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In the sacred sword array, Xiang Yang smashed the other side with the 戮 剑 sword and the 弑 弑 sword. At the same time, he continued to pull the bow and archery, and the 羿 bow was cast to the extreme by him, and the Promise Sword was the arrow, and it was nothing.

One after another, the chaos sage fell to the cut of Xiangyang, and was refining by Xiangyang’s ‘Heavenly Oven’.

Finally, with the last chaotic saint being included in Xiangyang’s “Heaven and Earth Furnace”, this battle to kill the foreign powerhouse is finally over.

Xiang Yang didn't leave immediately, but sat down directly. At this moment, his ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ burst into horrible energy, making him tremble.

At this moment, in the body of Xiangyang, there are energy tides erupting, even if the 9,999 shrines are also unable to absorb the power of all spirits emerging from the 'Heaven and Earth oven' .

However, the 9,999 oracles in his acupoint space have grown to the peak of Yasheng Peak, but they are still absorbing energy. Later, Xiang Yang feels that these gods have grown to When the peak is over, when it can no longer be absorbed, the energy in the body is still very much.

He was in a hurry.

"This is troublesome."

In this battle, Xiang Yang killed six chaotic saints by himself. In addition to the first one who was supplemented by the Heavenly Saints, and did not refine the other's income in the 'Heavenly Oven', other chaotic saints were Xiangyang. Refining.

Moreover, the energy of the latter three after refining is waiting until now all of the brains are erupting.

This energy is too majestic, and the gods in Xiangyang’s body have reached the saturation of the Yasheng Peak after they have absorbed them, and they can no longer continue to absorb.

"The power of so many spirits can only be used to sculpt the flesh?"

Xiang Yang said to himself, although the power of these spirits can indeed be tempered into the flesh, but he does not want to do so.

The body is well tempered, and the power of the spirit is rare.

Until now, after he began to use the power of the spirit of refining the chaos of the saints, the 'appetite' of his Eucharist has changed, and he can only use the power of the spirit of the chaos of the saints. It is useful for the growth of these gods.

Before the war did not open, he wanted to refine the chaos of the saints, unless he went to the realm of the gods, but even if he went to the realm of the gods, he would not be able to refine all the gods of the gods.

Moreover, the gods are only a total of eleven gods.

"Continue to temper, compress and compress, and let these gods all practice nine turns of Xuan Gong."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, these gods have a certain consciousness, of course, because all his gods are divided into them, in fact, these gods are equivalent to his avatar.

He has a way to control these gods and let them practice nine turns of Xuan Gong.

"If it is possible to use the power of all spirits to let these gods turn the nine turns of Xuan Gong to the ninth turn, then, by then, my body is quite a gathering of 9,999. The chaotic saint of the sermon, I punched it out, even if the Taoist ancestors did not necessarily follow."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth and began to let these gods practice nine times.

All of this, although it is very simple to say, but it is quite difficult. Fortunately, the **** of Xiangyang also reached a very strong level. His true spirit has reached the peak of Yasheng, and the gods have more Further trends.

In this way, under his careful control, these gods can begin to practice.


In the eyes of outsiders, I saw that Xiang Yang’s body was filled with a mysterious atmosphere. The whole person’s body and rhyme flowed around, seemingly in the state of enlightenment.

Only Sun Monkey and Yang Lan had a quirky color on their faces, and said, "How do I feel that this guy’s body seems to have another one who is practicing nine-turn Xuan Gong?"

"The nine turns of Xuan Gong's cultivation are the flesh. Is he used to practice the Yuanshen?"

On one side, the heavenly sage can't help but say.

"Should not be."

The original sage shook his head.

At the end of the war, the sacred swordsmanship had been withdrawn, and everyone flew in. Everyone looked at Xiangyang, and there was no speech on the top, but his face was smiling.

Daozu glanced at Xiangyang and said faintly, "Cultivating the Eucharist."

"All spirits?"

Everyone naturally knows this practice. However, this practice has not been taken by the sacred priests. In their view, it is not as good to practice other spiritual exercises as practicing the Eucharist, because this practice is too wasteful. Time is up.

At the same time, it is necessary to refine and refine the spirit, killing is too strong, has no effect, so it has not been promoted. Who ever thought that Xiang Yang actually practiced this practice.

"It is no wonder that this kid is going to refine all the chaotic saints who he killed." Tongtian Shengzun said.

"The refining chaos saints practice the Eucharist, this guy is really extravagant."

Sun Monkey said with a sigh.

After listening to the other saints, they all looked at Xiang Yang with a quirky color on their faces, especially those chaotic saints. Looking at Xiang Yang’s eyes were very weird and even a little scared.

This guy is too weird, don't go to provoke this kid, in case he offended this kid, was killed by this guy to practice the Eucharist, crying no place to cry.

"After life is awesome, although Xiang Yang has not yet been sanctified, he has already been able to kill the enemy in the Pan Chao era. I have hope in the Pangu world."

Amitabha said with a smile.

"Yeah, it’s a pro-disciple of that one."

"Xiang Xiaoyou is really amazing."


Other saints are equally appreciative, but Sanqing’s face is not so good-looking. Xiangyang is awesome, but it highlights their incompetence. The number of saints killed by Xiangyang is almost the same as the number of Sanqing. It is simply It’s too shameful.

"Teacher, are the two swords chaotic?"

At this time, Tongtian Shengzun remembered what it was like, and looked at Daozu.

Before everyone else wanted to **** the two chaos to the treasure, but it was terminated by the Taoist voice, let everyone deal with the alien chaos.

For the words of the Taoist ancestors, a group of saints naturally did not dare to have any rebuttals, so they can directly counter these chaotic saints at the most appropriate time, and round them into the sacred swords.

However, the Jianxian sword array is only hosted by Sanqing and Xiangyang. The other saints have not moved, which proves that they can continue to **** two pieces of chaos.

However, Sanqing is killing in front, and other saints are going to **** treasures. If the baby is really gotten by these saints, how can Sanqing be willing?

The other saints also understood the meaning of Sanqing, but they were very calm, because the two chaotic treasures were not obtained by them, but in the hands of the Tao.

After the voice of Tongtian fell, Daozu reached out and the bridge of heaven and earth and the umbrella of the sky were shrunk in his hands, but it was not refining by the Tao.

"The teacher was taken away."

Sanqing was relieved. Fortunately, the teacher was not eccentric. If they were allowed to kill the enemy in the front, and the two chaotic treasures were obtained by other saints, they said that they must not have one with these saints. The field is over.

This is chaotic treasure, not an ordinary magic weapon, even if it is a chaotic sage, it is impossible to not be heart-warming.

"These two chaos are treasures, I have him to use, can not give you." Daozu shook his head and said.


Since it is the Taoist ancestors to take, the sacred nature has no opinions, and this is also the best way to distribute.

"Everything is going to be prepared. After the war is over, it will be the time to decide the life and death of my ancient chaotic world." Then Daozu said faintly.

"But the teacher, what about him?"

Tongtian looks at Xiangyang who is practicing.

Dao sang softly, "I want to reopen the Netherland, and the book of life and death is on him."

"It turned out to be."

All the saints nodded, and the Netherland reopened. The birth and death book is the key to opening, and Xiang Yang got the book of life and death, which can be regarded as half of the Lord of the Netherland, and naturally needs him.

"This kid is really Hongfu Qitian, not only has so many treasures, but even the book of life and death is on him."

All the saints have gone back to preparation. For a thousand years, it is too short for the sacred people to be like an ordinary person. When the war comes, the powerful people of the heavens will not be spared.

"It is time to bring all the dragons, phoenixes, and lions together."

Daozu whispered to himself.

During the ancient floods, the dragons and phoenixes and the witches were the masters of the real wild land. The sky was dominated by the Yaozu, and later the ruins were broken. These strong families were all hidden, and the Kirin family disappeared directly into the heavens. However, it is not really disappearing, but moving to the depths of chaos.

Nowadays, the war will start, but anyone who has a relationship with Pangu’s chaotic world will not be spared. Even if it is hidden in the depths of chaos, it must come back to participate in the war.

"I will wait for the arrangement and prepare everything."

Daozu whispered.


All the saints left, and after the end of the great war of that year, in order to re-appear this war, all the worlds have made a lot of preparations, and they have been accumulating all the resources. Now it is time to show all the details.

After the departure of the chaotic saints of the heavens, Daozu also looked at the strongmen who had been stationed in this frontier for many years. "We can also leave the frontier for a period of time, and there is no worries within the borders for thousands of years.


Many powerful people responded aloud, but there were not many people who actually left. Some of them came here to kill the enemy and practice. They have already regarded this frontier as their home. Some of the teachers have come and went. Even if there is no place to go back to the heavens and the world, it is better to adjust the state, practice well, and wait until the final battle.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are quietly watching Xiang Yang, waiting for Xiang Yang to complete his practice.

"Old way, we went to the realm of the gods, you can't promise?" Sun monkey scratched his head and couldn't help but ask.

He really wants to hurry to go to the world to refine the heavens and origins of the gods after the killing of the gods, especially when he saw that Xiangyang could easily kill the chaos saints in the first war. I want to improve my training.

Yang Lan also looked at Daozu with a look of hope on the face. The two of them were originally cultivated to be similar to Xiangyang. Now, they only know a few months. Xiangyang is more and more powerful and suddenly goes beyond They are really unbearable for both.

They want to grow, they want to break through, and they must refine the gods to become chaotic saints.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is four chapters

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