it is possible to greatly weaken the power of the sword squad.

"You have to inherit my kendo, don't shoot at the moment, when will you wait?"

Tong Tianyi snorted and waited for Xiang Yang’s action. He waved his hand directly and sent out an energy to directly roll up Xiang Yang and send it to the Jianxian sword array.

In front of Xiang Yang, a three-footed sword is suspended in the front, with a breath of horror, which is the sword of Xian.

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