Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3072: Netherland

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Donghuangzhong officially merged into one, and a horrible heavenly emperor broke out. At this moment, countless strong people were awakened among the heavens.

In particular, among the Wan Yao Tian Chau, the demon Lord of the Wan Yao Group is even more so.


Over the sky, there are countless figures flying around, and all the demon masters have appeared. They are descendants of the Eastern Emperor.

"The five-party Tiandi clock merges into the East Emperor Bell. Do we want to recapture the treasure that belongs to my East Emperor?"

The demon masters of the Wan Yao Group add up to dozens of people. Each of them is a strong person in the sub-holy environment. At this moment, all look at the first generation of demon owners.

"The big trend is irreversible, and the war is coming. Even if we win the East Emperor Bell, it will be useless. After the war, the foreign world will recede and look for the rise."

The first generation of the demon Lord is not a fool who does not understand anything. He is very clear that at this moment, all the people in the world will fight against each other. The Wan Yao Group must not have other thoughts at this time. Otherwise, the Tao Zu is angry. Underneath, let alone there is no saint in the Wanxue Group, even if they are their ancestors, the resurrection of the ancient Emperor of the year was useless.

"Fairy Devils, tens of thousands of gods, hunts the Lord God, and then it is time to destroy the world of the gods. If there is a saint calling for the strong, the Wan Yao Group should cooperate fully."

The first generation of the demon Lord said.



When Donghuangzhong was merged, the emperor of Donghuangzhong broke out. For many large forces, this is a signal of the war. Everyone knows that the war is coming, and the forces hidden by the forces of all parties are Gradually showing up, waiting for the saints to call for the final battle.

Among the holy sects, after the integration of the Eastern Emperor Zhong, the Five Emperors and the Emperor of the Five Forces joined forces to display the law, which caused the Emperor’s bell to erupt and smashed the Emperor’s Destiny, and branded all the strongmen on the scene.

After doing all this, Donghuangzhong directly disappeared into the void and disappeared. The five-party Tiandi looked at it all and looked at it all, sighing. From then on, there was no Wufang Tiandi clock, only Donghuangzhong.

"You, let's go, go to the realm of God."

Then, Zhao Gongming said with a deep voice, a finger pointing to the void, a transmission array emerged out of thin air, he first stepped into it, the light flashed, the whole person disappeared instantly.

Then, a group of true fairy sacred priests and Yasheng strong people followed Zhao Gongming's rear into the transmission array, accompanied by the glare of the flash of light, between the blink of an eye, thousands of people disappeared.

Among the saints, Guang Chengzi took a group of strong people, and with a dignified color on his face, he disappeared after seeing the crowd disappear. "I hope that there will be no problems in this trip, or else, old." Zhao..."

After all, he sighed helplessly and turned and said to the elders of the saints. "You will continue to stay in the saints. At the same time, summon the students of the sages to return to the ages. The war is about to open."

"Lord, what about you?" asked an elder.

"I went to see the All Saints in the heavens." When Guang Chengzi said it, it was the body shape that disappeared into the chaos and disappeared.

On this day, the Holy Family sent a large number of students who had graduated from the Holy Family for millions of years.

The students who graduated from the sacred sects, the weakest ones are also the strongmen of the martial arts, and they are almost all super strong in the sub-holy environment. When they return to the day, it is the strongest of the sages. time.

For all of this, Xiang Yang did not know that he and Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were brought to the Soul Holy Land of Xihezhou in the fairyland by Daozu.


When Daozu appeared directly with three people in the holy land of the soul family that Xiangyang once appeared, he was stunned. "Is this the entrance to the Netherland?"

"Or else you think how can you get a life and death book?" Daozu glanced at Xiangyang.

Then, Daozu walked freely toward the front. Suddenly, all the darkness gathered together and took the initiative to form a black vortex in front of the Tao.

A strange breath slowly spread out.

This is the atmosphere of the Netherland.

This breath of Xiangyang is no stranger, because the breath of life and death books is just like this, and even the breath of life and death books is more intense than this breath.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s heart is full of doubts, and the holy land of the soul family is the entrance to the Netherland. So, isn’t that the soul family really has a relationship with the Netherland?

"Daozu, can the soul family be related to the Netherland?"

Xiang Yang looked at Daozu and asked his doubts.

Daozu carried his hands and looked at the black whirlpool. After hearing Xiang Yang’s doubts, he said faintly, “The souls are really related to the Netherland. They are only for the protection of the Netherland.”

"This is the case." Xiang Yang nodded, finally understand the meaning of the existence of the soul.

Anyway, he is not familiar with the souls except the soul seventy-seven. Others do not know, and do not continue to ask questions, but directly sacrifice the birth and death book.


When the life and death book appeared, there was a horrible horror of the atmosphere, and there were black and white flames on the life and death book, which directly fell into the vortex.

Suddenly, in the whirlpool, there seems to be a ray of light slowly appearing. It seems that the dusty door has been opened, and there is a rule of heaven.

"this is..."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of shocking colors. This heavenly rule is not the same as the heavenly rules of the fairy world. It is an independent heavenly rule, and it is very powerful and not weaker than the heavens of the fairy world.

"The Netherland is an independent world."

Dao’s face said calmly.

"Independent world."

Not only did Xiang Yang’s face change, but even Yang Lan and Sun Monkey had the same unbeatable shock on their faces.

Today, every world has its own name, but they are not independent, but the heavens and the world formed after the broken world of the year.

Of course, the gods are different.

The realm of the gods itself is an independent world, a world that existed long before the floods.

In the Netherland, what they did not expect is that it is also an independent big world. That is to say, the Netherland is like a big world that was opened up by people in the past.

"Since it is an independent world, why is it integrated with Pangu's chaotic world?" Xiang Yang's face is inexplicable.

"Who told you that it is a fusion?" Daozu looked at Xiangyang with amazement.

"Isn't it?" Xiang Yang gave full play to the characteristics of a good boy, and stared at Daozu.

"It's not one. The Netherland is actually in the depths of chaos. However, there is a passage between the Netherland and the Pangu World. Let's just say, just like the front and back of your hand, the Pangu world is on the front, and the Netherland is on the On the reverse side, however, in the middle, there is a chaotic world, but there are multiple passages between the two."

Sun Monkey explained.

At that time, he once went deep into the secluded world and made a noise in the secluded land. For the secluded world, I am afraid that few people in the fairy world will know more than he knows.

"In this case, how can I seal the Netherland? Why do you want to open it now?"

Xiang Yang asked incomprehensible.

Although the Netherland is an independent world, it is closely related to the Pangu chaotic world. The Lord of the Netherland is the innate spirit of my Pangu chaos. When the war was in the past, it was because of the help of the Netherland. It made my Pangu chaotic world retreat from the alien world. Later, after the war, some of the backhands of the Pangu chaotic world were also left in the Netherland."

As Daozu said, the black and white flames burning on the life and death books have burned to the extreme, and a powerful force burst out, and the vortex is completely stabilized.

"Dao friends, don't come innocent."

With a very nice voice coming out, I saw a shadow in the passage.

The other party is a woman wearing a black long skirt, but when Xiang Yang wants to see the other person's appearance, she finds that no matter how she looks, she can't see the other person's appearance.

Obviously, the other side's cultivation is too strong, deliberately not let Xiang Yang see her look, Xiang Yang's naked eye can not see the other side's true purpose.

Daozu Hongjun was a soft smile and a gift to the other party. "The old way has seen the peace of mind."

The flat-hearted maiden also returned to the ceremony, and then she looked at Xiangyang. Her eyes stayed on Xiangyang for a long time, and this was transferred to Sun Monkey. "The monkey head has been gone for a long time."

"The maidens don't come innocent, and the old grandson wants to die." Sun Monkey smiled and looked at the flat-hearted maiden, and the two turned out to be old acquaintances.

At this time, Xiang Yang and Yang Lan reacted and quickly greeted each other. "I have seen the peace of mind."

The flat-hearted maiden, the master of the secluded world, the same age as the Taoist ancestors, Xiang Yang even feels the breath of the other party, it seems that it is not weaker than the Taozu.

This is a super-powerful person of the same level as Daozu.

Xiang Yang’s heart was shocked. I didn’t expect that there was such a supreme power in the Pangu chaotic world. It’s no wonder that the Pangu chaotic world of the past could repel the exotic world.

"Your mission is complete, you can leave."

When Xiang Yang was curious and even wanted to enter the Netherland, he saw that the Taoist waved his hand and asked them to leave.


Xiangyang three people stayed, especially Xiang Yang, the heart is not jealous, complained, "Old way, you use us to leave us, this is not good."

"The old man and the peacemaker have big things to discuss, don't mess."

Daozu snorted. "When you need you, you will naturally find you. Also, Xiang Yang got the life and death book of the Pingxin Niangniang. It is a half-hearted maiden. You are so rude, it is too much for me. disappointed."


Xiang Yang really didn't think about this problem. He always felt that he had accidentally got a life and death book. Now it seems that this life and death book is sent by the flathearted maiden to let him get it, so that he can open the secluded world with this. Become the Lord of the Netherland?

And Daozu actually said that the Pingxin Niangniang is his half master, and Xiang Yang is also a bit stunned.

"Don't blame him, he is still small, and he doesn't know much about many things." The gentle voice of the flat-hearted maiden came out, making everyone feel like a spring breeze.

Xiang Yang always felt that in front of the Ping An Niang, she seemed to be a child who had not grown up. After hearing the words of the Ping An Niang, he could not produce any unhappy feelings.

He is different from his own mood change, and his heart is dark. "This flat-hearted maiden is so powerful that it can affect my emotional changes, and it makes me feel good about her. But since I got a life and death book, I can’t go to the teacher, but I’m going to Ceremony is what it should be."

Therefore, Xiang Yang respectfully bowed, "Xiang Yang has seen the peace of mind, thank you for the goddess."

"Good boy, you are welcome."

The flat-hearted girl smiled softly and touched the head of Xiang Yang gently. Xiang Yang only felt that there was a mysterious energy that was not in the sea of ​​consciousness. In a sudden, there was a vast explosion of energy in his body. Come out, there is a majestic message absorbed by your true spirit.

He instantly understood that these were actually the inheritance of the flat-hearted maiden, which turned out to be some insights into the practice of the true spirit. It was equivalent to the flat-hearted maiden who gave her practice experience to Xiang Yang. In the future, Xiang Yang re-trained There is no barrier in the spirit, even if the energy is sufficient, it can reach the level of the flat mother in a short time.

"The disciple has seen the teacher."

Xiang Yang's busy devotion ceremony, the inheritance of the peace of mind, is crucial to Xiang Yang's future practice, and the peace of mind given to him is indeed a teacher.


The peace of mind is gentle and smiling.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, go to the gods."

Daozu is a wave of direct waves, rolling up the three, disappeared into the chaos of the void.

"Go to the Netherworld."

After doing all this, Daozu nodded to the peace of mind, and then could not wait to enter the Netherland with the peace of mind.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, really, I also want to make more points, but, there is no way, on the 27th, I am out of the public, I want to come back on the 29th, three days, by car two Days, there is a meeting in the middle of the day, and there is almost no time to write. Therefore, in order to keep improving, I can only save the manuscripts in these days, and the Chinese New Year will arrive soon. I have to save a little bit, so this time will be more. Don't hit me, I really try my best....

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