Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3073: Seal of the gods

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"Rely, the old man is too much."

In the chaos, a crack appeared out of thin air. Xiang Yang, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey were thrown out of it. Sun Monkey and Xiang Yang both had unhappy colors on their faces. Only Yang Lan had a light look.

"However, what does the old man let us go to the realm of God? Is it to let us destroy the gods? Or is he ready to block the gods and gods?"

The three felt that their heart was so tired that when they were with Hongjun’s old man, they couldn’t tell the truth. In the end, they did not help to block the supreme **** of the gods, and the other gods of the gods. The old man did not give a Clear words.

"Forget it, regardless of him, with the strength of the three of us, as long as you are careful, even if you encounter the so-called supreme god, there is no power to escape."

Xiang Yang said.

The 9,999 oracles in the acupoint space in his body have grown into the sacred realm, making his mana infinitely close to the chaos sage. At this moment, he can be said to be a true quasi-holy, in addition to the realm. Not achieved, other aspects are not weaker than the chaos saint.

Yasheng is a realm. However, Quasi-Holy is a name for some people who are comparable to saints. Only the last half of the foot can become a chaotic saint, even a person whose strength can compare with the saint.

Xiang Yang, Yang Lan, and Sun Monkey are all quasi-holy, but Xiang Yang is stronger than them.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is sure that he will not be afraid of any chaotic saints. Moreover, if Xiao Ling can refine the swords of Xian Xian and the swords of Zhu Xian, then, when he is alone, he will arrange the swords of the gods, Sun Monkey. And Yang Lan rushed into it to kill the enemy, can easily easily trap three or four gods.

"Do you really have the confidence to escape in the hands of the Most High God?" Sun Monkey and Yang Lan both blinked and looked at Xiang Yang curiously.

Xiang Yang nodded. "As long as the supreme **** is not the level of metamorphosis, I should be able to run away."

While talking about it, there was a thing at his feet. It was Chaos who wore Yunsuo and said to the two with a smile. "Do you know this treasure?"

"Chaos wears the cloud shuttle, the magic weapon of the first flight class in Pangu Chaos World, there is no place to stop it, you can walk through the worlds in an instant." Yang Lan's face with a shocking color, I did not expect Xiang Yang to even even Chaos wears clouds and treasures like this.

"Haha, with this treasure, we can enter and exit the gods at will, as long as they are not blocked by them, we can leave at any time." Sun Monkey jumped directly into the chaos and wore Yunsuo, very excited to see Xiang Yang said, "Walk, let's go to the gods now."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang had a smile on his face and greeted Yang Lan. When he came up, his mind was moved, and the chaotic wear cloud shuttle disappeared directly.


At the same time, in the chaos, the two emperors and Mr. Wen are standing with their hands on their backs. Their front is a seal. This is the road to the realm of the gods, but it was sealed by the Tao.

Since the Great War, the gods have betrayed, and the strong men of the heavens and the world know that the gods were originally aliens, but they are too late. The betrayal of the gods has caused too much damage to the heavens, even At the beginning, even the ancestors could not destroy the gods, and they could only seal the gods.

This channel, unless a special method can be used to open the seal, otherwise, if the power of the gods is hard, it must be burned by the fire of the heavens contained in the seal of the passage, even if it is the king of God.

The method of seals is absolutely impossible for the general Yasheng. To truly open the seal, it can only be obtained from some high-level Yasheng in the fairy world.

The great prince, who happens to be the son of Xu Tian, ​​the Eastern Emperor, is still the most important. Xu Wei never thought that his son would be the main **** of the gods. He cultivated the great prince, and the great prince naturally knew How should the seal of this channel be opened, even how it is completely destroyed.

"Great prince, please."

Mr. Wen smiled and looked at the big prince. Although both of them are the gods of the gods, the identity of the great prince is obviously higher than that of Mr. Wen.

On this road, Mr. Wen has really seen the power of the Great Emperor, the Lord God, is even more terrible than his deity. I don’t know how many times. Under the strength, he regards the Great King as their action. The leader, everything follows the advice of the great emperor.

The big prince’s face is full of excitement. “I feel that my deity has brought together a group of gods in the passage. Just open the seal of the passage and put the power of the gods into it. At that time, they entered the world of the heavens. Even if they could not destroy the heavens and the world in the first place, they could destroy the ruin of the heavens and the world. As a result, the heavens and the world would have no ability. Deal with our gods."

"Well, I also felt the existence of my deity."

Mr. Wen is also happy to say.

The original plan of the two of them was to inform the deity of the gods of the gods and tell them that the top 100 enchantings of the Mega-Imperial World Wars are going to the gods to hunt the gods and let the gods of the gods in turn to hunt the saints.

As a result, shortly before this happened, the situation of the integration of the Emperor's bell into the East Emperor's Bell occurred, and they immediately knew the determination of the immortal world to kill the gods.

They changed their previous thoughts, but they intended to directly destroy the passages, allowing the strongmen in the realm of the gods to directly enter the world of Pangu's chaotic world to destroy.

This is exactly what the powerful of the gods did when the war in ancient times was just beginning.

At that time, the strongest people in the wild world were fighting against the strong foreigners, and the realm of the gods was destroying in the rear, which caused the loss of the fairy magic to be heavy. Under the internal and external troubles, it was once hit by the foreign world to the Pangu chaotic world.

Today, they are ready to reproduce the situation of the year.

"I am going to open the channel seal."

The big prince stood up in volley, with a confident smile on his face, and his body was filled with a strong atmosphere. At this moment, he has already entered the Yasheng Peak from the path of Huadao.

Because the Great Emperor was originally the strongest person in the realm of the Tao, now a breakthrough is the peak of Yasheng, the strength is unmatched, even if Mr. Wen can not compare with him, even in the sense of Mr. Wen, Xu Weidu Can't compare with the big prince.


The great prince put his hands on the law, and a rune of the text entered the passage. Suddenly, a colorful seal appeared in front of him.

However, along with his law-integration, the seal began to fade, but it did not disappear immediately, but melted a little bit, leaving only a thin layer, as if it would break. same.

"it is good."

After Mr. Wen saw it, he couldn’t help but screamed and his face was full of excitement.

At the same time, they can already see the other side of the passage. There is a group of main gods who are approaching, and the powerful main **** is exploding, and even this seal is shaking, as if it will burst at any time.

"The seal will be broken soon, you come over, and you should be outside with your deity, and bombard the seal at the same time." The emperor said that he would continue to smear the seal and say to Mr. Wen.


Mr. Wen frowned, and the great emperor actually let him and the deity of the gods of the gods simultaneously bombard the seal. He felt that the other party might be unwilling. For a moment, he said indulgingly, "The big prince, or you shot, I The strength is not as good as you, afraid that you can't break the seal."

"If I can still take you, do you need it?" the great prince shouted. "Do you want to open the seal of the gods?"

"of course not."

Mr. Wen shook his head and said, "As a member of the main **** of the gods, I naturally hope that my gods can enter the world of the heavens. The two demons are all extinct, but I am afraid of death, I am afraid. After the seal finally broke out, it destroyed me."

"Do you think I will harm you?" The great prince looked angry at Mr. Wen.

"The heart of the person is indispensable." Mr. Wen still has a smile on his face. "The big prince, we have been immersed in this ancient chaotic world. I don’t know how many years have passed. It’s already very clear to the people, you and me. It is very clear that at this time, you cannot believe me unconditionally, and I cannot believe you unconditionally."

"I want to maintain the law of opening the seal, I can't open the passage, and this passage must be combined with two people at the same time. At the same time, the bombardment can be opened in the weakest place. If you don't shoot, no one can shoot. ”

The great emperor frowned and said.

"You pass the law to me. I will continue to realize the opening of the seal. Your deity and avatar will bombard this seal at the same time." Mr. Wen said firmly.

His main **** deity and the current strength of this avatar are inferior to the great prince, although apparently obeying the great prince, but if the prince really wants to be like him, he even wants him to die and bear Sealing the opponent's rebounding power, he really died.

"No, this method is definitely not anyone can learn, and I don't believe you, nor can I open the channel myself."

"What about you?"

Mr. Wen thinks that the big prince is a little bit wrong. In his heart, he said, "Is this guy not a fake main god? Or else, why would you always want to hurt me?"

Mr. Wen can be a military-level character around Xu Wei. The trust of Xu Wei proves that he is not a simple character. He cannot be foolishly deceived by the great emperor.

At this moment, when he saw that the great emperor refused to pass the law to himself and let himself open the seal, his figure retreated toward the rear.

"What are you doing?" the great prince shouted.

"I am afraid there will be danger, so I want you to be a little farther." Mr. Wen said with a smile.


The big prince was mad, and this confession was so cautious.

"You don't do it anymore. Our preparations for this time are all ruined. At that time, the enchanting sorcerers of the two realms rush into the realm. The realm of the gods is in danger. You are the biggest sinner."

The great emperor yelled.

"Don't tell me that there is nothing here. I love my life very much. I am just a little god. I can't compare with the main **** of your hegemon level. If it is not enough, I can hide it directly." Shape, and you can't, you are the task that God King gives you, you must open the channel, so you can't guarantee me nonsense before I can guarantee my life."

Mr. Wen is hard and hard to eat, no matter how the great emperor threatens him, he is not willing to bombard the seal.

The great prince screamed, "You are going to be a bad thing."

"Ha ha..."

Mr. Wen still laughs and doesn't speak. Even, there is a flying boat at his feet, ready to fly away.

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