Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3071: Vitalized fossils

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Just as the two men were arguing endlessly, suddenly, the great elder Zhao Gongming’s face showed a strange color and said to Guang Chengzi. “You can still remember that when I was in the war, I saved your life. You owe me a favor. As you said, as long as I ask for it, even if you let you die, you will complete my request."

"Yes, but you can't ask me now?" Guang Chengzi's eyes widened and he looked at Zhao Gongming incredibly.

"Why not?"

Zhao Gongming’s face was smug, and he was stunned in the face of Guangchengzi. He patted him on the shoulder. “Old man, stay, keep the holy sage, and the sage needs you more.”

"You... you can't do this."

Guang Chengzi looked at Zhao Gongming dumbly. He really did not expect that Zhao Gongming used this reason to force himself to stay in the Holy Family.

He wants to tell Zhao Gongming that he can't agree with him. However, the most important thing in his life is the promise. When Zhao Gongming got up in the war, the promises made today have to be observed.

He looked at Zhao Gongming palely, and Zhang Zhangkou wanted to refute, but he did not know what to say, and he could not refute it.

"Ha ha ha, fight with me, you are still tender."

Zhao Gongming, the elder elder, only felt that he had won the Guangchengzi. He laughed and said hello to the Five Emperors. "Let's go and go around the world. This time, Laozi wants to kill, at least kill him. A hundred gods, I will take revenge for my sister, hahaha."

He smiled madly, but his heart was filled with infinite sadness.

Zhao Gongming, the disciple of the disciples, his sisters are all amazing characters, and they have already become Yasheng in the early days of the flood.

Later, in the midst of the war, the degeneration was exhausted.

Zhao Gongming has three younger sisters who have been dependent on him since childhood. His talent is better than him. His practice is faster than him. He is deeply loved by the heavenly saints and is known as Sancha.

They are Yunxiao, Qionglai and Bixi.

Interpreting three sects, known as the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, in the debates and interpretations of the year, it was directly in the Jiuqu Yellow River squad to embody the teachings of the twelve golden sages, which is now widely known in the world. The twelve saints who are led by Cheng Zi.

Their strength is strong and can be described as the strongest group of people under the saint.

Later, from the beginning of the war, the gods rebelled, and the external troubles broke out together. The three sects of the Yellow River were arranged to destroy the hundreds of sacred strongmen, but they were killed by the traitors of the gods.

This hatred is not shared.

As the brother of Sancha, Zhao Gongming has been jealous for too long.

"God world, when it is destroyed."

Zhao Gongming’s murderous flies toward a group of true immortals and Yasheng strongmen. In his rear, the Five Emperor Tiandi is with him. They are very clear about Zhao Gongming’s affairs and can feel the old Zhao’s current mood.

At the same time, their relatives and friends, even the division, suffered death and injury in the war of the year, and they were very angry at the traitors in the realm of the world.

"This time the main purpose of the sacred world is to hunt down the main god. Isn't it the first person who wants to get the celestial real fairy war, accept the cultivation of the sacred priests, and become the leader of the fairy tales of the heavens? Then go kill, Let go and kill, who can kill more of the gods of the gods, this is the first person of the fairyland real fairy war, you can lead the fairy."

The great elder Zhao Gongming came to the front of the crowd and shouted.

"You, after the gods, all of them are scattered, and they can hunt down the gods of the gods. They can also be united, but how the main **** of hunting should be distributed to you to count, if anyone can let everyone It’s okay to surrender to you, so that all the gods who hunted are all you can, but there is a rule that you can’t do it to your companions. If you dare to kill your companions, then you are dead. ""

The central emperor Li Shentong came to Zhao Gongming's front, and his face was smothered with a sigh of anger. He said with sneer, "The Five Emperors and the Emperor of the Holy Land will go together, and there are many sacred places, and I am very clear to tell you. We will also kill the Lord God, and the number of the Lord Gods you hunted is more than us. Otherwise, I am sorry, this time the first person of the Real World War was taken by us.

Of course, you can also choose to break through. After the gods, no one will control whether you are a true immortal or a great Luo or even a chaotic saint. You have a heavenly brand on the fairy world. Whoever breaks through, we all know that Who killed and killed a sub-saint, we can also know who died, and we can know the same.

Without any rules, your only goal is to kill people. The main gods of the gods you encounter, and even the members of other gods, are all killed. This time, I am waiting for the killing of the gods. .

Do you understand? ”

With the voice of Li Shentong falling, the five hundred super true fairy screams shouted, "Understood."


With their voices falling, the Five Emperors of Heaven all sacrificed their Heavenly Bells. Suddenly, with the powerful roaring sounds, the horrible atmosphere circulated, and five powerful and unparalleled emperors descended toward the scene. Xianzhen pressed the past.

In the presence of these true immortals and true devils, their faces are slightly changed, especially those who have ghosts in their hearts, and those true immortals and true devils who are inseparable from the realm of the gods, can’t help but escape.

The five-party Heavenly Emperor bell broke out. If it is really necessary to kill them, even the gods and gods among these people cannot be blocked.

However, they thought more, and the Five Emperors could not do it at this time.

Although everyone knows that there may be a separation of the Lord God in the true immortals present, even in the Yasheng, but it is impossible to kill everyone by knowing who it is.

The eyes of the Five Emperors looked at the Emperor's bell. Their eyes were sighed and whispered. "The Emperor's bell is merged into one, and it is time to turn into the East Emperor's Bell."

"The ancient Chaotian Tiandi Emperor's only chaos to the treasure, after the return of the mixed yuan, has the power to truly control the entire fairy world, as long as you can get this first place in the million continents, the East Emperor Zhong, is you It’s up."


With the voice of the Central Emperor Li Shentong falling, the five heavenly emperors slammed into each other and merged directly together. Suddenly, a singular emperor broke out, the mighty atmosphere circulated, and the power of the infinite Heavenly Emperor from the heavens It was attracted to the Wanshang and did not enter the newly merged Donghuangzhong.

This is the companion of the ancient Emperor Donghuang to the Baodong Huangzhong, also known as the chaotic clock, is one of the few chaotic treasures in the Pangu chaotic world, powerful and terrible.

At this moment, all the ancient beings were awakened among the heavens and the world.

"Five-party Tiandi Zhongyi, Donghuangzhong reappears, Donghuangshi, are you coming back?"

Deep in the chaos, a figure slowly opened his eyes, his eyes with a doubtful color, whispered, "When the East Emperor was too clear, it must have disappeared again, but it should not be obvious again, but I just noticed it. When his breath passed away, was Donghuangzhong retaining his remnant?"


In the fairy world, inside the small world where the phoenix flying knife is located, there is a gray man who sits on the living stone like a living stone, and his eyes open, and his eyes have a golden flame burning. It is the fire of Jinwu.

He is the founder of the 斩仙飞刀, with a true innate magic weapon, 斩仙飞刀, land pressure.

It is said that he was the son of the Emperor of Heaven in ancient times, but why he was surnamed Lu, not Donghuangshi, no one knows this, only the oldest beings are clear.

"Dong Huang Zhong Zhongyi, can he still come back?"

The land pressure whispered to himself, and his eyes passed through the small world, as if he saw the integration of the Emperor Bell into the East Emperor Bell.

However, he did not move, but sighed and summoned the strong man who came to the sacred knives, that is, his disciple, "I am arrogant, come quickly."

Soon after, the ancestors of Zhu Xianfei’s knives, a strong person of the Yasheng class stepped into this small world, respectfully bowed to the land, “I have seen the teacher.”

"How is the situation in the world?" Lu Jiang asked.

"The fairy magic teamed up, and the five-party Tiandi clock merged into one, turning into the East Emperor Bell, wanting to destroy the gods."

The wind, the strongest of the sacred peaks of the sacred knives, from the ancient times, followed the land pressure, his cultivation is equally powerful, but in the face of land pressure, it is respectful Respectfully, everything that happened in the fairy world is said.

"Is that one of the disciples finally appeared?"

After listening to the land pressure, he was in a state of contemplation. He whispered in a low voice. Then, his eyes burned with a golden flame, and his eyes looked at his disciples as if they wanted to see each other.

The wind was shocked. Rao was the strength he had cultivated to the peak of Yasheng Peak. However, when facing his own teacher, he still felt that his teacher was unfathomable.

"The teacher is not far from sanctification."

His heart was so excited that he quickly went to court. "Congratulations to the teacher, the enlightenment is just around the corner."

The land pressure regained his gaze and shook his head. "It is so easy to sanctify. The black air is only sanctified by the evil spirits of the devil world, but it is only the weakest chaos saint. It has no effect. If I want to Sanctification, although not necessarily sanctifying, is at least sanctified in normal circumstances."

"However, now that the war is just around the corner, Daozu is also the time to give us the foundation of sanctification."

At the same time, Lu Jiang said with a soft voice, "You are doing well, and the disciples who are outside are summoned to come back to retreat, and everything is ready, and the final battle is coming."


In the airy and respectful manner, the body shape of the land pressure disappeared.

"The chaotic clock is back, but the Emperor of Heaven is no longer."

"However, it is time for me to be born."

"All the world, I am coming."


Not only the old antiques such as the land pressure were born, but in the chaos of the heavens or the celestial world, there are countless living fossils that are being repaired.

The five-party Tiandi clock merged into one, and turned into the East Emperor Bell. It was like a signal. Some of the ancient powers that existed in ancient times also woke up.

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