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"Rely, this kid has killed a chaotic saint."

Seeing Xiangyang and killing a chaotic saint, not to mention the sacred sacredness of the heavens, the original sacred sacred face also changed greatly, and although the sacred is still superior to the sacred control, the sacred sword kills the chaotic sage. However, his cheeks are also twitching.

What's special, this kid is still a saint, and it is the first time to arrange the sacred swords, so it is so easy to kill three chaos sages, just connect one to kill one, this is too fast Alright.

At the moment, the three halal want to swear.

They really don't understand why Xiang Yang can kill chaotic saints so efficiently.

At this time, Xiang Yang finally stopped. He just let the Xianjian sword float in the front door to prevent someone from breaking through. However, in fact, the chaotic saints of the exotic world killed them in the same way that they saw Xiangyang one after another. When the chaos of the saints, no one dared to rush to the side of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang retracted the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' into the body and felt the powerful force of the invaders in the body. The gods in the acupoint space in the body cheered and joyfully swallowed this majestic energy. The cultivation is climbing at the festival.

For these gods in Xiangyang, the barriers to the realm do not exist.

As long as there is enough spirit, they can always break through.

Now, after Xiang Yang has swallowed up two chaotic saints, the power of the spirits of these chaotic saints is so vast and boundless, even if they are equally divided into nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods, Enough for them to break through to the sub-Holy.


Xiang Yang only felt that his body's acupoint space was snoring, and the atmosphere of those gods became stronger and stronger. Then, one by one broke into the realm of Yasheng, and their atmosphere became very majestic. A move with a holy prestige.

"Asian holy!"

Xiang Yang couldn't help but screamed.

"What is the holy place? Is your realm broken?" On the other side, Tongtian Shengzun looked at Xiangyang with a dull color.

At this moment, he is doing his best to strangle a chaotic saint. However, the other party seems to have some understanding of the swordsmanship. Although the resistance is very difficult, it is still blocked a little.

Tongtian Shengzun is too depressed, and also a sword in the four swords of Xianxian. According to the truth, the sword is the strongest, and the sword in his hand should be the biggest.

However, whoever thought that Xiang Yang was in charge of the sword, he even killed the enemy one after another, and his sword was still killing a chaotic saint. This is too shameful.

"No, there is such a good breakthrough in the realm."

Xiang Yang’s face has a depressed color. If his training is also able to reach the realm of Yasheng’s peak, then his strength can be further improved. However, now that he has stepped out of his own path, I found that the road ahead of my own path did not know how to go.

This is the most embarrassing thing.

Originally, the road that I created was absolutely the strongest and most suitable for myself. However, I found that I didn’t know how to continue, and I didn’t even know what kind of realm I had now.

Xiang Yang is embarrassed to tell others about his current situation.

However, feeling the growth of the Eucharist in the body, when the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods all broke through the sub-saint, he only felt arrogant.

From then on, it is no problem to kill the chaotic saints by himself.


At this time, Tongtian Shengzun finally wiped out his opponent, the chaos saint. Moreover, he directly chopped the other side with the sword of Jian Xian, not only the flesh and soul, the true spirit, etc., all of which were wiped out by him without any residue. Down.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and if he didn't kill the chaotic saint, he would have no face to see anyone.

Fortunately, I finally got the second drop of blood.

Compared with Xiangyang's three, although one is worse, but he will continue to surpass Xiangyang.

"No, I am a chaotic sage, I am thinking about going beyond a Yasheng. How can I do this?" Tongtian Shengzun suddenly reacted, and his thoughts were a bit wrong. He was a chaotic sage and should not be Waiting for Xiang Yang to surpass it?

However, how is Xiangyang different?

"Rely, even if you kill the enemy again, you can't compare with this kid."

"This time my face is lost."

The heavenly sanctuary is extremely depressed. He glances at the top and the original. He finds that the original anxious is almost exploding. Even when the chaos is displayed, he is relieved. Fortunately, Sanqing is one. Their two brothers are not much stronger than themselves, and they have not wiped out the two chaos.

However, you should speed up.

At the same time as the heavenly saints thought, suddenly, they heard a loud bang of 'Boom', only the Xiangyang Shuangjian merged, and the Sword and the Sword of the Sword were staring at a chaotic saint, just a sword. The other party's innate Lingbao level magic weapon is broken.


This also makes people not live.

If the Emperor of Heaven is feeling that he will not do it again, the old face will be lost.

He hurriedly manipulated the sacred sword to kill the past chaos saints.

At this time, Xiang Yang felt that he was not enough to do so. He even took out a big bow. After the appearance of this big bow, it burned a horrible flame, which made everyone in the Jianxian sword array feel a heat.

"After the bow!"

Sanqing Sanzun all face a slight change.

This rear 羿 bow is the strongest existence of the bow and arrow in the Pangu chaotic world. Although it is only the treasure of the day after tomorrow, it has the power comparable to the innate treasure.

In ancient times, Houyi held this bow and arrow, with the cultivation of the Yasheng Peak, plus he was the powerful body of the Wu nationality with the ancient blood of Pangu and the ancient body of Pangu, holding this bow, and even with the ancient Emperor Donghuang The phase is counterbalanced.

It should be known that the ancient Emperor of the time, the Emperor of the East, was a real chaotic saint, and he was still a godless king who gathered the air of Pangu.

Such a supreme king, in the chaos of the saints should be invincible, but in fact, it is not enough to fight against the descendants of the descendants of the sub-saint.

Later, after the Great War, the ancient gods and scorpions shot more than two digits of the alien chaotic saints with the back bow, and were honored as the first person under the chaos.

Although the shackles of the time fell into the aliens and did not know life and death, his sacred bows were thrown back to Pangu’s chaotic world at the last moment, and now they are in the hands of Xiangyang.

"After that year, I also had Pan Guzheng, holding the back bow, and I was invincible. Now, the back bow has once again fallen into the hands of Xiang Yang who has Pan Guzhen. Is this the fate?"

Sanqing’s heart is silent.


Just as the Sanqing was shocked, Xiangyang had already opened the bow and opened the sword directly from the Promise Xianfu. It was the Promise.

In the future, he will be the arrow of the Promise Excalibur, and shoot the chaos saint.


The Promise of the Promise was turned into an arrow of horror, and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the face of the alien chaos who is resisting the swords and the swords of the gods has changed greatly. He only feels that there is a force in the sky that locks himself. He feels the threat of death, and his face changes greatly while roaring. "Block me."


There are countless runes on his body, turning into a armor, and wanting to block this attack that can make him feel the threat of death.


However, his defensive armor has just been put on, and the force of defense has not been opened to the maximum, this arrow has already penetrated him.

In the bang, this chaotic saint exploded in an instant, and then the **** 'Heaven and Earth Oven' flashed away, and the chaotic saint who exploded from the moment swallowed in it, and then returned to Xiangyang again. in vivo.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, and he looked at the stunned Tongtian Holy Respect. “Not good, I killed another one.”

"You, metamorphosis."

The Heavenly Supreme is speechless, and even after the exhibition, the bow is even counted. Even the gods who used the merits of the genius to the treasures are the arrows. This is really too bullying. Even after the shackles of the year, there is no such arrow. what.

"Then, can the three holy people discuss things."

Xiang Yang was not very crazy, but cautiously said to Sanqing.

"What?" The response was too sullen. Although it was too inactive, his mood was really not good.

As the Pangu chaotic world, the first disciple of Daozu’s true disciple should have been cultivated to the highest level and the strongest. However, he has not wiped out this chaotic sage until now, and Xiang Yang killed Four chaotic saints, it is too shameful.

The original is also unpleasant, he feels that from now on, when these strongmen in the frontier mention Sanqing, they will surely bring a sentence, that is, Xiang Yang, the chaos saint killed in the Jianxian sword array is combined with Sanqing. Still more.

Woori, this is simply terrible.

Whether it is too much or the original, I feel that my heart beats faster and my heart is uncomfortable.

However, after all, they are seniors of the predecessors. It is impossible to anger the Xiangyang because of this incident. In response to Xiangyang, it is a stronger force to deal with their opponents.

Although their opponents are chaotic sacred, they have been smothered by their suffocation, and they can kill their opponents with a single stroke.

As long as they can kill the two strongest saints of this group of exotic chaos, although they are slower than Xiangyang, they are not too shameful.


However, just as the two sacred and the original sages were about to kill their opponents, suddenly, within the sacred swords, they heard a roar, and the female saint was married by Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. A knife and a stick were smashed, and then Yang Lan’s three eyes burst out, destroying the light of the gods and instantly turning each other into fly ash.

In the blink of an eye, among the entire sacred swords, there is no achievement in the Taishang and the original two holy sacred.


The two saints looked at Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, and suddenly felt a little sad. Are they old, or is it because the three rising stars of Xiang Yang, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are too strong?

"Big brother, kill it."

The original sighed, the war is up to now, they are not tired, but the heart is tired, it is counted by Xiangyang. After all, Xiang Yang is the true disciple of that one, and can be said to be their younger brother in the generation.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are different. These two are the two grandchildren of the Holy Family. Now, the two killing a chaotic saint are faster than them. They feel very tired.


This time, even the anger is too angry. He pulls his hand and a taiji figure rises up. He directly wraps the chaotic sage and begins to rejuvenate each other.

The original sage also shot, he held the chaos, and horrified to kill the other side.


Then, the two saints finally killed their opponents.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang was pulling the bow in succession and killing a chaotic saint, which made them both feel ashamed of killing each other's chaotic sage.

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